Zoomlion Accelerates Global Expansion with Localized Innovations in Saudi Arabia
Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science & Technology (1157.HK) hosted a strategic event in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, launching 24 localized innovative products across seven construction equipment categories and three intelligent solutions for mining, nuclear plants, and infrastructure projects.
The company showcased products in mobile cranes, tower cranes, concrete, earthmoving, aerial work platforms, and industrial vehicles, along with five core intelligent systems. All products were specifically designed and tested for local environmental conditions and operator preferences.
Since entering Saudi Arabia in 2006, Zoomlion established a local subsidiary in 2021 and developed a comprehensive service network with 16 branches under a '1+11+4' structure, providing full-coverage services and technical support. The company's Chairman and CEO, Zhan Chunxin, engaged with clients and visited local construction sites, reinforcing their commitment to the Saudi market as a important region for their global expansion strategy.
Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science & Technology (1157.HK) ha organizzato un evento strategico a Riyadh, Arabia Saudita, lanciando 24 prodotti innovativi localizzati in sette categorie di attrezzature da costruzione e tre soluzioni intelligenti per miniere, impianti nucleari e progetti infrastrutturali.
L'azienda ha presentato prodotti in gru mobilie, gru a torre, betoniere, movimento terra, piattaforme di lavoro aeree e veicoli industriali, insieme a cinque sistemi intelligenti core. Tutti i prodotti sono stati specificamente progettati e testati per le condizioni ambientali locali e le preferenze degli operatori.
Dal suo ingresso in Arabia Saudita nel 2006, Zoomlion ha stabilito una sussidiaria locale nel 2021 e ha sviluppato una rete di servizi completa con 16 filiali sotto una struttura '1+11+4', offrendo servizi a copertura totale e supporto tecnico. Il Presidente e CEO dell'azienda, Zhan Chunxin, ha interagito con i clienti e visitato i cantieri locali, rafforzando il loro impegno per il mercato saudita come una regione importante per la loro strategia di espansione globale.
Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science & Technology (1157.HK) organizó un evento estratégico en Riyadh, Arabia Saudita, lanzando 24 productos innovadores localizados en siete categorías de equipos de construcción y tres soluciones inteligentes para minería, centrales nucleares y proyectos de infraestructura.
La empresa mostró productos en grúas móviles, grúas torre, hormigoneras, movimiento de tierras, plataformas de trabajo aéreo y vehículos industriales, junto con cinco sistemas inteligentes centrales. Todos los productos fueron diseñados y probados específicamente para las condiciones ambientales locales y las preferencias de los operadores.
Desde su entrada en Arabia Saudita en 2006, Zoomlion estableció una subsidiaria local en 2021 y desarrolló una red de servicios integral con 16 sucursales bajo una estructura '1+11+4', ofreciendo servicios de cobertura total y soporte técnico. El Presidente y CEO de la compañía, Zhan Chunxin, interactuó con clientes y visitó sitios de construcción locales, reafirmando su compromiso con el mercado saudita como una región importante para su estrategia de expansión global.
Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science & Technology (1157.HK)는 사우디아라비아 리야드에서 전략 행사를 개최하고 7개 건설 장비 카테고리와 3개 지능형 솔루션에 걸쳐 24개의 현지화된 혁신 제품을 출시했습니다. 이 솔루션은 광산, 원자력 발전소 및 인프라 프로젝트를 포함합니다.
회사는 이동식 크레인, 타워 크레인, 콘크리트, 토목 공사, 고소작업대 및 산업 차량과 함께 5개의 핵심 지능형 시스템을 선보였습니다. 모든 제품은 현지 환경 조건과 작업자의 선호도에 맞춰 특별히 설계되고 테스트 되었습니다.
Zoomlion은 2006년 사우디아라비아에 진출한 이후, 2021년에 현지 자회사를 설립하고 16개의 지사를 두고 '1+11+4' 구조로 종합 서비스 네트워크를 개발했습니다. 이 회사의 회장 겸 CEO인 Zhan Chunxin은 고객과의 교류를 하고 지역 건설 현장을 방문하여 사우디 시장에 대한 그들의 약속을 강화하며 글로벌 확장 전략을 위한 중요한 지역임을 확인했습니다.
Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science & Technology (1157.HK) a organisé un événement stratégique à Riyad, en Arabie Saoudite, lançant 24 produits innovants localisés dans sept catégories d'équipements de construction et trois solutions intelligentes pour les mines, les centrales nucléaires et les projets d'infrastructure.
L'entreprise a présenté des produits dans des grues mobiles, des grues à tour, des bétonnières, des équipements de terrassement, des plates-formes de travail aérien et des véhicules industriels, ainsi que cinq systèmes intelligents essentiels. Tous les produits ont été spécifiquement conçus et testés pour les conditions environnementales locales et les préférences des opérateurs.
Depuis son entrée sur le marché saoudien en 2006, Zoomlion a établi une filiale locale en 2021 et a développé un réseau de services complet avec 16 succursales sous une structure '1+11+4', offrant des services complets et un support technique. Le président et CEO de l'entreprise, Zhan Chunxin, a interagi avec les clients et visité des chantiers locaux, renforçant ainsi leur engagement envers le marché saoudien en tant que région importante pour leur stratégie d'expansion mondiale.
Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science & Technology (1157.HK) veranstaltete eine strategische Veranstaltung in Riad, Saudi-Arabien, bei der 24 lokalisierte innovative Produkte in sieben Kategorien von Baugeräten und drei intelligenten Lösungen für Bergbau, Kernkraftwerke und Infrastrukturprojekte vorgestellt wurden.
Das Unternehmen stellte Produkte in Mobilkranen, Turmd Krane, Betonmischern, Erdbewegungsmaschinen, Arbeitsbühnen und Industriefahrzeugen sowie fünf zentrale intelligente Systeme vor. Alle Produkte wurden speziell für die lokalen Umweltbedingungen und die Vorlieben der Bediener entwickelt und getestet.
Seit dem Eintritt in den saudi-arabischen Markt im Jahr 2006 hat Zoomlion 2021 eine lokale Tochtergesellschaft gegründet und ein umfassendes Servicenetz mit 16 Niederlassungen in einer '1+11+4'-Struktur entwickelt, die umfassende Dienstleistungen und technischen Support bietet. Der Vorsitzende und CEO des Unternehmens, Zhan Chunxin, pflegte den Kontakt zu Kunden und besuchte lokale Baustellen, um ihr Engagement für den saudischen Markt als wichtigen Bereich ihrer globalen Expansionsstrategie zu bekräftigen.
- Launch of 24 new localized products across 7 construction equipment categories
- Introduction of 3 intelligent solutions for mining, nuclear plants, and infrastructure
- Established comprehensive service network with 16 branches in Saudi Arabia
- Strong local presence since 2006 with subsidiary established in 2021
- None.
The event featured the launch of 24 products across seven major construction equipment categories, including mobile cranes, tower cranes, concrete, earthmoving, aerial work platforms, industrial vehicles and more. Alongside these innovations, the company introduced three intelligent solutions tailored for mining, nuclear plants, and infrastructure projects, as well as five core intelligent systems.
At the event, Zhan Chunxin, Chairman and CEO of Zoomlion, engaged with clients on product quality, service efficiency, and spare parts support. He also visited local construction project sites, connecting closely with local clients. His visit reinforced the company's dedication to deepening collaboration and meeting the evolving needs of the Saudi market.
Zoomlion has designed its products with precise adaptability according to the environment and working conditions to meet local needs. The fully tested and verified products also take the Saudi drivers' control routine habits into consideration to elevate the operating experience.
Clients expressed their confidence in Zoomlion's capabilities, with Shawaf, Vice President of SHAWAF Company, highlighting their decade-long partnership as a testament to the mutual trust and success shared by both parties. He stated that the event was a great opportunity to connect with more industry peers and he hopes SHAWAF and Zoomlion can further strengthen their cooperation and achieve win-win success.
Zoomlion has been a key player in the Saudi market since entering the region in 2006. In 2021, the company established a local subsidiary and developed a comprehensive service network comprising 16 branches under its "1+11+4" structure. This framework enables full-coverage services, timely technical support, and efficient spare parts supply, further solidifying its reputation as a trusted partner in the region. Over the years, Zoomlion's strategic presence has contributed to its sustained growth and strengthened its relationships with clients.
The Saudi market serves as a pivotal region for Zoomlion's global strategy and a critical platform for advancing localized technology and achieving mutual growth. Through continued innovation in products and services, Zoomlion aims to deliver superior experiences to customers in
View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/zoomlion-accelerates-global-expansion-with-localized-innovations-in-saudi-arabia-302342623.html
SOURCE Zoomlion
What new products did Zoomlion (1157.HK) launch in Saudi Arabia in December 2023?
How extensive is Zoomlion's service network in Saudi Arabia?
When did Zoomlion establish its subsidiary in Saudi Arabia?