ZoomInfo Wins 2024 TrustRadius Tech Cares Award for Reducing e-Waste in Landfills, Donating Electronics to Those in Need

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ZoomInfo (NASDAQ: ZI) has been awarded the 2024 TrustRadius Tech Cares Award for the second consecutive year, recognizing its commitment to sustainability and community support. The company's efforts include:

  • Reducing e-waste by repurposing and donating used electronics
  • Transitioning to a nearly paperless office worldwide
  • Reducing net emissions per $1 million of revenue by 46%
  • Supporting employee resource groups for inclusivity
  • Donating over $1 million to community organizations
  • Providing volunteer opportunities for employees

TrustRadius evaluates companies based on sustainability, volunteerism, DEI, donations, community impact, employee well-being, support for women in tech, and education support. ZoomInfo's commitment to these areas has earned them recognition in the B2B technology sector.

ZoomInfo (NASDAQ: ZI) ha ricevuto il TrustRadius Tech Cares Award 2024 per il secondo anno consecutivo, riconoscendo il suo impegno per la sostenibilità e il supporto alla comunità. Gli sforzi dell'azienda includono:

  • Ridurre i rifiuti elettronici attraverso il riutilizzo e la donazione di elettronica usata
  • Transizione verso un ufficio quasi privo di carta in tutto il mondo
  • Ridurre le emissioni nette per ogni $1 milione di fatturato del 46%
  • Supportare gruppi di risorse per i dipendenti per l'inclusività
  • Donare oltre $1 milione a organizzazioni comunitarie
  • Fornire opportunità di volontariato per i dipendenti

TrustRadius valuta le aziende in base a sostenibilità, volontariato, DEI, donazioni, impatto sulla comunità, benessere dei dipendenti, supporto alle donne nel settore tecnologico e supporto all'istruzione. L'impegno di ZoomInfo in queste aree ha portato a un riconoscimento nel settore della tecnologia B2B.

ZoomInfo (NASDAQ: ZI) ha sido galardonado con el TrustRadius Tech Cares Award 2024 por segundo año consecutivo, reconociendo su compromiso con la sostenibilidad y el apoyo a la comunidad. Los esfuerzos de la empresa incluyen:

  • Reducir los residuos electrónicos al reutilizar y donar equipos electrónicos usados
  • Transición hacia una oficina casi sin papel a nivel mundial
  • Reducir las emisiones netas por cada $1 millón de ingresos en un 46%
  • Apoyar grupos de recursos para empleados en pro de la inclusión
  • Donar más de $1 millón a organizaciones comunitarias
  • Ofrecer oportunidades de voluntariado para los empleados

TrustRadius evalúa a las empresas en función de la sostenibilidad, el voluntariado, DEI, donaciones, impacto comunitario, bienestar de los empleados, apoyo a mujeres en tecnología y apoyo a la educación. El compromiso de ZoomInfo en estas áreas le ha valido reconocimiento en el sector tecnológico B2B.

ZoomInfo (NASDAQ: ZI)는 지속 가능성과 지역 사회 지원에 대한 헌신을 인정받아 2024 TrustRadius Tech Cares Award를 두 번째 해 연속으로 수상했습니다. 회사의 노력은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 사용된 전자 제품을 재사용하고 기부하여 전자 폐기물 감소
  • 전 세계적으로 거의 무종이 사무실로 전환
  • 매출 $1백만 달러당 순 배출량을 46% 감소
  • 포용성을 위한 직원 리소스 그룹 지원
  • 지역 사회 단체에 $1백만 달러 이상 기부
  • 직원들을 위한 자원 봉사 기회 제공

TrustRadius는 지속 가능성, 자원 봉사, DEI, 기부, 지역 사회 영향, 직원 복지, 기술 분야의 여성 지원 및 교육 지원에 기반하여 기업을 평가합니다. ZoomInfo의 이 분야에 대한 헌신은 B2B 기술 분야에서 인정을 받았습니다.

ZoomInfo (NASDAQ: ZI) a reçu le TrustRadius Tech Cares Award 2024 pour la deuxième année consécutive, en reconnaissant son engagement envers la durabilité et le soutien communautaire. Les efforts de l'entreprise comprennent :

  • Réduction des débats électroniques en réutilisant et en faisant don d'équipements électroniques usagés
  • Transition vers un bureau quasiment sans papier à l'échelle mondiale
  • Réduction de l'émission nette par million de dollars de chiffre d'affaires de 46 %
  • Soutien aux groupes de ressources pour employés en matière d'inclusivité
  • Donation de plus de 1 million de dollars à des organisations communautaires
  • Offre d'opportunités de bénévolat pour les employés

TrustRadius évalue les entreprises sur la durabilité, le bénévolat, la DEI, les dons, l'impact communautaire, le bien-être des employés, le soutien aux femmes dans la technologie et le soutien à l'éducation. L'engagement de ZoomInfo dans ces domaines lui a valu d'être reconnu dans le secteur technologique B2B.

ZoomInfo (NASDAQ: ZI) wurde für das Jahr 2024 mit dem TrustRadius Tech Cares Award für das zweite Jahr in Folge ausgezeichnet, was sein Engagement für Nachhaltigkeit und Unterstützung der Gemeinschaft anerkennt. Die Bemühungen des Unternehmens umfassen:

  • Reduzierung von Elektronikmüll durch Wiederverwendung und Spende von gebrauchten Elektronikgeräten
  • Übergang zu einem nahezu papierlosen Büro weltweit
  • Reduzierung der Nettoemissionen pro $1 Million Umsatz um 46%
  • Unterstützung von Ressourcengruppen für Mitarbeiter zur Förderung von Inklusion
  • Spende von über $1 Million an gemeinnützige Organisationen
  • Angebot von Freiwilligenmöglichkeiten für Mitarbeiter

TrustRadius bewertet Unternehmen anhand von Nachhaltigkeit, Freiwilligenarbeit, DEI, Spenden, Gemeinschaftseinfluss, Mitarbeiterwohlbefinden, Unterstützung von Frauen in der Technik und Bildungshilfe. Das Engagement von ZoomInfo in diesen Bereichen hat ihnen Anerkennung im B2B-Technologiesektor eingebracht.

  • None.
  • None.

For the Second Year in a Row, ZoomInfo Was Honored for Its Sustainability and Environmental Efforts


  • ZoomInfo reduces e-waste in landfills by repurposing used electronics and donating them to those in need
  • The company was also recognized for its transition to a nearly paperless office worldwide

VANCOUVER, Wash.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- ZoomInfo (NASDAQ: ZI), the go-to-market platform to find, acquire, and grow customers, has won the 2024 TrustRadius Tech Cares Award, which recognizes B2B technology companies that have gone above and beyond to support their communities and employees.

ZoomInfo won the 2024 TrustRadius Tech Cares Award, which recognizes B2B technology companies that have gone above and beyond to support their communities and employees. (Photo: Business Wire)

ZoomInfo won the 2024 TrustRadius Tech Cares Award, which recognizes B2B technology companies that have gone above and beyond to support their communities and employees. (Photo: Business Wire)

ZoomInfo, which won the award for the second consecutive year, supports the environment, local communities, and employees in a number of ways:

  • In addition to being a nearly paperless company worldwide, ZoomInfo reduces e-waste in landfills – and helps close the digital divide – by repurposing used electronics and donating them to those in need.
  • A shift to renewable energy sources has helped the company offset its carbon impact, reducing its net emissions per $1 million of revenue by 46%.
  • The company takes an active role in the equity, advancement, and empowerment of its employees by funding ZoomInclusion Employee Resource Groups. These groups host educational and philanthropic events to promote an inclusive workplace and community.
  • ZoomInfo donates platform access and partners with employees to contribute more than $1 million to worthy organizations positively impacting the communities where its employees live and work.
  • The company provides opportunities for employees to volunteer time to causes they care about.

TrustRadius, a buyer intelligence platform for business technology, determines recipients of the award by evaluating companies’ efforts across these categories:

  • Sustainability and the environment
  • Volunteerism
  • Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)
  • Generous donations
  • Community impact
  • Employee well-being and development
  • Support for women in technology
  • Education support

Read more about the 2024 TrustRadius Tech Cares Awards here.

For more information on how ZoomInfo supports its employees as well as its local and global communities, read the 2023 ZoomInfo Sustainability Report.

About ZoomInfo

ZoomInfo (NASDAQ: ZI) is the trusted go-to-market platform for businesses to find, acquire, and grow their customers. It delivers accurate, real-time data, insights, and technology to more than 35,000 companies worldwide. Businesses use ZoomInfo to increase efficiency, consolidate technology stacks, and align their sales and marketing teams — all in one platform. ZoomInfo is a recognized leader in data privacy, with industry-leading GDPR and CCPA compliance and numerous data security and privacy certifications. For more information about how ZoomInfo can help businesses grow their revenue at scale, please visit


Rob Morse

Senior Communications Manager

Source: ZoomInfo


What award did ZoomInfo (ZI) win in 2024?

ZoomInfo (ZI) won the 2024 TrustRadius Tech Cares Award for the second consecutive year, recognizing their efforts in sustainability and community support.

How does ZoomInfo (ZI) reduce e-waste?

ZoomInfo (ZI) reduces e-waste by repurposing used electronics and donating them to those in need, helping to close the digital divide and keep electronics out of landfills.

What percentage has ZoomInfo (ZI) reduced its net emissions by?

ZoomInfo (ZI) has reduced its net emissions per $1 million of revenue by 46% through a shift to renewable energy sources.

How much does ZoomInfo (ZI) donate to community organizations?

ZoomInfo (ZI) contributes more than $1 million to organizations that positively impact the communities where its employees live and work.

What are ZoomInclusion Employee Resource Groups at ZoomInfo (ZI)?

ZoomInclusion Employee Resource Groups at ZoomInfo (ZI) are company-funded groups that host educational and philanthropic events to promote an inclusive workplace and community.

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