ZoomInfo Expands Real-Time Buyer Signals for More Accurate and Timely Sales Insights

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ZoomInfo has expanded its real-time signal library in ZoomInfo Copilot to provide more accurate and timely sales insights. The AI-driven platform now includes personalization signals like funding rounds, IPOs, M&A activities, and partnerships, as well as awareness signals such as earnings call summaries and hiring plans. These signals help businesses identify intent faster and close deals before competitors.

Early users report a 58% increase in engagement, 62% increase in email response rates, and nearly 25% more pipeline secured. The expanded signal library enables sales teams to optimize their outreach with context-rich insights, including C-suite changes, buying group updates, and podcast mentions. ZoomInfo Copilot uses AI to predict pipeline and provide recommendations on who to contact, when to engage, and what to say.

ZoomInfo ha ampiato la sua libreria di segnali in tempo reale in ZoomInfo Copilot per fornire informazioni sulle vendite più accurate e tempestive. La piattaforma guidata dall'IA ora include segnali di personalizzazione come round di finanziamento, IPO, attività M&A e partnership, oltre a segnali di consapevolezza come i riepiloghi delle conference call sugli utili e i piani di assunzione. Questi segnali aiutano le aziende a identificare più rapidamente le intenzioni e a chiudere affari prima dei concorrenti.

Gli utenti precoci segnalano un 58% di aumento nell'engagement, un 62% di aumento nei tassi di risposta alle email, e quasi 25% di pipeline in più assicurata. La libreria di segnali ampliata consente ai team di vendita di ottimizzare le loro azioni con informazioni contestuali, inclusi cambiamenti nella C-suite, aggiornamenti dei gruppi di acquisto e menzioni nei podcast. ZoomInfo Copilot utilizza l'IA per prevedere la pipeline e fornire raccomandazioni su chi contattare, quando interagire e cosa dire.

ZoomInfo ha ampliado su biblioteca de señales en tiempo real en ZoomInfo Copilot para proporcionar información de ventas más precisa y oportuna. La plataforma impulsada por IA ahora incluye señales de personalización como rondas de financiación, OPI, actividades de fusiones y adquisiciones y asociaciones, así como señales de conciencia como resúmenes de llamadas de ganancias y planes de contratación. Estas señales ayudan a las empresas a identificar la intención más rápido y a cerrar negocios antes que la competencia.

Los primeros usuarios informan un aumento del 58% en el engagement, un 62% de aumento en las tasas de respuesta por correo electrónico, y casi un 25% más de pipeline asegurado. La biblioteca de señales ampliada permite a los equipos de ventas optimizar su alcance con información rica en contexto, incluidos cambios en la C-suite, actualizaciones de grupos de compra y menciones en podcasts. ZoomInfo Copilot utiliza IA para predecir la pipeline y proporcionar recomendaciones sobre a quién contactar, cuándo interactuar y qué decir.

ZoomInfo는 실시간 신호 라이브러리를 ZoomInfo Copilot에서 확장하여 더욱 정확하고 적시의 판매 인사이트를 제공합니다. AI 기반 플랫폼은 이제 자금 조달 라운드, IPO, M&A 활동 및 파트너십과 같은 개인화 신호와 수익 전화 요약 및 채용 계획과 같은 인식 신호를 포함합니다. 이러한 신호는 기업들이 의도를 더 빠르게 파악하고 경쟁업체보다 거래를 성사시키는 데 도움을 줍니다.

초기 사용자들은 58%의 참여 증가, 62%의 이메일 응답률 증가, 거의 25% 더 많은 파이프라인 확보를 보고합니다. 확장된 신호 라이브러리는 영업 팀이 C-suite 변경, 구매 그룹 업데이트 및 팟캐스트 언급을 포함한 맥락이 풍부한 인사이트로 아웃리치를 최적화할 수 있게 합니다. ZoomInfo Copilot은 AI를 사용하여 파이프라인을 예측하고 누구에게 संपर्क해야 하는지, 언제 참여해야 하는지, 무엇을 말해야 하는지에 대한 권장 사항을 제공합니다.

ZoomInfo a élargi sa bibliothèque de signaux en temps réel dans ZoomInfo Copilot pour fournir des informations de vente plus précises et opportunes. La plateforme alimentée par l'IA comprend désormais des signaux de personnalisation tels que les tours de financement, les IPO, les activités de fusion et d'acquisition et les partenariats, ainsi que des signaux de sensibilisation tels que des résumés d'appels de résultats et des plans d'embauche. Ces signaux aident les entreprises à identifier plus rapidement leurs intentions et à conclure des affaires avant la concurrence.

Les premiers utilisateurs signalent une augmentation de 58% de l'engagement, une augmentation de 62% des taux de réponse par e-mail, et presque 25% de pipeline en plus sécurisé. La bibliothèque de signaux élargie permet aux équipes de vente d'optimiser leur portée avec des informations riches en contexte, y compris des changements dans la direction, des mises à jour des groupes d'achat et des mentions dans les podcasts. ZoomInfo Copilot utilise l'IA pour prédire la pipeline et fournir des recommandations sur qui contacter, quand s'engager et quoi dire.

ZoomInfo hat seine Echtzeit-Signalbibliothek in ZoomInfo Copilot erweitert, um genauere und zeitnahe Verkaufsinformationen bereitzustellen. Die KI-gesteuerte Plattform umfasst nun Personalisierungssignale wie Finanzierungsrunden, IPOs, M&A-Aktivitäten und Partnerschaften sowie Bewusstseinssignale wie Zusammenfassungen von Earnings Calls und Einstellungen. Diese Signale helfen Unternehmen, die Absicht schneller zu erkennen und Geschäfte vor der Konkurrenz abzuschließen.

Frühe Nutzer berichten von einem 58% Anstieg des Engagements, einem 62% Anstieg der E-Mail-Antwortraten und fast 25% mehr gesichertem Pipeline. Die erweiterte Signalbibliothek ermöglicht es Verkaufsteams, ihre Ansprache mit kontextreichen Informationen zu optimieren, einschließlich Änderungen in der C-suite, Aktualisierungen von Kaufgruppen und Erwähnungen in Podcasts. ZoomInfo Copilot nutzt KI, um die Pipeline vorherzusagen und Empfehlungen zu geben, wen man kontaktieren, wann man sich engagieren und was man sagen sollte.

  • Expanded real-time signal library for more accurate sales insights
  • Early users report 58% increase in engagement
  • 62% increase in email response rates
  • Nearly 25% more pipeline secured
  • AI-guided recommendations for sales outreach optimization
  • None.


ZoomInfo's expansion of real-time buyer signals represents a significant advancement in B2B sales intelligence. The new features, including AI-driven signal analysis and personalization signals, address critical pain points in the sales process. Early adopters report impressive results:

  • 58% increase in engagement
  • 62% increase in email response rates
  • Nearly 25% more pipeline secured

These improvements could translate to substantial revenue growth for ZoomInfo. The expanded signal library, covering areas like earnings call summaries, podcast mentions and competitive risks, positions ZoomInfo as a leader in the sales intelligence market. This move aligns with the growing demand for AI-powered sales tools and could strengthen ZoomInfo's competitive position against rivals like Salesforce and HubSpot.

However, investors should consider the potential challenges, such as data privacy concerns and the need for continuous AI model training to maintain accuracy. The success of this expansion will largely depend on user adoption rates and the tangible ROI it delivers to clients over time.

While ZoomInfo doesn't provide specific financial projections for this product expansion, the potential impact on the company's financials is noteworthy. The enhanced features could drive:

  • Increased customer retention rates
  • Higher average revenue per user (ARPU)
  • Expansion into new market segments

ZoomInfo's market cap of $3.66 billion suggests investors are already pricing in growth expectations. However, this product enhancement could accelerate top-line growth and improve profit margins if it leads to increased adoption of higher-tier packages.

The company's focus on AI-driven solutions aligns with market trends and could justify premium pricing. Investors should monitor upcoming earnings reports for indicators of increased customer acquisition costs related to this rollout and any changes in sales cycle duration, which could impact short-term profitability but potentially lead to long-term gains.

From earnings call summaries to podcast mentions, the expanded AI-driven signal library empowers sales teams to identify intent faster and close deals before competitors


  • ZoomInfo’s expanded universe of buyer signals provides key account insights from earnings call summaries, podcast mentions, and competitive risks
  • Businesses can tune into these cues to optimize their outreach, ensuring that their message resonates at exactly the right time

VANCOUVER, Wash.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- ZoomInfo (NASDAQ: ZI), the go-to-market platform to find, acquire, and grow customers, has expanded its universe of real-time signals that target accounts that are most likely to close a sale.

Comprehensive context gives ZoomInfo users the ability to select context-rich insights to incorporate into AI-crafted emails, including C-suite and buying group changes, and hiring plans. (Graphic: Business Wire)

Comprehensive context gives ZoomInfo users the ability to select context-rich insights to incorporate into AI-crafted emails, including C-suite and buying group changes, and hiring plans. (Graphic: Business Wire)

Instead of relying on traditional lead generation or cold outreach with basic intent data, signal-based selling with ZoomInfo Copilot uses a layered, AI-fueled analysis of multiple high-value signals. Early users report a 58% increase in engagement, 62% increase in email response rates, and nearly 25% more pipeline secured.

Real-Time Signals Transform Sales Strategies

In B2B sales every lead counts, so recognizing and acting on these signals can mean the difference between a deal won and an opportunity missed. Since launch, ZoomInfo has added more real-time signals in ZoomInfo Copilot that help businesses reach out to prospects with personalization and context before they show traditional buying intent.

Personalization Signals provide a better opportunity for connection and conversion

Comprehensive Context gives users the ability to select context-rich insights to incorporate into AI-crafted emails, including C-suite and buying group changes, and hiring plans.

  • Funding: Major funding rounds in the last 90 days.
  • IPO: Efforts related to an initial public offering or follow-on offering where company shares are sold to institutional and individual investors.
  • M&A: The consolidation, acquisition, or disposition of companies or assets through various types of strategic transactions.
  • Pain Points: Major business challenges a company is trying to solve, like international expansion.
  • Partnerships: Initiatives related to service agreements, outsourcing agreements, contract extensions, and other collaborative efforts. For example, a rideshare company announced a partnership with an airline whereby customers can earn one airline mile per dollar spent on rides.
  • Podcast Mention Tracking: Insights when key contacts at target accounts participate in relevant podcasts.
  • Projects: All news and internal insights related to department-specific initiatives that are being planned, currently in flight, or recently completed. For example, a company's announcement that it is joining a coalition targeting the decarbonization of corporate electricity usage.

Awareness Signals provide better context on an account for when you connect

Customizability provides additional freeform context to AI-generated emails to tailor communications.

  • Buying Group Changes: A contact in the buying group joined or departed your target account.
  • Earning Call Summaries: Insights into a company’s strategic direction through summaries of public company earnings calls.
  • Hiring Plans: Growth or reduction in the number of roles posted in a department or buying group at a company in your ICP/Account List.
  • Layoffs: Layoffs at a company in your ICP/Account List.
  • New C-Suite in Buying Group: A new contact in your buying group has joined the C-Suite.
  • Submitted or Abandoned Forms: Submitted or abandoned forms show when website visitors' interact with forms on your website with alerts showing completed and abandoned forms.

Buying Signals identify the likeliness that account is in the market and ready to buy

  • Account Fit Score: Accounts with the greatest potential for success.
  • Account Level Intent: A target account is actively researching one or more of your intent topic clusters, and has seen an increase in their Account Level Intent score in either the past day (for AI Enterprise package) or past week (for AI Advanced package).
  • Websight Spike: A target account recently visited pages on your websites and domains.

A Signal for Every Scenario

To keep sellers updated on their accounts, ZoomInfo Copilot pulls signals from a variety of sources, including job postings, earnings call and investor conference transcripts, intent signals from TechnologyAdvice, and relationship intelligence.

Signal-based selling increases efficiency, provides critical insights into a customer’s stage in the sales funnel, and enables teams to prioritize high-value prospects and gain a competitive edge by reaching buyers before competitors.

“When you focus on accounts with clear buying signals, you see faster win rates, higher conversion rates, and real ROI,” said Dominik Facher, Chief Product Officer at ZoomInfo. “Modern go-to-market organizations capitalize on these signals to target the right accounts at the right time, resulting in more informed outreach, an increase in engagement and response rates, and more pipeline secured. Acting on these signals can make the difference between closing a deal and missing an opportunity.”

ZoomInfo Copilot equips the entire sales team with on-demand account insights and real-time buying signals, applying generative AI to predict your pipeline. Users get powerful AI-guided recommendations about who to contact, when to engage, and even what to say. Learn more here.

About ZoomInfo

ZoomInfo (NASDAQ: ZI) is the trusted go-to-market platform for businesses to find, acquire, and grow their customers. It delivers accurate, real-time data, insights, and technology to more than 35,000 companies worldwide. Businesses use ZoomInfo to increase efficiency, consolidate technology stacks, and align their sales and marketing teams — all in one platform. ZoomInfo is a recognized leader in data privacy, with industry-leading GDPR and CCPA compliance and numerous data security and privacy certifications. For more information about how ZoomInfo can help businesses grow their revenue at scale, please visit

ZoomInfo Communications

Source: ZoomInfo


What new features has ZoomInfo (ZI) added to its Copilot platform?

ZoomInfo has expanded its real-time signal library in Copilot to include personalization signals like funding rounds, IPOs, M&A activities, and partnerships, as well as awareness signals such as earnings call summaries and hiring plans.

How have early users benefited from ZoomInfo's (ZI) expanded signal library?

Early users of ZoomInfo's expanded signal library have reported a 58% increase in engagement, 62% increase in email response rates, and nearly 25% more pipeline secured.

What types of insights does ZoomInfo (ZI) Copilot provide for sales teams?

ZoomInfo Copilot provides context-rich insights including C-suite and buying group changes, hiring plans, funding rounds, IPO efforts, M&A activities, partnerships, and podcast mentions of key contacts at target accounts.

How does ZoomInfo (ZI) Copilot use AI in its platform?

ZoomInfo Copilot uses AI to predict pipeline and provide recommendations on who to contact, when to engage, and what to say. It also applies generative AI to craft personalized emails based on selected insights.

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