ZoomInfo Copilot Named a Finalist in The 2024 A.I. Awards

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ZoomInfo Copilot, a groundbreaking AI solution for go-to-market teams, has been named a finalist in the 'AI Implementation of the Year' category of The 2024 A.I. Awards. This inaugural program, launched by The Cloud Awards, recognizes excellence in cloud artificial intelligence technologies and machine learning.

Since its launch in May 2024, ZoomInfo Copilot has significantly transformed the go-to-market process. Users report an average 60% productivity boost, 58% increase in engagement, and nearly 25% more pipeline secured. The platform was selected as one of seven finalists from entries received from organizations worldwide.

The winners of The A.I. Awards will be announced on October 8, 2024. This recognition underscores ZoomInfo's commitment to innovation and its impact on the sales industry.

ZoomInfo Copilot, una soluzione AI innovativa per i team di go-to-market, è stata nominata finalista nella categoria 'Implementazione AI dell'Anno' degli A.I. Awards 2024. Questo programma inaugurale, lanciato dai Cloud Awards, riconosce l'eccellenza nelle tecnologie di intelligenza artificiale cloud e nel machine learning.

Dal suo lancio nel maggio 2024, ZoomInfo Copilot ha trasformato significativamente il processo di go-to-market. Gli utenti segnalano un aumento medio di 60% della produttività, un 58% di incremento nell'engagement, e quasi un 25% di pipeline assicurata in più. La piattaforma è stata selezionata come una delle sette finaliste tra le candidature ricevute da organizzazioni in tutto il mondo.

I vincitori degli A.I. Awards saranno annunciati il 8 ottobre 2024. Questo riconoscimento sottolinea l'impegno di ZoomInfo per l'innovazione e il suo impatto sull'industria delle vendite.

ZoomInfo Copilot, una solución innovadora de IA para equipos de go-to-market, ha sido nombrada finalista en la categoría 'Implementación de IA del Año' en los A.I. Awards 2024. Este programa inaugural, lanzado por los Cloud Awards, reconoce la excelencia en las tecnologías de inteligencia artificial en la nube y en el aprendizaje automático.

Desde su lanzamiento en mayo de 2024, ZoomInfo Copilot ha transformado significativamente el proceso de go-to-market. Los usuarios reportan un aumento promedio del 60% en productividad, un 58% más en engagement, y casi un 25% más de pipeline asegurado. La plataforma fue seleccionada como una de las siete finalistas entre las inscripciones recibidas de organizaciones de todo el mundo.

Los ganadores de los A.I. Awards se anunciarán el 8 de octubre de 2024. Este reconocimiento resalta el compromiso de ZoomInfo con la innovación y su impacto en la industria de ventas.

ZoomInfo Copilot는 시장 진입 팀을 위한 혁신적인 AI 솔루션으로, 2024 A.I. Awards의 '올해의 AI 구현' 부문 결선 진출자로 선정되었습니다. 이 최초의 프로그램은 Cloud Awards에서 시작되어 클라우드 인공지능 기술 및 기계 학습의 뛰어난 성과를 인정합니다.

2024년 5월 출시 이후, ZoomInfo Copilot는 시장 진입 프로세스를 크게 변화시켰습니다. 사용자들은 평균 60%의 생산성 증가, 58%의 참여 증가, 및 거의 25% 더 많은 파이프라인 확보를 보고하고 있습니다. 이 플랫폼은 전 세계의 조직에서 받아본 지원서 중 7개의 결선 진출자 중 하나로 선정되었습니다.

2024년 10월 8일에 A.I. Awards의 수상자가 발표됩니다. 이러한 인정은 혁신에 대한 ZoomInfo의 헌신과 판매 산업에 미친 영향을 강조합니다.

ZoomInfo Copilot, une solution d'IA révolutionnaire pour les équipes de go-to-market, a été nommée finaliste dans la catégorie 'Implémentation de l'IA de l'année' des A.I. Awards 2024. Ce programme inaugural, lancé par les Cloud Awards, reconnaît l'excellence des technologies d'intelligence artificielle dans le cloud et de l'apprentissage automatique.

Depuis son lancement en mai 2024, ZoomInfo Copilot a transformé de manière significative le processus de go-to-market. Les utilisateurs signalent une augmentation moyenne de 60% de la productivité, une augmentation de 58% de l'engagement, et près de 25% de pipeline sécurisé en plus. La plateforme a été sélectionnée comme l'un des sept finalistes parmi les candidatures reçues d'organisations du monde entier.

Les gagnants des A.I. Awards seront annoncés le 8 octobre 2024. Cette reconnaissance souligne l'engagement de ZoomInfo envers l'innovation et son impact sur l'industrie des ventes.

ZoomInfo Copilot, eine bahnbrechende KI-Lösung für Go-to-Market-Teams, wurde als Finalist in der Kategorie 'KI-Implementierung des Jahres' der A.I. Awards 2024 nominiert. Dieses erstmalige Programm, das von den Cloud Awards ins Leben gerufen wurde, erkennt herausragende Leistungen in den Bereichen Cloud-Künstliche Intelligenz und maschinelles Lernen an.

Seit seiner Einführung im Mai 2024 hat ZoomInfo Copilot den Go-to-Market-Prozess erheblich verändert. Nutzer berichten von einem durchschnittlichen 60% Anstieg der Produktivität, einem 58% Anstieg des Engagements und fast 25% mehr gesicherter Pipeline. Die Plattform wurde als eine von sieben Finalisten aus den weltweiten Einsendungen ausgewählt.

Die Gewinner der A.I. Awards werden am 8. Oktober 2024 bekannt gegeben. Diese Anerkennung unterstreicht das Engagement von ZoomInfo für Innovation und dessen Einfluss auf die Vertriebsindustrie.

  • ZoomInfo Copilot named finalist in 'AI Implementation of the Year' category
  • Users report 60% productivity boost on average
  • 58% increase in engagement reported by users
  • Nearly 25% more pipeline secured by users
  • None.

Go-To-Market Platform Recognized in “AI Implementation of the Year” Category from International Cloud Artificial Intelligence Awards Program  

Key Takeaways

  • ZoomInfo Copilot is one of seven finalists in the inaugural awards program, cementing its place as an innovative AI platform for go-to-market teams
  • This recognition is a testament to the innovation and tangible benefits of ZoomInfo’s groundbreaking AI solution, and its impact on the sales industry
  • Entries were received from organizations of all sizes worldwide

VANCOUVER, Wash.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- ZoomInfo (NASDAQ: ZI), the go-to-market platform to find, acquire, and grow customers, announced that ZoomInfo Copilot has been named a finalist in The 2024 A.I. Awards program, in the AI Implementation of The Year category. The new awards program was launched earlier this year by established cloud computing awards body The Cloud Awards, which recognizes and rewards excellence and innovation in the use or development of cloud artificial intelligence technologies, and machine learning.

ZoomInfo Copilot has transformed the go-to-market process since its launch in May 2024 by delivering cutting-edge AI enhancements for sales professionals. Users report on average a 60% productivity boost, 58% increase in engagement, and nearly 25% more pipeline secured, among other success metrics.

“We are honored that ZoomInfo Copilot has been named a finalist in the AI Implementation of the Year category from The 2024 A.I. Awards,” said Dominik Facher, Chief Product Officer for ZoomInfo. “We’ve made it our mission to help go-to-market teams connect with their buyers and win more. It’s exciting to take the leap forward with this wave of AI innovation and see real impact for our customers.”

Entries were received from organizations of all sizes worldwide, including North America, across Europe, the Middle East, and APAC.

“Our inaugural program spotlights the incredible innovations taking place in the world of cloud AI all over the globe, and ZoomInfo fully deserves its place amongst this year’s outstanding finalists,” said James Williams, CEO of The Cloud Awards. “These finalists demonstrate that ingenious AI-driven solutions can emerge from anywhere, from organizations of any size, driving positive change in almost any industry you can think of.”

Winners from The A.I. Awards will be announced on Tuesday, Oct. 8, 2024. The shortlist of finalists across all categories can be viewed here.

About ZoomInfo

ZoomInfo (NASDAQ: ZI) is the trusted go-to-market platform for businesses to find, acquire, and grow their customers. It delivers accurate, real-time data, insights, and technology to more than 35,000 companies worldwide. Businesses use ZoomInfo to increase efficiency, consolidate technology stacks, and align their sales and marketing teams — all in one platform. ZoomInfo is a recognized leader in data privacy, with industry-leading GDPR and CCPA compliance and numerous data security and privacy certifications. For more information about how ZoomInfo can help businesses grow their revenue at scale, please visit

About the Cloud Awards

The Cloud Awards is an international program which has been recognizing and honoring industry leaders, innovators and organizational transformation in cloud computing since 2011. The Cloud Awards comprises five awards programs, each uniquely celebrating success across cloud computing, software-as-a-service (SaaS), cloud security, artificial intelligence (AI), and financial technologies (FinTech). Winners are selected by a judging panel of international industry experts. For more information about the Cloud Awards, please visit

Media Contact

Jaime Sarachit

Director, Communications

Source: ZoomInfo


What award is ZoomInfo Copilot a finalist for in 2024?

ZoomInfo Copilot is a finalist for the 'AI Implementation of the Year' category in The 2024 A.I. Awards, launched by The Cloud Awards.

When was ZoomInfo Copilot launched?

ZoomInfo Copilot was launched in May 2024.

What are the reported benefits of using ZoomInfo Copilot?

Users of ZoomInfo Copilot report an average 60% productivity boost, 58% increase in engagement, and nearly 25% more pipeline secured.

When will the winners of The 2024 A.I. Awards be announced?

The winners of The 2024 A.I. Awards will be announced on Tuesday, October 8, 2024.

What is ZoomInfo's stock symbol?

ZoomInfo's stock symbol is ZI, and it is listed on NASDAQ.

ZoomInfo Technologies Inc


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