Artificial Intelligence Job Titles Have Tripled Since 2022 According To A New Report From ZoomInfo

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ZoomInfo's new report reveals a tripling of AI-related job titles across industries from Q2 2022 to Q2 2024, with leadership roles seeing significant growth. Key findings include:

- Overall AI positions increased from 37,078 to 111,341
- AI leadership titles grew from 3,731 to 10,875
- C-suite AI titles surged by 428%
- 'Generative AI' titles are now 250 times more common

The report highlights the widespread adoption of AI across various sectors, with 'Engineer' remaining the most common AI job title. Notable companies with AI leadership roles include Amazon, Microsoft, and IBM. This trend underscores the growing importance of AI in organizational strategy and decision-making.

Il nuovo rapporto di ZoomInfo rivela un triplo aumento dei titoli di lavoro legati all'IA in diversi settori dal secondo trimestre del 2022 al secondo trimestre del 2024, con i ruoli di leadership che mostrano una crescita significativa. Tra i principali risultati ci sono:

- Le posizioni totali nell'IA sono aumentate da 37.078 a 111.341
- I titoli di leadership nell'IA sono cresciuti da 3.731 a 10.875
- I titoli di livello C nell'IA sono aumentati del 428%
- I titoli legati all' 'IA generativa' sono ora 250 volte più comuni

Il rapporto mette in evidenza l'adozione diffusa dell'IA in vari settori, con 'Ingegnere' che rimane il titolo di lavoro nell'IA più comune. Aziende note con ruoli di leadership nell'IA includono Amazon, Microsoft e IBM. Questa tendenza sottolinea l'importanza crescente dell'IA nella strategia e nel processo decisionale organizzativo.

El nuevo informe de ZoomInfo revela un incremento triple en los títulos de trabajo relacionados con IA en diversas industrias desde el segundo trimestre de 2022 hasta el segundo trimestre de 2024, con un crecimiento significativo en los roles de liderazgo. Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

- Las posiciones generales de IA aumentaron de 37.078 a 111.341
- Los títulos de liderazgo en IA crecieron de 3.731 a 10.875
- Los títulos en C-suite relacionados con IA se dispararon un 428%
- Los títulos de 'IA generativa' son ahora 250 veces más comunes

El informe destaca la adopción generalizada de la IA en varios sectores, siendo 'Ingeniero' el título de trabajo en IA más común. Empresas notables con roles de liderazgo en IA incluyen Amazon, Microsoft e IBM. Esta tendencia subraya la creciente importancia de la IA en la estrategia organizativa y la toma de decisiones.

ZoomInfo의 새로운 보고서는 산업별 AI 관련 직함이 세 배로 증가했다는 것을 보여줍니다. 2022년 2분기에서 2024년 2분기 사이에 리더십 역할이 상당한 성장을 보였습니다. 주요 발견 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

- 전체 AI 직책이 37,078개에서 111,341개로 증가
- AI 리더십 직함이 3,731개에서 10,875개로 성장
- C-suite AI 직책이 428% 증가
- '생성적 AI' 직함이 이제 250배 더 일반적입니다

이번 보고서는 다양한 산업에서 AI의 광범위한 채택을 강조하며, '엔지니어'는 여전히 가장 일반적인 AI 직업 타이틀입니다. AI 리더십 역할을 가진 주목할만한 회사로는 Amazon, Microsoft 및 IBM이 있습니다. 이 추세는 조직의 전략 및 의사 결정에서 AI의 중요성이 커지고 있음을 나타냅니다.

Le nouveau rapport de ZoomInfo révèle un triplement des titres de poste liés à l'IA dans divers secteurs entre le deuxième trimestre 2022 et le deuxième trimestre 2024, les postes de direction connaissant une croissance significative. Les résultats clés incluent :

- Les postes dans l'IA ont augmenté de 37 078 à 111 341
- Les titres de leadership en IA ont augmenté de 3 731 à 10 875
- Les titres IA au niveau C ont bondi de 428%
- Les titres d' 'IA générative' sont désormais 250 fois plus courants

Le rapport met en évidence l'adoption généralisée de l'IA dans divers secteurs, 'Ingénieur' restant le titre de poste en IA le plus courant. Parmi les entreprises notables avec des rôles de leadership en IA figurent Amazon, Microsoft et IBM. Cette tendance souligne l'importance croissante de l'IA dans la stratégie et la prise de décision organisationnelle.

Der neue Bericht von ZoomInfo zeigt eine Ver dreifachung der KI-bezogenen Jobtitel in verschiedenen Branchen von Q2 2022 bis Q2 2024, wobei Führungsrollen ein signifikantes Wachstum verzeichnen. Wichtige Erkenntnisse umfassen:

- Die Gesamtzahl der KI-Positionen stieg von 37.078 auf 111.341
- Die Führungspositionen im Bereich KI wuchsen von 3.731 auf 10.875
- Die KI-Titel im C-Suite stiegen um 428%
- Titel zu 'Generativer KI' sind jetzt 250-mal häufiger

Der Bericht hebt die weitverbreitete Annahme von KI in verschiedenen Sektoren hervor, wobei 'Ingenieur' der häufigste Jobtitel im Bereich KI bleibt. Zu den bemerkenswerten Unternehmen mit Führungsrollen im Bereich KI gehören Amazon, Microsoft und IBM. Dieser Trend unterstreicht die wachsende Bedeutung von KI in der Unternehmensstrategie und im Entscheidungsprozess.

  • None.
  • None.

The AI Boom in Leadership Roles Spans Organizations from a Wide Variety of Industries


  • Overall AI-related positions across industries have tripled in just two years (37,078 in Q2 2022 vs. 111,341 in Q2 2024), with leadership titles also tripling in this same time period
  • AI titles in the C-suite have seen the most dramatic increase (428% since Q2 2022)
  • Generative AI titles are nearly 250 times more common than just two years ago

VANCOUVER, Wash.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- ZoomInfo (NASDAQ: ZI), the go-to-market platform to find, acquire, and grow customers, today released a new report showing AI leadership titles have seen triple-digit growth in just two years. The companies and organizations that are installing top-tier leaders with an explicit AI focus span a wide variety of industries and sectors, illustrating how critical AI technology has become in organizational strategy, leadership, and decision making.

Overall AI Title Trends Growth (Graphic: Business Wire)

Overall AI Title Trends Growth (Graphic: Business Wire)

“The growth of artificial intelligence in the last few years is staggering, and we will continue to see this emerging trend of companies creating more roles in leadership to leverage this technology,” said Brandon Tucker, Chief Data Officer for ZoomInfo. “At ZoomInfo, we are meeting this demand by placing leaders with AI expertise in management positions to create and oversee our own AI-powered solution, ZoomInfo Copilot. Applying AI to our massive data set has allowed us to create significant value for sales and marketing teams across the globe.”

According to two years’ worth of data collected by ZoomInfo, companies across industries and sectors appear to be making considerable investments in top-down leadership to guide the successful application of AI. While generative AI technologies have driven the most recent wave of interest and investment, most of the overall job titles in AI still focus on broad-based disciplines such as engineering – an indication that employers of all kinds are building the core infrastructure that can make AI products and services that drive sustained growth.

Key trends include:

  • Overall AI-related positions across industries have tripled in just two years (37,078 in Q2 2022 vs. 111,341 in Q2 2024)
  • AI leadership titles are 3x more prevalent than two years ago (3,731 in Q2 2022 vs. 10,875 in Q2 2024)
  • Managers: up 174% (1,894 vs. 5,208)
  • Directors: up 197% (1,264 vs. 3,765)
  • Vice Presidents: up 199% (492 vs. 1,474)
  • Chief/C-Suite: up 428% (81 vs. 428)
  • “Generative AI” job titles are nearly 250 times more common than just two years ago
  • “Generative AI” represents 3% of all AI-related job titles in 2024 (3,719 out of 111,341 AI titles)
  • A significant spike occurred in the second half of 2023 and first half of 2024, with no signs of slowing (15 positions with “Generative AI” in the title in Q2 2022, to 265 in Q2 2023, to 3,719 in Q2 2024)
  • “Engineer” remains the most common term (43%) associated with AI-specific job titles, followed by similar technical disciplines such as “Researcher,” “Scientist,” “Specialist,” and “Developer”
  • “AI Engineer,” “AI Researcher,” and “AI Scientist” are three of the most popular titles in the field at this time

Notable companies with AI titled leadership roles include Accenture, Amazon, Boeing, the CIA, Dell, Equifax, HP, IBM, Intel, Metlife, Microsoft, Northrup Grumman, Oracle, Southwest Airlines, T-Mobile, UnitedHealth Group, U.S. Dept of Defense, Wayfair, Wells Fargo, and more.


The data in this report is sourced from ZoomInfo’s proprietary professional contacts database – a leading platform that detects more than 1.5 million personnel changes per day. To compile the trends in job titles, ZoomInfo’s data scientists analyzed announcements from hundreds of companies detailing their AI titles from Jan. 1, 2022 through June 30, 2024. For more details, please visit ZoomInfo’s AI Title Trends Report.

About ZoomInfo

ZoomInfo (NASDAQ: ZI) is the trusted go-to-market platform for businesses to find, acquire, and grow their customers. It delivers accurate, real-time data, insights, and technology to more than 35,000 companies worldwide. Businesses use ZoomInfo to increase efficiency, consolidate technology stacks, and align their sales and marketing teams — all in one platform. ZoomInfo is a recognized leader in data privacy, with industry-leading GDPR and CCPA compliance and numerous data security and privacy certifications. For more information about how ZoomInfo can help businesses grow their revenue at scale, please visit


Jaime Sarachit

Director, Communications

Source: ZoomInfo


How much have AI-related job titles grown since 2022 according to ZoomInfo's report?

According to ZoomInfo's report, AI-related job titles have tripled since 2022, increasing from 37,078 in Q2 2022 to 111,341 in Q2 2024.

What is the growth rate of AI titles in the C-suite since Q2 2022?

ZoomInfo's report shows that AI titles in the C-suite have increased by 428% since Q2 2022, growing from 81 to 428 positions.

How has the prevalence of 'Generative AI' job titles changed since 2022?

According to ZoomInfo's data, 'Generative AI' job titles are now nearly 250 times more common than they were just two years ago.

What percentage of AI-related job titles are associated with the term 'Engineer'?

The report indicates that 'Engineer' remains the most common term associated with AI-specific job titles, accounting for 43% of all AI-related positions.

Which companies are mentioned as having AI titled leadership roles?

Notable companies with AI titled leadership roles include Amazon, Microsoft, IBM, Accenture, Boeing, Dell, HP, Intel, and Wells Fargo, among others.

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