Climate risks threaten trillions of dollars in real estate

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Zillow's new analysis reveals massive climate risks to U.S. residential real estate, with properties worth $17 trillion facing major wind risk, $9.1 trillion at major fire risk, and $7 trillion at major flood risk.

Eleven major metro areas have residential real estate worth over $100 billion at major fire risk, with six in California. Los Angeles leads with $831 billion in fire-risk properties. The New York City metro area tops both flood risk ($593 billion) and wind risk ($3 trillion) categories, followed by Miami.

Despite these risks, high-risk areas remain attractive to buyers, with homes in extreme flood-risk areas listing at 22% higher prices than low-risk properties, and extreme fire-risk homes commanding a 49% premium. Over 80% of home shoppers consider climate risks in their search, utilizing Zillow's climate risk data tools for informed decision-making.

La nuova analisi di Zillow rivela enormi rischi climatici per il mercato immobiliare residenziale negli Stati Uniti, con proprietà del valore di 17 trilioni di dollari che affrontano un alto rischio di vento, 9,1 trilioni di dollari a rischio incendio significativo, e 7 trilioni di dollari a rischio alluvione maggiore.

Undici aree metropolitane principali hanno un mercato immobiliare residenziale del valore superiore a 100 miliardi di dollari a rischio incendio significativo, con sei in California. Los Angeles guida con 831 miliardi di dollari in proprietà a rischio incendio. L' è al primo posto sia per il rischio di alluvione ($593 miliardi) che per il rischio di vento ($3 trilioni), seguita da Miami.

Nonostante questi rischi, le aree ad alto rischio rimangono attraenti per gli acquirenti, con case in zone ad estremo rischio di alluvione che vengono offerte a prezzi superiori del 22% rispetto alle proprietà a basso rischio, e case a rischio incendio estremo che richiedono un premio del 49%. Oltre l'80% degli acquirenti di case considera i rischi climatici nella loro ricerca, utilizzando gli strumenti di dati sui rischi climatici di Zillow per prendere decisioni informate.

El nuevo análisis de Zillow revela enormes riesgos climáticos para el mercado inmobiliario residencial en EE. UU., con propiedades valoradas en 17 billones de dólares enfrentando un alto riesgo de viento, 9.1 billones de dólares en riesgo significativo de incendio, y 7 billones de dólares en riesgo significativo de inundación.

Once áreas metropolitanas importantes tienen un mercado inmobiliario residencial valorado en más de 100 mil millones de dólares en riesgo significativo de incendio, con seis en California. Los Ángeles lidera con 831 mil millones de dólares en propiedades en riesgo de incendio. El área metropolitana de Nueva York encabeza tanto el riesgo de inundación ($593 mil millones) como el riesgo de viento ($3 billones), seguida por Miami.

A pesar de estos riesgos, las áreas de alto riesgo siguen siendo atractivas para los compradores, con casas en zonas de riesgo extremo de inundación que se listan a precios un 22% más altos que las propiedades de bajo riesgo, y casas en riesgo extremo de incendio que exigen un premio del 49%. Más del 80% de los compradores de viviendas consideran los riesgos climáticos en su búsqueda, utilizando las herramientas de datos sobre riesgos climáticos de Zillow para tomar decisiones informadas.

질로우의 새로운 분석에 따르면, 미국 주거용 부동산에 대한 엄청난 기후 위험이 드러났습니다. 17조 달러의 가치가 있는 자산이 주요 바람 위험에 직면해 있으며, 9.1조 달러는 주요 화재 위험에, 7조 달러는 주요 홍수 위험에 처해 있습니다.

11개의 주요 대도시 지역이 1000억 달러 이상의 주거용 부동산을 보유하고 있으며, 그 중 6곳이 캘리포니아에 있습니다. 로스앤젤레스는 8310억 달러의 화재 위험 자산으로 선두를 달리고 있습니다. 뉴욕시 대도시 지역은 홍수 위험($5930억)과 바람 위험($3조) 모두에서 1위를 차지하고 있으며, 마이애미가 뒤를 잇습니다.

이러한 위험에도 불구하고, 고위험 지역은 여전히 구매자에게 매력적입니다. 극단적인 홍수 위험 지역의 주택은 저위험 자산보다 22% 높은 가격에 나열되며, 극단적인 화재 위험 주택은 49% 프리미엄을 요구합니다. 80% 이상의 주택 구매자가 검색 시 기후 위험을 고려하며, 질로우의 기후 위험 데이터 도구를 활용하여 정보에 기반한 의사 결정을 내립니다.

La nouvelle analyse de Zillow révèle d'énormes risques climatiques pour l'immobilier résidentiel aux États-Unis, avec des propriétés d'une valeur de 17 trillions de dollars faisant face à un risque majeur de vent, 9,1 trillions de dollars à un risque d'incendie majeur, et 7 trillions de dollars à un risque d'inondation majeur.

Onze grandes zones métropolitaines possèdent des biens immobiliers résidentiels d'une valeur supérieure à 100 milliards de dollars exposés à un risque d'incendie majeur, dont six en Californie. Los Angeles est en tête avec 831 milliards de dollars en propriétés à risque d'incendie. La région métropolitaine de New York est en tête des catégories de risque d'inondation ($593 milliards) et de risque de vent ($3 trillions), suivie par Miami.

Malgré ces risques, les zones à haut risque restent attractives pour les acheteurs, avec des maisons situées dans des zones à risque d'inondation extrême affichant des prix 22% plus élevés que les propriétés à faible risque, et les maisons à risque d'incendie extrême commandant une prime de 49%. Plus de 80% des acheteurs de maisons prennent en compte les risques climatiques dans leur recherche, utilisant les outils de données sur les risques climatiques de Zillow pour prendre des décisions éclairées.

Zillows neue Analyse zeigt massive Klimarisiken für den US-Wohnimmobilienmarkt auf, wobei Immobilien im Wert von 17 Billionen Dollar einem hohen Windrisiko ausgesetzt sind, 9,1 Billionen Dollar einem erheblichen Brandrisiko und 7 Billionen Dollar einem großen Überschwemmungsrisiko.

Elf große Metropolregionen haben Wohnimmobilien im Wert von über 100 Milliarden Dollar, die einem erheblichen Brandrisiko ausgesetzt sind, wobei sechs in Kalifornien liegen. Los Angeles führt mit 831 Milliarden Dollar an Immobilien mit Brandrisiko. Die Metropolregion New York liegt sowohl bei Überschwemmungsrisiko ($593 Milliarden) als auch bei Windrisiko ($3 Billionen) an der Spitze, gefolgt von Miami.

Trotz dieser Risiken bleiben Hochrisikogebiete für Käufer attraktiv, wobei Häuser in extremen Überschwemmungsrisikogebieten zu 22% höheren Preisen als Immobilien mit geringem Risiko angeboten werden, und extrem gefährdete Häuser einen 49% Aufschlag verlangen. Über 80% der Hauskäufer berücksichtigen Klimarisiken bei ihrer Suche und nutzen Zillows Klimarisikodaten-Tools für informierte Entscheidungen.

  • Zillow provides comprehensive climate risk assessment tools for informed home-buying decisions
  • High-risk areas maintain strong property values with significant price premiums
  • Massive exposure of U.S. real estate to climate risks ($17T wind, $9.1T fire, $7T flood)
  • 11 major metros have over $100B each in fire-risk real estate
  • Rising insurance costs affecting housing market dynamics
  • Six California metros face severe fire risks, indicating geographic concentration of risk


Zillow's climate risk analysis reveals substantial financial exposure in the U.S. real estate market, with properties facing major wind risk valued at $17 trillion, fire risk at $9.1 trillion, and flood risk at $7 trillion. These figures represent significant potential economic impact, with wind-risk properties alone equivalent to over half of U.S. GDP.

What's particularly notable is the paradoxical valuation premium for high-risk properties. Homes with extreme flood risk command a 22% higher median list price than low-risk properties, while fire-risk properties sell at a 49% premium. This counterintuitive pricing dynamic suggests market participants aren't fully pricing in long-term climate risks, creating potential future valuation challenges as insurance costs inevitably increase.

For Zillow specifically, this research demonstrates strategic positioning as they incorporate climate risk data directly into their platform. By integrating five key risk factors (flood, wildfire, wind, heat, air quality) into their search function, Zillow is enhancing their value proposition while potentially influencing buyer behavior in high-risk markets. This positions them well against competitors and adds a differentiated data layer to their core offering, potentially increasing user engagement and retention in a challenging real estate environment.

Eleven major metro areas have at least $100 billion of residential real estate at major risk of fire. Six of those are in California

SEATTLE, March 12, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Trillions of dollars' worth of real estate is at major risk of damage from flood, fire or extreme wind, a new Zillow® analysis finds.

U.S. homes with major wind risk — a risk score of 5 or higher, according to First Street data displayed on for-sale listings on Zillow — are worth at least $17 trillion in total, equivalent to more than half of the U.S. GDP. Homes with major fire risk are valued at $9.1 trillion, and homes with major flood risk are worth a cumulative $7 trillion.1

"The risk of natural disasters and rising insurance costs are profoundly reshaping the housing market. Home buyers are paying attention," said Kara Ng, a senior economist at Zillow. "With trillions of dollars in real estate vulnerable to these risks, informed decision-making for what is the biggest purchase of many buyers' lives has never been more critical."

Eleven major metro areas have at least $100 billion of residential real estate with major risk of fire, and six of those are in California. The Los Angeles metro has the highest total value of homes at major risk of fire, at $831 billion.

The New York City metro area stands above all other major markets with the highest total value of homes at major risk of flood and extreme wind. For flood risk, the total value of homes at risk in New York ($593 billion) edges out Miami ($580 billion), while no other major metro exceeds $300 billion at risk. New York homes with major wind risk total roughly $3 trillion in value, with the value of Miami and Boston homes at risk also exceeding $1 trillion.

More than 80% of home shoppers consider climate risks when looking for a new home. Still, many high-risk areas remain desirable and often have higher home values. Of homes with extreme flood risk — a risk score of 9 or 10 — listed for sale in June 2024, the median list price was 22% higher than for homes with minor risk scores of 1 or 2. The median list price for homes with extreme fire risk was 49% higher than homes with minor fire risk. Homes with extreme flood risk are worth just under $2 trillion nationwide, and homes with extreme fire risk are worth a total of $447 billion.

Home shoppers can explore climate risk data when browsing listings on Zillow. Insights into five key risks — flood, wildfire, wind, heat and air quality — are available on the search map and directly on for-sale listings, complete with risk scores and interactive maps. This information helps buyers and sellers better evaluate long-term factors affecting homeownership, such as safety, resilience and costs.

Metro Area*

Total Value of Homes
With Major Fire Risk

Total Value of Homes
With Major Flood Risk

Total Value of Homes
With Major Wind Risk

United States




New York, NY




Los Angeles, CA




Chicago, IL




Dallas, TX




Houston, TX




Washington, DC




Philadelphia, PA




Miami, FL




Atlanta, GA




Boston, MA




Phoenix, AZ




San Francisco, CA




Riverside, CA




Detroit, MI




Seattle, WA




Minneapolis, MN




San Diego, CA




Tampa, FL




Denver, CO




Baltimore, MD




St. Louis, MO




Orlando, FL




Charlotte, NC




San Antonio, TX




Portland, OR




Sacramento, CA




Pittsburgh, PA




Cincinnati, OH




Austin, TX




Las Vegas, NV




Kansas City, MO




Columbus, OH




Indianapolis, IN




Cleveland, OH




San Jose, CA




Nashville, TN




Virginia Beach, VA




Providence, RI




Jacksonville, FL




Milwaukee, WI




Oklahoma City, OK




Raleigh, NC




Memphis, TN




Richmond, VA




Louisville, KY




New Orleans, LA




Salt Lake City, UT




Hartford, CT




Buffalo, NY




Birmingham, AL




*Table ordered by market size
**Metro areas with fewer than 100 homes with major risk were excluded 

About Zillow Group
Zillow Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: Z and ZG) is reimagining real estate to make home a reality for more and more people. As the most visited real estate website in the United States, Zillow and its affiliates help people find and get the home they want by connecting them with digital solutions, dedicated partners and agents, and easier buying, selling, financing, and renting experiences.

Zillow Group's affiliates, subsidiaries and brands include Zillow®, Zillow Premier Agent®, Zillow Home Loans℠, Zillow Rentals®, Trulia®, Out East®, StreetEasy®, HotPads®, ShowingTime+℠, Spruce®, and Follow Up Boss®.

All marks herein are owned by MFTB Holdco, Inc., a Zillow affiliate. Zillow Home Loans, LLC is an Equal Housing Lender, NMLS #10287 ( © 2025 MFTB Holdco, Inc., a Zillow affiliate.

1 Since some homes may face more than one climate risk, the home values for flood, fire and wind risk should not be combined to create a figure that represents the "total value of residential real estate facing a major climate risk."


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How much U.S. residential real estate is at risk from climate-related disasters?

According to Zillow's analysis, U.S. homes worth $17 trillion face major wind risk, $9.1 trillion face major fire risk, and $7 trillion face major flood risk.

Which U.S. metro area has the highest value of properties at risk from fires?

The Los Angeles metro area has the highest total value of homes at major risk of fire, with $831 billion worth of residential real estate at risk.

How does property value compare between high and low climate risk areas?

Properties in extreme flood-risk areas list for 22% higher than low-risk properties, while homes with extreme fire risk command a 49% premium over low-risk properties.

What percentage of home shoppers consider climate risks in their search?

Over 80% of home shoppers consider climate risks when looking for a new home, according to Zillow's analysis.

Which metro area has the highest value of properties at risk from floods and winds?

The New York City metro area leads with $593 billion in flood-risk properties and $3 trillion in wind-risk properties.
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