Yum! Brands Continues To Make Progress on Reducing Carbon, Improving Packaging and Removing Barriers

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Yum! Brands, Inc. (NYSE:YUM) has released its annual Global Citizenship & Sustainability Report, highlighting progress in reducing carbon emissions, improving packaging, and removing barriers. The company's Good Growth strategy focuses on People, Food, and Planet priorities. Key achievements include:

People: 44% of global corporate leadership roles held by women in 2023, up from 33% in 2018. Over 7,100 managers completed the Heartstyles leadership program. $71 million committed to community impact programs.

Food: Over 70% of suppliers achieved Global Food Safety Initiative Certification. Sourced over 90% cage-free eggs for 25,000 restaurants. Endorsed Antimicrobial Use Stewardship Principles in Poultry.

Planet: On track to achieve 2030 emission reduction goals. KFC Europe committed to 100% sustainable soy by 2025. Pizza Hut decreased milk-related emissions by 10%. Taco Bell expanded recycling program with TerraCycle.

Yum! Brands, Inc. (NYSE:YUM) ha pubblicato il suo rapporto annuale sulla cittadinanza globale e sostenibilità, evidenziando i progressi nel ridurre le emissioni di carbonio, migliorare il packaging e rimuovere le barriere. La strategia di crescita positiva dell'azienda si concentra su priorità quali Persone, Cibo e Pianeta. I principali risultati includono:

Persone: Il 44% dei ruoli di leadership aziendale a livello globale è ricoperto da donne nel 2023, rispetto al 33% nel 2018. Oltre 7.100 manager hanno completato il programma di leadership Heartstyles. 71 milioni di dollari impegnati in programmi di impatto comunitario.

Cibo: Oltre il 70% dei fornitori ha ottenuto la certificazione dell'Iniziativa globale per la sicurezza alimentare. Ottenuti oltre il 90% di uova da allevamenti a terra per 25.000 ristoranti. Approvati i Principi di gestione dell'uso degli antimicrobici nel pollame.

Pianeta: In linea per raggiungere gli obiettivi di riduzione delle emissioni entro il 2030. KFC Europa si è impegnata per il 100% di soia sostenibile entro il 2025. Pizza Hut ha ridotto le emissioni legate al latte del 10%. Taco Bell ha ampliato il programma di riciclaggio con TerraCycle.

Yum! Brands, Inc. (NYSE:YUM) ha publicado su informe anual sobre Ciudadanía Global y Sostenibilidad, destacando los avances en la reducción de emisiones de carbono, la mejora del empaque y la eliminación de barreras. La estrategia de Buen Crecimiento de la compañía se centra en prioridades de Personas, Comida y Planeta. Los logros clave incluyen:

Personas: El 44% de los cargos de liderazgo corporativo a nivel mundial están ocupados por mujeres en 2023, un aumento del 33% en 2018. Más de 7,100 gerentes completaron el programa de liderazgo Heartstyles. Se comprometieron 71 millones de dólares a programas de impacto comunitario.

Comida: Más del 70% de los proveedores lograron la Certificación de la Iniciativa Global de Seguridad Alimentaria. Se obtuvieron más del 90% de huevos libres de jaulas para 25,000 restaurantes. Se respaldaron los Principios de Gestión del Uso de Antimicrobianos en Aves.

Planeta: En camino para lograr los objetivos de reducción de emisiones para 2030. KFC Europa se comprometió a un 100% de soja sostenible para 2025. Pizza Hut disminuyó las emisiones relacionadas con la leche en un 10%. Taco Bell amplió su programa de reciclaje con TerraCycle.

Yum! Brands, Inc. (NYSE:YUM)은 연례 글로벌 시민권 및 지속 가능성 보고서를 발표하며 탄소 배출 감소, 포장 개선 및 장벽 제거에서의 진행 상황을 강조했습니다. 회사의 긍정적 성장 전략은 사람, 음식 및 지구의 우선사항에 중점을 두고 있습니다. 주요 성과는 다음과 같습니다:

사람: 2023년 글로벌 기업 리더십 직위의 44%가 여성에 의해 차지되었으며, 이는 2018년 33%에서 증가한 수치입니다. 7,100명 이상의 관리자들이 Heartstyles 리더십 프로그램을 완료했습니다. 지역사회 영향 프로그램에 7,100만 달러가 약정되었습니다.

음식: 70% 이상의 공급업체가 글로벌 식품 안전 이니셔티브 인증을 획득했습니다. 25,000개 레스토랑을 위해 90% 이상의 케이지 프리 계란을 조달했습니다. 가금류에서 항균제 사용 관리 원칙을 지지했습니다.

지구: 2030년까지의 배출량 감소 목표 달성을 위한 계획에 맞춰 진행되고 있습니다. KFC 유럽은 2025년까지 100% 지속 가능한 대두 구입을 약속했습니다. 피자헛은 우유 관련 배출량을 10% 줄였습니다. 타코벨은 TerraCycle과 함께 재활용 프로그램을 확대했습니다.

Yum! Brands, Inc. (NYSE:YUM) a publié son rapport annuel sur la citoyenneté mondiale et la durabilité, mettant en avant des progrès dans la réduction des émissions de carbone, l'amélioration de l'emballage et la suppression des barrières. La stratégie de bonne croissance de l'entreprise se concentre sur les priorités des personnes, de la nourriture et de la planète. Les réalisations clés comprennent :

Personnes: 44 % des postes de direction au niveau mondial étaient occupés par des femmes en 2023, contre 33 % en 2018. Plus de 7 100 managers ont terminé le programme de leadership Heartstyles. 71 millions de dollars ont été alloués aux programmes d'impact communautaire.

Nourriture: Plus de 70 % des fournisseurs ont obtenu la certification de l'Initiative mondiale pour la sécurité alimentaire. Plus de 90 % des œufs sont issus d'approvisionnements sans cage pour 25 000 restaurants. Les principes de gestion de l'utilisation des antimicrobiens dans la volaille ont été soutenus.

Planète: Sur la bonne voie pour atteindre les objectifs de réduction des émissions d'ici 2030. KFC Europe s'est engagé à 100 % à utiliser du soja durable d'ici 2025. Pizza Hut a réduit les émissions liées au lait de 10 %. Taco Bell a élargi son programme de recyclage avec TerraCycle.

Yum! Brands, Inc. (NYSE:YUM) hat seinen jährlichen Bericht über globale Bürgerschaft und Nachhaltigkeit veröffentlicht, in dem die Fortschritte bei der Reduzierung von Kohlenstoffemissionen, der Verbesserung der Verpackungen und der Beseitigung von Barrieren hervorgehoben werden. Die Good Growth-Strategie des Unternehmens konzentriert sich auf die Prioritäten Menschen, Lebensmittel und Planet. Zu den wichtigsten Erfolgen gehören:

Menschen: 44% der globalen Führungspositionen werden 2023 von Frauen besetzt, ein Anstieg von 33% im Jahr 2018. Über 7.100 Manager haben das Heartstyles-Führungsprogramm abgeschlossen. 71 Millionen Dollar sind für Programme zur Gemeinwohlwirkung bereitgestellt worden.

Lebensmittel: Über 70% der Lieferanten erhielten die Zertifizierung der Global Food Safety Initiative. Über 90% der Käfig freien Eier wurden für 25.000 Restaurants beschafft. Die Grundsätze für das Management des Einsatzes von Antimikrobiotika in der Geflügelzucht wurden unterstützt.

Planet: Auf dem Weg, die Emissionsreduktionsziele bis 2030 zu erreichen. KFC Europa hat sich verpflichtet, bis 2025 100% nachhaltige Sojabohnen zu verwenden. Pizza Hut hat die milchbezogenen Emissionen um 10% gesenkt. Taco Bell hat das Recyclingprogramm mit TerraCycle erweitert.

  • 44% of global corporate leadership roles held by women in 2023, up from 33% in 2018
  • Over 7,100 restaurant managers completed leadership development program
  • $71 million committed to community impact programs
  • Over 70% of suppliers achieved Global Food Safety Initiative Certification
  • Sourced over 90% cage-free eggs for 25,000 restaurants
  • On track to achieve 2030 emission reduction goals
  • KFC Europe committed to 100% sustainable soy by 2025
  • Pizza Hut decreased milk-related emissions by 10%
  • None.


Yum! Brands' latest sustainability report showcases incremental progress across key environmental and social metrics. The company's focus on its "Good Growth" strategy aligns business expansion with sustainability goals, which is a positive approach. Notable achievements include:

  • Increased representation of women in global corporate leadership roles to 44%
  • Sourcing over 90% cage-free eggs for restaurants with a 2026 goal
  • On track to meet 2030 emission reduction targets for Scopes 1, 2 and franchisee-owned restaurant energy emissions

While these are steps in the right direction, the report lacks specific quantitative targets for some initiatives, making it challenging to assess the scale of impact. The company's inclusion in sustainability indices and recognition by TIME Magazine suggest positive momentum, but investors should look for more concrete, measurable goals in future reports to gauge long-term progress and commitment.

Yum! Brands' sustainability report reflects a strategic approach to ESG integration, aligning with investor expectations for responsible corporate governance. The company's "Good Growth" strategy demonstrates a commitment to balancing financial performance with sustainability objectives. Key governance highlights include:

  • Inclusion in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index North America, indicating strong ESG performance relative to peers
  • Implementation of leadership development programs like Heartstyles, reaching over 7,100 managers globally
  • Commitment of $71 million to community impact programs through the Unlocking Opportunity Initiative

These initiatives suggest a proactive approach to human capital management and community engagement. However, investors should note that the report lacks detailed information on board oversight of ESG issues and specific sustainability-linked executive compensation metrics. As ESG factors become increasingly material to long-term value creation, Yum! Brands should consider enhancing disclosure in these areas to maintain its competitive position in corporate governance rankings.

Parent Company of KFC Taco Bell Pizza Hut and Habit Burger & Grill publishes its annual Global Citizenship & Sustainability Report.

Yum! Brands

LOUISVILLE, KY / ACCESSWIRE / October 8, 2024 / Today, Yum! Brands, Inc. (NYSE:YUM) released its annual Global Citizenship & Sustainability Report, detailing its advancements in reducing carbon emissions, improving packaging and removing barriers. The Company has a longstanding dedication to responsible business practices, investing strategically in its three priority pillars of People, Food and Planet, which are part of its Good Growth strategy. The strategy is grounded on the idea that the Good priorities and the Growth priorities are closely intertwined and enablers of one another.

"In 2023, we experienced a year of remarkable growth and remained focused on greenhouse gas reduction, sustainable packaging and having a positive community impact," said Yum! Brands CEO David Gibbs. "Our Good Growth strategy has propelled our sales and restaurant development, which allows us to invest more in areas like renewable energy, supplier pilot programs and technical training for at-risk youth in our communities - the Growth advances the Good."

This report highlights Yum!'s key accomplishments toward building a more sustainable and equitable world, which has led to its inclusion in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index North America, recognition as one of TIME Magazine's Best Companies for Future Leaders and named to the USA Today's 2023 America's Climate Leaders list.

"We made significant progress in 2023 across our global citizenship and sustainability agenda, and we're excited about the opportunities ahead," said Yum! Brands Chief Government Affairs & Sustainability Officer Jon Hixson. "We believe in the power of collaboration to make positive change, and we continue to work closely with our stakeholders and partners to develop innovative solutions and share learnings that drive advancements."

Highlights from Yum!'s new Global Citizenship & Sustainability Report include:


  • - In 2023, 44% of global corporate leadership roles were held by women, up from the 2018 baseline of 33%.

  • - In 2023, over 7,100 restaurant general managers and assistant restaurant general managers on six continents completed Leading With Heart through Heartstyles, Yum!'s signature leadership and personal development program.

  • - Since 2020, Yum! has reached 204,000 people and utilized and/or committed $71 million of funding for over 30 community impact programs designed to remove barriers through its Unlocking Opportunity Initiative.


  • - In 2023, over 70% of Yum!-approved suppliers achieved Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) Certification.

  • - Sourced over 90% cage-free eggs for the 25,000 restaurants with a 2026 goal.

  • - Endorsed the Antimicrobial Use Stewardship Principles in Poultry, supporting an initiative that includes over 40% of global poultry meat production.


  • - On track to achieve Yum!'s 2030 emission reduction goals across both Scopes 1 and 2, as well as Scope 3 as it relates to energy emissions from franchisee-owned restaurants.

  • - Advanced Yum!'s sustainable supply chain work with KFC Europe committing to source 100% sustainable soy by 2025 and Pizza Hut decreasing emissions by 10% in the milk used for its cheese by improving cattle feed.

  • - Invested in sustainable packaging and infrastructure with Taco Bell expanding its recycling program with TerraCycle beyond its own sauce packets and Habit Burger & Grill reducing paper usage with new takeout bags.

For more information and to view Yum! Brands' latest Global Citizenship & Sustainability Report visit

About Yum! Brands, Inc.

Yum! Brands, Inc., based in Louisville, Kentucky, and its subsidiaries franchise or operate a system of over 59,000 restaurants in more than 155 countries and territories under the company's concepts - KFC, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut and Habit Burger & Grill. The Company's KFC, Taco Bell and Pizza Hut brands are global leaders of the chicken, Mexican-style food, and pizza categories, respectively. The Habit Burger & Grill is a fast casual restaurant concept specializing in made-to-order chargrilled burgers, sandwiches and more. In 2024, CDP, a global organization that runs a leading sustainability disclosure program, ranked Yum! with Climate Change and Water Security scores of A-, and all of Yum!'s CDP scores were a B or higher. Yum! was also named to the Dow Jones Sustainability Index North America, and the company was recognized among TIME Magazine's list of Best Companies for Future Leaders, Newsweek's list of America's Most Responsible Companies and USA Today's America's Climate Leaders. Yum! also received widespread recognition in 2023, including being listed on the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index; and Forbes' list of America's Best Employers for Diversity. In addition, KFC, Taco Bell and Pizza Hut brands were ranked in the top five of Entrepreneur's Top Global Franchises Ranking for 2023.

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Contact Info:
Spokesperson: Yum! Brands

SOURCE: Yum! Brands

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What progress has Yum! Brands (YUM) made in reducing carbon emissions?

Yum! Brands is on track to achieve its 2030 emission reduction goals across Scopes 1, 2, and 3 (energy emissions from franchisee-owned restaurants). The company has also made advancements in sustainable supply chain practices, with Pizza Hut decreasing emissions by 10% in the milk used for its cheese.

How is Yum! Brands (YUM) improving its packaging sustainability?

Yum! Brands is investing in sustainable packaging and infrastructure. Taco Bell has expanded its recycling program with TerraCycle beyond sauce packets, and Habit Burger & Grill has reduced paper usage with new takeout bags.

What progress has Yum! Brands (YUM) made in gender diversity in leadership roles?

In 2023, 44% of global corporate leadership roles at Yum! Brands were held by women, up from the 2018 baseline of 33%. This demonstrates significant progress in gender diversity within the company's leadership.

How much has Yum! Brands (YUM) invested in community impact programs since 2020?

Since 2020, Yum! Brands has reached 204,000 people and utilized and/or committed $71 million of funding for over 30 community impact programs designed to remove barriers through its Unlocking Opportunity Initiative.

Yum! Brands, Inc.


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