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KFC Foundation celebrates a year of impact by launching a tuition-free college program, awarding $3.5 million in scholarships and community grants. The achievements in 2023 include launching a personal development program and funding community projects. The foundation aims to make a lasting difference in the lives of KFC restaurant employees and communities.
La Fondazione KFC celebra un anno di impatto lanciando un programma universitario gratuito, assegnando 3,5 milioni di dollari in borse di studio e sovvenzioni comunitarie. I traguardi raggiunti nel 2023 includono il lancio di un programma di sviluppo personale e il finanziamento di progetti comunitari. La fondazione mira a fare una differenza duratura nella vita degli impiegati dei ristoranti KFC e nelle comunità.
La Fundación KFC celebra un año de impacto lanzando un programa universitario sin matrícula, otorgando 3.5 millones de dólares en becas y subvenciones comunitarias. Los logros en 2023 incluyen el lanzamiento de un programa de desarrollo personal y la financiación de proyectos comunitarios. La fundación aspira a marcar una diferencia perdurable en la vida de los empleados de los restaurantes KFC y en las comunidades.
KFC 재단은 등록금 무료 대학 프로그램을 시작하며, 3.5백만 달러의 장학금과 커뮤니티 그랜트를 수여함으로써 영향력 있는 한 해를 기념합니다. 2023년의 성과로는 개인 개발 프로그램을 시작하고 커뮤니티 프로젝트에 자금을 지원하는 것이 포함됩니다. 재단은 KFC 레스토랑 직원들과 커뮤니티의 삶에 지속적인 차이를 만들고자 합니다.
La Fondation KFC célèbre une année d'impact en lançant un programme universitaire sans frais de scolarité, en attribuant 3,5 millions de dollars en bourses d'études et subventions communautaires. Les réalisations en 2023 comprennent le lancement d'un programme de développement personnel et le financement de projets communautaires. La fondation vise à faire une différence durable dans la vie des employés des restaurants KFC et des communautés.
Die KFC Stiftung feiert ein Jahr voller Wirkung durch die Einführung eines gebührenfreien College-Programms, die Vergabe von 3,5 Millionen Dollar an Stipendien und Gemeinschaftszuschüssen. Die Errungenschaften im Jahr 2023 umfassen die Einführung eines Programms zur persönlichen Entwicklung und die Finanzierung von Gemeinschaftsprojekten. Die Stiftung zielt darauf ab, einen nachhaltigen Unterschied im Leben der Mitarbeiter von KFC-Restaurants und in den Gemeinden zu bewirken.
NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / April 18, 2024 / Yum! Brands
Looking back on 2023 fills us with immense joy with all of the incredible milestones we were able to achieve together.
Because of your support, we accomplished some remarkable feats:
Launched a tuition-free college program
Awarded $2.5 million in scholarships
Funded $1 million in community projects
Launched a personal development program
Thanks to YOU, these accomplishments were made possible. Your dedication fuels our mission to create lasting differences in the lives of KFC restaurant employees and our communities.
What milestones did KFC Foundation achieve in 2023?
In 2023, KFC Foundation launched a tuition-free college program, awarded $2.5 million in scholarships, funded $1 million in community projects, and launched a personal development program.
How much in scholarships and community grants did KFC Foundation award?
KFC Foundation awarded a total of $3.5 million in scholarships and community grants.
Where can I find KFC Foundation's 2023 Annual Report?
You can explore KFC Foundation's 2023 Annual Report at
What is the mission of KFC Foundation?
KFC Foundation's mission is to create lasting differences in the lives of KFC restaurant employees and communities.