Xcel Energy Drives Forward Clean Energy Goals

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Xcel Energy is making significant strides in its clean energy and sustainability goals, as highlighted during Climate Week NYC, Clean Energy Week, and Drive Electric Week. The company has reduced carbon emissions by 54% from 2005 levels, aiming for 100% carbon-free electricity by 2050. Xcel Energy's energy mix is now more than 50% carbon-free, surpassing the national average of 41%.

Key achievements include:

  • Reducing 46.3 million short tons of CO2e by 2023
  • Cutting sulfur dioxide emissions by 83% and nitrogen oxides by 85%
  • Saving 1,300 gigawatt hours of electricity through demand-side management programs
  • Helping customers complete about 7 million energy efficiency projects in 2023
  • Producing 40% of energy from renewable sources and 10% from nuclear
  • Planning to fully exit coal generation by the end of 2030

Xcel Energy is also advancing electric vehicle adoption, with over 143,000 EVs in its service area, a 50% increase from 2022. The company aims to enable zero-carbon transportation across its service area by 2050.

Xcel Energy sta facendo progressi significativi nei suoi obiettivi di energia pulita e sostenibilità, come evidenziato durante la Climate Week NYC, la Clean Energy Week e la Drive Electric Week. L'azienda ha ridotto le emissioni di carbonio del 54% rispetto ai livelli del 2005, puntando a un'elettricità al 100% priva di carbonio entro il 2050. Il mix energetico di Xcel Energy è ora oltre il 50% privo di carbonio, superando la media nazionale del 41%.

I risultati chiave includono:

  • Riduzione di 46,3 milioni di tonnellate di CO2e entro il 2023
  • Riduzione delle emissioni di diossido di zolfo dell'83% e degli ossidi di azoto dell'85%
  • Risparmio di 1.300 gigawattora di elettricità attraverso programmi di gestione della domanda
  • Assistenza ai clienti nel completamento di circa 7 milioni di progetti di efficienza energetica nel 2023
  • Produzione del 40% di energia da fonti rinnovabili e del 10% da nucleare
  • Piano di abbandonare completamente la generazione a carbone entro la fine del 2030

Xcel Energy sta anche promuovendo l'adozione dei veicoli elettrici, con oltre 143.000 veicoli elettrici nella sua area di servizio, un aumento del 50% rispetto al 2022. L'azienda punta a consentire un trasporto a zero carbonio nella sua area di servizio entro il 2050.

Xcel Energy está realizando avances significativos en sus objetivos de energía limpia y sostenibilidad, como se destacó durante la Climate Week NYC, la Clean Energy Week y la Drive Electric Week. La empresa ha reducción de las emisiones de carbono en un 54% desde los niveles de 2005, con el objetivo de lograr electricidad 100% libre de carbono para 2050. La combinación energética de Xcel Energy es ahora más del 50% libre de carbono, superando el promedio nacional del 41%.

Los logros clave incluyen:

  • Reducción de 46.3 millones de toneladas cortas de CO2e para 2023
  • Corte de emisiones de dióxido de azufre en un 83% y óxidos de nitrógeno en un 85%
  • Ahorros de 1,300 gigavatios-hora de electricidad a través de programas de gestión del lado de la demanda
  • Ayuda a los clientes para completar aproximadamente 7 millones de proyectos de eficiencia energética en 2023
  • Producción del 40% de energía a partir de fuentes renovables y del 10% a partir de energía nuclear
  • Planeando salir completamente de la generación a base de carbón para finales de 2030

Xcel Energy también está avanzando en la adopción de vehículos eléctricos, con más de 143,000 vehículos eléctricos en su área de servicio, un aumento del 50% respecto a 2022. La empresa tiene como objetivo permitir un transporte sin carbono en su área de servicio para 2050.

Xcel Energy는 클린 에너지와 지속 가능성 목표에서 중요한 진전을 이루고 있으며, 이는 Climate Week NYC, Clean Energy Week 및 Drive Electric Week에서 강조되었습니다. 이 회사는 2005년 대비 탄소 배출을 54% 감소시켰으며, 2050년까지 100% 탄소 없는 전기를 목표로 하고 있습니다. Xcel Energy의 에너지 믹스는 현재 50% 이상이 탄소 없으며, 이는 국가 평균인 41%를 초과합니다.

주요 성과에는 다음이 포함됩니다:

  • 2023년까지 4630만 단위의 CO2e 감소
  • 황산화물 배출을 83%, 질소 산화물 배출을 85% 감소
  • 수요 관리 프로그램을 통해 1300기가와트시의 전력 절약
  • 2023년에 약 700만 개의 에너지 효율성 프로젝트 완료 지원
  • 재생 가능한 에너지에서 40%, 원자력에서 10%의 에너지를 생산
  • 2030년 말까지 석탄 발전에서 완전히 철수할 계획

Xcel Energy는 또한 전기차 채택을 증가시키고 있으며, 서비스 지역 내 143,000대 이상의 전기차가 있으며, 이는 2022년 대비 50% 증가한 수치입니다. 이 회사는 2050년까지 서비스 지역 내 제로 탄소 운송을 가능하게 하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

Xcel Energy réalise des avancées significatives dans ses objectifs d'énergie propre et de durabilité, comme le souligne la Climate Week NYC, la Clean Energy Week et la Drive Electric Week. L'entreprise a réduit ses émissions de carbone de 54% par rapport aux niveaux de 2005, visant une électricité 100% sans carbone d'ici 2050. Le mix énergétique de Xcel Energy est désormais plus de 50% sans carbone, dépassant la moyenne nationale de 41%.

Les réalisations clés incluent :

  • Réduction de 46,3 millions de tonnes courtes de CO2e d'ici 2023
  • Réduction des émissions de dioxyde de soufre de 83% et des oxydes d'azote de 85%
  • Économies de 1 300 gigawattheures d'électricité grâce à des programmes de gestion de la demande
  • Aide à environ 7 millions de projets d'efficacité énergétique réalisés par des clients en 2023
  • Production de 40% d'énergie à partir de sources renouvelables et de 10% d'énergie nucléaire
  • Prévision d'une sortie complète de la production à base de charbon d'ici fin 2030

Xcel Energy encourage également l'adoption des véhicules électriques, avec plus de 143 000 VE dans sa zone de service, soit une augmentation de 50% par rapport à 2022. L'entreprise vise à permettre un transport sans carbone dans sa zone de service d'ici 2050.

Xcel Energy macht bedeutende Fortschritte bei seinen Zielen für saubere Energie und Nachhaltigkeit, wie während der Climate Week NYC, der Clean Energy Week und der Drive Electric Week hervorgehoben wurde. Das Unternehmen hat die Kohlenstoffemissionen um 54% im Vergleich zu den Werten von 2005 reduziert und strebt an, bis 2050 100% kohlenstofffreie Elektrizität zu erreichen. Der Energiemix von Xcel Energy besteht jetzt aus über 50% kohlenstofffreien Quellen, was über dem nationalen Durchschnitt von 41% liegt.

Schlüsselleistungen umfassen:

  • Reduzierung von 46,3 Millionen Short Tons CO2e bis 2023
  • Verringerung der Schwefeldioxidemissionen um 83% und der Stickstoffoxide um 85%
  • Einsparungen von 1.300 Gigawattstunden Strom durch Programme zur Nachfragesteuerung
  • Unterstützung der Kunden beim Abschluss von etwa 7 Millionen Energieeffizienzprojekten im Jahr 2023
  • Produktion von 40% der Energie aus erneuerbaren Quellen und 10% aus Kernkraft
  • Plan zum vollständigen Ausstieg aus der Kohlenproduktion bis Ende 2030

Xcel Energy fördert auch die Einführung von Elektrofahrzeugen, mit über 143.000 EVs in seinem Servicegebiet, was einem Anstieg von 50% gegenüber 2022 entspricht. Das Unternehmen hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, bis 2050 eine kohlenstofffreie Mobilität in seinem Servicegebiet zu ermöglichen.

  • None.
  • None.

Amid national focus on climate and clean energy, company forges ahead with sustainability efforts

MINNEAPOLIS--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Xcel Energy continues to forge ahead in its goals to reduce emissions, embrace clean energy and fuel electric vehicles as the nation celebrates major advances in sustainability through several events taking place late this month.

During Climate Week NYC (Sept. 22-29), which promotes climate action, the company celebrates the changes already underway. Xcel Energy has reduced carbon emissions 54% from the electricity it provides to customers from 2005 levels, with a goal to reach 100% carbon-free electricity across its service areas by 2050.

With events kicking off during Clean Energy Week (Sept. 23-27) to celebrate clean energy innovation and discuss pressing challenges in energy technologies, Xcel Energy is operating on an energy mix that is more than 50% carbon-free, compared to an average of 41% nationwide.

And with Drive Electric Week around the corner (Sept. 27 to Oct. 6), the company is powering EVs with energy that is 65% lower in carbon emissions than a conventional gasoline-powered vehicle — and far more cost effective at about $1/gallon-equivalent.

“As we observe the significant environmental events taking place this month, we celebrate these robust sustainability accomplishments and know we have more to achieve,” said Bob Frenzel, chairman, president and CEO of Xcel Energy. “Xcel Energy was the first U.S. energy provider to set aggressive goals to reduce carbon emissions from electricity, heating and transportation. As we plan for the energy needs of the future, we will ensure our customers continue to receive affordable and reliable service.”

Transitioning to cleaner energy

Xcel Energy is committed to becoming a net-zero energy provider by 2050 while keeping its service reliable, affordable and safe. ​The company uses climate science to inform its clean energy strategy and has contracted with climate modeling experts to understand how its clean energy vision relates to global temperature goals.

  • The company had reduced 46.3 million short tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) by 2023, compared to 2005 levels — roughly the same emissions released from driving 11 million gas-powered vehicles for a year, according to estimates from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator.
  • Over the same time span, the company cut air emissions of sulfur dioxide from its power plants by 83% and nitrogen oxides by 85%.
  • In 2023, the company’s demand-side management programs, including its energy efficiency programs, saved 1,300 gigawatt hours of electricity, enough to power 165,000 homes, and 2.1 million dekatherms of natural gas, enough to fuel more than 28,000 homes for a year.
  • Since 1992, the company’s customers have saved enough energy to avoid building 28 average-size power plants.
  • Xcel Energy helped customers complete about 7 million energy efficiency projects in 2023, while 300,000 customers participated in renewable choice programs.
  • Renewable resources, including wind and solar, produced 40% of the company’s energy mix in 2023, with another 10% supplied by carbon-free nuclear energy. Xcel Energy recorded several-hour periods when wind and solar energy produced 90% or more of the electricity serving customers within one of its operating companies, as well as entire days when these resources produced about 80% of the power.
  • The company has closed 23 coal-fired generation units since 2005 and is on-track to fully exit coal generation by the end of 2030.​ Along the way, Xcel Energy will provide a smooth transition for its employees at these plants to other roles within the company and support the communities where these plants are based.
  • The company is also a leader in clean energy innovation, bringing advanced renewable energy, storage and other technologies onto its system to help build a reliable and clean system to serve our customers in the future. Among these technologies are lithium-ion ferro phosphate batteries at two sites in Colorado, which use a chemistry that is potentially safer and lower-cost than traditional lithium-ion batteries, and an iron-air long-duration battery in Minnesota, which can provide power for up to 100 hours.

Powering electric vehicles

Xcel Energy has an ambitious vision to enable zero-carbon transportation across its service area by 2050, providing the fueling infrastructure and energy to run all vehicles on carbon-free electricity or other clean energy sources.

In 2023, the company counted over 143,000 EVs on the road in its service area, a 50% increase over 2022. Xcel Energy’s current transportation programs in four states aim to make the transition to electric transportation easier for its customers by addressing common barriers to adoption through education, rebates and incentives. An EV powered with electricity provided by Xcel Energy in 2023 had about 65% lower carbon emissions than a conventional gasoline-powered vehicle. As the electricity the company provides to customers gets cleaner over the next five years, that number is expected to reach at least 80% lower carbon emissions by 2030.​

The company’s own EV fleet has driven over 1.3 million miles. It now contains nearly 300 vehicles, including light-duty, medium-duty and heavy-duty vehicles. Xcel Energy was one of the first energy companies to use all-electric mini excavators and bucket trucks in its construction and distribution operations.

See Xcel Energy’s Sustainability Report for more.

About Xcel Energy

Xcel Energy (NASDAQ: XEL) provides the energy that powers millions of homes and businesses across eight Western and Midwestern states. Headquartered in Minneapolis, the company is an industry leader in responsibly reducing carbon emissions and producing and delivering clean energy solutions from a variety of renewable sources at competitive prices. For more information, visit or follow us on X, formerly known as Twitter, and Facebook.

Xcel Energy Media Relations

414 Nicollet Mall, 401-7

Minneapolis, MN 55401

(612) 215-5300

Source: Xcel Energy


What is Xcel Energy's (XEL) carbon emission reduction goal?

Xcel Energy aims to achieve 100% carbon-free electricity across its service areas by 2050. The company has already reduced carbon emissions by 54% from 2005 levels.

How much of Xcel Energy's (XEL) energy mix is carbon-free?

Xcel Energy's energy mix is more than 50% carbon-free, which is higher than the national average of 41%.

What percentage of Xcel Energy's (XEL) energy comes from renewable sources?

Renewable resources, including wind and solar, produced 40% of Xcel Energy's energy mix in 2023, with an additional 10% supplied by carbon-free nuclear energy.

When does Xcel Energy (XEL) plan to exit coal generation?

Xcel Energy is on track to fully exit coal generation by the end of 2030. The company has already closed 23 coal-fired generation units since 2005.

How many electric vehicles are in Xcel Energy's (XEL) service area?

In 2023, Xcel Energy counted over 143,000 electric vehicles on the road in its service area, which represents a 50% increase compared to 2022.

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