WuXi Biologics Reports Solid 2024 Annual Results and Expects Accelerated Growth in 2025
WuXi Biologics (WXXWY) reported solid financial results for 2024, with revenue growing 9.6% YoY to RMB 18,675.4 million, driven by non-COVID revenue up 13.1%. The company's adjusted EBITDA increased 14.4% to RMB7,999.3 million, while adjusted net profit rose 9.0% to RMB5,396.9 million.
Key operational highlights include:
- Addition of 151 new integrated projects, bringing total to 817
- Completion of 16 PPQs in 2024, with 24 scheduled for 2025
- Development of 7 global programs for molecule discovery, eligible for ~$140 million in near-term payments
- Total backlog of US$18.5 billion, including US$10.5 billion in service backlog
The company strengthened its global presence with facility expansions in Ireland, Singapore, and the U.S. In January 2025, WuXi entered an agreement with MSD International for the asset transfer of its Dundalk, Ireland vaccine facility, resulting in the removal of approximately US$3 billion from the service backlog.
WuXi Biologics (WXXWY) ha riportato risultati finanziari solidi per il 2024, con un fatturato in crescita del 9,6% su base annua, raggiungendo RMB 18.675,4 milioni, sostenuto da un aumento del 13,1% delle entrate non legate al COVID. L'EBITDA rettificato dell'azienda è aumentato del 14,4%, raggiungendo RMB 7.999,3 milioni, mentre l'utile netto rettificato è salito del 9,0%, toccando RMB 5.396,9 milioni.
I principali punti operativi includono:
- Aggiunta di 151 nuovi progetti integrati, portando il totale a 817
- Completamento di 16 PPQ nel 2024, con 24 programmati per il 2025
- Sviluppo di 7 programmi globali per la scoperta di molecole, idonei a circa 140 milioni di dollari in pagamenti a breve termine
- Portafoglio totale di 18,5 miliardi di dollari, inclusi 10,5 miliardi di dollari nel portafoglio di servizi
L'azienda ha rafforzato la sua presenza globale con l'espansione delle strutture in Irlanda, Singapore e negli Stati Uniti. Nel gennaio 2025, WuXi ha stipulato un accordo con MSD International per il trasferimento dell'asset della sua struttura vaccinale a Dundalk, in Irlanda, portando alla rimozione di circa 3 miliardi di dollari dal portafoglio di servizi.
WuXi Biologics (WXXWY) reportó resultados financieros sólidos para 2024, con un ingreso que creció un 9.6% interanual, alcanzando RMB 18,675.4 millones, impulsado por un aumento del 13.1% en ingresos no relacionados con COVID. El EBITDA ajustado de la compañía aumentó un 14.4% a RMB 7,999.3 millones, mientras que la utilidad neta ajustada creció un 9.0% a RMB 5,396.9 millones.
Los puntos destacados operativos incluyen:
- Adición de 151 nuevos proyectos integrados, llevando el total a 817
- Finalización de 16 PPQs en 2024, con 24 programados para 2025
- Desarrollo de 7 programas globales para el descubrimiento de moléculas, elegibles para aproximadamente 140 millones de dólares en pagos a corto plazo
- Cartera total de 18.5 mil millones de dólares, incluyendo 10.5 mil millones en cartera de servicios
La empresa fortaleció su presencia global con expansiones de instalaciones en Irlanda, Singapur y EE. UU. En enero de 2025, WuXi firmó un acuerdo con MSD International para la transferencia de activos de su instalación de vacunas en Dundalk, Irlanda, resultando en la eliminación de aproximadamente 3 mil millones de dólares de la cartera de servicios.
우시 생물학 (WXXWY)는 2024년 재무 결과를 발표했으며, 매출이 전년 대비 9.6% 증가하여 186,754백만 위안에 도달했습니다. 이는 COVID와 무관한 매출이 13.1% 증가한 데 힘입은 것입니다. 회사의 조정된 EBITDA는 14.4% 증가하여 79,993백만 위안에 도달했으며, 조정된 순이익은 9.0% 증가하여 53,969백만 위안에 이르렀습니다.
주요 운영 성과는 다음과 같습니다:
- 151개의 새로운 통합 프로젝트 추가, 총 817개로 증가
- 2024년 16개의 PPQ 완료, 2025년에는 24개 예정
- 분자 발견을 위한 7개의 글로벌 프로그램 개발, 약 1억 4천만 달러의 단기 지급 자격
- 서비스 백로그를 포함하여 총 185억 달러의 백로그
회사는 아일랜드, 싱가포르 및 미국에 시설 확장을 통해 글로벌 입지를 강화했습니다. 2025년 1월, 우시는 아일랜드 던달크에 있는 백신 시설의 자산 이전을 위해 MSD International과 계약을 체결하여 서비스 백로그에서 약 30억 달러를 제거했습니다.
WuXi Biologics (WXXWY) a annoncé des résultats financiers solides pour 2024, avec un chiffre d'affaires en hausse de 9,6 % par rapport à l'année précédente, atteignant 18 675,4 millions de RMB, soutenu par une augmentation de 13,1 % des revenus non liés au COVID. L'EBITDA ajusté de l'entreprise a augmenté de 14,4 % pour atteindre 7 999,3 millions de RMB, tandis que le bénéfice net ajusté a progressé de 9,0 % pour atteindre 5 396,9 millions de RMB.
Les principaux faits opérationnels incluent :
- Ajout de 151 nouveaux projets intégrés, portant le total à 817
- Achèvement de 16 PPQ en 2024, avec 24 prévus pour 2025
- Développement de 7 programmes mondiaux pour la découverte de molécules, éligibles à environ 140 millions de dollars de paiements à court terme
- Backlog total de 18,5 milliards de dollars, dont 10,5 milliards de dollars dans le backlog de services
L'entreprise a renforcé sa présence mondiale avec des expansions d'installations en Irlande, à Singapour et aux États-Unis. En janvier 2025, WuXi a conclu un accord avec MSD International pour le transfert d'actifs de son installation de vaccins à Dundalk, en Irlande, entraînant la suppression d'environ 3 milliards de dollars du backlog de services.
WuXi Biologics (WXXWY) berichtete über solide Finanzergebnisse für 2024, mit einem Umsatzwachstum von 9,6% im Jahresvergleich auf 18.675,4 Millionen RMB, angetrieben durch einen Anstieg der nicht-COVID-Einnahmen um 13,1%. Das bereinigte EBITDA des Unternehmens stieg um 14,4% auf 7.999,3 Millionen RMB, während der bereinigte Nettogewinn um 9,0% auf 5.396,9 Millionen RMB zunahm.
Zu den wichtigsten betrieblichen Höhepunkten gehören:
- Ergänzung von 151 neuen integrierten Projekten, was die Gesamtzahl auf 817 erhöht
- Abschluss von 16 PPQs im Jahr 2024, 24 sind für 2025 geplant
- Entwicklung von 7 globalen Programmen zur Molekülentdeckung, die für etwa 140 Millionen Dollar an kurzfristigen Zahlungen berechtigt sind
- Gesamtauftragsbestand von 18,5 Milliarden US-Dollar, einschließlich 10,5 Milliarden US-Dollar im Serviceauftragsbestand
Das Unternehmen stärkte seine globale Präsenz durch die Erweiterung von Einrichtungen in Irland, Singapur und den USA. Im Januar 2025 trat WuXi in eine Vereinbarung mit MSD International zum Asset-Transfer seiner Impfstoffanlage in Dundalk, Irland, ein, was zu einer Reduzierung von etwa 3 Milliarden US-Dollar im Serviceauftragsbestand führte.
- Revenue growth of 9.6% YoY to RMB 18,675.4 million
- Adjusted EBITDA increased 14.4% to RMB7,999.3 million
- Strong backlog of US$18.5 billion
- Improved gross profit margin due to efficiency gains
- High key talent retention rate of 95.8%
- 98% success rate in DS and DP PPQ projects
- Slight decline of 1.3% in net profit attributable to owners
- Loss of US$3 billion in service backlog due to Dundalk facility transfer
- Flat basic EPS at RMB 0.82
- Revenue grew
9.6% YoY toRMB 18,675.4 million , with non-COVID revenue up13.1% YoY - Adjusted EBITDA grew
14.4% YoY toRMB7,999.3 million and Adjusted Net Profit increased9.0% YoY toRMB5,396.9 million - Added 151 new integrated projects, including 13 in late-stage and commercial stage
- Total integrated projects reached 817, one of the largest portfolios of complex biologics
- Research Services enabled 7 global programs for molecule discovery, eligible to receive
~ in near-term payments$140 million - Completed 16 PPQs in 2024, with 24 PPQs scheduled for 2025
- Strengthened global presence to support continued business momentum
Financial Highlights
Revenue: For the year ended December 31, 2024, the Group's revenue grew
Gross Profit and Gross Profit Margin: IFRS gross profit increased
EBITDA and EBITDA Margin: For the year ended December 31, 2024, EBITDA grew
Net Profit and Net Profit Attributable to Owners of the Company: IFRS net profit rose
Adjusted Net Profit: Adjusted Net Profit for the period increased
Basic Earnings Per Share (EPS): The Group's basic earnings per share (EPS) remained flat at
Business Highlights
- Integrated Project Wins
The Group added 151 integrated projects in 2024, bringing the total to 817. Notably, over half of the new projects originated fromU.S. clients, reflecting strong client trusts and the Group's resilience amid a dynamic environment. The Group supported 66 Phase III projects and 21 non-COVID commercial projects, strengthening its manufacturing pipeline.
During the Reporting Period, the Group continued to execute its "Win-the-Molecule" strategy, securing 20 post-IND projects, including 13 in late-phase and commercial stage, bringing total wins to 89 since 2018. - Research
By leveraging industry-leading technology platforms, the Group's Research business has reached an inflection point following years of strategic cultivation. The Group has developed a portfolio of leading Immune Cell Engager (ICE) technologies, extending beyond traditional T-cell engagers (TCEs). Our diverse immune cell-targeting modalities—including CD3 Bispecific T Cell Engagers, Non-cytotoxic T Cell Engagers, γδ T Cell Engagers, NK Engagers, and Macrophage Engagers—are designed to unlock novel therapeutic potential in oncology and autoimmune diseases.
The Group is advancing these innovations in close collaboration with its clients and partners, driving the development of next-generation anti-tumor and autoimmune therapies. In 2024, the Group enabled seven global programs for molecule discovery and is eligible to receive approximately in near-term payments, with total potential payments exceeding$140 million . To date, the Group's Research Services has enabled 50+ programs that are potentially eligible for future milestone payments and sales royalties, establishing a consistent revenue and profit stream.$2.3 billion - Development
The Group added 148 new development projects in 2024, further strengthening one of the industry's largest portfolios of complex biologics. This portfolio includes 151 bispecifics & multispecifics, 194 ADCs, 80 fusion proteins and 24 vaccines. The Group continues to advance cutting-edge technology platforms that accelerate biologics development and manufacturing. Key platforms include WuXia™ (cell line development), WuXiDARx™ (drug-to-antibody ratio technology), WuXiHigh™ (high concentration and high-throughput DP Development), WuXiUI™ (ultra-intensified fed-batch platform) and WuXiUP™ (ultra-high productivity continuous bioprocessing platform).
Highlighting the unique advantages of its CRDMO platform and industry-leading technologies, the Group's client, Curon Biopharmaceutical's investigational B-cell depletion therapy, CN201, was acquired by Merck & Co., Inc. in 2024. This asset was discovered through the Group's proprietary TCE and WuXiBody™ platforms, while WuXiUP™ effectively addresses complex CMC challenges.
The Group has shortened the development timeline for monoclonal antibody projects from DNA to IND to just nine months and successfully supported over 600 IND applications by the end of the Reporting Period. These advancements help clients accelerate development cycles and achieve cost-effective solutions across the biologics value chain. - Manufacturing
In 2024, the Group supported 66 Phase III projects and 21 non-COVID commercial manufacturing projects, completed 16 process performance qualification (PPQ) projects, with 24 scheduled for 2025. The Group also achieved a DS and DP PPQ success rate exceeding98% , establishing a solid foundation for commercial manufacturing operations.
To further support its growing commercial pipeline and meet client needs, the Group continues to execute its "Global Dual Sourcing" strategy, providing comprehensive manufacturing services through its global network.Ireland : All three facilities have secured GMP certification from the Irish Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA) and completed multiple 16,000-liter PPQ runs. The site also initiated commercial production in 2024.Singapore : The lifting of fabricated modules for XDC's Production Facility has been completed, with critical utilities in the final phase of design and construction. Additionally, significant progress has been made in the design of Biologics' Production Assets.U.S : The Group continues the expansion of MFG11 atWorcester, MA , one of the largest single-use-technology facilities in theU.S. , featuring six 6,000L upstream tanks connected to a single downstream line, with high-throughput processing and extensive automation. Upon completion, MFG11 will be integrated with MFG18 (Cranbury, NJ ), and Boston Research Service Center, enabling the Group to offer end-to-end capabilities in theU.S. , from research, development, clinical manufacturing, to both small- and large-scale commercial manufacturing.
- Asset optimization
In January 2025, the Group and MSD International GmbH entered into an agreement for the asset transfer of WuXi Vaccine's Dundalk,Ireland facility. This transaction enables MSD International GmbH to better integrate vaccine production within its global network while enhancing the Group's operational flexibility, asset efficiency and margins. The Group will focus on its vaccines CDMO services from WuXi Vaccines'Suzhou, China site. - Backlog
As of December 31, 2024, total backlog stood atUS , comprising$18.5 billion US in service backlog and$10.5 billion US in potential milestones. Backlog within 3 years was$8.0 billion US . Following the announced asset transaction with MSD International GmbH, approximately$3.7 billion US in services backlog was removed. Adjusting for this divestiture, backlog grew by approximately$3 billion US YoY.$0.9 billion - Quality
The Group remains committed to the highest quality standards, safeguarding the interests of clients and patients. Backed by a world-class quality system, the Group has successfully completed 42 regulatory inspections by various national regulatory agencies since 2017, including 22 by EU EMA andU.S. FDA, with no critical issues and zero data integrity findings. In Q4 2024, the Group successfully passed the HPRA inspection inIreland with no critical observations. These regulatory milestones further validate the Group's premier quality system, which adheres to the highest global quality standards. - Talents
People are WuXi Biologics' greatest assets. As of December 31, 2024, the Group's total employee count reached 12,575, including 4,383 scientists, with a key talent retention rate of95.8% . The Group's successful global recruitment efforts strengthened its worldwide operations, enabling it to efficiently deliver project commitments and drive continuous innovation. - WBS (WuXi Biologics Business System)
The Group has been continuously focusing on its WBS initiatives, driving operational excellence and efficiency. In 2024, the Group executed over 260 WBS Kaizen events, achieving 1-point improvement in gross profit margin through cost-savings, enhanced labor productivities, and inventory reductions. Additionally, ESG-focused Kaizen projects reduced carbon emissions, water usage, waste generation, and material consumption. The Group remains committed to establishing WBS as a lean management system, fostering continuous improvement, talent development, and further enhancing value creation for its clients. - Sustainability
The Group has integrated Sustainability as a core pillar of its business growth strategy, earning widespread recognition from leading ESG rating agencies and institutional investors. Notable achievements encompass the inclusion in the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices, an AAA rating from MSCI ESG Ratings, a Platinum Medal from EcoVadis, and recognition as an ESG Industry Top-Rated and APAC Regional Top-Rated Company by Sustainalytics.
During the Reporting Period, the Group was also selected in the S&P Global Sustainability Yearbook 2024, MSCI ESG Leaders Indexes 2024, FTSE4Good Index Series, and Hang Seng ESG 50 Index.
Management Comment
Dr. Chris Chen, CEO of WuXi Biologics, stated, "In 2024, we navigated many crosscurrents in the macro environment, remained resilient and delivered a solid
Dr. Chen added, "Looking ahead, we anticipate accelerated and profitable growth in 2025 and beyond, driven by strong performances across all Research, Development, and Manufacturing platforms. With enhanced operational efficiencies, increasing adoption of next-generation technology platforms, and disciplined execution of our strategic initiatives, we are well-positioned to capture new opportunities and drive innovation."
Dr. Ge Li, Chairman of WuXi Biologics, concluded, "In 2024, we remained steadfast in our mission and vision - to empower anyone and any company to discover, develop and manufacture biologics from concept to commercial manufacturing. As we look ahead, we are committed to delivering exceptional value to our partners, reinforcing our position as a premier, one-stop service provider for the biologics industry, and advancing our vision that 'every biologic can be made'."
Key Financial Ratios | |||
(For the Twelve Months Ended Dec. 31) | |||
Key Financial Ratio | 2024 | 2023 | Change |
Revenue (In RMB million) | 18,675.4 | 17,034.3 | 9.6 % |
Gross Profit (In RMB million) | 7,650.8 | 6,827.9 | 12.1 % |
Margin (%) | 41.0 % | 40.1 % | |
Net Profit (In RMB million) | 3,945.4 | 3,570.6 | 10.5 % |
Margin (%) | 21.1 % | 21.0 % | |
Net Profit Attributable to Owners of | 3,356.1 | 3,399.7 | (1.3 %) |
Margin (%) | 18.0 % | 20.0 % | |
Adjusted Net Profit (In RMB million) | 5,396.9 | 4,950.4 | 9.0 % |
Margin (%) | 28.9 % | 29.1 % | |
EBITDA (In RMB million) | 6,547.8 | 5,613.2 | 16.7 % |
Margin (%) | 35.1 % | 33.0 % | |
Adjusted EBITDA (In RMB million) | 7,999.3 | 6,993.0 | 14.4 % |
Margin (%) | 42.8 % | 41.1 % | |
Adjusted Basic EPS (In RMB) | 1.17 | 1.13 | 3.5 % |
About WuXi Biologics
WuXi Biologics (stock code: 2269.HK) is a leading global Contract Research, Development and Manufacturing Organization (CRDMO) offering end-to-end solutions that enable partners to discover, develop and manufacture biologics – from concept to commercialization – for the benefit of patients worldwide.
With over 12,000 skilled employees in
WuXi Biologics regards sustainability as the cornerstone of long-term business growth. The company continuously drives green technology innovations to offer advanced end-to-end Green CRDMO solutions for its global partners while consistently achieving excellence in Environment, Social and Governance (ESG). Committed to creating shared value, it collaborates with all stakeholders to foster positive social and environmental impacts and promote responsible practices that empower the entire value chain.
For more information about WuXi Biologics, please visit: www.wuxibiologics.com.
Forward-Looking Statements
This announcement may contain certain "forward-looking statements" that are not historical facts, but instead are predictions about future events based on our expectations as well as assumptions made by and information currently available to our management. Although we believe that our predictions are reasonable, future events are inherently uncertain and our forward-looking statements may turn out to be incorrect. Our forward-looking statements are subject to risks relating to, among other things, the ability of our service offerings to compete effectively, our ability to meet timelines for the expansion of our service offerings, and our ability to protect our clients' intellectual property. Our forward-looking statements in this announcement speak only as of the date on which they are made, and we assume no obligation to update any forward-looking statements except as required by applicable law or listing rules. Accordingly, you are strongly cautioned that reliance on any forward-looking statements involves known and unknown risks and uncertainties. All forward-looking statements contained herein are qualified by reference to the cautionary statements set forth in this section.
Non-IFRS Measures
To supplement the Group's condensed consolidated financial statements which are presented in accordance with the IFRS, the Company has provided adjusted net profit, adjusted net profit margin, adjusted EBITDA, adjusted EBITDA margin and adjusted basic and diluted earnings per share as additional financial measures, which are not required by, or presented in accordance with, the IFRS.
The Company believes that the adjusted financial measures are useful for understanding and assessing underlying business performance and operating trends, and that the Company's management and investors may benefit from referring to these adjusted financial measures in assessing the Group's financial performance by eliminating the impact of certain unusual, non-recurring, non-cash and/or non-operating items that the Group does not consider indicative of the performance of the Group's core business. These non-IFRS financial measures, as the management of the Group believes, is widely accepted and adopted in the industry in which the Group is operating in. However, the presentation of these non-IFRS financial measures is not intended to be considered in isolation or as a substitute for the financial information prepared and presented in accordance with the IFRS. Shareholders of the Company and potential investors should not view the adjusted results on a stand-alone basis or as a substitute for results under IFRS. And these non-IFRS financial measures may not be comparable to similarly-titled measures represented by other companies.
View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/wuxi-biologics-reports-solid-2024-annual-results-and-expects-accelerated-growth-in-2025-302410501.html
SOURCE WuXi Biologics