Western Uranium & Vanadium Acquires Property to Advance Milling Strategy

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Western Uranium & Vanadium Corp. (CSE: WUC) (OTCQX: WSTRF) has executed a binding Stock Purchase Agreement to acquire 100% of Pinon Ridge (PRC) for approximately USD830,000. This acquisition includes a 900-acre property in Montrose County, Colorado, marking Western's second property acquisition after the Maverick Mineral Processing Plant site in Utah. The strategy aims to develop and license uranium and vanadium processing facilities to optimize transportation and processing costs for Western's resources in Colorado and Utah.

The PRC Site, previously licensed for a uranium mill, offers unique opportunities to leverage historical licenses, data, and resources. Western plans to implement a next-generation conventional mill design with a kinetic separation circuit for pre-milling processing. The company is considering various financing approaches, including third-party ownership or co-ownership of the Sites.

Western Uranium & Vanadium Corp. (CSE: WUC) (OTCQX: WSTRF) ha firmato un contratto vincolante di acquisto di azioni per acquisire il 100% di Pinon Ridge (PRC) per circa USD830.000. Questa acquisizione include un proprietà di 900 acri nella contea di Montrose, Colorado, segnando la seconda acquisizione di proprietà di Western dopo il sito dell'impianto di lavorazione dei minerali Maverick in Utah. La strategia mira a sviluppare e ottenere licenze per imprese di lavorazione dell'uranio e del vanadio per ottimizzare i costi di trasporto e lavorazione delle risorse di Western in Colorado e Utah.

Il sito PRC, precedentemente autorizzato per un mulino per uranio, offre opportunità uniche per sfruttare licenze storiche, dati e risorse. Western prevede di implementare un design di mulino convenzionale di nuova generazione con un circuito di separazione cinetica per il processo di pre-macinazione. L'azienda sta considerando diverse strategie di finanziamento, inclusa la proprietà di terzi o la co-proprietà dei siti.

Western Uranium & Vanadium Corp. (CSE: WUC) (OTCQX: WSTRF) ha ejecutado un contrato vinculante de compra de acciones para adquirir el 100% de Pinon Ridge (PRC) por aproximadamente USD830,000. Esta adquisición incluye una propiedad de 900 acres en el condado de Montrose, Colorado, marcando la segunda adquisición de propiedad por parte de Western después del sitio de la planta de procesamiento de minerales Maverick en Utah. La estrategia tiene como objetivo desarrollar y obtener licencias para instalaciones de procesamiento de uranio y vanadio para optimizar los costos de transporte y procesamiento de los recursos de Western en Colorado y Utah.

El sitio PRC, anteriormente autorizado para un molino de uranio, ofrece oportunidades únicas para aprovechar licencias históricas, datos y recursos. Western planea implementar un diseño de molino convencional de última generación con un circuito de separación cinética para el procesamiento previo a la molienda. La empresa está considerando varios enfoques de financiamiento, incluida la propiedad de terceros o la copropiedad de los sitios.

Western Uranium & Vanadium Corp. (CSE: WUC) (OTCQX: WSTRF)는 약 USD830,000에 Pinon Ridge (PRC)의 100%를 인수하기 위한 구속력 있는 주식 매매 계약을 체결했습니다. 이 인수에는 콜로라도주 몬트로즈 카운티의 900 에이커 부동산이 포함되어 있으며, 이는 Western의 유타주 매버릭 광물 가공 공장 부지 이후 두 번째 부동산 인수입니다. 이 전략은 콜로라도와 유타의 자원을 위한 운송 및 가공 비용을 최적화하기 위해 우라늄 및 바나듐 가공 시설을 개발하고 라이센스를 취득하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

PRC 사이트는 이전에 우라늄 밀에 대한 라이센스가 부여된 곳으로, 역사적 라이센스, 데이터 및 자원을 활용할 수 있는 독특한 기회를 제공합니다. Western은 사전 가공을 위한 운동 에너지 분리 회로를 가진 차세대 일반 밀 설계를 구현할 계획입니다. 이 회사는 제3자 소유권 또는 사이트의 공동 소유를 포함한 다양한 자금 조달 접근 방식을 고려하고 있습니다.

Western Uranium & Vanadium Corp. (CSE: WUC) (OTCQX: WSTRF) a signé un accord d'achat d'actions contraignant pour acquérir 100% de Pinon Ridge (PRC) pour environ USD830,000. Cette acquisition comprend une propriété de 900 acres dans le comté de Montrose, Colorado, marquant la deuxième acquisition de propriété de Western après celle du site de l'usine de traitement des minéraux Maverick dans l'Utah. La stratégie vise à développer et à obtenir des licences pour des installations de traitement de l'uranium et du vanadium afin d'optimiser les coûts de transport et de traitement des ressources de Western dans le Colorado et l'Utah.

Le site PRC, précédemment autorisé pour un moulin à uranium, offre des opportunités uniques d'exploiter des licences historiques, des données et des ressources. Western prévoit de mettre en œuvre un design de moulin conventionnel de nouvelle génération avec un circuit de séparation cinétique pour le traitement pré-moulé. L'entreprise envisage différentes approches de financement, y compris la propriété de tiers ou la copropriété des sites.

Western Uranium & Vanadium Corp. (CSE: WUC) (OTCQX: WSTRF) hat eine bindende Aktienkaufvereinbarung unterzeichnet, um 100% von Pinon Ridge (PRC) für ca. USD830,000 zu erwerben. Diese Akquisition umfasst ein 900 Acres großes Grundstück im Montrose County, Colorado, und stellt die zweite Grundstücksakquisition von Western nach dem Standort der Maverick Mineral Processing Plant in Utah dar. Die Strategie zielt darauf ab, Uran- und Vanadiumverarbeitungsanlagen zu entwickeln und zu lizenzieren, um die Transport- und Verarbeitungskosten für die Ressourcen von Western in Colorado und Utah zu optimieren.

Der PRC-Standort, der zuvor für eine Uranmühle lizenziert war, bietet einzigartige Möglichkeiten, historische Lizenzen, Daten und Ressourcen zu nutzen. Western plant, ein konventionelles Mühlendesign der nächsten Generation mit einem kinetischen Trennkreislauf für die Vorverarbeitung zu implementieren. Das Unternehmen zieht verschiedene Finanzierungsansätze in Betracht, einschließlich des Eigentums Dritter oder der gemeinsamen Eigentümerschaft der Standorte.

  • Acquisition of 900-acre property with previous uranium mill license
  • Strategic location near Western's existing mining operations
  • Potential cost reduction through mine-to-mill proximity
  • Opportunity to leverage historical licenses, data, and resources
  • Plans for next-generation mill design with kinetic separation circuit
  • Potential for processing third-party mined materials
  • USD830,000 expenditure for acquisition
  • Related party transaction requiring careful oversight
  • Potential dilution if third-party ownership is pursued for financing

Toronto, Ontario and Nucla, Colorado, Oct. 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Western Uranium & Vanadium Corp. (CSE: WUC) (OTCQX: WSTRF) (and together with its affiliates, “Western” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that the Company has executed a binding Stock Purchase Agreement (the ”Agreement”) to purchase 100% of the shares of Pinon Ridge Corporation (“PRC”) and thereby acquire an approximately 900 acre property located in Montrose County, Colorado (the “PRC Site”). In connection with the Agreement, the former PRC shareholders will be paid approximately USD830,000 for their PRC equity and shareholder loan repayments.

The acquisition is the second property package Western has acquired in addition to the Maverick Mineral Processing Plant site in Utah (the “Utah Site”) and is part of Western’s plans for developing and licensing one or more uranium and vanadium processing facilities (the “Sites”) to process production from its resource properties in Colorado and Utah.  Western is utilizing a multiple site approach in order to optimize transportation and processing costs; notably, the Utah Site is located approximately four miles from Western's San Rafael project, while the Colorado Site is about 25 miles from Western's flagship Sunday Mine Complex. Significant accretion is sought through mine to mill proximity and the corresponding reduction to transportation and related costs. Purchasing the PRC Site has additional benefits having been previously licensed for a uranium mill in terms of offering a unique opportunity to leverage historical licenses, data and resources. 

The preliminary engineering design, developed by Precision Systems Engineering (PSE), may be utilized at both the proposed Utah Site and the PRC Site. Additionally, the Sites are being designed to process mined material from third party miners.  This next generation conventional mill design will include a kinetic separation circuit to separate the mineralized rock from the waste rock in a pre-milling process. The Company plans to evaluate alternate financing approaches to best optimize value to Western’s shareholders; scenarios will be considered that involve third parties owning or co-owning the Sites.

George Glasier, the President, CEO and a director of Western, and his wife Kathleen own 50% of the shares of PRC, and Andrew Wilder, a director of Western, indirectly owns 3% of the shares of PRC. Therefore, this transaction constitutes a related party transaction within the meaning of Multilateral Instrument 61-101 – Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions (“MI 61-101”). The Company is relying on exemptions from the valuation and minority shareholder approval requirements of MI 61-101 contained in section 5.7(1)(a) of MI 61-101, as the fair market value of the transaction does not exceed 25% of the market capitalization of the Company. The Company’s Board of Directors has established an independent committee of the Board, comprised of directors who are not considered to have an interest in the transaction. The independent committee of the Board has overseen the negotiation and approved the entering into the Agreement on behalf of the Corporation.

The Company did not file a material change report more than 21 days before the expected closing date of the Agreement because the details of the transaction were not settled until shortly prior to entering into the Agreement and the Company wishes to close the transaction on an expedited basis for sound business reasons. Western will file in due course a material change report under its profile on SEDAR+.

About Western Uranium & Vanadium Corp.

Western Uranium & Vanadium Corp. is ramping-up high-grade uranium and vanadium production at its Sunday Mine Complex. In addition to the flagship property located in the prolific Uravan Mineral Belt, the production pipeline also includes conventional projects in Colorado and Utah. The Maverick Minerals Processing Plant and Pinon Ridge Corporation processing plants will be licensed to include the kinetic separation process.

George GlasierRobert Klein
President and CEOChief Financial Officer


What property did Western Uranium & Vanadium (WSTRF) acquire in October 2024?

Western Uranium & Vanadium acquired a 900-acre property in Montrose County, Colorado, through the purchase of 100% shares of Pinon Ridge (PRC) for approximately USD830,000.

How does the PRC Site acquisition fit into Western Uranium & Vanadium's (WSTRF) strategy?

The PRC Site acquisition is part of Western's strategy to develop and license uranium and vanadium processing facilities to optimize transportation and processing costs for its resources in Colorado and Utah.

What advantages does the PRC Site offer to Western Uranium & Vanadium (WSTRF)?

The PRC Site offers advantages such as previous uranium mill licensing, proximity to Western's Sunday Mine Complex, and the opportunity to leverage historical licenses, data, and resources for future development.

What innovative features are planned for Western Uranium & Vanadium's (WSTRF) new processing facilities?

Western plans to implement a next-generation conventional mill design that includes a kinetic separation circuit to separate mineralized rock from waste rock in a pre-milling process.



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