Williams-Sonoma, Inc. (NYSE: WSM) has been recognized as the top retailer on TIME Magazine's 2024 list of America's Best Mid-Sized Companies. The company ranked 17th overall out of 500 companies featured on this inaugural list, which highlights top-performing midsize businesses with revenue between $100 million and $10 billion.
The evaluation criteria included positive revenue growth, employee satisfaction, and sustainability transparency. TIME partnered with Statista to assess companies based on:
- Employee Satisfaction: Evaluating over 170,000 employees' feedback on working conditions, salary, and equality policies
- Revenue Growth: Assessing three-year growth data for companies meeting specific criteria
- Sustainability Transparency: Examining environmental, social, and corporate governance indicators
Laura Alber, President and CEO of Williams-Sonoma, Inc., expressed honor at the recognition, emphasizing the company's commitment to being a people-first organization focused on growth and shareholder value.
Williams-Sonoma, Inc. (NYSE: WSM) è stata riconosciuta come il miglior rivenditore nella lista 2024 delle Migliori Aziende di Media Dimensione d'America di TIME Magazine. L'azienda si è classificata al 17° posto su 500 aziende presenti in questa lista inaugurale, che evidenzia le imprese di media dimensione a elevata performance con un fatturato compreso tra 100 milioni e 10 miliardi di dollari.
I criteri di valutazione includevano crescita dei ricavi positiva, soddisfazione dei dipendenti e trasparenza nella sostenibilità. TIME ha collaborato con Statista per valutare le aziende sulla base di:
- Soddisfazione dei Dipendenti: Valutando il feedback di oltre 170.000 dipendenti su condizioni lavorative, salari e politiche di uguaglianza
- Crescita dei Ricavi: Valutando i dati di crescita triennale per aziende che soddisfano criteri specifici
- Trasparenza nella Sostenibilità: Esaminando indicatori ambientali, sociali e di governance aziendale
Laura Alber, Presidente e CEO di Williams-Sonoma, Inc., ha espresso onore per il riconoscimento, sottolineando l'impegno dell'azienda a essere un'organizzazione orientata alle persone, focalizzata sulla crescita e sul valore per gli azionisti.
Williams-Sonoma, Inc. (NYSE: WSM) ha sido reconocida como el mejor minorista en la lista 2024 de las Mejores Empresas de Tamaño Mediano de América de TIME Magazine. La empresa se clasificó en el puesto 17 de 500 empresas destacadas en esta lista inaugural, que resalta a las empresas de tamaño mediano de mayor rendimiento con ingresos entre 100 millones y 10 mil millones de dólares.
Los criterios de evaluación incluyeron crecimiento de ingresos positivo, satisfacción de los empleados y transparencia en sostenibilidad. TIME se asoció con Statista para evaluar a las empresas basándose en:
- Satisfacción de los Empleados: Evaluando la retroalimentación de más de 170,000 empleados sobre condiciones laborales, salarios y políticas de igualdad
- Crecimiento de Ingresos: Evaluando los datos de crecimiento de tres años para las empresas que cumplen con criterios específicos
- Transparencia en Sostenibilidad: Examinando indicadores ambientales, sociales y de gobernanza corporativa
Laura Alber, Presidenta y CEO de Williams-Sonoma, Inc., expresó su honor por el reconocimiento, enfatizando el compromiso de la empresa de ser una organización centrada en las personas, enfocada en el crecimiento y el valor para los accionistas.
윌리엄스-소노마, 주식회사 (NYSE: WSM)는 타임지 2024년 미국 최고의 중형 기업 리스트에서 최고의 소매업체로 선정되었습니다. 이 회사는 이 첫 번째 리스트에 오르며 500개 기업 중 17위를 차지했으며, 이는 매출이 1억 달러에서 100억 달러 사이인 중형 기업의 우수성을 강조합니다.
평가 기준에는 긍정적인 매출 성장, 직원 만족도 및 지속 가능성 투명성이 포함되었습니다. 타임지는 Statista와 협력해 기업을 다음 기준에 따라 평가했습니다:
- 직원 만족도: 17만 명 이상의 직원의 근무 조건, 급여 및 평등 정책에 대한 피드백 평가
- 매출 성장: 특정 기준을 충족하는 기업의 3년간 성장 데이터 평가
- 지속 가능성 투명성: 환경, 사회 및 기업 거버넌스 지표 조사
윌리엄스-소노마, 주식회사 사장 겸 CEO인 로라 알버는 이 인정을 받아 기쁨을 표하며, 사람 중심의 조직으로서 성장과 주주 가치를 중시하겠다는 회사의 헌신을 강조했습니다.
Williams-Sonoma, Inc. (NYSE: WSM) a été reconnue comme le meilleur détaillant dans la liste 2024 des Meilleures Entreprises de Taille Moyenne d'Amérique de TIME Magazine. L'entreprise a atteint la 17ème place parmi 500 entreprises figurant sur cette liste inaugurale, qui met en avant les entreprises de taille moyenne les plus performantes avec un chiffre d'affaires compris entre 100 millions et 10 milliards de dollars.
Les critères d'évaluation comprenaient la croissance des revenus positive, la satisfaction des employés et la transparence en matière de durabilité. TIME s'est associé à Statista pour évaluer les entreprises sur la base des critères suivants :
- Satisfaction des Employés : Évaluation des retours de plus de 170 000 employés sur les conditions de travail, les salaires et les politiques d'égalité
- Croissance des Revenus : Évaluation des données de croissance sur trois ans pour les entreprises répondant à des critères spécifiques
- Transparence en matière de Durabilité : Examen des indicateurs environnementaux, sociaux et de gouvernance d'entreprise
Laura Alber, Présidente et CEO de Williams-Sonoma, Inc., a exprimé son honneur pour cette reconnaissance, soulignant l'engagement de l'entreprise à être une organisation axée sur les personnes, centrée sur la croissance et la valeur pour les actionnaires.
Williams-Sonoma, Inc. (NYSE: WSM) wurde als bester Einzelhändler in TIME Magazins Liste der besten mittelgroßen Unternehmen Amerikas 2024 anerkannt. Das Unternehmen belegte insgesamt den 17. Platz von 500 Unternehmen, die in dieser ersten Liste hervorgehoben werden, die die leistungsstarken mittelgroßen Unternehmen mit einem Umsatz zwischen 100 Millionen und 10 Milliarden Dollar hervorhebt.
Die Bewertungskriterien umfassten positives Umsatzwachstum, Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit und Transparenz in der Nachhaltigkeit. TIME arbeitete mit Statista zusammen, um Unternehmen anhand folgender Kriterien zu bewerten:
- Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit: Bewertung des Feedbacks von über 170.000 Mitarbeitern zu Arbeitsbedingungen, Gehalt und Gleichstellungspolitik
- Umsatzwachstum: Bewertung von Dreijahreswachstumsdaten für Unternehmen, die bestimmte Kriterien erfüllen
- Transparenz in der Nachhaltigkeit: Untersuchung von Umwelt-, Sozial- und Unternehmensführungsindikatoren
Laura Alber, Präsidentin und CEO von Williams-Sonoma, Inc., äußerte sich geehrt über die Anerkennung und betonte das Engagement des Unternehmens, eine menschenorientierte Organisation zu sein, die auf Wachstum und den Wert für die Aktionäre fokussiert ist.
- None.
- None.
“We are honored to be named by TIME as one of America’s Best Mid-Sized Companies,” said Laura Alber, President and CEO of Williams-Sonoma, Inc. “This recognition acknowledges that Williams-Sonoma, Inc. is a people-first organization that is committed to driving growth and returning value to our shareholders.”
To compile the list of America’s Best Mid-Sized Companies, TIME partnered with Statista, a leading international provider of market and consumer data and rankings, to research top preforming mid-sized companies based on three primary dimensions:
Employee Satisfaction - An evaluation of over 170,000 employees from
U.S. companies over the last three years that addressed an employer’s image, atmosphere, working conditions, salary, and equality policies. -
Revenue Growth - An assessment of company growth data for the last three years that met certain criteria including revenue generation of at least
but less than US$100 million and positive revenue growth in the last three years.$10 - Sustainability Transparency - A comprehensive index derived from a collection of key performance indicators relating to environmental, social and corporate governance. For the environmental evaluation, this included the carbon emissions intensity and reduction rate, the social dimension assessed the share of women on the board of directors and the existence of a human rights policy. The governance dimension evaluated whether a company had a Corporate Social Responsibility report adhering to the Global Reporting Initiative guidelines and a compliance or anti-corruption guideline.
Williams-Sonoma, Inc. is the world’s largest digital-first, design-led and sustainable home retailer. The company’s products, representing distinct merchandise strategies — Williams Sonoma, Pottery Barn, Pottery Barn Kids, Pottery Barn Teen, West Elm, Williams Sonoma Home, Rejuvenation, Mark and Graham, and GreenRow — are marketed through e-commerce websites, direct-mail catalogs and retail stores. These brands are also part of The Key Rewards, our loyalty and credit card program that offers members exclusive benefits across the Williams-
For more information on our sustainability efforts, please visit: http://sustainability.williams-sonomainc.com
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240805270800/en/
Kendall Coleman
Williams-Sonoma, Inc.
Source: Williams-Sonoma, Inc.