FBI Veteran Joseph Bonavolonta Joins Wrap with 27 Years of Experience, Former SAC of Boston Field Office

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Wrap Technologies (NASDAQ: WRAP) has appointed Joseph R. Bonavolonta as Domestic Head of Managed Services, bringing 27 years of FBI experience to the company. Bonavolonta, former Special Agent in Charge of the FBI's Boston Field Office, will assist in driving growth and expanding Wrap's global law enforcement network.

His extensive background includes overseeing high-profile criminal and national security investigations, managing Joint Terrorism Task Forces, and directing the New England Region's Domestic Director of National Intelligence Program. Prior to joining Wrap, he served as Managing Partner at a global security firm.

This strategic appointment follows Wrap's recent W1 Global, acquisition and complements the expertise of James DeStefano, a retired FBI executive. The combined experience is expected to enhance Wrap's delivery of technology security solutions to law enforcement agencies, commercial clients, and high-net-worth individuals globally.

Wrap Technologies (NASDAQ: WRAP) ha nominato Joseph R. Bonavolonta come Responsabile Nazionale dei Servizi Gestiti, portando in azienda 27 anni di esperienza nell'FBI. Bonavolonta, ex Agente Speciale a capo dell'Ufficio di Boston dell'FBI, assisterà nella crescita e nell'espansione della rete globale di applicazione della legge di Wrap.

Il suo ampio background include la supervisione di indagini di alto profilo su crimine e sicurezza nazionale, la gestione di Task Force congiunte per il terrorismo e la direzione del Programma Nazionale di Intelligence Domestica della Regione del New England. Prima di unirsi a Wrap, ha lavorato come Partner Gestore in una società di sicurezza globale.

Questa nomina strategica segue l'acquisizione recente di W1 Global da parte di Wrap e integra l'expertise di James DeStefano, un ex dirigente dell'FBI. L'esperienza combinata dovrebbe migliorare la capacità di Wrap di fornire soluzioni di sicurezza tecnologica a agenzie di applicazione della legge, clienti commerciali e individui ad alto patrimonio netto in tutto il mondo.

Wrap Technologies (NASDAQ: WRAP) ha nombrado a Joseph R. Bonavolonta como Jefe Nacional de Servicios Administrados, aportando 27 años de experiencia en el FBI a la empresa. Bonavolonta, ex Agente Especial a cargo de la Oficina de Boston del FBI, ayudará a impulsar el crecimiento y expandir la red global de aplicación de la ley de Wrap.

Su amplia experiencia incluye la supervisión de investigaciones de alto perfil sobre delitos y seguridad nacional, la gestión de Fuerzas de Tarea Conjuntas contra el Terrorismo y la dirección del Programa Nacional de Inteligencia Doméstica de la Región de Nueva Inglaterra. Antes de unirse a Wrap, se desempeñó como Socio Gerente en una firma de seguridad global.

Esta designación estratégica sigue a la reciente adquisición de W1 Global por parte de Wrap y complementa la experiencia de James DeStefano, un ejecutivo retirado del FBI. Se espera que la experiencia combinada mejore la capacidad de Wrap para ofrecer soluciones de seguridad tecnológica a agencias de aplicación de la ley, clientes comerciales e individuos de alto patrimonio neto a nivel mundial.

Wrap Technologies (NASDAQ: WRAP)는 Joseph R. Bonavolonta를 국내 관리 서비스 책임자로 임명하며, 27년의 FBI 경험을 회사에 더했습니다. Bonavolonta는 FBI 보스턴 지부의 특별 요원으로 근무했으며, Wrap의 글로벌 법 집행 네트워크의 성장과 확장을 지원할 것입니다.

그의 광범위한 배경에는 고위험 범죄 및 국가 안보 조사를 감독하고, 합동 테러 태스크 포스를 관리하며, 뉴잉글랜드 지역의 국내 정보 프로그램을 지휘하는 것이 포함됩니다. Wrap에 합류하기 전에는 글로벌 보안 회사의 관리 파트너로 일했습니다.

이번 전략적 임명은 Wrap의 최근 W1 Global 인수에 따른 것이며, 퇴직한 FBI 경영진 James DeStefano의 전문성을 보완합니다. 결합된 경험은 Wrap이 전 세계의 법 집행 기관, 상업 고객 및 고액 자산가에게 기술 보안 솔루션을 제공하는 데 도움이 될 것으로 예상됩니다.

Wrap Technologies (NASDAQ: WRAP) a nommé Joseph R. Bonavolonta comme Responsable National des Services Gérés, apportant à l'entreprise 27 ans d'expérience au sein du FBI. Bonavolonta, ancien Agent Spécial en Charge du Bureau de Boston du FBI, aidera à stimuler la croissance et à étendre le réseau mondial d'application de la loi de Wrap.

Son vaste parcours comprend la supervision d'enquêtes criminelles et de sécurité nationale de haut niveau, la gestion de Groupes de Travail Antiterroristes, et la direction du Programme National d'Intelligence Domestique de la Région de la Nouvelle-Angleterre. Avant de rejoindre Wrap, il a été Associé Gérant dans une entreprise de sécurité mondiale.

Cette nomination stratégique fait suite à l'acquisition récente de W1 Global par Wrap et complète l'expertise de James DeStefano, un ancien dirigeant du FBI. L'expérience combinée devrait améliorer la capacité de Wrap à fournir des solutions de sécurité technologique aux agences de la loi, aux clients commerciaux et aux particuliers fortunés dans le monde entier.

Wrap Technologies (NASDAQ: WRAP) hat Joseph R. Bonavolonta zum Nationalen Leiter für Verwaltungsdienste ernannt und bringt 27 Jahre FBI-Erfahrung in das Unternehmen ein. Bonavolonta, ehemaliger Special Agent in Charge des FBI-Büros in Boston, wird das Wachstum vorantreiben und das globale Netzwerk der Wrap-Behörden erweitern.

Sein umfangreicher Hintergrund umfasst die Überwachung hochkarätiger Kriminal- und nationaler Sicherheitsuntersuchungen, die Leitung von Gemeinsamen Terrorismus-Einsatzgruppen und die Leitung des Programms für nationale Geheimdienste in der Region Neuengland. Vor seinem Eintritt bei Wrap war er als geschäftsführender Partner in einer globalen Sicherheitsfirma tätig.

Diese strategische Ernennung folgt der jüngsten Übernahme von W1 Global durch Wrap und ergänzt die Expertise von James DeStefano, einem pensionierten FBI-Manager. Die kombinierte Erfahrung wird voraussichtlich die Fähigkeit von Wrap verbessern, technologischen Sicherheitslösungen für Strafverfolgungsbehörden, gewerbliche Kunden und vermögende Privatpersonen weltweit anzubieten.

  • Strategic hire brings 27 years of FBI expertise to strengthen global law enforcement network
  • Enhances company's security and compliance capabilities across multiple sectors
  • Complements recent W1 Global acquisition, expanding service offerings
  • Brings extensive high-level law enforcement connections and partnerships
  • None.

Expected to Strengthen Global Law Enforcement Network, Enhancing Security and Compliance Capabilities Across Business Intelligence, Critical Infrastructure, Supply Chain and National Security

Joseph Bonavolonta

MIAMI, March 20, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Wrap Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: WRAP) (“Wrap” or, the “Company”) today announced the appointment of Joseph R. Bonavolonta as Domestic Head of Managed Services of the Company, bringing over 27 years of experience from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”) to the Company’s management team.

Mr. Bonavolonta, who culminated his distinguished FBI career as Special Agent in Charge (SAC) of the Boston Field Office, led one of the agency’s largest divisions, overseeing high-profile criminal and national security investigations. His leadership extended to managing Joint Terrorism Task Forces, Safe Streets Gang and Violent Crime Task Forces, and directing the New England Region’s Domestic Director of National Intelligence (DDNI) Program.

In his new role, Mr. Bonavolonta is expected to assist the Company in driving growth while further deepening Wrap’s global law enforcement network. His extensive expertise in national security, compliance and risk management, combined with Wrap’s growing investigative technology partners, will enhance the Company’s mission to provide innovative, non-lethal solutions for public safety worldwide.

Prior to joining Wrap, Mr. Bonavolonta served as Managing Partner at a global security firm, where he provided strategic security solutions for multinational corporations, critical institutions, and high-net-worth individuals. His deep knowledge of technologies used in risk and vulnerability assessments, insider threats, cybersecurity and physical security strategies makes him an invaluable asset to Wrap’s growing Managed Services Branch.

“We are committed to bringing together elite-level talent and cutting-edge technology to solve the most pressing security challenges of today and the future,” said Bill McMurry, Chief Executive Officer of Managed Services at WRAP. “Joseph Bonavolonta’s unmatched expertise will be instrumental in strengthening our Managed Services Branch, reinforcing our role in supporting those who protect us and expanding our capabilities across both public and private sectors.”

Mr. Bonavolonta’s distinguished FBI career also includes leadership roles such as:

  • Deputy Assistant Director of the Counterintelligence Division, overseeing domestic and international operations;
  • Head of the Boston Field Office’s Cyber and Counterintelligence Branch, tackling nation-state driven espionage and cybersecurity threats; and
  • Supervisor of the Complex Financial Crimes Program in the Newark Field Office.

His investigative achievements include spearheading international organized crime initiatives in coordination with the Italian National Police, and the dismantling of major criminal networks, including the Bonanno La Cosa Nostra (LCN) Family. His work earned him numerous accolades, including the Attorney General’s Director’s Award for Superior Performance, the Law Enforcement Distinguished Community Service Award, and the National Intelligence Meritorious Unit Citation.

His deep connections within the New England law enforcement community and across federal and international security networks will help solidify Wrap’s relationships globally, strengthening the Company’s impact in law enforcement, security and risk mitigation.

Expanding Expertise with W1 Global and James DeStefano

Mr. Bonavolonta’s addition is expected to further strengthen Wrap’s global security, technology and investigative expertise, complementing the experience brought in through Wrap’s recent W1 Global, LLC acquisition. He joins James DeStefano, a retired FBI executive and former head of the FBI New York Field Office’s Crisis Management Program, who has spent years conducting risk and vulnerability assessments for corporate clients.

Their combined experience is expected to enhance Wrap’s ability to deliver comprehensive technology security solutions to law enforcement agencies, commercial clients and high-net-worth individuals worldwide.

About Wrap Technologies, Inc.
Wrap Technologies, Inc. (Nasdaq: WRAP) is a global leader in public safety solutions, bringing together cutting-edge technology with exceptional people to address the complex, modern day challenges facing public safety organizations.

Wrap’s BolaWrap® solution is a safer way to gain compliance—without pain. This innovative, patented device deploys light, sound, and a Kevlar® tether to safely restrain individuals from a distance, giving officers critical time and space to manage non-compliant situations before resorting to higher-force options. The BolaWrap 150 does not shoot, strike, shock, or incapacitate—instead, it helps officers operate lower on the force continuum, reducing the risk of injury to both officers and subjects. Used by over 1,000 agencies across the U.S. and in 60 countries, BolaWrap® is backed by training certified by the International Association of Directors of Law Enforcement Standards and Training (IADLEST), reinforcing Wrap’s commitment to public safety through cutting-edge technology and expert training.

Wrap Reality™ VR is an advanced, fully immersive training simulator designed to enhance decision-making under pressure. As a comprehensive public safety training platform, it provides first responders with realistic, interactive scenarios that reflect the evolving challenges of modern law enforcement. By offering a growing library of real-world situations, Wrap Reality™ equips officers with the skills and confidence to navigate high stakes encounters effectively, leading to safer outcomes for both responders and the communities they serve.

Wrap’s Intrensic solution is an advanced body-worn camera and evidence management system built for efficiency, security, and transparency. Designed to meet the rigorous demands of modern law enforcement, Intrensic seamlessly captures, stores, and manages digital evidence, ensuring integrity and full chain-of-custody compliance. With automated workflows, secure cloud storage, and intuitive case management tools, it streamlines operations, reduces administrative burden, and enhances courtroom credibility.

Trademark Information
Wrap, the Wrap logo, BolaWrap®, Wrap Reality™ and Wrap Training Academy are trademarks of Wrap Technologies, Inc., some of which are registered in the U.S. and abroad. All other trade names used herein are either trademarks or registered trademarks of the respective holders.

Cautionary Note on Forward-Looking Statements – Safe Harbor Statement
This release contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the “safe harbor” provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Words such as “expect,” “anticipate,” “should”, “believe”, “target”, “project”, “goals”, “estimate”, “potential”, “predict”, “may”, “will”, “could”, “intend”, and variations of these terms or the negative of these terms and similar expressions are intended to identify these forward-looking statements. Moreover, forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, many of which involve factors or circumstances that are beyond the Company’s control. The Company’s actual results could differ materially from those stated or implied in forward-looking statements due to a number of factors, including but not limited to: the expected benefits of the acquisition of W1 Global, LLC, the Company’s ability to maintain compliance with the Nasdaq Capital Market’s listing standards; the Company’s ability to successfully implement training programs for the use of its products; the Company’s ability to manufacture and produce products for its customers; the Company’s ability to develop sales for its products; the market acceptance of existing and future products; the availability of funding to continue to finance operations; the complexity, expense and time associated with sales to law enforcement and government entities; the lengthy evaluation and sales cycle for the Company’s product solutions; product defects; litigation risks from alleged product-related injuries; risks of government regulations; the business impact of health crises or outbreaks of disease, such as epidemics or pandemics; the impact resulting from geopolitical conflicts and any resulting sanctions; the ability to obtain export licenses for counties outside of the United States; the ability to obtain patents and defend intellectual property against competitors; the impact of competitive products and solutions; and the Company’s ability to maintain and enhance its brand, as well as other risk factors mentioned in the Company’s most recent annual report on Form 10-K, subsequent quarterly reports on Form 10-Q, and other Securities and Exchange Commission filings. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this release and were based on current expectations, estimates, forecasts, and projections as well as the beliefs and assumptions of management. Except as required by law, the Company undertakes no duty or obligation to update any forward-looking statements contained in this release as a result of new information, future events or changes in its expectations.

Investor Relations Contact:
(800) 583-2652

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at


What is Joseph Bonavolonta's new role at Wrap Technologies (WRAP)?

Joseph Bonavolonta has been appointed as Domestic Head of Managed Services at Wrap Technologies, bringing 27 years of FBI experience to strengthen the company's global law enforcement network.

How will Bonavolonta's FBI experience benefit Wrap Technologies (WRAP)?

His expertise in national security, compliance, and risk management, combined with his extensive law enforcement connections, will enhance Wrap's ability to provide innovative security solutions and expand their global presence.

What significant positions did Bonavolonta hold at the FBI before joining WRAP?

He served as Special Agent in Charge of the Boston Field Office, Deputy Assistant Director of the Counterintelligence Division, and Head of the Boston Field Office's Cyber and Counterintelligence Branch.

How does Bonavolonta's appointment align with WRAP's recent strategic moves?

His appointment complements Wrap's recent W1 Global acquisition and joins former FBI executive James DeStefano, strengthening their security and technology solutions capabilities.
Wrap Technologies Inc


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