WOW! and Augusta GreenJackets Honor Outstanding Educators in the Greater CSRA Community Throughout 2024 MiLB Season
WOW! Internet, TV & Phone (NYSE: WOW) and the Augusta GreenJackets have concluded another successful MiLB season honoring outstanding educators in the Central Savannah River Area (CSRA) through the WOW! Teacher of the Month Award. For the seventh consecutive year, the program recognized teachers who excel in creating positive educational experiences. Five teachers were honored during home games at SRP Park, each receiving $500 for classroom expenses, four GreenJackets tickets, and a commemorative plaque.
Additionally, WOW! participated in the Stuff the Bus Annual School Supply Drive, benefiting the United Way of the CSRA. This initiative helps alleviate financial burdens for families during back-to-school shopping. WOW! continues to support the CSRA community by providing internet, phone, and TV services to the GreenJackets' stadium, SRP Park.
WOW! Internet, TV & Phone (NYSE: WOW) e gli Augusta GreenJackets hanno concluso un'altra stagione di successo nella MiLB, onorando educatori eccezionali nell'Area Centrale del Fiume Savannah (CSRA) attraverso il Premio WOW! Insegnante del Mese. Per il settimo anno consecutivo, il programma ha riconosciuto insegnanti che si distinguono nella creazione di esperienze educative positive. Cinque insegnanti sono stati onorati durante le partite casalinghe allo SRP Park, ricevendo ciascuno 500 $ per le spese in aula, quattro biglietti per i GreenJackets e una targa commemorativa.
Inoltre, WOW! ha partecipato alla Raccolta Annuale di Materiale Scolastico Stuff the Bus, a beneficio dell'United Way della CSRA. Questa iniziativa aiuta ad alleviare il carico finanziario delle famiglie durante lo shopping per il ritorno a scuola. WOW! continua a supportare la comunità della CSRA offrendo servizi di internet, telefono e TV allo stadio dei GreenJackets, SRP Park.
¡WOW! Internet, TV y Teléfono (NYSE: WOW) y los Augusta GreenJackets han concluido otra exitosa temporada de MiLB honrando a educadores sobresalientes en el Área Central del Río Savannah (CSRA) a través del Premio WOW! Maestro del Mes. Por séptimo año consecutivo, el programa reconoció a profesores que sobresalen en la creación de experiencias educativas positivas. Cinco profesores fueron honrados durante los juegos en casa en el SRP Park, recibiendo cada uno $500 para gastos del aula, cuatro boletos de los GreenJackets y una placa conmemorativa.
Además, WOW! participó en la Recolección Anual de Suministros Escolares Stuff the Bus, que beneficia a United Way de la CSRA. Esta iniciativa ayuda a aliviar la carga financiera para las familias durante las compras para el regreso a clases. WOW! sigue apoyando a la comunidad de CSRA al proporcionar servicios de internet, teléfono y TV al estadio de los GreenJackets, SRP Park.
WOW! 인터넷, TV & 전화 (NYSE: WOW)와 오거스타 그린재켓츠는 중앙 사바나강 지역 (CSRA)의 훌륭한 교육자들을 기리기 위해 WOW! 이달의 교사상으로 또 하나의 성공적인 MiLB 시즌을 마무리했습니다. 7년 연속으로, 이 프로그램은 긍정적인 교육 경험을 창출하는 데 뛰어난 교사들을 인정했습니다. 다섯 명의 교사가 SRP 공원에서 열린 홈 게임 중에 화를 받았으며, 각자 $500의 교실 경비와 네 장의 그린재켓츠 티켓, 기념 동판을 받았습니다.
또한, WOW!는 버스를 채우기 위한 연례 학교 용품 기부 행사에 참여하여 CSRA의 유나이티드 웨이를 지원했습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 학교 개학 쇼핑 동안 가족들의 재정적 부담을 덜어주는 데 도움을 줍니다. WOW!는 그린재켓츠의 스타디움인 SRP 공원에 인터넷, 전화 및 TV 서비스를 제공하여 CSRA 커뮤니티를 지속적으로 지원하고 있습니다.
WOW! Internet, TV & Téléphone (NYSE: WOW) et les Augusta GreenJackets ont conclu une autre saison réussie de MiLB en honorant des éducateurs exceptionnels dans la région Centrale de la Rivière Savannah (CSRA) grâce au Prix WOW! Enseignant du Mois. Pour la septième année consécutive, le programme a reconnu des enseignants qui excellent dans la création d'expériences éducatives positives. Cinq enseignants ont été honorés lors des matchs à domicile au SRP Park, chacun recevant 500 $ pour des dépenses de classe, quatre billets pour les GreenJackets et une plaque commémorative.
De plus, WOW! a participé à la Collecte Annuelle de Fournitures Scolaires Stuff the Bus, au bénéfice de United Way de la CSRA. Cette initiative aide à alléger le fardeau financier des familles pendant les achats de rentrée scolaire. WOW! continue de soutenir la communauté de la CSRA en fournissant des services Internet, téléphone et TV au stade des GreenJackets, SRP Park.
WOW! Internet, TV & Phone (NYSE: WOW) und die Augusta GreenJackets haben eine weitere erfolgreiche MiLB-Saison abgeschlossen, in der herausragende Pädagogen im Central Savannah River Area (CSRA) durch den WOW! Lehrer des Monats Preis geehrt wurden. Zum siebten Mal in Folge wurden Lehrer ausgezeichnet, die in der Schaffung positiver Bildungserfahrungen besonders hervorgestochen haben. Fünf Lehrer wurden während der Heimspiele im SRP Park geehrt, jeder erhielt 500 $ für Klassenraumkosten, vier GreenJackets-Tickets und eine Gedenktafel.
Zusätzlich nahm WOW! an der Stuff the Bus Jahres-Aktion zur Schulmaterialsammlung teil, die der United Way der CSRA zugutekommt. Diese Initiative hilft, die finanzielle Belastung für Familien während der Einkaufszeit vor der Schule zu verringern. WOW! unterstützt die Gemeinschaft in CSRA weiterhin, indem es Internet-, Telefon- und Fernsehdienste für das Stadion der GreenJackets, den SRP Park, bereitstellt.
- WOW! honored five teachers with $500 each for classroom expenses
- Continued support for education through Teacher of the Month Award for the seventh year
- Participation in the Stuff the Bus Annual School Supply Drive to support local families
- Ongoing partnership with Augusta GreenJackets, providing services to SRP Park
- None.
Broadband leader provides ongoing support to educators and students in the area with the Teacher of the Month Award and Stuff the Bus Annual School Supply Drive
WOW! is a proud supporter of the CSRA community, powering the GreenJackets' stadium, SRP Park, with internet, phone and TV services. During home games at SRP Park, WOW! honored five teachers with the Teacher of the Month Award. Each winner was recognized during on-field pre-game ceremonies and received
In a joint effort with the GreenJackets and SRP Federal Credit Union, WOW! also co-hosted the Stuff the Bus Annual School Supply Drive at SRP Park in July. The drive collects school supplies to donate to the United Way of the CSRA and helps to ease some of the financial hardships associated with back-to-school shopping for families within the community.
"Every year we are proud to sponsor the WOW! Teacher of the Month Award and honor the educators in the
"Thank you to WOW! and the community for showing up every year to help our local students and teachers. We are indebted to the teachers who ensure our kids thrive and are proud to have honored them with this esteemed award throughout our 2024 season," said Tom Denlinger, vice president of the Augusta GreenJackets.
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About WOW! Internet, TV & Phone
WOW! is one of the nation's leading broadband providers, with an efficient and high-performing network that passes nearly 2 million residential, business and wholesale consumers. WOW! provides services in 16 markets, primarily in the Midwest and Southeast, including
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