Walmart, Sam’s Club and the Walmart Foundation Increase Commitment to $10 Million to Hurricane Helene Relief Efforts

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Walmart, Sam's Club, and the Walmart Foundation have increased their commitment to $10 million for Hurricane Helene relief efforts across impacted communities in Georgia, Florida, North and South Carolina, and Tennessee. The company is providing essential resources such as charging stations, food, water, showers, and laundry in store and club parking lots.

Walmart has joined forces with Dolly Parton, who announced a $1 million donation to the Mountain Ways Foundation for flood victims. Dolly's East Tennessee businesses and The Dollywood Foundation have pledged to match her donation. The Walmart Foundation is also making a grant to the East Tennessee Foundation.

A nationwide customer campaign was launched, matching customer and member donations to the American Red Cross 1:1, up to $2.5 million. The match was met by October 3, but fundraising will continue through October 13.

Walmart, Sam's Club e la Walmart Foundation hanno aumentato il loro impegno a $10 milioni per gli sforzi di soccorso legati all'uragano Helene nelle comunità colpite in Georgia, Florida, Carolina del Nord e del Sud e Tennessee. L'azienda sta fornendo risorse essenziali come stazioni di ricarica, cibo, acqua, docce e lavanderia nei parcheggi dei negozi e dei club.

Walmart ha unito le forze con Dolly Parton, che ha annunciato una donazione di $1 milione alla Mountain Ways Foundation per le vittime delle inondazioni. Le attività di Dolly in Tennessee orientale e la Dollywood Foundation hanno promesso di pareggiare la sua donazione. Anche la Walmart Foundation sta effettuando una donazione alla East Tennessee Foundation.

È stata lanciata una campagna clienti a livello nazionale, che equalizza le donazioni dei clienti e dei membri alla Croce Rossa Americana 1:1, fino a un massimo di $2,5 milioni. Il match è stato raggiunto entro il 3 ottobre, ma la raccolta fondi continuerà fino al 13 ottobre.

Walmart, Sam's Club y la Walmart Foundation han Aumentado su compromiso a $10 millones para los esfuerzos de ayuda ante el huracán Helene en las comunidades afectadas en Georgia, Florida, Carolina del Norte y del Sur, y Tennessee. La empresa está proporcionando recursos esenciales como estaciones de carga, comida, agua, duchas y lavandería en los estacionamientos de las tiendas y clubes.

Walmart se ha unido a Dolly Parton, quien anunció una donación de $1 millón a la Mountain Ways Foundation para las víctimas de inundaciones. Los negocios de Dolly en el este de Tennessee y la Dollywood Foundation se han comprometido a igualar su donación. La Walmart Foundation también está haciendo una subvención a la East Tennessee Foundation.

Se lanzó una campaña a nivel nacional para clientes, igualando donaciones de clientes y miembros a la Cruz Roja Americana 1:1, hasta $2,5 millones. El emparejamiento se logró el 3 de octubre, pero la recaudación de fondos continuará hasta el 13 de octubre.

월마트, 샘스클럽, 그리고 월마트 재단은 조지아, 플로리다, 노스캐롤라이나, 사우스캐롤라이나, 테네시의 피해 지역사회를 위한 허리케인 헬렌 구호 활동에 천만 달러로의 기여를 늘렸습니다. 회사는 충전소, 음식, 물, 샤워시설, 세탁기 등의 필수 자원을 매장 및 클럽 주차장에서 제공합니다.

월마트는 돌리 파튼과 협력하여 그녀가 홍수 피해자들을 위해 마운틴 웨이즈 재단에 천만 달러를 기부한다고 발표했습니다. 돌리의 동부 테네시 사업체와 돌리우드 재단은 그녀의 기부를 매칭하겠다고 약속했습니다. 월마트 재단 또한 동부 테네시 재단에 보조금을 제공하고 있습니다.

전국 고객 캠페인이 시작되었으며, 고객과 회원의 기부금이 미국 적십자사에 1:1로 매칭되며 최대 250만 달러까지 이뤄진다고 합니다. 매칭은 10월 3일까지 달성되었지만, 모금 활동은 10월 13일까지 계속될 것입니다.

Walmart, Sam's Club et la Walmart Foundation ont augmenté leur engagement à 10 millions de dollars pour les efforts de secours liés à l'ouragan Helene dans les communautés touchées en Géorgie, Floride, Caroline du Nord et du Sud, et Tennessee. L'entreprise fournit des ressources essentielles telles que des stations de recharge, de la nourriture, de l'eau, des douches et des services de blanchisserie dans les parkings des magasins et des clubs.

Walmart a fait équipe avec Dolly Parton, qui a annoncé un don d'un million de dollars à la Mountain Ways Foundation pour les victimes des inondations. Les entreprises de Dolly dans l'Est du Tennessee et la Dollywood Foundation ont promis d'égaler son don. La Walmart Foundation fait également une subvention à la East Tennessee Foundation.

Une campagne client à l'échelle nationale a été lancée, qui aligne les dons des clients et des membres à la Croix-Rouge américaine 1:1, jusqu'à 2,5 millions de dollars. Ce montant a été atteint le 3 octobre, mais la collecte de fonds se poursuivra jusqu'au 13 octobre.

Walmart, Sam's Club und die Walmart-Stiftung haben ihr Engagement auf 10 Millionen Dollar erhöht für die Hilfsmaßnahmen nach dem Hurrikan Helene in den betroffenen Gemeinden in Georgia, Florida, North und South Carolina sowie Tennessee. Das Unternehmen bietet essentielle Ressourcen wie Ladestationen, Lebensmittel, Wasser, Duschen und Waschmöglichkeiten in den Parkplätzen der Geschäfte und Clubs an.

Walmart hat sich mit Dolly Parton zusammengeschlossen, die eine Spende von 1 Million Dollar an die Mountain Ways Foundation für Flutopfer angekündigt hat. Dollys Unternehmen in Osttennessee und die Dollywood-Stiftung haben sich verpflichtet, ihre Spende zu verdoppeln. Die Walmart-Stiftung gibt auch einen Zuschuss an die East Tennessee Foundation.

Eine landesweite Kundenkampagne wurde gestartet, die die Spenden von Kunden und Mitgliedern an das Rote Kreuz 1:1 bis zu 2,5 Millionen Dollar entsprechend verdoppelt. Das Ziel wurde bis zum 3. Oktober erreicht, die Spendenaktion wird jedoch bis zum 13. Oktober weitergeführt.

  • Increased commitment to $10 million for Hurricane Helene relief efforts
  • Providing essential resources in store and club parking lots across affected areas
  • Partnering with Dolly Parton for additional $2 million in donations for Eastern Tennessee
  • Successful customer donation campaign reaching $2.5 million match goal quickly
  • None.

Company joins Dolly Parton in support of communities impacted in Eastern Tennessee

BENTONVILLE, Ark. & NEWPORT, Tenn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Walmart and Sam’s Club have long been a part of the communities in Appalachia and the Southeast. As the country takes toll of significant destruction left by Hurricane Helene, Walmart, Sam’s Club and the Walmart Foundation are increasing their commitment to $10 million, up from $6 million, to support time-sensitive relief efforts across impacted communities in Georgia, Florida, North and South Carolina and Tennessee.

“These aren’t just places where we have stores, these are communities where we work and live, and our hearts are broken for our friends and neighbors,” said John Furner, president and CEO, Walmart U.S. “This is one of the most widespread and destructive storms I’ve seen in my 31 years with Walmart. But I’ve also seen over 31 years that Walmart associates always step up when needed. It's who we are and who we will continue to be. We’ll support people and communities until they’ve recovered.”

Since Hurricane Helene – the 14th most powerful storm in recorded history to hit the United States – made landfall, Walmart has been working around the clock with local leaders and relief organizations to assess needs and quickly deliver critical aid to nearly 100 communities across the area. Essential resources such as charging stations, food and hot meals, water distributions, showers and laundry are available at many store and club parking lots across Appalachia and the Southeast. An updated list of resources available in the affected communities is here.

At Walmart, it is the associates who make the difference. Thousands of Walmart and Sam’s Club associates have been serving their customers, members and communities during this difficult time, and many were impacted by the storm themselves. As Walmart and Sam’s Club associates are supporting their communities, the company has been supporting them, connecting with associates to provide evacuation assistance, support pay and essentials like food, showers and laundry, as well as mental health resources.

Taking a stand with Dolly

Today, the company also joined global icon and Tennessee native Dolly Parton at a Walmart Supercenter in an Eastern Tennessee community heavily impacted by the storm. Dolly announced a $1 million donation to the Mountain Ways Foundation, a registered 501(c)(3) dedicated to providing assistance to Hurricane Helene flood victims. In addition, Dolly’s East Tennessee businesses—Dollywood Parks & Resorts, Dolly Parton’s Stampede, and Pirates Voyage Dinner & Show—as well as The Dollywood Foundation are combining efforts and have pledged to match her donation to Mountain Ways with a $1 million contribution of their own.

“These are special people here; they’re my people,” Dolly explained. “I feel like all people are my people, but everyone here grew up in the mountains just like I did so of course I have a close connection to them. I can’t stand to see anyone hurting, so I wanted to do what I could to help after these terrible floods. I hope we can all be a little bit of light in the world for our friends, our neighbors — even strangers — during this dark time they are experiencing.”

Specific to Eastern Tennessee, the Walmart Foundation is making a grant to the East Tennessee Foundation. Walmart and Sam’s Club have provided water donations to local organizations and resources such as food and hot meals, water distributions, showers and laundry in Walmart parking lots in Newport, Elizabethton and Greeneville.

Ways you can help

Across the country, Walmart and Sam’s Club customers have been looking for ways to help. As part of the $10 million commitment, Walmart and Sam’s Club launched a nationwide customer campaign, matching customer and member donations at checkout to the American Red Cross 1:1, up to $2.5 million, from Sept. 30 – Oct. 13. The generosity from customers and members poured in quickly, and the $2.5 million match was met as of Oct. 3. Fundraising for the American Red Cross will continue at Walmart and Sam’s Club and on through Oct. 13.

About Walmart

Walmart Inc. (NYSE: WMT) is a people-led, tech-powered omnichannel retailer helping people save money and live better — anytime and anywhere — in stores, online, and through their mobile devices. Each week, approximately 255 million customers and members visit more than 10,500 stores and numerous eCommerce websites in 19 countries. With fiscal year 2024 revenue of $648 billion, Walmart employs approximately 2.1 million associates worldwide. Walmart continues to be a leader in sustainability, corporate philanthropy, and employment opportunity. Additional information about Walmart can be found by visiting, on Facebook at, on X (formerly known as Twitter) at, and on LinkedIn at

About Philanthropy at Walmart represents the philanthropic efforts of Walmart and the Walmart Foundation. The team works to tackle key social and environmental issues relevant for the retail sector in collaboration with others to spark long-lasting systemic change.

Walmart Global Press Office


Source: Walmart Inc.


How much has Walmart committed to Hurricane Helene relief efforts?

Walmart, Sam's Club, and the Walmart Foundation have increased their commitment to $10 million for Hurricane Helene relief efforts across impacted communities.

What resources is Walmart providing for Hurricane Helene victims?

Walmart is providing essential resources such as charging stations, food and hot meals, water distributions, showers, and laundry in many store and club parking lots across affected areas.

How is Walmart (WMT) supporting its associates affected by Hurricane Helene?

Walmart is supporting affected associates by providing evacuation assistance, support pay, essentials like food, showers, and laundry, as well as mental health resources.

What is Dolly Parton's contribution to Hurricane Helene relief efforts?

Dolly Parton announced a $1 million donation to the Mountain Ways Foundation for flood victims, with her East Tennessee businesses and The Dollywood Foundation matching the donation for a total of $2 million.

How can customers contribute to Hurricane Helene relief through Walmart (WMT)?

Customers can donate at Walmart and Sam's Club checkouts or on through October 13, with donations going to the American Red Cross for Hurricane Helene relief efforts.

Walmart Inc.


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