Wearable Devices and RayNeo Collaborate to Lead the Industry of Neural Control for AR Glasses

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Wearable Devices (Nasdaq: WLDS, WLDSW) has announced a collaboration with RayNeo, a leader in augmented reality (AR) technology, to develop mass production level neural interface AR glasses. This partnership aims to integrate Wearable Devices' neural gesture control technology with RayNeo's AR glasses, enabling hands-free, gesture-based interactions in augmented and mixed reality environments.

The collaboration showcases the potential of neural gesture control in creating immersive and intuitive interactions in mixed reality. Both companies will demonstrate how neural interface technology can be seamlessly integrated into AR devices, enhancing user experience. This partnership reflects their shared vision of redefining human-technology interaction in the rapidly evolving extended reality (XR) space.

Wearable Devices (Nasdaq: WLDS, WLDSW) ha annunciato una collaborazione con RayNeo, un leader nella tecnologia della realtà aumentata (AR), per sviluppare occhiali AR con interfaccia neurale a livello di produzione di massa. Questa partnership mira a integrare la tecnologia di controllo gestuale neurale di Wearable Devices con gli occhiali AR di RayNeo, consentendo interazioni senza mani basate su gesti in ambienti di realtà aumentata e mista.

La collaborazione mette in evidenza il potenziale del controllo gestuale neurale nel creare interazioni immersive e intuitive nella realtà mista. Entrambe le aziende dimostreranno come la tecnologia di interfaccia neurale possa essere integrata senza soluzione di continuità nei dispositivi AR, migliorando l'esperienza dell'utente. Questa partnership riflette la loro visione condivisa di ridefinire l'interazione uomo-tecnologia nel rapidamente evolvente spazio della realtà estesa (XR).

Wearable Devices (Nasdaq: WLDS, WLDSW) ha anunciado una colaboración con RayNeo, un líder en tecnología de realidad aumentada (AR), para desarrollar gafas AR con interfaz neural a nivel de producción masiva. Esta asociación tiene como objetivo integrar la tecnología de control gestual neural de Wearable Devices con las gafas AR de RayNeo, permitiendo interacciones basadas en gestos sin manos en entornos de realidad aumentada y mixta.

La colaboración muestra el potencial del control gestual neural para crear interacciones inmersivas e intuitivas en la realidad mixta. Ambas empresas demostrarán cómo la tecnología de interfaz neural puede integrarse de manera fluida en los dispositivos AR, mejorando la experiencia del usuario. Esta asociación refleja su visión compartida de redefinir la interacción humano-tecnológica en el rápidamente evolucionado espacio de realidad extendida (XR).

Wearable Devices (Nasdaq: WLDS, WLDSW)는 증강 현실(AR) 기술의 선두주자인 RayNeo와 함께 대량 생산 수준의 뉴럴 인터페이스 AR 안경을 개발하기 위한 협력을 발표했습니다. 이번 파트너십은 Wearable Devices의 신경 제스처 제어 기술과 RayNeo의 AR 안경을 통합하여 손이 자유로운 제스처 기반 상호작용을 증강 현실 및 혼합 현실 환경에서 가능하게 하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

이 협력은 혼합 현실에서 몰입감 있고 직관적인 상호작용을 창출하기 위한 신경 제스처 제어의 잠재력을 보여줍니다. 두 회사는 신경 인터페이스 기술이 AR 장치에 원활하게 통합될 수 있는 방법을 시연하여 사용자 경험을 향상시킬 것입니다. 이 파트너십은 급변하는 확장 현실(XR) 분야에서 인간-기술 상호작용을 재정의하려는 공동의 비전을 반영합니다.

Wearable Devices (Nasdaq: WLDS, WLDSW) a annoncé une collaboration avec RayNeo, un leader dans la technologie de la réalité augmentée (AR), pour développer des lunettes AR avec interface neurale à un niveau de production de masse. Ce partenariat vise à intégrer la technologie de contrôle gestuel neural de Wearable Devices avec les lunettes AR de RayNeo, permettant ainsi des interactions sans mains basées sur des gestes dans des environnements de réalité augmentée et mixte.

La collaboration met en valeur le potentiel du contrôle gestuel neural pour créer des interactions immersives et intuitives dans la réalité mixte. Les deux entreprises démontreront comment la technologie d'interface neurale peut être intégrée de manière fluide dans les dispositifs AR, améliorant ainsi l'expérience utilisateur. Ce partenariat reflète leur vision partagée de redéfinir l'interaction homme-technologie dans l'espace de la réalité étendue (XR), qui évolue rapidement.

Wearable Devices (Nasdaq: WLDS, WLDSW) hat eine Zusammenarbeit mit RayNeo, einem Führer in der Augmented Reality (AR)-Technologie, angekündigt, um AR-Brillen mit neuronaler Schnittstelle auf Massenproduktionsniveau zu entwickeln. Diese Partnerschaft zielt darauf ab, die neuronale Gestensteuerungstechnologie von Wearable Devices mit den AR-Brillen von RayNeo zu integrieren, um händlerfreie, gestenbasierte Interaktionen in erweiterten und gemischten Realitätsumgebungen zu ermöglichen.

Die Zusammenarbeit zeigt das Potenzial der neuronalen Gestensteuerung zur Schaffung von immersiven und intuitiven Interaktionen in der gemischten Realität. Beide Unternehmen werden demonstrieren, wie die neuronale Schnittstellentechnologie nahtlos in AR-Geräte integriert werden kann, was das Benutzererlebnis verbessert. Diese Partnerschaft spiegelt ihre gemeinsame Vision wider, die Interaktion zwischen Mensch und Technologie im schnell entwickelnden Bereich der erweiterten Realität (XR) neu zu definieren.

  • Collaboration with RayNeo, a leader in AR technology
  • Development of mass production level neural interface AR glasses
  • Potential for new innovations in the XR market
  • Enhancement of user experience through hands-free, gesture-based interactions
  • Full terms of the collaboration are still subject to negotiation


This collaboration between Wearable Devices and RayNeo marks a significant step forward in AR technology integration. By combining RayNeo's AR glasses with Wearable Devices' Mudra neural gesture control, they're aiming to create a more intuitive and immersive user experience in the XR space.

The partnership has potential to address key challenges in AR adoption, such as natural user interfaces and hands-free interaction. However, it's important to note that this is still in the development stage, with no concrete product or timeline announced. The market for AR glasses is competitive, with major tech giants also investing heavily in this space.

For $4.47 million market cap Wearable Devices, this collaboration could provide valuable exposure and potential revenue streams if successful. Investors should monitor for future updates on product development, market reception and any financial terms of the partnership.

The XR market is projected to grow significantly, with some estimates putting it at a 30.7% CAGR through 2030. This collaboration positions both companies to potentially capitalize on this growth. However, the AR glasses market is still nascent, with challenges in user adoption and practical applications.

Key factors to watch include:

  • Consumer acceptance of neural interface technology
  • Competition from established tech giants in the AR space
  • Regulatory landscape for neural interface devices
  • Potential applications beyond consumer use (e.g., enterprise, healthcare)

While promising, investors should approach with caution given the early stage of this technology and Wearable Devices' small market cap. The success of this venture will largely depend on the companies' ability to deliver a compelling product that overcomes current limitations in AR user experience.

YOKNEAM ILLIT, ISRAEL, Oct. 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Wearable Devices Ltd. (the “Company” or “Wearable Devices”) (Nasdaq: WLDS, WLDSW), a technology growth company specializing in artificial intelligence (“AI")-powered touchless sensing wearables, today announces the collaboration with RayNeo™ (“RayNeo”), a leader in augmented reality (AR) technology, to collaborate in delivering mass production level solution of next-generation neural interface AR glasses.

Both parties will be showcasing how neural interface technology can be seamlessly integrated into AR devices, enhancing user experience by enabling hands-free, gesture-based interactions in augmented and mixed reality environments.

RayNeo is known for its innovations in AR, developing cutting-edge AR glasses that enhance immersive experiences by overlaying digital content in the real world. By integrating RayNeo’s AR glasses with Wearable Devices’ neural gesture control technology, users can experience a truly hands-free interaction, elevating the immersive experience to new heights.

“We are thrilled to collaborate with an innovative leader such as RayNeo,” said Asher Dahan,  Chief Executive Officer of Wearable Devices. “Our Mudra technology demonstrates the potential of neural gesture control to create immersive, intuitive, and natural interactions in mixed reality environments. This partnership reflects our mutual vision of redefining how people interact with technology in the rapidly evolving extended reality (XR) space.”

“Collaborating with Wearable Devices represents a significant leap forward in the future of AR technology,” said Howie Li, CEO of RayNeo. “By combining RayNeo’s advanced AR glasses with the cutting-edge neural interface technology from Wearable Devices, we are committed to providing innovative solutions that empower users and transform everyday experiences. We believe this collaboration will lead to a new era of smart, intuitive, and immersive wearable experiences.”

This collaboration highlights the potential for future innovations in the XR market. The combination of RayNeo’s advanced AR hardware and Wearable Devices’ neural input technology creates exciting possibilities for the next generation of smart wearables, offering seamless and touchless control across various applications. The details of the full terms of this collaboration are subject to negotiation and execution of definitive agreements.

About Wearable Devices Ltd.

Wearable Devices Ltd. is a growth company developing AI-based neural input interface technology for the B2C and B2B markets. The Company’s flagship product, the Mudra Band for Apple Watch, integrates innovative AI-based technology and algorithms into a functional, stylish wristband that utilizes proprietary sensors to identify subtle finger and wrist movements allowing the user to “touchlessly” interact with connected devices. The Company also markets a B2B product, which utilizes the same technology and functions as the Mudra Band and is available to businesses on a licensing basis. Wearable Devices Is committed to creating disruptive, industry leading technology that leverages AI and proprietary algorithms, software, and hardware to set the input standard for the Extended Reality, one of the most rapidly expanding landscapes in the tech industry. The Company’s ordinary shares and warrants trade on the Nasdaq market under the symbols “WLDS” and “WLDSW”, respectively.

About RayNeo™

RayNeo™, incubated by TCL Electronics (1070.HK), is an industry leader in consumer-grade AR innovation, developing some of the world's most revolutionary AR consumer hardware, software and applications. RayNeo specializes in the research and development of AR technologies with industry-leading optics, display, algorithm and device manufacturing.

Established in 2021, RayNeo has launched the world's first full-color Micro-LED optical waveguide AR glasses, achieving several technology breakthroughs in the industry. Alongside winning the "Best Connected Consumer Device" at MWC's Global Mobile Awards (GLOMO) 2023 with NXTWEAR S, RayNeo also developed the innovation consumer XR wearable glasses, RayNeo Air 2, featuring top-tier, cinematic audiovisual experiences with ultimate comfort. For more information, please visit:

Forward-Looking Statement Disclaimer

This press release contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, that are intended to be covered by the “safe harbor” created by those sections. Forward-looking statements, which are based on certain assumptions and describe our future plans, strategies and expectations, can generally be identified by the use of forward-looking terms such as “believe,” “expect,” “may,” “should,” “could,” “seek,” “intend,” “plan,” “goal,” “estimate,” “anticipate” or other comparable terms. For example, we are using forward-looking statements when we discuss benefits and advantages of our technology and solutions and those of RayNeo and our expectation that this collaboration will lead to a new era of smart, intuitive, and immersive wearable experiences. All statements other than statements of historical facts included in this press release regarding our strategies, prospects, financial condition, operations, costs, plans and objectives are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are neither historical facts nor assurances of future performance. Instead, they are based only on our current beliefs, expectations and assumptions regarding the future of our business, future plans and strategies, projections, anticipated events and trends, the economy and other future conditions. Because forward-looking statements relate to the future, they are subject to inherent uncertainties, risks and changes in circumstances that are difficult to predict and many of which are outside of our control. Our actual results and financial condition may differ materially from those indicated in the forward-looking statements. The Company may not enter into or complete any definitive agreement for the proposed collaboration or, even if it does, such collaboration may not achieve the intended benefits. Therefore, you should not rely on any of these forward-looking statements. Important factors that could cause our actual results and financial condition to differ materially from those indicated in the forward-looking statements include, among others, the following: the full terms of the contemplated collaboration which are subject to negotiation and execution of definitive agreements; the trading of our ordinary shares or warrants and the development of a liquid trading market; our ability to successfully market our products and services; the acceptance of our products and services by customers; our continued ability to pay operating costs and ability to meet demand for our products and services; the amount and nature of competition from other security and telecom products and services; the effects of changes in the cybersecurity and telecom markets; our ability to successfully develop new products and services; our success establishing and maintaining collaborative, strategic alliance agreements, licensing and supplier arrangements; our ability to comply with applicable regulations; and the other risks and uncertainties described in our annual report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2023, filed on March 15, 2024 and our other filings with the SEC. We undertake no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statement, whether written or oral, that may be made from time to time, whether as a result of new information, future developments or otherwise.

Investor Relations Contact

Walter Frank
IMS Investor Relations


What is the purpose of the collaboration between Wearable Devices and RayNeo?

The collaboration aims to develop mass production level neural interface AR glasses, integrating Wearable Devices' neural gesture control technology with RayNeo's AR glasses to enable hands-free, gesture-based interactions in augmented and mixed reality environments.

How will this collaboration impact the XR market?

This collaboration has the potential to lead to future innovations in the XR market by combining RayNeo's advanced AR hardware with Wearable Devices' neural input technology, creating new possibilities for smart wearables and seamless, touchless control across various applications.

What is the stock symbol for Wearable Devices ?

The stock symbol for Wearable Devices is WLDS on the Nasdaq stock exchange.

What technology does Wearable Devices (WLDS) specialize in?

Wearable Devices (WLDS) specializes in AI-powered touchless sensing wearables, particularly their Mudra technology for neural gesture control.

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Consumer Electronics
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Yokneam Illit