Worksport Provides Progress Update on ISO 9000 Certification

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Worksport (NASDAQ: WKSP) is progressing towards achieving ISO 9000 certification at its West Seneca, NY factory, anticipated by early-mid 2025. This certification reflects Worksport's commitment to quality manufacturing and is expected to support potential growth in key future markets, including government contracts, OEM relationships, and larger distribution networks.

ISO 9000 certification is a strategic milestone that could position Worksport among a select group of manufacturers, as less than 7% of the tonneau cover industry holds this certification. It may enhance operational efficiency, process control, and provide marketing advantages, potentially leading to business opportunities with major car brands.

For investors, this certification could support market expansion and revenue opportunities, particularly in high-demand industries like automotive, electronics, and aerospace. Worksport expects improvements in key performance indicators such as Days to Ship, Defects per Unit, Customer Satisfaction, and Production Capacity, potentially enhancing operational efficiency and profitability.

Worksport (NASDAQ: WKSP) sta facendo progressi verso il conseguimento della certificazione ISO 9000 presso il suo stabilimento di West Seneca, NY, prevista per la prima metà del 2025. Questa certificazione riflette l'impegno di Worksport per una produzione di qualità e ci si aspetta che supporti una potenziale crescita in mercati chiave futuri, inclusi contratti governativi, relazioni OEM e reti di distribuzione più ampie.

La certificazione ISO 9000 rappresenta un traguardo strategico che potrebbe posizionare Worksport tra un gruppo selezionato di produttori, dato che meno del 7% dell'industria dei copertoni per camion ha questa certificazione. Potrebbe migliorare l'efficienza operativa, il controllo dei processi e fornire vantaggi sul mercato, portando potenzialmente a opportunità di affari con grandi marche automobilistiche.

Per gli investitori, questa certificazione potrebbe sostenere l'espansione del mercato e le opportunità di fatturato, in particolare in settori ad alta domanda come l'automotive, l'elettronica e l'aerospaziale. Worksport si aspetta miglioramenti in indicatori chiave di performance come i Giorni per la Spedizione, Difetti per Unità, Soddisfazione del Cliente e Capacità Produttiva, potenzialmente migliorando l'efficienza operativa e la redditività.

Worksport (NASDAQ: WKSP) está avanzando hacia la obtención de la certificación ISO 9000 en su fábrica de West Seneca, NY, que se anticipa para principios y mediados de 2025. Esta certificación refleja el compromiso de Worksport con la fabricación de calidad y se espera que apoye el potencial crecimiento en mercados clave futuros, incluidos contratos gubernamentales, relaciones OEM y redes de distribución más grandes.

La certificación ISO 9000 es un hito estratégico que podría posicionar a Worksport entre un grupo selecto de fabricantes, ya que menos del 7% de la industria de cubiertas para camiones cuenta con esta certificación. Podría mejorar la eficiencia operativa, el control de procesos y proporcionar ventajas de marketing, lo que podría llevar a oportunidades comerciales con grandes marcas automotrices.

Para los inversores, esta certificación podría apoyar la expansión del mercado y las oportunidades de ingresos, particularmente en industrias de alta demanda como la automotriz, la electrónica y la aeroespacial. Worksport espera mejoras en indicadores clave de rendimiento, como Días para Enviar, Defectos por Unidad, Satisfacción del Cliente y Capacidad de Producción, lo que podría mejorar la eficiencia operativa y la rentabilidad.

Worksport (NASDAQ: WKSP)는 뉴욕주 웨스트 세네카에 있는 공장에서 ISO 9000 인증을 받을 준비를 하고 있으며, 이는 2025년 초중반에 예상됩니다. 이 인증은 Worksport의 품질 제조에 대한 헌신을 반영하며, 정부 계약, OEM 관계 및 더 큰 유통 네트워크를 포함한 미래의 주요 시장에서 잠재적인 성장을 지원할 것으로 기대됩니다.

ISO 9000 인증은 Worksport가 선택된 제조업체 그룹에 위치할 수 있도록 하는 전략적 이정표로, 적은 수의 토너커버 산업이 이 인증을 보유하고 있습니다. 이는 운영 효율성, 프로세스 제어를 향상시키고 마케팅 장점을 제공하여 주요 자동차 브랜드와의 비즈니스 기회로 이어질 수 있습니다.

투자자들에게 이 인증은 자동차, 전자, 항공우주와 같은 수요가 높은 산업에서 시장 확장과 수익 기회를 지원할 수 있습니다. Worksport는 출하 일수, 단위당 결함, 고객 만족도 및 생산 능력과 같은 주요 성과 지표에서 개선을 기대하고 있으며, 이는 운영 효율성과 수익성을 향상시킬 수 있습니다.

Worksport (NASDAQ: WKSP) progresse vers l'obtention de la certification ISO 9000 dans son usine de West Seneca, NY, prévue pour le début ou le milieu de 2025. Cette certification reflète l'engagement de Worksport en matière de fabrication de qualité et devrait soutenir une croissance potentielle dans des marchés clés à venir, y compris les contrats gouvernementaux, les relations OEM et des réseaux de distribution plus importants.

La certification ISO 9000 est une étape stratégique qui pourrait positionner Worksport parmi un groupe sélectionné de fabricants, car moins de 7% de l'industrie des couvre-tonneaux détient cette certification. Elle pourrait améliorer l'efficacité opérationnelle, le contrôle des processus et offrir des avantages marketing, conduisant potentiellement à des opportunités commerciales avec de grandes marques automobiles.

Pour les investisseurs, cette certification pourrait soutenir l'expansion du marché et les opportunités de revenus, en particulier dans des secteurs à forte demande comme l'automobile, l'électronique et l'aérospatial. Worksport s'attend à des améliorations dans des indicateurs clés de performance tels que les Jours Avant Expédition, les Défauts par Unité, la Satisfaction Client et la Capacité de Production, ce qui pourrait améliorer l'efficacité opérationnelle et la rentabilité.

Worksport (NASDAQ: WKSP) macht Fortschritte auf dem Weg zur ISO 9000 Zertifizierung in seiner Fabrik in West Seneca, NY, die für Anfang bis Mitte 2025 erwartet wird. Diese Zertifizierung spiegelt das Engagement von Worksport für qualitätsvolle Fertigung wider und wird voraussichtlich das potenzielle Wachstum in wichtigen zukünftigen Märkten unterstützen, einschließlich Regierungsaufträgen, OEM-Beziehungen und größeren Vertriebsnetzwerken.

Die ISO 9000 Zertifizierung ist ein strategischer Meilenstein, der Worksport unter eine ausgewählte Gruppe von Herstellern positionieren könnte, da weniger als 7% der Tonneau-Deckel-Industrie über diese Zertifizierung verfügen. Sie könnte die Betriebseffizienz, die Prozesskontrolle erhöhen und Marketingvorteile bieten, was möglicherweise zu Geschäftsmöglichkeiten mit großen Automarken führen könnte.

Für Investoren könnte diese Zertifizierung die Marktexpansion und Einnahmechancen unterstützen, insbesondere in stark nachgefragten Branchen wie der Automobil-, Elektronik- und Luftfahrtindustrie. Worksport erwartet Verbesserungen bei wichtigen Leistungskennzahlen wie Versandtage, Defekte pro Einheit, Kundenzufriedenheit und Produktionskapazität, was möglicherweise die Betriebseffizienz und Rentabilität steigern könnte.

  • None.
  • None.

ISO Certification paves the way to OEM relationships which could include direct and indirect sales to global car makers such as Rivian, Tesla, Ford, General Motors, Hyundai, Honda, Stellantis, Nissan, and Toyota.

West Seneca, New York, Sept. 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Worksport Ltd. (NASDAQ: WKSP) (“Worksport” or the “Company”), a U.S.-based manufacturer and innovator of hybrid and clean energy solutions for the light truck, overlanding, and global consumer goods sectors is thrilled to announce that it is progressing towards achievement of ISO 9000 certification at its state-of-the-art West Seneca, NY factory anticipated by early-mid 2025. This certification reflects Worksport’s commitment to quality manufacturing and is expected to support potential growth in key future markets including government contracts, Original Equipment Manufacturers (“OEM”) relationships and larger distribution networks. OEM relationships may lead to future direct and indirect sales opportunities to domestic car brands such as Rivian, Tesla, Ford, General Motors, Hyundai, Honda, Stellantis, Nissan, and Toyota.

(Worksport makes no guarantees that the Company will engage in any business relationships or OEM partnerships with domestic car brands such as Rivian, Tesla, Ford, General Motors, Honda, Hyundai, Stellantis, Nissan, and Toyota. However, ISO 9000 certification is typically a prerequisite to becoming a vendor and supply partner to larger businesses such as Rivian, Tesla, Ford, General Motors, Hyundai, Honda, Stellantis, Nissan, and Toyota.)

ISO 9000: A Strategic Milestone in Quality and Operational Excellence

Being ISO 9000 certified represents a major milestone for Worksport, setting the Company to be positioned as a leading manufacturer of patented solar tonneau covers that meet these standards. Less than 7% of the tonneau cover industry holds this ISO certification, and this achievement will position Worksport among a select group of manufacturers. This certification will not only enhance operational efficiency and process control but also provide marketing and competitive advantages, helping the Company access business opportunities in sectors that require ISO-certified suppliers.

Why This Matters for Investors

For investors, ISO 9000 certification is an important milestone that could support the Company’s future market expansion and revenue opportunities. This certification is often a requirement for entering certain high-demand industries like automotive, electronics, and aerospace, where Worksport’s patented solar tonneau covers and clean energy solutions have enormous potential. With ISO 9000 certification, it may help Worksport expand its market presence and contribute to potential growth in 2025 and beyond.

Additionally, ISO 9000 certification is expected to improve Worksport’s ability to monitor and manage core metrics, potentially leading to improvements in key performance indicators such as Days to Ship (B2C and B2B), Defects per Unit, Customer Satisfaction, and Production Capacity. These improvements are expected to further enhance Worksport’s operational efficiency and profitability, delivering greater value to shareholders.

Worksport CEO, Steven Rossi shares “Worksport is confident in its ability to achieve ISO 9000 certification by February 2025. We see this as an ideal time to pursue certification, ensuring that all processes are not only implemented but also maintained through regular third-party audits. With the backing of an ISO certified factory, a robust IP portfolio, growing revenues, and three new products, the future of Worksport has become more exciting than ever before”

Comprehensive Steps Taken Toward Certification

Worksport’s journey toward ISO 9000 certification has been meticulously planned and initiated. The Company has already conducted a comprehensive gap analysis to align with ISO requirements and has documented all key processes to ensure consistency and efficiency. This includes establishing a robust quality policy, implementing a risk-based approach to strategic planning, and focusing on performance measurement of key processes.

Working towards the certification, Worksport has already implemented ISO standard practices, Worksport has significantly enhanced its workplace organization, workmanship standards, and material control. The Company has also strengthened its final inspection processes, product traceability, and returns management, ensuring that every product that leaves the factory meets the highest quality standards.

Stay Tuned for More

Stay tuned for upcoming investor updates on new product launches, expanded vehicle model coverage, and the continued growth of Worksport’s business. We are excited to share more on our progress and milestones as we push forward with innovation and market expansion.

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T: 1 (888) 554-8789 x128

Key 2024 Press-Releases:

Read all Worksport press releases: [Link to All Press Releases].

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  • Contact Information

Investor Relations, Worksport Ltd. T: 1 (888) 554-8789 -128
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About Worksport

Worksport Ltd. (Nasdaq: WKSP), through its subsidiaries, designs, develops, manufactures, and owns the intellectual property on a variety of tonneau covers, solar integrations, and NP (Non-Parasitic), hydrogen-based true green energy solutions for the sustainable, clean energy, and automotive industries. Worksport has an active partnership with Hyundai for the SOLIS Solar cover. Additionally, Worksport's hard-folding cover, designed and manufactured in-house, is compatible with RAM, Chevrolet, and GMC models from General Motors, as well as Ford, Jeep, Nissan, and Toyota pickup trucks. Worksport seeks to capitalize on the growing shift of consumer mindsets towards clean energy integrations with its proprietary solar solutions, mobile energy storage systems (ESS), and NP (Non-Parasitic), Hydrogen-based technology. Terravis Energy’s website is For more information, please visit

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Investors and others should note that the Company announces material financial information to our investors using our investor relations website, press releases, Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) filings, and public conference calls and webcasts. The Company also uses social media to announce Company news and other information. The Company encourages investors, the media, and others to review the information the Company publishes on social media.

The Company does not selectively disclose material non-public information on social media. If there is any significant financial information, the Company will release it broadly to the public through a press release or SEC filing prior to publishing it on social media.

For additional information, please contact:
Investor Relations, Worksport Ltd. T: 1 (888) 554-8789 -128 W: W: E:

Forward-Looking Statements
The information contained herein may contain “forward‐looking statements.” Forward‐looking statements reflect the current view about future events. When used in this press release, the words “anticipate,” “believe,” “estimate,” “expect,” “future,” “intend,” “plan,” “project,” “should," or the negative of these terms and similar expressions, as they relate to us or our management, identify forward‐looking statements. These statements are neither historical facts nor assurances of future performance. Instead, they are based only on our current beliefs, expectations and assumptions regarding the future of our business, future plans and strategies, projections, anticipated events and trends, the economy and other future conditions. Because forward-looking statements relate to the future, they are subject to inherent uncertainties, risks and changes in circumstances that are difficult to predict and many of which are outside of our control. Our actual results and financial condition may differ materially from those indicated in the forward-looking statements. Therefore, you should not rely on any of these forward-looking statements. Important factors that could cause our actual results and financial condition to differ materially from those indicated in the forward-looking statements include, among others, the following: (i) supply chain delays; (ii) acceptance of our products by consumers; (iii) delays in or nonacceptance by third parties to sell our products; and (iv) competition from other producers of similar products. More detailed information about the Company and the risk factors that may affect the realization of forward-looking statements is set forth in the Company’s filings with the SEC, including, without limitation, our Annual Report on Form 10-K and our Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q. Investors and security holders are urged to read these documents free of charge on the SEC’s web site at As a result of these matters, changes in facts, assumptions not being realized or other circumstances, the Company’s actual results may differ materially from the expected results discussed in the forward-looking statements contained in this press release. The forward-looking statements made in this press release are made only as of the date of this press release, and the Company undertakes no obligation to update them to reflect subsequent events or circumstances.


When does Worksport expect to achieve ISO 9000 certification?

Worksport anticipates achieving ISO 9000 certification at its West Seneca, NY factory by early-mid 2025.

How could ISO 9000 certification benefit Worksport (WKSP)?

ISO 9000 certification could support Worksport's growth in key markets, enhance operational efficiency, provide marketing advantages, and potentially lead to business opportunities with major car brands and in high-demand industries.

What percentage of the tonneau cover industry holds ISO 9000 certification?

According to the press release, less than 7% of the tonneau cover industry holds ISO 9000 certification.

What key performance indicators does Worksport (WKSP) expect to improve with ISO 9000 certification?

Worksport expects improvements in Days to Ship (B2C and B2B), Defects per Unit, Customer Satisfaction, and Production Capacity with ISO 9000 certification.

Worksport, Ltd.


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