How to Partner With Impact Start-Ups for Innovation

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In the latest episode of ESG Talk, Sara Kappelmark, Co-CEO of Norrsken Foundation, discusses with host Mandi McReynolds how startups are driving transformative change across industries. The episode focuses on insights from the foundation's 2024 Impact 100 list, highlighting innovative solutions in areas such as renewable energy, carbon-free cement, and healthcare.

The podcast is sponsored by Workiva, a company providing a unified platform for financial reporting, ESG, audit, and risk management. Listeners can access the episode on Apple, Spotify, and YouTube platforms. For more information about Workiva's services, interested parties can visit

Nell'ultimo episodio di ESG Talk, Sara Kappelmark, Co-CEO della Norrsken Foundation, discute con l'ospite Mandi McReynolds di come le startup stiano guidando un cambiamento trasformativo in tutti i settori. L'episodio si concentra sulle intuizioni dalla 2024 Impact 100 list della fondazione, evidenziando soluzioni innovative in aree come energia rinnovabile, cemento privo di carbonio e sanità.

Il podcast è sponsorizzato da Workiva, un'azienda che offre una piattaforma unificata per la reportistica finanziaria, ESG, audit e gestione del rischio. Gli ascoltatori possono accedere all'episodio sulle piattaforme Apple, Spotify e YouTube. Per ulteriori informazioni sui servizi di Workiva, le parti interessate possono visitare

En el último episodio de ESG Talk, Sara Kappelmark, Co-CEO de la Norrsken Foundation, discute con la anfitriona Mandi McReynolds sobre cómo las startups están impulsando un cambio transformador en diversas industrias. El episodio se centra en las ideas de la 2024 Impact 100 list de la fundación, destacando soluciones innovadoras en áreas como energía renovable, cemento libre de carbono y salud.

El podcast es patrocinado por Workiva, una empresa que proporciona una plataforma unificada para la elaboración de informes financieros, ESG, auditoría y gestión de riesgos. Los oyentes pueden acceder al episodio en las plataformas de Apple, Spotify y YouTube. Para obtener más información sobre los servicios de Workiva, las partes interesadas pueden visitar

최근 ESG Talk 에피소드에서, Norrsken Foundation의 공동 CEO인 Sara Kappelmark는 호스트 Mandi McReynolds와 함께 스타트업이 산업 전반에 걸쳐 어떻게 변화의 중심에 서고 있는지를 논의합니다. 이번 에피소드는 재단의 2024 Impact 100 list에 대한 통찰력에 초점을 맞추어 재생 가능 에너지, 탄소 없는 시멘트, 의료와 같은 분야의 혁신적인 솔루션을 강조합니다.

이 팟캐스트는 Workiva에 의해 후원되며, 이 회사는 재무 보고, ESG, 감사 및 위험 관리에 대한 통합 플랫폼을 제공합니다. 청취자는 Apple, Spotify 및 YouTube 플랫폼에서 에피소드를 청취할 수 있습니다. Workiva의 서비스에 대한 자세한 정보를 원하시는 분들은 workiva.com을 방문하시기 바랍니다.

Dans le dernier épisode de ESG Talk, Sara Kappelmark, Co-CEO de la Norrsken Foundation, discute avec l'animatrice Mandi McReynolds de la manière dont les startups conduisent un changement transformateur dans toutes les industries. L'épisode se concentre sur les idées de la 2024 Impact 100 list de la fondation, mettant en avant des solutions innovantes dans des domaines tels que énergie renouvelable, ciment sans carbone et santé.

Le podcast est parrainé par Workiva, une entreprise fournissant une plateforme unifiée pour la déclaration financière, l'ESG, l'audit et la gestion des risques. Les auditeurs peuvent accéder à l'épisode sur les plateformes Apple, Spotify et YouTube. Pour plus d'informations sur les services de Workiva, les parties intéressées peuvent visiter

Im neuesten Episode von ESG Talk diskutiert Sara Kappelmark, Co-CEO der Norrsken Foundation, mit der Gastgeberin Mandi McReynolds, wie Startups einen transformierenden Wandel in verschiedenen Branchen vorantreiben. Die Episode konzentriert sich auf Erkenntnisse von der 2024 Impact 100 list der Stiftung, wobei innovative Lösungen in Bereichen wie erneuerbare Energien, kohlenstofffreiem Zement und Gesundheitswesen hervorgehoben werden.

Der Podcast wird von Workiva gesponsert, einem Unternehmen, das eine einheitliche Plattform für Finanzberichterstattung, ESG, Audits und Risikomanagement bereitstellt. Hörer können die Episode auf den Plattformen Apple, Spotify und YouTube anhören. Für weitere Informationen über die Dienstleistungen von Workiva können interessierte Parteien besuchen.

  • None.
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NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / September 27, 2024 / Workiva

In this episode of ESG Talk, Sara Kappelmark, Co-CEO of Norrsken Foundation, and host Mandi McReynolds explore how startups are driving transformative change across industries. Sara shares insights from the foundation's 2024 Impact 100 list, highlighting groundbreaking solutions in renewable energy, carbon-free cement, and healthcare.

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Looking for more? Subscribe to the ESG Talk podcast on Apple, Spotify, and YouTube.

ESG Talk is brought to you by Workiva, the world's only unified platform for financial reporting, ESG, audit, and risk. Learn more at

View additional multimedia and more ESG storytelling from Workiva on

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Spokesperson: Workiva

SOURCE: Workiva

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What is the main topic of the latest ESG Talk episode featuring Sara Kappelmark?

The main topic is how startups are driving transformative change across industries, with insights from Norrsken Foundation's 2024 Impact 100 list, highlighting innovative solutions in renewable energy, carbon-free cement, and healthcare.

Where can listeners access the ESG Talk podcast episode with Sara Kappelmark?

Listeners can access the ESG Talk podcast episode on Apple, Spotify, and YouTube platforms.

What company sponsors the ESG Talk podcast?

The ESG Talk podcast is sponsored by Workiva, a company providing a unified platform for financial reporting, ESG, audit, and risk management.

What is Sara Kappelmark's role at Norrsken Foundation?

Sara Kappelmark is the Co-CEO of Norrsken Foundation.

Workiva Inc.


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