Data-Driven Change: Navigating ESG Challenges With the C-Suite

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Workiva hosted a special episode of ESG Talk at Amplify Americas, featuring a panel discussion moderated by CNBC's Ron Insana. The panel included industry leaders from Duke Energy, Pie Insurance, KPMG, and Workiva, who explored how reporting professionals can use data and cross-functional collaboration to navigate the rapidly changing ESG landscape.

The episode, titled 'Data-Driven Change: Navigating ESG Challenges With the C-Suite', is available on Apple, Spotify, and YouTube. Workiva, the sponsor of ESG Talk, offers the world's only unified platform for financial reporting, ESG, audit, and risk management. Listeners can learn more about Workiva's solutions at

Workiva ha ospitato un episodio speciale di ESG Talk durante Amplify Americas, con un dibattito moderato da Ron Insana della CNBC. Il panel ha incluso leader del settore provenienti da Duke Energy, Pie Insurance, KPMG e Workiva, i quali hanno analizzato come i professionisti della reportistica possano utilizzare i dati e la collaborazione interfunzionale per orientarsi nel rapidamente evolvente panorama ESG.

Il episodio, intitolato 'Cambiamento Guidato dai Dati: Navigare le Sfide ESG con il C-Suite', è disponibile su Apple, Spotify e YouTube. Workiva, sponsor di ESG Talk, offre l'unica piattaforma unificata al mondo per reportistica finanziaria, ESG, audit e gestione del rischio. Gli ascoltatori possono saperne di più sulle soluzioni di Workiva su

Workiva organizó un episodio especial de ESG Talk en Amplify Americas, con un panel moderado por Ron Insana de CNBC. El panel incluyó a líderes de la industria de Duke Energy, Pie Insurance, KPMG y Workiva, quienes exploraron cómo los profesionales de la reportabilidad pueden utilizar datos y colaboración interfuncional para navegar por el rápidamente cambiante paisaje ESG.

El episodio, titulado 'Cambio Basado en Datos: Navegando Desafíos ESG con el C-Suite', está disponible en Apple, Spotify y YouTube. Workiva, patrocinador de ESG Talk, ofrece la única plataforma unificada en el mundo para reportes financieros, ESG, auditoría y gestión de riesgos. Los oyentes pueden obtener más información sobre las soluciones de Workiva en

워크바는 Amplify Americas에서 ESG Talk의 특별 에피소드를 개최하며 CNBC의 론 이사나가 진행하는 패널 토론을 진행했습니다. 패널에는 듀크 에너지, 파이 보험, KPMG, 워크바의 업계 리더들이 포함되어, 보고 전문인들이 데이터와 부서 간 협업을 이용해 급변하는 ESG 환경을 어떻게 헤쳐 나갈 수 있는지에 대해 논의했습니다.

'데이터 기반 변화: C- Suite와 함께 ESG 과제를 탐색하다'라는 제목의 이번 에피소드는 Apple, Spotify, YouTube에서 시청할 수 있습니다. ESG Talk의 후원사인 워크바는 재무 보고서, ESG, 감사 및 리스크 관리를 위한 세계 유일의 통합 플랫폼을 제공합니다. 청취자들은 workiva.com에서 워크바의 솔루션에 대해 더 알아볼 수 있습니다.

Workiva a organisé un épisode spécial d'ESG Talk lors d'Amplify Americas, avec une discussion de panel modérée par Ron Insana de CNBC. Le panel comprenait des leaders du secteur de Duke Energy, Pie Insurance, KPMG et Workiva, qui ont exploré comment les professionnels du reporting peuvent utiliser les données et la collaboration interfonctionnelle pour naviguer dans le paysage ESG en évolution rapide.

L'épisode, intitulé 'Changement Basé sur les Données : Naviguer les Défis ESG avec le C-Suite', est disponible sur Apple, Spotify et YouTube. Workiva, sponsor d'ESG Talk, propose la seule plateforme unifiée au monde pour reporting financier, ESG, audit et gestion des risques. Les auditeurs peuvent en savoir plus sur les solutions de Workiva sur

Workiva hat während Amplify Americas eine spezielle Episode von ESG Talk veranstaltet, moderiert von CNBCs Ron Insana. Der Panel bestand aus Branchenführern von Duke Energy, Pie Insurance, KPMG und Workiva, die erörterten, wie Reporting-Profis Daten und interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit nutzen können, um sich im sich schnell verändernden ESG-Bereich zurechtzufinden.

Die Episode mit dem Titel 'Datengetriebenen Wandel: ESG-Herausforderungen mit dem C-Suite navigieren' ist auf Apple, Spotify und YouTube verfügbar. Workiva, der Sponsor von ESG Talk, bietet die weltweit einzige einheitliche Plattform für finanzielle Berichterstattung, ESG, Audit und Risikomanagement. Zuhörer können mehr über die Lösungen von Workiva unter erfahren.

  • None.
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October 11, 2024 / Workiva

Recorded live at Amplify Americas, this special episode of ESG Talk features Ron Insana, award-winning journalist from CNBC, moderating an insightful discussion with industry leaders: Katherine Neebe, Chief Sustainability Officer at Duke Energy; Alexander Davis, Deputy Chief Financial Officer at Pie Insurance; Maura Hodge, KPMG's sustainability leader; and Kim Huffman, Chief Information Officer at Workiva. Together, they explore how reporting professionals can leverage data and foster cross-functional collaboration to effectively navigate the rapid changes shaping the ESG landscape.

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Looking for more? Subscribe to the ESG Talk podcast on Apple, Spotify, and YouTube.

ESG Talk is brought to you by Workiva, the world's only unified platform for financial reporting, ESG, audit, and risk. Learn more at

View additional multimedia and more ESG storytelling from Workiva on

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Spokesperson: Workiva

SOURCE: Workiva

View the original press release on


What was the topic of the special ESG Talk episode hosted by Workiva (WK)?

The special ESG Talk episode hosted by Workiva was titled 'Data-Driven Change: Navigating ESG Challenges With the C-Suite'. It focused on how reporting professionals can use data and cross-functional collaboration to navigate the rapidly changing ESG landscape.

Who were the panelists in the Workiva (WK) ESG Talk episode recorded at Amplify Americas?

The panelists included Katherine Neebe (Chief Sustainability Officer at Duke Energy), Alexander Davis (Deputy Chief Financial Officer at Pie Insurance), Maura Hodge (KPMG's sustainability leader), and Kim Huffman (Chief Information Officer at Workiva). The discussion was moderated by Ron Insana, an award-winning journalist from CNBC.

Where can I listen to the Workiva (WK) ESG Talk podcast?

The ESG Talk podcast, sponsored by Workiva, is available on Apple, Spotify, and YouTube. You can subscribe to the podcast on these platforms to stay updated with the latest episodes.

What services does Workiva (WK) offer according to the press release?

According to the press release, Workiva offers the world's only unified platform for financial reporting, ESG, audit, and risk management. More information about their solutions can be found at

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