Werner® Honored With National Award for Outstanding Large Employer of Veterans

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Werner Enterprises (Nasdaq: WERN) has been honored with the National Award for Outstanding Large Employer of Veterans by the American Legion. This prestigious award recognizes Werner's exceptional commitment to hiring and supporting veteran employees, with approximately 20% of its workforce consisting of veterans.

Werner offers uniquely designed programs and benefits for the military community, including:

  • Veteran hiring initiatives
  • Mentorship programs
  • Skills training and development opportunities

Greg Hamm, VP of Field and Government Recruiting, expressed pride in receiving the award and emphasized Werner's commitment to providing meaningful employment opportunities for veterans. Nathan Meisgeier, president and chief legal officer, highlighted the company's unwavering dedication to creating a thriving environment for veterans and their families.

Werner Enterprises, with 2023 revenues of $3.3 billion, is a leading transportation and logistics provider serving customers across the United States, Mexico, and Canada.

Werner Enterprises (Nasdaq: WERN) è stata premiata con il Premio Nazionale come Eccellente Grande Datore di Lavoro per Veterani dall'American Legion. Questo prestigioso riconoscimento attesta l'eccezionale impegno di Werner nell'assumere e supportare dipendenti veterani, con circa il 20% della sua forza lavoro composta da veterani.

Werner offre programmi e benefici unici progettati per la comunità militare, tra cui:

  • Iniziative per l'assunzione di veterani
  • Programmi di mentoring
  • Opportunità di formazione e sviluppo delle competenze

Greg Hamm, VP del Reclutamento per il Settore e il Governo, ha espresso orgoglio per aver ricevuto il premio e ha sottolineato l'impegno di Werner nel fornire opportunità di lavoro significative per i veterani. Nathan Meisgeier, presidente e direttore legale, ha evidenziato la dedizione incessante dell'azienda nel creare un ambiente prospero per i veterani e le loro famiglie.

Werner Enterprises, con ricavi nel 2023 di 3,3 miliardi di dollari, è un fornitore leader di trasporti e logistica che serve clienti negli Stati Uniti, in Messico e in Canada.

Werner Enterprises (Nasdaq: WERN) ha sido honrada con el Premio Nacional al Excelentísimo Gran Empleador de Veteranos por la Legión Americana. Este prestigioso premio reconoce el excepcional compromiso de Werner con la contratación y el apoyo a empleados veteranos, con aproximadamente el 20% de su fuerza laboral compuesta por veteranos.

Werner ofrece programas y beneficios diseñados específicamente para la comunidad militar, incluyendo:

  • Iniciativas de contratación de veteranos
  • Programas de mentoría
  • Oportunidades de capacitación y desarrollo de habilidades

Greg Hamm, vicepresidente de Reclutamiento del Campo y Gobierno, expresó su orgullo por recibir el premio y enfatizó el compromiso de Werner de proporcionar oportunidades laborales significativas para los veteranos. Nathan Meisgeier, presidente y director legal, destacó la dedicación inquebrantable de la empresa para crear un entorno próspero para los veteranos y sus familias.

Werner Enterprises, con ingresos de 3.3 mil millones de dólares en 2023, es un proveedor líder en transporte y logística que atiende a clientes en Estados Unidos, México y Canadá.

Werner Enterprises (Nasdaq: WERN)는 미국 레지온으로부터 국가 우수 대규모 재향 군인 고용주 상을 수상했습니다. 이 권위 있는 상은 재향 군인 직원 채용 및 지원에 대한 Werner의 탁월한 헌신을 인정하며, 전체 인력의 약 20%가 재향 군인으로 구성되어 있습니다.

Werner는 군사 커뮤니티를 위한 독특하게 설계된 프로그램 및 복리를 제공하며, 여기에는:

  • 재향 군인 채용 이니셔티브
  • 멘토링 프로그램
  • 기술 교육 및 개발 기회

Greg Hamm 필드 및 정부 채용 부사장은 상을 수상한 것에 대한 자부심을 표하며, 재향 군인을 위한 의미 있는 고용 기회를 제공하는 Werner의 헌신을 강조했습니다. Nathan Meisgeier 사장 겸 법무 책임자는 재향 군인과 그 가족을 위한 번영하는 환경을 조성하기 위한 회사의 변함없는 헌신을 강조했습니다.

Werner Enterprises는 2023년 수익이 33억 달러에 달하는 미국, 멕시코, 캐나다 전역의 고객에게 서비스하는 선도적인 운송 및 물류 제공업체입니다.

Werner Enterprises (Nasdaq: WERN) a été honoré par la Distinction Nationale pour l'Excellence en tant que Grand Employeur de Vétérans par l'American Legion. Ce prix prestigieux reconnaît l'engagement exceptionnel de Werner envers l'embauche et le soutien des employés vétérans, avec environ 20% de sa main-d'œuvre composée de vétérans.

Werner propose des programmes et des avantages spécialement conçus pour la communauté militaire, y compris :

  • Initiatives d'embauche de vétérans
  • Programmes de mentorat
  • Opportunités de formation et de développement des compétences

Greg Hamm, VP du Recrutement sur le Terrain et Gouvernement, a exprimé sa fierté de recevoir ce prix et a souligné l’engagement de Werner à offrir des opportunités d’emploi significatives aux vétérans. Nathan Meisgeier, président et directeur juridique, a mis en avant le dévouement indéfectible de l'entreprise à créer un environnement prospère pour les vétérans et leurs familles.

Werner Enterprises, avec des revenus de 3,3 milliards de dollars en 2023, est un fournisseur de premier plan de services de transport et de logistique, desservant des clients aux États-Unis, au Mexique et au Canada.

Werner Enterprises (Nasdaq: WERN) wurde mit dem National Award for Outstanding Large Employer of Veterans der American Legion ausgezeichnet. Diese prestigeträchtige Auszeichnung erkennt Werers außergewöhnliches Engagement für die Einstellung und Unterstützung von Veteranenmitarbeitern an, von denen etwa 20% der Belegschaft aus Veteranen besteht.

Werner bietet speziell gestaltete Programme und Vorteile für die Militärgemeinschaft an, darunter:

  • Initiativen zur Einstellung von Veteranen
  • Mentorprogramme
  • Berufliche Schulungs- und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten

Greg Hamm, VP für Feld- und Regierungsrekrutierung, zeigte sich stolz über den Erhalt des Preises und betonte das Engagement von Werner, bedeutende Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten für Veteranen zu schaffen. Nathan Meisgeier, Präsident und leitender Rechtsbeistand, hob die unerschütterliche Hingabe des Unternehmens zur Schaffung einer florierenden Umgebung für Veteranen und deren Familien hervor.

Werner Enterprises, mit Umsätzen von 3,3 Milliarden USD im Jahr 2023, ist ein führender Anbieter von Transport- und Logistikdienstleistungen, der Kunden in den Vereinigten Staaten, Mexiko und Kanada bedient.

  • None.
  • None.

OMAHA, Neb.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Werner Enterprises, Inc. (Nasdaq: WERN), a premier transportation and logistics provider, is proud to announce it has been recognized with the National Award for Outstanding Large Employer of Veterans by the American Legion.

Established in 1969, the Veterans Employment and Education Commission's Employer Awards Program honors companies demonstrating exceptional commitment to hiring and supporting veteran employees.

With approximately 20% of its workforce as veterans, Werner offers uniquely designed programs and benefits tailored toward the military community.

"We are deeply honored to receive this prestigious award," said Greg Hamm, vice president of Field and Government Recruiting. "We are committed to providing meaningful employment opportunities and a supportive work environment for veterans."

Werner has a long history of supporting veterans, offering various programs and initiatives to help them transition into successful civilian careers. These programs include:

  • Veteran Hiring Initiatives: Targeted recruitment efforts to attract and hire qualified veteran candidates.
  • Mentorship Programs: Pairing veterans with experienced mentors to provide guidance and support.
  • Skills Training and Development: Opportunities for veterans to enhance their skills and advance their careers.

"Our commitment to the military community is unwavering. We're proud of our team's work to support our nation's heroes," said Nathan Meisgeier, president and chief legal officer. "These awards reflect our dedication to creating a thriving environment for veterans and their families."

About Werner Enterprises

Werner Enterprises, Inc. (Nasdaq: WERN) delivers superior truckload transportation and logistics services to customers across the United States, Mexico and Canada. With 2023 revenues of $3.3 billion, an industry-leading modern truck and trailer fleet, over 13,000 talented associates and our innovative Werner EDGE® technology, we are an essential solutions provider for customers who value the integrity of their supply chain and require safe and exceptional on-time service. Werner provides Dedicated and One-Way Truckload services as well as Logistics services that include truckload brokerage, freight management, intermodal and final mile. As an industry leader, Werner is deeply committed to promoting sustainability and supporting diversity, equity and inclusion.

About American Legion

As America's largest veteran service organization, the American Legion strives to enhance the well-being of approximately 19 million veterans, their families, our military, and our communities by a devotion to mutual helpfulness. From local community service to advocacy on Capitol Hill, American Legion's success is a result of the selfless service of nearly two million members from 12,000 posts worldwide. For more information about the American Legion and how you can support veterans, please visit

Jill Samuelson, Associate Vice President – Marketing and Communications

Werner Enterprises, Inc.

(D) 402.819.5319 | (C) 402.319.8213

Source: Werner Enterprises, Inc.


What award did Werner Enterprises (WERN) receive for its support of veterans?

Werner Enterprises (WERN) received the National Award for Outstanding Large Employer of Veterans from the American Legion.

What percentage of Werner Enterprises' (WERN) workforce consists of veterans?

Approximately 20% of Werner Enterprises' (WERN) workforce consists of veterans.

What programs does Werner Enterprises (WERN) offer to support veteran employees?

Werner Enterprises (WERN) offers veteran hiring initiatives, mentorship programs, and skills training and development opportunities for veteran employees.

What were Werner Enterprises' (WERN) revenues in 2023?

Werner Enterprises (WERN) reported revenues of $3.3 billion in 2023.

In which countries does Werner Enterprises (WERN) provide transportation and logistics services?

Werner Enterprises (WERN) provides transportation and logistics services across the United States, Mexico, and Canada.

Werner Enterprises Inc


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Trucking (no Local)
United States of America