ANEW MEDICAL, Inc. Announces Name Change to Klotho Neurosciences, Inc.

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ANEW MEDICAL, INC. (NASDAQ: WENA) has announced a strategic rebranding to Klotho Neurosciences, Inc. (NASDAQ: KLTO), reflecting its focus on neurodegenerative therapies and healthy longevity. The company's core investments will be directed towards its patented Klotho gene technology assets in the neurosciences sector. Klotho Neurosciences will pursue two major market segments:

1. Development of innovative prescription drugs for neurodegenerative diseases, with a focus on ALS, Alzheimer's, and Parkinson's using their proprietary s-KL gene therapy platform.

2. Research on healthy longevity using patented s-KL, collaborating with the Okinawa Research Center for Longevity Science to study Centenarians and validate clinical assays for early intervention in neurologic pathologies.

ANEW MEDICAL, INC. (NASDAQ: WENA) ha annunciato un rebranding strategico a Klotho Neurosciences, Inc. (NASDAQ: KLTO), che riflette il suo focus sulle terapie per le malattie neurodegenerative e sulla longevità sana. Gli investimenti principali dell'azienda saranno diretti verso le sue risorse tecnologiche brevettate del gene Klotho nel settore delle neuroscienze. Klotho Neurosciences si concentrerà su due segmenti di mercato principali:

1. Sviluppo di farmaci innovativi da prescrizione per le malattie neurodegenerative, con un focus su ALS, Alzheimer e Parkinson utilizzando la loro piattaforma proprietaria di terapia genica s-KL.

2. Ricerca sulla longevità sana utilizzando il s-KL brevettato, collaborando con il Centro di ricerca per la scienza della longevità di Okinawa per studiare i centenari e convalidare saggi clinici per un intervento precoce nelle patologie neurologiche.

ANEW MEDICAL, INC. (NASDAQ: WENA) ha anunciado un rebranding estratégico a Klotho Neurosciences, Inc. (NASDAQ: KLTO), lo que refleja su enfoque en terapias neurodegenerativas y longevidad saludable. Las inversiones centrales de la empresa se dirigirán hacia sus activos de tecnología del gen Klotho patentados en el sector de las neurociencias. Klotho Neurosciences se centrará en dos segmentos de mercado principales:

1. Desarrollo de medicamentos innovadores por receta para enfermedades neurodegenerativas, con un enfoque en ELA, Alzheimer y Parkinson utilizando su plataforma de terapia génica propietaria s-KL.

2. Investigación sobre la longevidad saludable utilizando s-KL patentado, colaborando con el Centro de Investigación de Ciencia de la Longevidad de Okinawa para estudiar a los centenarios y validar ensayos clínicos para la intervención temprana en patologías neurológicas.

ANEW MEDICAL, INC. (NASDAQ: WENA)Klotho Neurosciences, Inc. (NASDAQ: KLTO)로의 전략적인 리브랜딩을 발표했습니다. 이는 신경퇴행성 치료법과 건강한 장수에 대한 초점을 반영합니다. 회사의 핵심 투자 사항은 신경과학 분야의 Klotho 유전자 기술 자산에 할당됩니다. Klotho Neurosciences는 두 가지 주요 시장 세그먼트에 집중할 것입니다:

1. 독창적인 처방약 개발로, ALS, 알츠하이머, 파킨슨병에 중점을 두고 자사의 고유한 s-KL 유전자 치료 플랫폼을 활용합니다.

2. 건강한 장수 연구로, 특허받은 s-KL을 사용하여 오키나와 장수과학연구소와 협력해 백세인을 연구하고 신경병리에 대한 조기 개입을 위한 임상 시험을 검증합니다.

ANEW MEDICAL, INC. (NASDAQ: WENA) a annoncé un rebranding stratégique à Klotho Neurosciences, Inc. (NASDAQ: KLTO), reflétant son orientation vers les thérapies neurodégénératives et la longévité saine. Les investissements majeurs de l'entreprise seront dirigés vers ses actifs technologiques brevetés du gène Klotho dans le secteur des neurosciences. Klotho Neurosciences se concentrera sur deux segments de marché clés :

1. Développement de médicaments prescrits innovants pour les maladies neurodégénératives, avec un accent sur la SLA, Alzheimer et Parkinson en utilisant leur plateforme de thérapie génique s-KL propriétaire.

2. Recherche sur la longévité saine utilisant le s-KL breveté, en collaboration avec le Centre de recherche sur la science de la longévité d'Okinawa pour étudier les centenaires et valider les essais cliniques pour une intervention précoce dans les pathologies neurologiques.

ANEW MEDICAL, INC. (NASDAQ: WENA) hat ein strategisches Rebranding zu Klotho Neurosciences, Inc. (NASDAQ: KLTO) bekannt gegeben, das den Fokus auf neurodegenerative Therapien und gesundes Altern widerspiegelt. Die Kerninvestitionen des Unternehmens werden auf seine patentierten Klotho-Gen-Technologie-Assets im Bereich der Neurowissenschaften gerichtet. Klotho Neurosciences wird zwei große Marktsegmente verfolgen:

1. Entwicklung innovativer verschreibungspflichtiger Medikamente für neurodegenerative Erkrankungen, mit einem Schwerpunkt auf ALS, Alzheimer und Parkinson unter Verwendung ihrer patentierten s-KL-Gentherapie-Plattform.

2. Forschung zur gesunden Langlebigkeit mit dem patentierten s-KL, in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Okinawa Research Center for Longevity Science, um Hundertjährige zu untersuchen und klinische Tests zur frühzeitigen Intervention bei neurologischen Erkrankungen zu validieren.

  • Rebranding to focus on high-value neurodegenerative therapies market
  • Exclusive worldwide license for patented secreted form of Klotho gene (s-KL)
  • Lead candidate for ALS treatment nearing FDA approval for clinical trials
  • Potential for research collaborations with major pharmaceutical companies
  • Partnership with Okinawa Research Center for Longevity Science for healthy longevity studies
  • None.

The rebranding of ANEW MEDICAL to Klotho Neurosciences signifies a strategic pivot towards the lucrative neurodegenerative therapies market. This move aligns the company's identity with its core focus on Klotho gene technology, potentially enhancing investor perception and market positioning. The emphasis on two major market segments - innovative prescription drugs for neurodegenerative diseases and healthy longevity - demonstrates a clear vision for growth and diversification.

The collaboration with the Okinawa Research Center for Longevity Science could yield valuable insights into the role of Klotho protein in longevity, potentially leading to groundbreaking therapies. However, investors should note that the path from research to marketable products in biotech is often long and uncertain. The company's success will largely depend on its ability to translate its research into FDA-approved treatments and navigate the complex regulatory landscape of drug development.

Klotho Neurosciences' focus on the secreted form of the Klotho gene (s-KL) for neurodegenerative diseases is scientifically intriguing. The potential applications for ALS, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's represent significant market opportunities, given the high unmet medical need in these areas. The company's strategy to seek FDA approval for clinical trials in ALS is a positive step, potentially accelerating the development timeline.

The collaboration with "Blue Zone" researchers adds a unique dimension to their research, potentially validating the role of Klotho in longevity. If successful, this could lead to diagnostic tools for early intervention in age-related neurological conditions. However, investors should be cautious as the transition from animal models to human trials often presents unforeseen challenges. The company's success will heavily depend on positive clinical trial results and their ability to attract pharmaceutical partnerships for further development and commercialization.

Strategic Rebranding Reflects Focus on Neurodegenerative Therapies and Healthy Longevity

NEW YORK, Sept. 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Board of ANEW MEDICAL, INC. (NASDAQ: WENA), today announced a name and ticker symbol change to Klotho Neurosciences, Inc. (NASDAQ: KLTO), and has launched a new website, The name and ticker change will have no impact on current shareholders, and there is no action required on their part.

The new name embodies the Company's commitment to strategically direct its core investments of time and financial resources toward the multibillion-dollar market opportunities for the company’s patented Klotho gene technology assets in the neurosciences sector. Through its exclusive worldwide license, the company’s patent protected secreted form of the Klotho gene, s-KL, provides Klotho Neurosciences with the opportunity to invest its strategic resources into two distinct major market segments.

Innovative Prescription Drugs for Neurodegenerative Diseases

The first is the development of new and highly innovative prescription drugs for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases and age related disorders.

From this point forward, Klotho Neurosciences will focus significant attention on the development of its lead candidate, a novel treatment for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS - also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease), where the company hopes to expeditiously gain FDA approval to enter the clinic.

The other key neurological areas of strategic focus for the company are the development of novel therapeutics to treat Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease utilizing the company’s proprietary s-KL gene therapy platform. In these indication areas, and other age-related disorders, the company foresees the potential of entering into research collaborations and partnership agreements with major pharmaceutical companies that are strategically investing in these specific areas.

Healthy Longevity

The second is the potential to increase healthy longevity or lifespan using the company’s patented s-KL. In pursuit of this, Klotho Neurosciences has entered into an important collaboration with the “Blue Zone” researchers at the Okinawa Research Center for Longevity Science (ORCLS) based in Japan and Hawaii. These researchers have been studying Centenarians and healthy long life spans for many years, and have collected and stored blood samples from these healthy long living individuals. By analyzing these samples, the company anticipates that it will be possible to determine s-KL and Klotho blood and tissue levels in these healthy, long-living persons. Based on preliminary data, the company anticipates that the data will confirm that Klotho protein expression is normalized (not depleted) in these people with long life spans as compared to age-matched control groups. This work will also enable Klotho Neurosciences to validate the clinical assays that are needed for this study which, in the future, may be used to identify persons at high risk for the development of ‘accelerated aging’ and neurologic pathologies. The benefit of this would be that physicians would be able to intercede more promptly in an intervention to provide treatments for these neurologic pathologies prior to persons presenting with advanced disease.

Dr. Joseph Sinkule, Chairman, CEO, and Founder commented: “Our new name truly reflects our strategic area of focus going forward. We are excited in particular about the potential of developing novel therapeutics to treat the devastating neurodegenerative disorders such as ALS. Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, based on our patented secreted form of the Klotho gene, s-KL. The Klotho gene is referred to as the ‘anti-aging gene’ because studies have shown that over-expression of the gene results in improved cognition and a prolonged life span, whereas, conversely, an absence of the gene and gene transcript causes rapid death from age-related pathologies.”

Dr. Shalom Hirschman, the company’s Chief Medical Advisor, added: “The data in a severe animal model of human ALS is very compelling. Our plan is to meet with the FDA as soon as possible to discuss the IND and propose a timetable for the potential commencement of clinical trials in ALS patients.”

About Klotho Neurosciences, Inc.
Klotho Neurosciences, Inc. formerly ANEW MEDICAL, INC., is a Nasdaq-listed pharmaceutical company with the ticker symbol KLTO. The company specializes in the development of patented, novel disease-modifying technologies targeting the brain and central nervous system (CNS) that are seen as key developments in treating neurodegenerative and age-related disorders. The Company obtained exclusive worldwide rights to platform technologies and knowhow to develop cutting edge protein, gene and cell therapies to treat age-related pathologies such as ALS, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and rare neurodegenerative diseases. The company is managed by a team of individuals and advisors that are highly experienced in medical product development and commercialization of medical products. For additional information, please visit

For more information, contact:
Eric Boyd, Investor Relations

Forward-Looking Statements:
This press release contains forward-looking statements. These statements are made under the “safe harbor” provisions of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements generally are identified by the words “believe,” “project,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “estimate,” “intend,” “strategy,” “future,” “opportunity,” “plan,” “may,” “should,” “will,” “would,” “will be,” “will continue,” “will likely result,” and similar expressions. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the forward-looking statements in this press release include descriptions of the Company’s future commercial operations. Forward-looking statements are predictions, projections and other statements about future events that are based on current expectations and assumptions and, as a result, are subject to risks and uncertainties. Many factors could cause actual future events to differ materially from the forward-looking statements in this press release, such as the Company’s inability to implement its business plans, identify and realize additional opportunities, or meet or exceed its financial projections and changes in the regulatory or competitive environment in which the Company operates. You should carefully consider the foregoing factors and the other risks and uncertainties described in the documents filed or to be filed by the Company with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) from time to time, which could cause actual events and results to differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements. Copies of these documents are available on the SEC’s website, All information provided herein is as of the date of this press release, and the Company undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statement, except as required under applicable law.


What is the new name and ticker symbol for ANEW MEDICAL, INC. (NASDAQ: WENA)?

ANEW MEDICAL, INC. has changed its name to Klotho Neurosciences, Inc. and its ticker symbol from WENA to KLTO on the NASDAQ.

What are the main focus areas for Klotho Neurosciences (NASDAQ: KLTO) after the rebranding?

Klotho Neurosciences will focus on two main areas: 1) Developing innovative prescription drugs for neurodegenerative diseases like ALS, Alzheimer's, and Parkinson's, and 2) Researching healthy longevity using their patented s-KL gene technology.

What is the lead candidate for Klotho Neurosciences (NASDAQ: KLTO) and for which condition?

Klotho Neurosciences' lead candidate is a novel treatment for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig's disease. The company is seeking FDA approval to begin clinical trials.

Who is Klotho Neurosciences (NASDAQ: KLTO) collaborating with for longevity research?

Klotho Neurosciences is collaborating with the Okinawa Research Center for Longevity Science (ORCLS), based in Japan and Hawaii, to study Centenarians and healthy long life spans.



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