Workday Announces New AI Agents to Transform HR and Finance Processes

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Workday (NASDAQ: WDAY) has unveiled four new AI agents to transform HR and finance processes: Recruiter, Expenses, Succession, and Workday Optimize. These agents, powered by Workday Illuminate, aim to streamline common business workflows and increase productivity. The Recruiter Agent, building on HiredScore capabilities, automates hiring tasks and has shown a 25% increase in recruiter capacity. The Expenses Agent virtually eliminates manual expense reporting, while the Succession Agent transforms succession planning into a continuous AI-powered process. Workday Optimize identifies inefficiencies in business processes.

These innovations represent Workday's push towards end-to-end business process transformation using AI. The company is also building integrated agent capabilities with partners like Salesforce and Microsoft. Expenses, Succession, and Optimize Agents are expected to be available in Early Access in 2025, while the Recruiter Agent is available now in HiredScore with further Workday integration planned for spring 2025.

Workday (NASDAQ: WDAY) ha presentato quattro nuovi agenti AI per trasformare i processi di HR e finanza: Recruiter, Expenses, Succession e Workday Optimize. Questi agenti, alimentati da Workday Illuminate, mirano a semplificare i flussi di lavoro aziendali comuni e ad aumentare la produttività. L'agente Recruiter, che si basa sulle funzionalità di HiredScore, automatizza i compiti di assunzione e ha mostrato un aumento del 25% nella capacità dei reclutatori. L'agente Expenses elimina praticamente la segnalazione manuale delle spese, mentre l'agente Succession trasforma la pianificazione successoria in un processo continuo alimentato dall'AI. Workday Optimize identifica le inefficienze nei processi aziendali.

Queste innovazioni rappresentano l'impegno di Workday verso una trasformazione completa dei processi aziendali utilizzando l'AI. L'azienda sta inoltre sviluppando capacità di agenti integrati con partner come Salesforce e Microsoft. Si prevede che gli agenti Expenses, Succession e Optimize siano disponibili in Accesso Anticipato nel 2025, mentre l'agente Recruiter è già disponibile ora in HiredScore con ulteriori integrazioni di Workday pianificate per la primavera del 2025.

Workday (NASDAQ: WDAY) ha presentado cuatro nuevos agentes de AI para transformar los procesos de RH y finanzas: Recruiter, Expenses, Succession y Workday Optimize. Estos agentes, impulsados por Workday Illuminate, tienen como objetivo simplificar los flujos de trabajo empresariales comunes y aumentar la productividad. El Agente Recruiter, que se basa en las capacidades de HiredScore, automatiza las tareas de contratación y ha mostrado un incremento del 25% en la capacidad de los reclutadores. El Agente de Expenses elimina virtualmente los reportes manuales de gastos, mientras que el Agente de Succession transforma la planificación sucesoria en un proceso continuo impulsado por AI. Workday Optimize identifica ineficiencias en los procesos empresariales.

Estas innovaciones representan el impulso de Workday hacia una transformación integral de los procesos empresariales utilizando AI. La compañía también está construyendo capacidades de agentes integrados con socios como Salesforce y Microsoft. Se espera que los Agentes de Expenses, Succession y Optimize estén disponibles en Acceso Anticipado en 2025, mientras que el Agente Recruiter está disponible ahora en HiredScore con más integraciones de Workday planeadas para la primavera de 2025.

워크데이 (NASDAQ: WDAY)가 HR 및 재무 프로세스를 혁신하기 위해 네 개의 새로운 AI 에이전트를 발표했습니다: Recruiter, Expenses, Succession, Workday Optimize. 이 에이전트들은 워크데이 일루미네이트에 의해 구동되며, 일반적인 비즈니스 작업 흐름을 간소화하고 생산성을 높이는 것을 목표로 합니다. 리크루터 에이전트는 하이어드스코어의 기능을 기반으로 하여 채용 작업을 자동화하고, 리크루터의 능률을 25% 증가시켰습니다. 익스펜스 에이전트는 수동 경비 보고를 거의 제거하고, 서세션 에이전트는 승계 계획을 AI 기반의 지속적인 프로세스로 변화시킵니다. 워크데이 옵티마이즈는 비즈니스 프로세스의 비효율성을 식별합니다.

이 혁신들은 AI를 사용한 엔드투엔드 비즈니스 프로세스 혁신을 위한 워크데이의 추진력을 나타냅니다. 회사는 또한 세일즈포스 및 마이크로소프트와 같은 파트너와 통합된 에이전트 기능을 구축하고 있습니다. 익스펜스, 서세션 및 옵티마이즈 에이전트는 2025년 초기 액세스에서 사용 가능할 것으로 예상되며, 리크루터 에이전트는 현재 하이어드스코어에서 이용할 수 있으며, 향후 2025년 봄에 추가적인 워크데이 통합이 계획되어 있습니다.

Workday (NASDAQ: WDAY) a dévoilé quatre nouveaux agents AI pour transformer les processus RH et financiers : Recruiter, Expenses, Succession et Workday Optimize. Ces agents, alimentés par Workday Illuminate, visent à simplifier les flux de travail d'entreprise courants et à augmenter la productivité. L'agent Recruiter, s'appuyant sur les capacités de HiredScore, automatise les tâches de recrutement et a montré une augmentation de 25 % de la capacité des recruteurs. L'agent Expenses élimine pratiquement le reporting manuel des dépenses, tandis que l'agent Succession transforme la planification de la succession en un processus continu alimenté par l'AI. Workday Optimize identifie les inefficacités dans les processus d'affaires.

Ces innovations représentent l'engagement de Workday vers une transformation de bout en bout des processus d'affaires grâce à l'AI. L'entreprise développe également des capacités d'agents intégrés avec des partenaires tels que Salesforce et Microsoft. Les agents Expenses, Succession et Optimize devraient être disponibles en Accès Anticipé en 2025, tandis que l'agent Recruiter est dès à présent disponible dans HiredScore avec d'autres intégrations de Workday prévues pour le printemps 2025.

Workday (NASDAQ: WDAY) hat vier neue KI-Agenten vorgestellt, um die HR- und Finanzprozesse zu transformieren: Recruiter, Expenses, Succession und Workday Optimize. Diese Agenten, die von Workday Illuminate betrieben werden, sollen gängige Unternehmensabläufe optimieren und die Produktivität steigern. Der Recruiter-Agent, der auf den Funktionen von HiredScore basiert, automatisiert Einstellungsaufgaben und hat eine 25%ige Steigerung der Kapazität von Recruitern gezeigt. Der Expenses-Agent beseitigt praktisch die manuelle Spesenabrechnung, während der Succession-Agent die Nachfolgetplanung in einen kontinuierlichen KI-gestützten Prozess verwandelt. Workday Optimize identifiziert Ineffizienzen in den Geschäftsprozessen.

Diese Innovationen stellen Workdays Bestreben dar, die Geschäftsprozesse mithilfe von KI umfassend zu transformieren. Das Unternehmen baut auch integrierte Agentenfunktionen mit Partnern wie Salesforce und Microsoft auf. Die Agenten für Expenses, Succession und Optimize werden voraussichtlich im Early Access im Jahr 2025 verfügbar sein, während der Recruiter-Agent jetzt in HiredScore verfügbar ist, mit weiteren Workday-Integrationen, die für das Frühjahr 2025 geplant sind.

  • Introduction of four new AI agents to streamline HR and finance processes
  • Recruiter Agent has shown a 25% increase in recruiter capacity
  • Expenses Agent aims to eliminate manual expense reporting, potentially saving time and reducing errors
  • Succession Agent transforms succession planning into a continuous AI-powered process
  • Partnership with major companies like Salesforce and Microsoft for integrated agent capabilities
  • Most of the new AI agents (Expenses, Succession, and Optimize) won't be available until 2025
  • Full integration of Recruiter Agent with Workday not expected until spring 2025

Workday's introduction of AI agents marks a significant leap in enterprise AI adoption. These agents, powered by Workday Illuminate, aim to transform entire business processes rather than just adding isolated AI features. The four new AI agents - Recruiter, Expenses, Succession and Workday Optimize - target key HR and finance workflows, potentially increasing productivity and freeing up employees for more strategic tasks.

The Recruiter Agent, building on HiredScore capabilities, could be a game-changer in talent acquisition. With reported 25% increase in recruiter capacity, it could significantly reduce time-to-fill and improve hiring quality. The Expenses Agent's near-touchless expense reporting could save companies substantial time and money, considering the average $500,000 and 3,000 hours spent annually on correcting expense report errors.

While the potential benefits are substantial, the 2025 Early Access availability for most agents suggests a cautious approach. This timeline allows for thorough testing but also gives competitors time to catch up. The success of these AI agents will largely depend on their accuracy, user adoption and ability to integrate seamlessly with existing workflows.

Workday's AI agent rollout could significantly impact its market position and investor sentiment. The company is positioning itself at the forefront of AI integration in HR and finance software, potentially widening its competitive moat. This move aligns with the growing demand for AI-powered business solutions, which could drive increased customer adoption and retention.

The partnership integrations with Salesforce and Microsoft are particularly noteworthy, as they could expand Workday's ecosystem and make its solutions more attractive to enterprises using these platforms. However, the delayed availability of most agents until 2025 might temper short-term investor enthusiasm.

Investors should monitor key performance indicators such as customer adoption rates, impact on Workday's revenue growth and any changes in market share. The success of these AI agents could potentially lead to higher profit margins as they may reduce the need for human support in certain areas while adding value to Workday's offerings.

Company Unveils AI-Powered Agents for HR and Finance Use Cases Including Recruiting, Expenses, Succession Planning, and Business Process Optimization

New Agents Anticipate and Streamline Common Business Workflows to Increase Productivity

LAS VEGAS, Sept. 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Workday, Inc. (NASDAQ: WDAY), a leading provider of solutions to help organizations manage their people and money, today unveiled four new AI agents to dramatically simplify work across HR and finance. Recruiter, Expenses, Succession, and Workday Optimize Agents will anticipate and streamline common business workflows to drive productivity and free users up to do more strategic, meaningful work.

The agents, powered by Workday Illuminate, represent the next stage of enterprise AI – propelling the industry from disparate AI features to end-to-end business process transformation. The agents revealed today are the first of many to come from Workday as the company seeks to radically simplify business processes for end users and elevate humans at work.

"The potential for AI to revolutionize the way we work is undeniable, but for many companies, the path to significant impact has been elusive," said David Somers, chief product officer, Workday. "Workday Illuminate and our new AI agents are here to change that. By transforming end-to-end finance and HR business workflows, we're empowering companies to unlock exponential value across their entire organization."

Recruiter Agent: Find and Hire the Best Talent Faster. Workday is reimagining talent acquisition with this AI agent, which builds on capabilities available in HiredScore today, to streamline hiring tasks across Workday. Shared Workday and HiredScore customers are already seeing a 25% increase in recruiter capacity thanks to AI, and Recruiter Agent will take that a step further to proactively source passive candidates, automate outreach, and recommend top talent for open roles – significantly reducing time-to-fill roles and improving hiring quality. The agent automates tasks like creating job descriptions, sourcing candidates, and scheduling interviews, and provides AI-powered insights into candidate profiles. Recruiter Agent also integrates with communication platforms like Microsoft Teams, enabling hiring managers to receive notifications and leave interview feedback directly within the users' natural flow of work.

Expenses Agent: Automatically Create and Submit Expense Reports with AI. Companies around the globe spend, on average, approximately half a million dollars and nearly 3,000 hours correcting errors in expense reports annually. Expenses Agent virtually eliminates the need for manual expense reporting with near-touchless expense report creation, submission, and approval. An employee traveling might receive a text message prompting them to upload their breakfast receipt as soon as they complete their transaction at the cafe. The system will match the receipt with the credit card transaction and create the expense line automatically. When the employee checks out of the hotel, they send the receipt to Workday from their phone, and Workday alerts the employee when the hotel expense has been itemized and is ready for review.

Succession Agent: Find and Grow Future Leaders. Succession Agent transforms succession planning from a periodic exercise to a continuous AI-powered process. This agent automates the succession planning process and proactively helps managers identify and develop future leaders within their organizations. The agent can proactively prompt managers to update their succession plans, automatically recommend successors from across the organization, and generate personalized development plans for top talent to help them prepare for their next role.

Workday Optimize: Drive Business Efficiency and Identify Blind Spots. The Workday Optimize agent streamlines business processes in Workday. It identifies bottlenecks, inefficiencies, and deviations from best practices. For example, it can automatically flag and fix issues in the employee onboarding process, such as manual data entry or out-of-order steps.

In addition to these new agents, Workday is also building integrated agent capabilities with partners like Salesforce, Microsoft, and others to provide users with seamless assistance across the most-used enterprise platforms.

"To stay competitive in this rapidly evolving age of AI, companies need to figure out how to apply AI across entire business functions to drive real value," said Micky North Rizza, IDC. "Workday Illuminate and the company's new AI agents are paving the way for this transformation, empowering businesses to streamline operations, enhance decision-making, and achieve unprecedented levels of efficiency and agility."

The new AI agents and other latest innovations from Workday will be on full display at Workday Rising in Las Vegas this week.

Expenses, Succession, and Optimize Agents are expected to become available in Early Access in 2025. Recruiter Agent is available now in HiredScore and will become even more integrated with Workday in spring 2025.

For More Information

About Workday
Workday is a leading enterprise platform that helps organizations manage their most important assets – their people and money. The Workday platform is built with AI at the core to help customers elevate people, supercharge work, and move their business forever forward. Workday is used by more than 10,500 organizations around the world and across industries – from medium-sized businesses to more than 60% of the Fortune 500. For more information about Workday, visit

© 2024 Workday, Inc. All rights reserved. Workday and the Workday logo are registered trademarks of Workday, Inc. All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.

Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements including, among other things, statements regarding Workday's plans, beliefs, and expectations. These forward-looking statements are based only on currently available information and our current beliefs, expectations, and assumptions. Because forward-looking statements relate to the future, they are subject to inherent risks, uncertainties, assumptions, and changes in circumstances that are difficult to predict and many of which are outside of our control. If the risks materialize, assumptions prove incorrect, or we experience unexpected changes in circumstances, actual results could differ materially from the results implied by these forward-looking statements, and therefore you should not rely on any forward-looking statements. Risks include, but are not limited to, risks described in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"), including our most recent report on Form 10-Q or Form 10-K and other reports that we have filed and will file with the SEC from time to time, which could cause actual results to vary from expectations. Workday assumes no obligation to, and does not currently intend to, update any such forward-looking statements after the date of this release, except as required by law.

Any unreleased services, features, or functions referenced in this document, our website, or other press releases or public statements that are not currently available are subject to change at Workday's discretion and may not be delivered as planned or at all. Customers who purchase Workday services should make their purchase decisions based upon services, features, and functions that are currently available.


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What new AI agents has Workday (WDAY) announced?

Workday (WDAY) has announced four new AI agents: Recruiter, Expenses, Succession, and Workday Optimize. These agents are designed to transform HR and finance processes by streamlining common business workflows.

When will Workday's (WDAY) new AI agents be available?

The Recruiter Agent is available now in HiredScore, with further Workday integration planned for spring 2025. Expenses, Succession, and Optimize Agents are expected to be available in Early Access in 2025.

How does Workday's (WDAY) Recruiter Agent improve hiring processes?

Workday's (WDAY) Recruiter Agent automates hiring tasks, proactively sources passive candidates, automates outreach, and recommends top talent for open roles. It has shown a 25% increase in recruiter capacity for shared Workday and HiredScore customers.

What is the purpose of Workday's (WDAY) Expenses Agent?

Workday's (WDAY) Expenses Agent aims to virtually eliminate manual expense reporting by enabling near-touchless expense report creation, submission, and approval. It automatically matches receipts with credit card transactions and creates expense lines.

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