New Global Research from Workday Reveals AI Will Ignite a Human Skills Revolution

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Workday (NASDAQ: WDAY) has released a global research report titled 'Elevating Human Potential: The AI Skills Revolution' that challenges the notion of AI replacing human workers. The study reveals that 93% of active AI users agree that AI enables them to focus on higher-level responsibilities like strategy and problem-solving.

Key findings show that active AI users are most optimistic about its benefits (4.23/5 score), while those planning to adopt AI within 12 months show lower optimism (3.89/5). 90% of workers believe AI can increase organizational transparency and accountability. However, a notable disconnect exists between employees (82%) and managers (65%) regarding the need for human connection in the AI era.

The research identifies ethical decision-making, relationship building, emotional intelligence, and conflict resolution as skills least likely to be replaced by AI. Currently, AI's top applications include data analysis (51%), fraud detection (43%), and HR/recruiting (39%).

Workday (NASDAQ: WDAY) ha pubblicato un rapporto di ricerca globale intitolato 'Elevare il Potenziale Umano: La Rivoluzione delle Competenze AI' che sfida l'idea che l'IA possa sostituire i lavoratori umani. Lo studio rivela che il 93% degli utenti attivi di IA concorda sul fatto che l'IA consente loro di concentrarsi su responsabilità di livello superiore come strategia e risoluzione dei problemi.

I risultati chiave mostrano che gli utenti attivi di IA sono i più ottimisti riguardo ai suoi benefici (punteggio 4.23/5), mentre coloro che pianificano di adottare l'IA entro 12 mesi mostrano un ottimismo inferiore (3.89/5). Il 90% dei lavoratori crede che l'IA possa aumentare la trasparenza e la responsabilità organizzativa. Tuttavia, esiste una notevole disconnessione tra i dipendenti (82%) e i manager (65%) riguardo alla necessità di connessione umana nell'era dell'IA.

La ricerca identifica il processo decisionale etico, la costruzione di relazioni, l'intelligenza emotiva e la risoluzione dei conflitti come le competenze meno probabilmente sostituibili dall'IA. Attualmente, le principali applicazioni dell'IA includono l'analisi dei dati (51%), la rilevazione delle frodi (43%) e HR/recruiting (39%).

Workday (NASDAQ: WDAY) ha lanzado un informe de investigación global titulado 'Elevando el Potencial Humano: La Revolución de las Habilidades de IA' que desafía la noción de que la IA reemplace a los trabajadores humanos. El estudio revela que el 93% de los usuarios activos de IA están de acuerdo en que la IA les permite concentrarse en responsabilidades de mayor nivel, como la estrategia y la resolución de problemas.

Los hallazgos clave muestran que los usuarios activos de IA son los más optimistas sobre sus beneficios (puntaje de 4.23/5), mientras que aquellos que planean adoptar IA en los próximos 12 meses muestran un optimismo más bajo (3.89/5). El 90% de los trabajadores creen que la IA puede aumentar la transparencia y la rendición de cuentas organizativa. Sin embargo, existe una notable desconexión entre empleados (82%) y gerentes (65%) sobre la necesidad de conexión humana en la era de la IA.

La investigación identifica la toma de decisiones éticas, el desarrollo de relaciones, la inteligencia emocional y la resolución de conflictos como las habilidades menos propensas a ser reemplazadas por la IA. Actualmente, las principales aplicaciones de la IA incluyen el análisis de datos (51%), la detección de fraudes (43%) y RRHH/reclutamiento (39%).

워크데이 (NASDAQ: WDAY)는 '인간 잠재력 향상: AI 기술 혁명'이라는 제목의 글로벌 연구 보고서를 발표했습니다. 이 보고서는 AI가 인간 근로자를 대체한다는 개념에 도전합니다. 연구에 따르면 현재 AI를 사용하는 93%가 AI가 그들이 전략 및 문제 해결과 같은 고급 책임에 집중할 수 있도록 한다고 동의합니다.

주요 조사 결과에 따르면, 적극적인 AI 사용자들이 AI의 이점에 대해 가장 낙관적이며 (4.23/5점), 향후 12개월 내에 AI를 도입할 계획인 사람들은 낮은 낙관성을 보입니다 (3.89/5점). 90%의 근로자는 AI가 조직의 투명성 및 책임성을 높일 수 있다고 믿고 있습니다. 그러나 직원들(82%)과 관리자들(65%) 사이에는 AI 시대의 인간 연결 필요성에 대한 상당한 괴리가 존재합니다.

이 연구는 윤리적 의사 결정, 관계 구축, 감성 지능 및 갈등 해결을 AI에 의해 대체될 가능성이 가장 낮은 기술로 식별합니다. 현재, AI의 주요 응용 분야는 데이터 분석(51%), 사기 탐지(43%), 인사/채용(39%)이 포함됩니다.

Workday (NASDAQ: WDAY) a publié un rapport de recherche mondial intitulé 'Élever le Potentiel Humain : La Révolution des Compétences en IA' qui remet en question l'idée que l'IA remplace les travailleurs humains. L'étude révèle que 93 % des utilisateurs actifs d'IA s'accordent à dire que l'IA leur permet de se concentrer sur des responsabilités de niveau supérieur comme la stratégie et la résolution de problèmes.

Les principales conclusions montrent que les utilisateurs actifs d'IA sont les plus optimistes quant à ses avantages (note de 4.23/5), tandis que ceux qui prévoient d'adopter l'IA dans les 12 mois affichent un optimisme plus faible (3.89/5). 90 % des travailleurs croient que l'IA peut augmenter la transparence et la responsabilité organisationnelle. Cependant, un décalage notable existe entre les employés (82 %) et les managers (65 %) concernant le besoin de connexion humaine à l'ère de l'IA.

La recherche identifie la prise de décision éthique, la construction de relations, l'intelligence émotionnelle et la résolution des conflits comme des compétences les moins susceptibles d'être remplacées par l'IA. Actuellement, les principales applications de l'IA comprennent l'analyse de données (51 %), la détection de fraudes (43 %) et les RH/recrutement (39 %).

Workday (NASDAQ: WDAY) hat einen globalen Forschungsbericht mit dem Titel 'Menschliches Potenzial erhöhen: Die KI-Kompetenzen-Revolution' veröffentlicht, der die Vorstellung herausfordert, dass KI menschliche Arbeitskräfte ersetzen kann. Die Studie zeigt, dass 93% der aktiven KI-Nutzer zustimmen, dass KI es ihnen ermöglicht, sich auf Aufgaben mit höherem Niveau wie Strategie und Problemlösung zu konzentrieren.

Wichtige Ergebnisse zeigen, dass aktive KI-Nutzer am optimistischsten über die Vorteile sind (Punktzahl 4.23/5), während diejenigen, die planen, innerhalb von 12 Monaten KI zu übernehmen, geringere Optimismuswerte zeigen (3.89/5). 90% der Arbeiter glauben, dass KI die Transparenz und Rechenschaftspflicht in Organisationen erhöhen kann. Es gibt jedoch einen bemerkenswerten Unterschied zwischen Mitarbeitern (82%) und Managern (65%), was die Notwendigkeit menschlicher Verbindung in der KI-Ära angeht.

Die Forschung identifiziert ethische Entscheidungsfindung, Beziehungsaufbau, emotionale Intelligenz und Konfliktlösung als Fähigkeiten, die am wenigsten wahrscheinlich durch KI ersetzt werden. Derzeit gehören zu den wichtigsten Anwendungen von KI die Datenanalyse (51%), Betrugserkennung (43%) und HR/Rekrutierung (39%).

  • 93% of active AI users report increased focus on higher-level strategic tasks
  • 90% of workers believe AI enhances organizational transparency
  • 83% believe AI will elevate importance of human skills and creativity
  • Strong alignment between leaders (92%) and employees (89%) on AI's positive impact
  • Significant disconnect between employees (82%) and managers (65%) on human connection needs
  • Lower optimism scores (3.89/5) among companies planning future AI adoption


This research report, while offering interesting insights into AI adoption trends, lacks material impact on Workday's immediate financial performance or stock valuation. The study primarily reaffirms known industry trends around AI integration and human skills adaptation, without introducing groundbreaking discoveries or revenue-generating initiatives.

The key metrics - 93% of active AI users focusing on higher-level tasks and 90% agreement on AI's role in transparency - are interesting datapoints but don't translate to quantifiable business outcomes. The revelation about the disconnect between employees (82%) and managers (65%) regarding human connection needs presents operational considerations but minimal financial implications.

From a market perspective, this type of research serves more as a thought leadership piece to maintain Workday's position in the HR technology space rather than a catalyst for stock movement. While it may indirectly support long-term customer retention and brand value, it doesn't warrant immediate investor attention.

Study Finds That Uniquely Human Skills Are More Vital Amid Increasing AI Adoption: Relationship Building, Empathy, Conflict Resolution, and Ethical Decision-Making 

Disconnect Emerges Between Workers and Leadership on the Need for Human Connection in the Age of AI

PLEASANTON, Calif., Jan. 14, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Workday, Inc (NASDAQ: WDAY) today published a new global research report "Elevating Human Potential: The AI Skills Revolution," which looked at AI's impact on jobs. The findings challenge the narrative that AI will replace humans, revealing instead that AI will be a catalyst for a skills revolution where uniquely human capabilities like empathy and ethical decision-making become the most valuable assets at work. This global shift is not just about embracing new technology, it's about elevating human potential, fostering uniquely human skills, and redefining what it means to thrive in the age of AI.

While the rapid evolution to AI-powered agents stands to have a large impact on jobs, with many fearing it will lead to diminished roles or even unemployment, this research points to a more optimistic future.

  • The most active users of AI are most optimistic about its benefits, with a sentiment score of 4.23 out of 5, while those planning to adopt AI within the next 12 months show the lowest optimism with an average score of 3.89 out of 5.
  • AI helps free up human capacity for more meaningful work, with 93% of active AI users in agreement that AI allows them to focus more on higher-level responsibilities such as strategy and problem solving.
  • Although there are societal concerns about AI damaging trust, 90% of workers agree AI can play a significant role in increasing transparency and accountability in organizations, with leaders (92%) and employees (89%) closely aligned.
  • Where employees and leaders disagree is on the growing need for human connection in the age of AI. 82% of employees think it's needed, while only 65% of managers agree.
  • Uniquely human skills such as ethical decision-making, empathy, relationship building, and conflict resolution are viewed as critical for success in an AI-driven economy.

"The conversation around AI often focuses on fear and job loss, but we see it as an incredible opportunity," said Jim Stratton, chief technology officer, Workday. "By embracing AI for good, we can elevate what makes us uniquely human – our creativity, our empathy, our ability to connect – and build a workplace where these skills drive success. Our research shows that workers are ready to embrace this possibility as reality."

The Human Advantage in the Age of AI
According to the research, 83% of respondents believe AI will both elevate the importance of uniquely human skills and enhance human creativity, leading to new forms of economic value. This signals a growing positive sentiment around the adoption of AI in the workplace, with earlier Workday-commissioned research on AI finding only 52% of workers welcomed AI in their workplace at this time last year. 

Today, these findings underscore the critical need for uniquely human skills like creativity, leadership, learning, trust, and collaboration to thrive in an AI-powered world. This pivotal moment, where we collectively recognize AI's transformative role in the future of work and the enduring importance of uniquely human skills, is leading to an AI-driven skills revolution that stands to impact everyone in some capacity from factory workers to data analysts. 

"AI is driving us towards a future where we can harness our innate human skills to connect, create, and innovate," said Sadie Bell, VP of People Systems, HPE. "This isn't just about efficiency and problem-solving; it's about unlocking our potential to build a future that prioritizes skills like empathy, ingenuity, and our shared humanity."

Of those actively utilizing AI, nearly all (93%) agree that AI allows them to focus on higher-level responsibilities such as strategy and problem-solving. What's more, active AI users consistently have positive perceptions of its benefits, with 92% of employees and 95% of leaders in agreement. These findings highlight the transformative potential AI can have in the workplace by helping to free up human capacity for meaningful and innovative collaboration, which will unlock new ideas and opportunities for businesses to adapt and grow in a rapidly shifting economy.

Where Uniquely Human Skills Reign Supreme 
AI is already reshaping the workplace. 81% of participants in the study recognize that AI is changing the skills required for their jobs. The top three uses of AI today include data analysis (51%), fraud detection and security monitoring (43%), and HR and recruiting (39%). And while some will need to develop new skills in order to use AI at work, they'll also need to continue cultivating uniquely human skills in order to succeed. In fact, the data reveals a clear trend: human-centric skills are becoming more vital in the face of increasing AI adoption.

"In 2025, AI will play an important role in unlocking efficiencies in how People teams operate, but it won't replace the essential human elements, like empathy, communication and relationship building," said Jennie Rogerson, global head of people, Canva.

The skills deemed least likely to be replaced by AI are also considered the most valuable at work: ethical decision-making, connection and relationship building, emotional intelligence and empathy, and conflict resolution. Across multiple scenarios, ethical decision-making consistently ranked the most valuable human-centric skill, both today and in a future shaped by full AI adoption.

The Disconnect on Human Connection: Leaders Must Act
A stark disparity is emerging between employees and leaders regarding the essential need for human connection in the workplace. While 82% of individual contributors believe the craving for human interaction will only intensify as AI usage increases, 65% of managers share this view. This disconnect presents a critical opportunity for leaders to actively prioritize fostering genuine human connection and building strong relationships within their teams.

When asked how AI adoption will impact leadership and management priorities, respondents identified three key areas: enhancing data-driven decision-making, prioritizing upskilling and learning to use AI technology, and reallocating resources to more critical areas as AI automates routine work. The equal weighting across these responses underscores AI's potential to assist leaders in each of these critical areas, freeing them to focus on cultivating empathy and deeper connections within their teams.

Working Together to Build Trust 
AI is revolutionizing the workplace, with 90% of workers agreeing it can enhance organizational transparency and accountability. However, this success cannot be achieved without a joint commitment to responsible AI. The data reveals there is a widespread expectation, with 54% agreeing that the technology sector will lead efforts to ensure transparency and accountability in AI integration. However, the shared responsibility attributed to individual organizations (12%) and governments (12%) reflects a broader sentiment that gaining trust in AI requires collaboration across sectors.

Tech companies, organizations, and governments must work together to ensure AI benefits everyone. This collaboration will create a future where humans and AI partner to achieve more than either could alone.

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About the Report
This data comes from the global study "Elevating Human Potential: The AI Skills Revolution," a survey commissioned by Workday and fielded by Hanover Research in November and December 2024. The study encompassed 2,500 full-time workers from a variety of industries across 22 countries spanning North America; Asia-Pacific (APAC); and Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA).

About Workday
Workday is a leading enterprise platform that helps organizations manage their most important assets – their people and money. The Workday platform is built with AI at the core to help customers elevate people, supercharge work, and move their business forever forward. Workday is used by more than 10,500 organizations around the world and across industries – from medium-sized businesses to more than 60% of the Fortune 500. For more information about Workday, visit

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This press release contains forward-looking statements including, among other things, statements regarding Workday's plans, beliefs, and expectations. These forward-looking statements are based only on currently available information and our current beliefs, expectations, and assumptions. Because forward-looking statements relate to the future, they are subject to inherent risks, uncertainties, assumptions, and changes in circumstances that are difficult to predict and many of which are outside of our control. If the risks materialize, assumptions prove incorrect, or we experience unexpected changes in circumstances, actual results could differ materially from the results implied by these forward-looking statements, and therefore you should not rely on any forward-looking statements. Risks include, but are not limited to, risks described in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"), including our most recent report on Form 10-Q or Form 10-K and other reports that we have filed and will file with the SEC from time to time, which could cause actual results to vary from expectations. Workday assumes no obligation to, and does not currently intend to, update any such forward-looking statements after the date of this release, except as required by law.

Any unreleased services, features, or functions referenced in this document, our website, or other press releases or public statements that are not currently available are subject to change at Workday's discretion and may not be delivered as planned or at all. Customers who purchase Workday services should make their purchase decisions based upon services, features, and functions that are currently available.

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What are the key findings of Workday's 2025 AI Skills Revolution report?

The report reveals that 93% of active AI users say AI allows focus on higher-level tasks, 90% believe it increases transparency, and identifies critical human skills like ethical decision-making and empathy as irreplaceable by AI.

How does AI adoption affect WDAY's workplace satisfaction scores?

Active AI users show the highest optimism with a 4.23/5 score, while those planning to adopt AI within 12 months show lower optimism at 3.89/5.

What are the top 3 current AI applications according to Workday's research?

According to the research, the top three AI applications are data analysis (51%), fraud detection and security monitoring (43%), and HR and recruiting (39%).

What skills does WDAY's research identify as least likely to be replaced by AI?

The research identifies ethical decision-making, connection and relationship building, emotional intelligence, empathy, and conflict resolution as the skills least likely to be replaced by AI.

How do employee and management views differ on human connection in WDAY's AI study?

The study reveals a significant gap, with 82% of employees believing human interaction will become more important with AI adoption, while only 65% of managers share this view.
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