Wesco Partners With the Chicagoland Habitat Regional Repair Collaborative

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Wesco, the inaugural sponsor of Chicagoland Habitat Regional Repair Collaborative, shares the story of Valerie, a Marine veteran who served from 1999 to 2002. Will County Habitat for Humanity recently completed much-needed repairs on Valerie's home, including:

  • Replacing old, leaky windows
  • Installing a sturdy handrail on the stairway
  • Blacktopping the driveway

These improvements have renewed Valerie's pride in her home and strengthened her sense of purpose and belonging. The collaboration between Wesco, Habitat for Humanity, and Allen Force highlights their commitment to supporting veterans and building communities.

Wesco, il sponsor inaugurale del Chicagoland Habitat Regional Repair Collaborative, condivide la storia di Valerie, una veterana dei Marines che ha prestato servizio dal 1999 al 2002. Will County Habitat for Humanity ha recentemente completato riparazioni necessarie nella casa di Valerie, tra cui:

  • Sostituzione di finestre vecchie e malandate
  • Installazione di un solido corrimano sulla scala
  • Asfaltatura del vialetto

Questi miglioramenti hanno rinnovato l'orgoglio di Valerie per la sua casa e rafforzato il suo senso di scopo e appartenenza. La collaborazione tra Wesco, Habitat for Humanity e Allen Force evidenzia il loro impegno nel supportare i veterani e costruire comunità.

Wesco, el patrocinador inaugural del Chicagoland Habitat Regional Repair Collaborative, comparte la historia de Valerie, una veterana de Marine que sirvió desde 1999 hasta 2002. Will County Habitat for Humanity completó recientemente reparaciones necesarias en la casa de Valerie, incluyendo:

  • Reemplazo de ventanas viejas y con filtraciones
  • Instalación de un sólido pasamanos en la escalera
  • Aspaltado del camino

Estas mejoras han renovado el orgullo de Valerie por su hogar y fortalecido su sentido de propósito y pertenencia. La colaboración entre Wesco, Habitat for Humanity y Allen Force resalta su compromiso de apoyar a los veteranos y construir comunidades.

웨스코는 시카고랜드 해비타트 지역 수리 협력체의 첫 번째 후원자로서, 1999년부터 2002년까지 복무한 해병대 퇴역 군인 발레리의 이야기를 공유합니다. 윌 카운티 해비타트 포 휴머니티는 최근 발레리의 집에서 필요했던 수리를 완료했습니다. 수리 항목은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 오래되고 누수되는 창문 교체
  • 계단에 견고한 손잡이 설치
  • 진입로 포장

이러한 개선 사항들은 발레리의 집에 대한 자부심을 회복하고 그녀의 목적 의식과 소속감을 강화했습니다. 웨스코, 해비타트 포 휴머니티, 그리고 앨런 포스 간의 협력은 재향 군인을 지원하고 공동체를 구축하겠다는 그들의 약속을 강조합니다.

Wesco, le sponsor inaugural de la Chicagoland Habitat Regional Repair Collaborative, partage l'histoire de Valerie, une vétérane des Marines qui a servi de 1999 à 2002. Will County Habitat for Humanity a récemment terminé des réparations indispensables dans la maison de Valerie, notamment :

  • Remplacement des anciennes fenêtres qui fuient
  • Installation d'une rampe solide dans l'escalier
  • Bitumage de l'allée

Ces améliorations ont renouvelé la fierté de Valerie pour sa maison et renforcé son sentiment de but et d'appartenance. La collaboration entre Wesco, Habitat for Humanity et Allen Force souligne leur engagement à soutenir les vétérans et à construire des communautés.

Wesco, der erste Sponsor der Chicagoland Habitat Regional Repair Collaborative, erzählt die Geschichte von Valerie, einer Marine-Veteranin, die von 1999 bis 2002 gedient hat. Will County Habitat for Humanity hat kürzlich dringend benötigte Reparaturen an Valeries Haus abgeschlossen, darunter:

  • Ersetzen alter, undichter Fenster
  • Installation eines stabilen Handlaufs an der Treppe
  • Asphaltierung der Einfahrt

Diese Verbesserungen haben Valeries Stolz auf ihr Zuhause erneuert und ihr Gefühl von Zweck und Zugehörigkeit gestärkt. Die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Wesco, Habitat for Humanity und Allen Force unterstreicht ihr Engagement, Veteranen zu unterstützen und Gemeinschaften aufzubauen.

  • None.
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / September 26, 2024 / Wesco International:

Originally published on Chicagoland Habitat for Humanity

Wesco, the inaugural sponsor of Chicagoland Habitat Regional Repair Collaborative, is excited the share the story of Valerie, a proud Marine veteran who served from 1999 - 2002.

Thanks to Will County Habitat for Humanity, her home recently received much-needed repairs. Read her story below.

Valerie, a Marine veteran who served her country with pride from 1999 to 2002, has always approached life with the discipline and strength she learned in the military. After her service, she returned to her home in Will County, a place filled with memories and a deep sense of connection to her father, who had also served in the armed forces. Her home was her sanctuary, but as the years passed, it began to show signs of wear-drafty windows, a crumbling driveway, and stairs that were becoming increasingly difficult to navigate safely.

Valerie, however, is not one to shy away from challenges. When she learned about Will County Habitat for Humanity, she reached out, hoping they might be able to help her restore her beloved home. She had heard of their work in the community, building and repairing homes for veterans, and knew they shared her values of service and giving back.

The team at Habitat for Humanity responded with the same dedication that Valerie had shown in her years of service. They replaced her old, leaky windows, allowing her to enjoy the view of her garden once more. They installed a sturdy handrail on her stairway, giving her peace of mind as she moved around her home. And they blacktopped her driveway, making it safe and accessible once again.

For Valerie, these repairs were more than just physical improvements-they were a renewal of the pride she felt in her home. "It's beautiful now," she said with a smile, as she looked out of her new windows at the garden she loved to tend.

Through her involvement with both Habitat for Humanity and Allen Force, Valerie has found not just support, but a sense of community that enriches her life. She expresses deep gratitude for the opportunities to engage with others and to make a positive impact in the lives of fellow veterans.

As she reflects on her journey, Valerie knows that these organizations have helped her not just by repairing her home, but by strengthening her sense of purpose and belonging. And for Will County Habitat for Humanity, the opportunity to support someone like Valerie is a powerful reminder of their mission-to build homes, communities, and hope.

Learn more about Wesco's commitments to make a positive and lasting impact within the communities where our employees work and reside here.

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Contact Info:

Spokesperson: Wesco International

SOURCE: Wesco International

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What repairs did Will County Habitat for Humanity make to Valerie's home?

Will County Habitat for Humanity made several repairs to Valerie's home, including replacing old, leaky windows, installing a sturdy handrail on the stairway, and blacktopping the driveway. These improvements enhanced the safety and accessibility of her home.

How is Wesco (WCC) involved with the Chicagoland Habitat Regional Repair Collaborative?

Wesco (WCC) is the inaugural sponsor of the Chicagoland Habitat Regional Repair Collaborative, supporting their efforts to repair homes for veterans and community members in need.

What impact did the home repairs have on Valerie, the Marine veteran?

The home repairs renewed Valerie's pride in her home, improved her safety and comfort, and strengthened her sense of purpose and belonging. The improvements allowed her to enjoy her home and garden once again.

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