Energous Receives Multiple Orders from Multinational Retailer for Grocery Distribution

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Energous (NASDAQ: WATT) has received multiple orders from a Fortune 10 multinational retailer for its 2W PowerBridge transmitter systems. This follows a successful proof of concept project for a comprehensive Wireless Power Network (WPN) that provides always-on, data-rich asset tracking for improved grocery and store supply chain visibility.

The orders are part of an initial implementation of a nationwide infrastructure optimization project, starting with modernization in a grocery distribution center and 170 grocery stores. The Energous 2W PowerBridge transmitter systems will deliver continuous wireless power over-the-air and enable real-time data streaming for IoT-enabled devices in the supply chain, such as sensors and tags.

This technology will allow the retailer to digitally monitor and optimize their grocery distribution network, proactively addressing shipment issues to ensure timely product delivery to stores.

Energous (NASDAQ: WATT) ha ricevuto numerosi ordini da un rivenditore multinazionale della Fortune 10 per i suoi sistemi di trasmettitore PowerBridge da 2W. Questo segue un progetto di prova di concetto di successo per una rete di alimentazione wireless (WPN) completa che fornisce tracciamento degli asset sempre attivo e ricco di dati per una migliore visibilità della catena di approvvigionamento dei generi alimentari e dei negozi.

Gli ordini fanno parte di un'implementazione iniziale di un progetto di ottimizzazione delle infrastrutture a livello nazionale, che inizia con la modernizzazione in un centro di distribuzione alimentare e in 170 negozi di generi alimentari. I sistemi di trasmettitore PowerBridge da 2W di Energous forniranno energia wireless continua via etere e abiliteranno lo streaming di dati in tempo reale per dispositivi abilitati IoT nella catena di approvvigionamento, come sensori e etichette.

Questa tecnologia consentirà al rivenditore di monitorare e ottimizzare digitalmente la propria rete di distribuzione dei generi alimentari, affrontando proattivamente i problemi di spedizione per garantire la consegna tempestiva dei prodotti nei negozi.

Energous (NASDAQ: WATT) ha recibido múltiples pedidos de un minorista multinacional de Fortune 10 para sus sistemas de transmisor PowerBridge de 2W. Esto sigue a un exitoso proyecto de prueba de concepto para una red de energía inalámbrica (WPN) integral que proporciona un seguimiento de activos siempre activo y rico en datos, mejorando la visibilidad de la cadena de suministro de alimentos y tiendas.

Los pedidos son parte de una implementación inicial de un proyecto de optimización de infraestructura a nivel nacional, comenzando con la modernización en un centro de distribución de alimentos y 170 tiendas de abarrotes. Los sistemas de transmisor PowerBridge de 2W de Energous ofrecerán energía inalámbrica continua a través del aire y permitirán la transmisión de datos en tiempo real para dispositivos habilitados para IoT en la cadena de suministro, como sensores y etiquetas.

Esta tecnología permitirá al minorista monitorear y optimizar digitalmente su red de distribución de alimentos, abordando proactivamente los problemas de envío para garantizar entregas oportunas de productos a las tiendas.

Energous (NASDAQ: WATT)는 Fortune 10의 다국적 소매업체로부터 2W PowerBridge 전송 시스템에 대한 다수의 주문을 받았습니다. 이는 포괄적인 무선 전력 네트워크(WPN)의 성공적인 개념 증명 프로젝트에 따른 것으로, 항상 켜져 있으며 데이터가 풍부한 자산 추적을 제공하여 식료품 및 매장 공급망 가시성을 향상시킵니다.

이 주문은 식료품 유통 센터와 170개의 식료품점에서 현대화로 시작되는 전국 인프라 최적화 프로젝트의 초기 구현의 일환입니다. Energous의 2W PowerBridge 전송 시스템은 공중에서 지속적인 무선 전력을 제공하고 공급망의 IoT 장치(센서 및 태그 등)에 대한 실시간 데이터 스트리밍을 가능하게 할 것입니다.

이 기술은 소매업체가 디지털 방식으로 식료품 유통 네트워크를 모니터링하고 최적화할 수 있도록 하여, 배송 문제를 사전에 해결하여 매장에 대한 적시 상품 배송을 보장합니다.

Energous (NASDAQ: WATT) a reçu plusieurs commandes d'un détaillant multinational du Fortune 10 pour ses systèmes de transmetteur PowerBridge de 2W. Cela fait suite à un projet de preuve de concept réussi pour un réseau d'alimentation sans fil (WPN) complet qui offre un suivi des actifs toujours actif et riche en données pour améliorer la visibilité de la chaîne d'approvisionnement des produits alimentaires et des magasins.

Les commandes font partie d'une mise en œuvre initiale d'un projet d'optimisation des infrastructures à l'échelle nationale, commençant par la modernisation d'un centre de distribution de produits alimentaires et de 170 magasins d'alimentation. Les systèmes de transmetteur PowerBridge de 2W d'Energous fourniront une alimentation sans fil continue par voie aérienne et permettront le streaming de données en temps réel pour les appareils IoT dans la chaîne d'approvisionnement, tels que les capteurs et les étiquettes.

Cette technologie permettra au détaillant de surveiller et d'optimiser numériquement son réseau de distribution de produits alimentaires, en abordant de manière proactive les problèmes d'expédition pour garantir une livraison rapide des produits aux magasins.

Energous (NASDAQ: WATT) hat mehrere Bestellungen von einem multinationalen Einzelhändler der Fortune 10 für seine 2W PowerBridge-Übertragungssysteme erhalten. Dies folgt auf ein erfolgreiches Machbarkeitsprojekt für ein umfassendes Wireless Power Network (WPN), das eine jederzeit verfügbare, datengestützte Asset-Verfolgung bietet, um die Sichtbarkeit der Lieferkette für Lebensmittel und Geschäfte zu verbessern.

Die Bestellungen sind Teil einer ersten Implementierung eines landesweiten Infrastrukturoptimierungsprojekts, das mit der Modernisierung eines Lebensmitteldistributionszentrums und 170 Lebensmittelgeschäften beginnt. Die 2W PowerBridge-Übertragungssysteme von Energous werden kontinuierliche drahtlose Energie über die Luft bereitstellen und Echtzeit-Daten-Streaming für IoT-fähige Geräte in der Lieferkette, wie Sensoren und Etiketten, ermöglichen.

Diese Technologie wird es dem Einzelhändler ermöglichen, sein Lebensmittelverteilungsnetzwerk digital zu überwachen und zu optimieren, proaktiv Versandprobleme anzugehen, um eine zeitgerechte Lieferung von Produkten an die Geschäfte sicherzustellen.

  • Received multiple orders from a Fortune 10 multinational retailer
  • Successful proof of concept project completed
  • Initial implementation in a grocery distribution center and 170 grocery stores
  • Technology enables real-time data streaming and continuous wireless power for IoT devices
  • None.

The news about Energous Corporation receiving multiple orders from a Fortune 10 multinational retailer for its Energous 2W PowerBridge transmitter systems marks a significant milestone for the company and the tech industry. This is a clear endorsement of Energous' over-the-air wireless power networks (WPNs), which are at the cutting edge of IoT technology.

Wireless Power Networks: Energous' technology allows for continuous, over-the-air power transmission, which is important for IoT devices that require constant power and data streams. This can revolutionize the way grocery distribution chains operate by providing real-time data on inventory levels, shipment conditions and more.

Impact on Supply Chains: The ability to monitor and control supply chains digitally and in real-time should not be underestimated. It can lead to significant cost savings, reduce waste and ensure better product availability and freshness. This technology is particularly transformative for cold chain monitoring, which is critical for maintaining the quality and safety of perishable goods.

Market Adoption: Receiving orders from a top Fortune 10 retailer not only validates Energous' technology but also sets a precedent for other retailers to follow. As more companies adopt these advanced WPNs, it could lead to widespread changes in supply chain management, making operations more efficient and data-driven.

The recent orders from a Fortune 10 retailer for Energous' 2W PowerBridge transmitter systems are noteworthy from a financial perspective. This development could lead to significant revenue growth and market penetration for Energous, which has been striving to prove the commercial viability of its technology.

Revenue Growth: The initial implementation in 170 grocery stores and a distribution center suggests a considerable order volume. If successful, this could lead to expanded contracts and repeat business, contributing positively to Energous' top line.

Market Confidence: The involvement of a high-profile retailer boosts investor confidence in Energous' business model. A successful implementation can act as a strong case study, potentially attracting other large retailers and supply chain operators.

Long-term Implications: The digitization of grocery distribution networks can lead to recurring revenue streams from maintenance, updates and additional deployments. This aligns well with Energous' strategy to create scalable, long-term solutions rather than one-off sales.

The orders placed by a Fortune 10 retailer for Energous' PowerBridge transmitter systems highlight a significant shift towards the digitization and modernization of grocery distribution chains. This development is important for understanding market trends and future directions in supply chain management.

Adoption of IoT Solutions: The integration of IoT technologies in supply chains is on the rise. Energous' solutions enable real-time data collection and monitoring, which are essential for optimizing logistics and ensuring product quality. This trend is expected to grow, driven by the need for efficiency and transparency.

Competitive Advantage: Retailers adopting advanced IoT solutions gain a competitive edge by improving operational efficiency and reducing waste. This can translate into better customer satisfaction and lower operational costs, which are critical in the highly competitive retail market.

Future Outlook: If Energous' technology proves successful in this implementation, it could lead to broader market acceptance and a potential shift in how supply chains are managed across various industries, not just retail. This positions Energous as a key player in the supply chain tech market, with opportunities for expansion.

SAN JOSE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Energous Corporation (NASDAQ: WATT), a pioneer in scalable, over-the-air wireless power networks (WPNs), today announced it has received multiple orders from a Fortune 10 multinational retailer for the Energous 2W PowerBridge transmitter systems. Energous recently completed a successful proof of concept (PoC) project for the retailer: a comprehensive WPN that delivers always-on, data-rich asset tracking capabilities for improved grocery and store supply chain visibility and control. These orders for the Energous transmitter system are part of the initial implementation of a nationwide infrastructure optimization project and will be the foundation of a new WPN, beginning with modernization and upgrades in both a grocery distribution center and 170 grocery stores.

The grocery distribution supply chain is complex with many stakeholders—producers, manufacturers, transporters, and retailers—handling a wide range of products, from perishable food items to non-perishable dry goods. Digitization of this critical supply chain is transforming grocery store distribution and improving food delivery, with a growing number of retailers using Internet of Things (IoT) technologies to increase visibility, control, and automation as these products are transported to local stores.

The Energous 2W PowerBridge transmitter systems will deliver continuous access to wireless power, over-the-air and at distance, while enabling a constant stream of real-time data for all IoT-enabled devices in the supply chain, such as sensors and tags. This will enable the retailer to digitally monitor and optimize their grocery distribution network and proactively address shipment issues as they arise, to ensure the right products are at the right stores at the right times.

“Ensuring the highest level of food quality and freshness requires a sophisticated and efficient cold chain, and retailers increasingly require real-time access to actionable data and insights, such as temperature and location, with enhanced levels of granularity,” said Mallorie Burak, Interim Principal Executive Officer and CFO, Energous. “Energous wireless power solutions can help transform supply chain management applications, including cold chain monitoring, resulting in improved safety, freshness, and compliance by leveraging end-to-end, real-time asset and inventory visibility.”

About Energous Wireless Power Solutions

Energous PowerBridge transmitter systems are the backbone of WPNs that allow connected devices such as sensors and tags to continuously provide critical enterprise data to cloud networks—at distance and without wires, batteries, or cables—ensuring they are reliably charged at all times. These transmitter systems act as data links for IoT-enabled devices, enabling them to efficiently communicate valuable data and insights back to the cloud, and allowing companies to analyze, optimize, and improve every part of their supply chain operations in real time.

The Energous 2W PowerBridge transmitter system is designed for next-generation, enterprise IoT applications, providing a WPN that delivers an always on, over-the-air automated energy flow that optimizes IoT device performance. The system is well suited to meet the increasing demand for power over distance, which is crucial for applications where asset tracking and monitoring across multiple zones is critical to operations, including supply chain visibility, cold chain monitoring, fleet management, and temperature and humidity monitoring.

The Energous 2W PowerBridge transmitter system combines two high-efficiency power amplifiers with a System-on-Chip (SoC) RF transmitter to create a wireless charging infrastructure that enables continuous data streams from mobile IoT devices into business critical applications. For more information, visit

About Energous Corporation

Energous Corporation (NASDAQ: WATT) is pioneering scalable, over-the-air (OTA) wireless power networks that enable unprecedented levels of visibility, control, and intelligent business automation. The Company’s wireless power transmitter and receiver technologies deliver continuous access to wireless power, helping drive a new generation of battery-free devices for asset and inventory tracking and management—from retail sensors, electronic shelf labels, and asset trackers, to air quality monitors, motion detectors, and more. For more information, visit or follow on LinkedIn.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. All statements other than statements of historical fact included in this press release are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements may describe our future plans and expectations and are based on the current beliefs, expectations and assumptions of Energous. These statements generally use terms such as “believe,” “expect,” “may,” “will,” “should,” “could,” “seek,” “intend,” “plan,” “estimate,” “anticipate” or similar terms. Examples of forward-looking statements in this release include but are not limited to statements about the future of the global wireless charging industry and statements about our technology and its expected functionality. Factors that could cause actual results to differ from current expectations include: uncertain timing of necessary regulatory approvals; timing of customer product development and market success of customer products; our dependence on distribution partners; and intense industry competition. We urge you to consider those factors, and the other risks and uncertainties described in our most recent annual report on Form 10-K as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), any subsequently filed quarterly reports on Form 10-Q as well as in other documents that may have been subsequently filed by Energous, from time to time, with the SEC, in evaluating our forward-looking statements. In addition, any forward-looking statements represent Energous’ views only as of the date of this release and should not be relied upon as representing its views as of any subsequent date. Energous does not assume any obligation to update any forward-looking statements unless required by law.

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Source: Energous Corporation


What orders has Energous (WATT) received from a multinational retailer?

Energous (WATT) has received multiple orders for its 2W PowerBridge transmitter systems from a Fortune 10 multinational retailer for grocery distribution optimization.

How many grocery stores will implement Energous (WATT) technology in this project?

The initial implementation of Energous (WATT) technology will cover 170 grocery stores, along with a grocery distribution center.

What benefits does Energous (WATT) technology offer for grocery supply chain management?

Energous (WATT) technology offers continuous wireless power and real-time data streaming for IoT devices, enabling improved supply chain visibility, control, and automation in grocery distribution.

How will the Energous (WATT) 2W PowerBridge transmitter systems be used in grocery distribution?

The Energous (WATT) 2W PowerBridge transmitter systems will power IoT devices like sensors and tags, allowing real-time monitoring of the grocery distribution network and proactive addressing of shipment issues.

Energous Corporation


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