Verizon transforms student learning this school year: new innovation labs, STEM workshops and AR app

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Verizon is expanding its Verizon Innovative Learning initiative with 18 new Learning Labs in Title I middle schools, bringing the total to 161 nationwide. Many Labs are equipped with Verizon's 5G network. The company has launched a free web-based AR app for STEM exploration, accessible to all students. Additionally, Verizon is offering full-day STEM workshops at 44 HBCUs, HSIs, and community colleges this Fall.

The Labs combine emerging technology with innovative curriculum, created in partnership with Arizona State University. They offer courses in AR/VR, 3D printing, and AI. Surveys show 92% of students are more engaged after participating in the Lab program. The new AR app allows students to take on roles of scientists to solve environmental issues. The STEM workshops provide access to emerging technologies and cover topics like design thinking and social entrepreneurship.

Verizon sta ampliando la sua iniziativa Verizon Innovative Learning con 18 nuovi Learning Labs nelle scuole medie di Title I, portando il totale a 161 in tutto il paese. Molti Labs sono dotati della rete 5G di Verizon. L'azienda ha lanciato un'app AR web-based gratuita per l'esplorazione STEM, accessibile a tutti gli studenti. Inoltre, Verizon offre laboratori STEM di un'intera giornata presso 44 HBCUs, HSIs e college comunitari questo autunno.

I Labs combinano la tecnologia emergente con un curriculum innovativo, creato in collaborazione con l'Università dello Stato dell'Arizona. Offrono corsi in AR/VR, stampa 3D e IA. I sondaggi mostrano che il 92% degli studenti è più coinvolto dopo aver partecipato al programma Lab. La nuova app AR consente agli studenti di assumere il ruolo di scienziati per risolvere problemi ambientali. I laboratori STEM forniscono accesso a tecnologie emergenti e trattano argomenti come il design thinking e l'imprenditoria sociale.

Verizon está ampliando su iniciativa Verizon Innovative Learning con 18 nuevos Learning Labs en escuelas intermedias de Título I, llevando el total a 161 en todo el país. Muchos de los Labs están equipados con la red 5G de Verizon. La compañía ha lanzado una aplicación AR web gratuita para la exploración STEM, accesible a todos los estudiantes. Además, Verizon está ofreciendo talleres STEM de un día completo en 44 HBCUs, HSIs y colegios comunitarios este otoño.

Los Labs combinan tecnología emergente con un currículo innovador, creado en asociación con la Universidad Estatal de Arizona. Ofrecen cursos en AR/VR, impresión 3D e IA. Las encuestas muestran que el 92% de los estudiantes está más comprometido después de participar en el programa Lab. La nueva aplicación AR permite a los estudiantes asumir roles de científicos para resolver problemas ambientales. Los talleres STEM proporcionan acceso a tecnologías emergentes y abarcan temas como el pensamiento de diseño y el emprendimiento social.

VerizonVerizon Innovative Learning 이니셔티브를 확대하여 Title I 중학교에 18개의 새로운 Learning Labs를 추가하여 총 161개로 늘렸습니다. 많은 Lab이 Verizon의 5G 네트워크로 장비되어 있습니다. 회사는 모든 학생이 접근할 수 있는 무료 웹 기반 AR 앱을 통해 STEM 탐색을 시작했습니다. 또한, Verizon는 이번 가을에 44개의 HBCU, HSI 및 커뮤니티 칼리지에서 전일제 STEM 워크숍을 제공합니다.

이 Labs는 애리조나주립대학과 협력하여 만든 혁신적인 커리큘럼과 함께 신기술을 결합합니다. AR/VR, 3D 프린팅, AI에 대한 과정을 제공합니다. 설문조사에 따르면, Labs 프로그램에 참여한 후 92%의 학생들이 더 많은 참여를 보였습니다. 새로운 AR 앱은 학생들이 과학자의 역할을 맡아 환경 문제를 해결하도록 돕습니다. STEM 워크숍은 신기술에 대한 접근을 제공하며 디자인 사고와 사회적 기업가정신과 같은 주제를 다룹니다.

Verizon étend son initiative Verizon Innovative Learning avec 18 nouveaux Learning Labs dans des collèges de Titres I, ce qui porte le total à 161 à l'échelle nationale. De nombreux Labs sont équipés du réseau 5G de Verizon. L'entreprise a lancé une application AR basée sur le web gratuite pour l'exploration STEM, accessible à tous les élèves. De plus, Verizon propose des ateliers STEM d'une journée dans 44 HBCUs, HSIs et collèges communautaires cet automne.

Les Labs combinent des technologies émergentes avec un programme innovant, créé en partenariat avec l'Université d'État de l'Arizona. Ils offrent des cours en AR/VR, impression 3D et IA. Des enquêtes montrent que 92 % des étudiants sont plus engagés après avoir participé au programme Lab. La nouvelle application AR permet aux étudiants de jouer le rôle de scientifiques pour résoudre des problèmes environnementaux. Les ateliers STEM fournissent un accès aux technologies émergentes et abordent des sujets tels que la conception centrée utilisateur et l'entrepreneuriat social.

Verizon erweitert seine Initiative Verizon Innovative Learning um 18 neue Learning Labs in Title I Mittelschulen und bringt die Gesamtzahl auf 161 landesweit. Viele Labs sind mit Verizons 5G-Netzwerk ausgestattet. Das Unternehmen hat eine kostenlose webbasierte AR-App für die STEM-Erforschung herausgebracht, die allen Schülern zugänglich ist. Darüber hinaus bietet Verizon in diesem Herbst Ganztages-STEM-Workshops an 44 HBCUs, HSIs und Community Colleges an.

Die Labs kombinieren aufkommende Technologien mit innovativen Lehrplänen, die in Zusammenarbeit mit der Arizona State University erstellt wurden. Sie bieten Kurse in AR/VR, 3D-Druck und KI an. Umfragen zeigen, dass 92% der Schüler nach der Teilnahme am Lab-Programm engagierter sind. Die neue AR-App ermöglicht es den Schülern, die Rolle von Wissenschaftlern zu übernehmen, um Umweltprobleme zu lösen. Die STEM-Workshops bieten Zugang zu aufkommenden Technologien und behandeln Themen wie Design Thinking und soziale Unternehmensführung.

  • Expansion of Verizon Innovative Learning Labs to 161 locations nationwide
  • Integration of 5G network in over 70 Title I schools
  • Launch of free web-based AR app for STEM exploration
  • Offering of full-day STEM workshops at 44 colleges across 27 states
  • 92% of students reported increased engagement after participating in the Lab program
  • 83% of students believed they could use STEM to impact issues affecting their communities post-program
  • None.

What you need to know:

  • Verizon Innovative Learning, Verizon’s premier education initiative, announces the opening of 18 new Verizon Innovative Learning Labs this school year, bringing the total number of Labs nationwide to 161. Many of these state-of-the-art Labs in Title 1 middle schools have also been outfitted with Verizon’s 5G network.
  • Freely available for all on, the new Verizon Innovative Learning Lab: STEM Exploration augmented reality (AR) app gives students the opportunity to work with a group of scientists to solve an environmental disaster.
  • This Fall, the Verizon Innovative Learning STEM Achievers program is offering full-day workshops for middle schoolers at 44 HBCUs, HSIs and community colleges, including campus tours for parents and students. For more information, visit:

BASKING RIDGE, N.J., Sept. 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Verizon Innovative Learning announces the opening of 18 new Verizon Innovative Learning Labs, a new augmented reality app to make the Lab experience accessible to students nationwide, and free STEM workshops for middle school students on college campuses across the country.

Donna Epps, Verizon’s Chief Responsible Business Officer, said, “Through our flagship education initiative, Verizon Innovative Learning, we are committed to equipping students and educators with the tools they need to thrive in a digital world. As technology evolves and expands, so too does Verizon Innovative Learning. Through our new offerings, including new state-of-the-art Labs with connectivity to Verizon’s 5G network, free STEM workshops on college campuses and a new web-based AR app, we are working with our nonprofit partners to utilize next-gen technology and curriculum to ensure educators and students not only have access to technology but can also use it effectively.”

18 new Verizon Innovative Learning Labs launching this school year

Verizon Innovative Learning, with its nonprofit partners, is launching 18 new Verizon Innovative Learning Labs in Title I middle schools, bringing the total number of Labs across the country to 161. Labs are opening in: Atlanta, GA; Bristol Township, PA; Compton, CA; Fulton County, GA; Glendale, CA; Irving, TX, Jefferson County, KY; Little Rock, AK; Polk County, TN; Saint Louis, MO; San Antonio, TX; Wichita, KS; and Winston-Salem, NC.

Select Labs will host ribbon-cutting ceremonies. Media are encouraged to attend to tour the space and technology, learn about the curriculum and interact with students and teachers.

More about the Verizon Innovative Learning Lab program:

  • The Lab program combines emerging technology with an innovative, project-based curriculum, created in partnership with the J. Orin Edson Entrepreneurship + Innovation Institute at Arizona State University, to spark real-world problem solving, all in a custom-designed, experiential learning space within the school’s campus. The Lab program provides a full space transformation created by the nonprofit Heart of America.
  • Verizon outfits its 5G connectivity in select Labs to enable immersive learning at scale and to meet the demands of future technology. The 5G connectivity is now in over 70 Title I schools.
  • The Verizon Innovative Learning Lab curriculum offers tech-focused courses such as immersive media (AR/VR), 3D printing, AI and more, and is freely available to all educators via Verizon Innovative Learning HQ.
  • Third-party surveys show that 92% of students are more engaged in school after participating in the Lab program. Teachers from the Lab program receive ongoing professional development from Arizona State University.

Verizon Innovative Learning launches new, free web-based augmented reality app

Verizon Innovative Learning HQ now offers a new, free, web-based application to help bring the Lab experience to all educators and students. Five other AR learning applications are also available on Verizon Innovative Learning HQ.

Through the new Verizon Innovative Learning Lab: STEM Exploration augmented reality app, students can take on the role of an oceanographer, chemist and microbiologist, and leverage atomic structures, microorganisms and bioremediation to protect a vibrant island ecosystem.

Verizon Innovative Learning launching free STEM workshops on college campuses

This Fall, the Verizon Innovative Learning STEM Achievers summer program will host a full-day workshop at 44 HBCUs, HSIs and community colleges in 27 states and Washington, DC. Programming is open to middle school students and includes campus tours for parents and students.

In the workshop, students will have access to emerging technology from the Labs and will learn about design thinking, 3D printing, augmented reality and social entrepreneurship. Third-party surveys show that, following the program, 83% of students said they can use STEM to impact issues affecting their communities, nation and the world. To register, visit here.

Verizon Innovative Learning STEM Achievers, in partnership with the National Association of Community College Entrepreneurship (NACCE), provides a free STEM-intensive summer program to middle school students in under-resourced communities to explore STEM subjects, learn problem-solving skills and gain exposure to career opportunities in technology fields. This most recent summer, the program supported 6,500 students in 44 locations.

Verizon Communications Inc. (NYSE, Nasdaq: VZ) powers and empowers how its millions of customers live, work and play, delivering on their demand for mobility, reliable network connectivity and security. Headquartered in New York City, serving countries worldwide and nearly all of the Fortune 500, Verizon generated revenues of $134.0 billion in 2023. Verizon’s world-class team never stops innovating to meet customers where they are today and equip them for the needs of tomorrow. For more, visit or find a retail location at

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Media contact:
Hope Arcuri Armanus


How many new Verizon Innovative Learning Labs is Verizon (VZ) opening this school year?

Verizon (VZ) is opening 18 new Verizon Innovative Learning Labs this school year, bringing the total number of Labs nationwide to 161.

What is the new AR app launched by Verizon (VZ) for STEM education?

Verizon (VZ) has launched the Verizon Innovative Learning Lab: STEM Exploration augmented reality (AR) app, which allows students to work with virtual scientists to solve environmental disasters.

How many colleges are hosting Verizon's (VZ) STEM Achievers program workshops this Fall?

Verizon's (VZ) STEM Achievers program is offering full-day workshops at 44 HBCUs, HSIs, and community colleges across 27 states and Washington, DC this Fall.

What percentage of students reported increased engagement after participating in Verizon's (VZ) Lab program?

According to third-party surveys, 92% of students reported being more engaged in school after participating in Verizon's (VZ) Innovative Learning Lab program.

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