Verizon to upgrade SD-WAN at 49 National Labor Relations Board locations

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Verizon has secured a $4 million task-order agreement with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) under the Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions (EIS) contract. The deal involves upgrading and reconfiguring SD-WAN at all 48 NLRB branch offices and headquarters. Verizon will also provide new distributed security infrastructure and cloud hosting services.

This win reinforces Verizon's position as a leading EIS service provider for federal agencies. The company's SD-WAN offering enables organizations to create application-driven, agile, and secure networks while controlling costs. Verizon recently announced a similar 1,000-site rollout for the Commonwealth of Virginia in April.

Verizon ha ottenuto un accordo per un ordine di lavoro di 4 milioni di dollari con il National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) nell'ambito del contratto Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions (EIS). L'accordo prevede l'aggiornamento e la riconfigurazione del SD-WAN in tutti e 48 gli uffici del NLRB e nella sede centrale. Verizon fornirà anche una nuova infrastruttura di sicurezza distribuita e servizi di hosting cloud.

Questa vittoria rafforza la posizione di Verizon come fornitore leader di servizi EIS per le agenzie federali. L'offerta SD-WAN dell'azienda consente alle organizzazioni di creare reti agili e sicure, orientate alle applicazioni, mantenendo sotto controllo i costi. Verizon ha recentemente annunciato un'implementazione simile in 1.000 siti per il Commonwealth della Virginia ad aprile.

Verizon ha obtenido un acuerdo de orden de tarea por 4 millones de dólares con la Junta Nacional de Relaciones Laborales (NLRB) bajo el contrato de Soluciones de Infraestructura Empresarial (EIS). El acuerdo implica la actualización y reconfiguración de SD-WAN en todas las 48 oficinas de la NLRB y en la sede central. Verizon también proporcionará una nueva infraestructura de seguridad distribuida y servicios de alojamiento en la nube.

Esta victoria refuerza la posición de Verizon como proveedor líder de servicios EIS para agencias federales. La oferta de SD-WAN de la compañía permite a las organizaciones crear redes ágiles y seguras, impulsadas por aplicaciones, mientras controlan los costos. Verizon anunció recientemente un despliegue similar en 1,000 sitios para el Commonwealth de Virginia en abril.

Verizon은 국가노동관계위원회(NLRB)와 400만 달러의 작업 주문 계약을 체결했습니다. 이 계약은 모든 48개의 NLRB 지사 및 본사의 SD-WAN 업그레이드 및 재구성을 포함합니다. Verizon은 또한 새로운 분산 보안 인프라와 클라우드 호스팅 서비스를 제공할 예정입니다.

이번 승리는 Verizon이 연방 기관을 위한 주요 EIS 서비스 제공업체로서의 위치를 강화하는 데 기여합니다. 회사의 SD-WAN 제공은 조직이 비용을 통제하면서 애플리케이션 중심의 민첩하고 안전한 네트워크를 만들 수 있도록 합니다. Verizon은 최근 4월에 버지니아 주를 위한 1,000개 사이트의 유사한 롤아웃을 발표했습니다.

Verizon a obtenu un accord de commande de 4 millions de dollars avec le National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) dans le cadre du contrat Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions (EIS). Cet accord concerne la mise à niveau et la reconfiguration du SD-WAN dans toutes les 48 agences du NLRB et au siège. Verizon fournira également une nouvelle infrastructure de sécurité distribuée et des services d'hébergement cloud.

Cette victoire renforce la position de Verizon en tant que fournisseur principal de services EIS pour les agences fédérales. L'offre SD-WAN de l'entreprise permet aux organisations de créer des réseaux agiles, sécurisés et orientés vers les applications tout en maîtrisant les coûts. Verizon a récemment annoncé un déploiement similaire pour 1 000 sites pour le Commonwealth de Virginie en avril.

Verizon hat eine Auftragsvereinbarung über 4 Millionen Dollar mit dem National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) im Rahmen des Vertrags für Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions (EIS) gesichert. Der Vertrag umfasst das Upgrade und die Neukonfiguration von SD-WAN in allen 48 NLRB-Zweigstellen und der Hauptzentrale. Verizon wird auch eine neue verteilte Sicherheitsinfrastruktur sowie Cloud-Hosting-Dienste bereitstellen.

Dieser Erfolg stärkt Verizons Position als führender EIS-Dienstleister für Bundesbehörden. Das SD-WAN-Angebot des Unternehmens ermöglicht es Organisationen, anwendungsorientierte, agile und sichere Netzwerke zu erstellen und dabei die Kosten unter Kontrolle zu halten. Verizon kündigte kürzlich im April einen ähnlichen Rollout an 1.000 Standorten für das Commonwealth of Virginia an.

  • Secured a $4 million contract with NLRB
  • Strengthens Verizon's position as a leading EIS provider for federal agencies
  • Expands Verizon's SD-WAN services in the public sector
  • None.

Verizon's $4 million contract with NLRB for SD-WAN upgrades highlights the growing importance of network modernization in the public sector. This deal, while modest in size, reinforces Verizon's strong position in the federal market. The upgrade to SD-WAN technology across 49 NLRB locations will likely improve network agility, security and cost-efficiency for the agency.

The inclusion of distributed security infrastructure and cloud hosting services in the package indicates a comprehensive approach to digital transformation. This aligns with the broader trend of government agencies adopting cloud-first strategies. While this contract alone may not significantly impact Verizon's bottom line, it strengthens the company's foothold in the lucrative federal IT modernization market, estimated to be worth $100 billion annually.

Verizon's latest contract with NLRB underscores the telecom giant's strategic focus on the public sector market. The deal, though relatively small at $4 million, is significant as it demonstrates Verizon's ability to secure contracts across various federal agencies. This diversification helps mitigate risks associated with overreliance on any single government client.

The emphasis on SD-WAN technology is particularly noteworthy. As organizations increasingly rely on cloud-based applications, the demand for flexible, secure and cost-effective networking solutions like SD-WAN is surging. Verizon's success in this space, evidenced by contracts like the 1,000-site rollout for Virginia, positions the company well in a market expected to grow at a CAGR of 34.5% through 2028.

WASHINGTON, Aug. 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Verizon today announced a new Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions (EIS) contract with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), an independent federal agency tasked with protecting the rights of private sector employees. Under the terms of the $4 million task-order agreement, Verizon is set to re-configure and upgrade NLRB’s Software-Defined Wide Area Network (SD-WAN) at all 48 branch offices and at HQ. Additionally, Verizon’s solution includes new distributed security infrastructure and cloud hosting services.

“The NLRB win reaffirms Verizon’s market position as the premier provider of EIS services to federal agencies,” said Michael Adams, Associate Vice President, Federal Civilian Business at Verizon. “This win speaks to the quality of our solutions as well as to the fantastic relationship we have developed with the NLRB. Key to our success is our ability to create meaningful customer relationships that enable us to tailor our solutions to specific needs.”

Verizon’s SD-WAN offering enables organizations to install application-driven, agile and secure networks. A software-defined wide area network helps these organizations meet the demands of smooth application performance while controlling costs.

Among Verizon’s latest SD-WAN contracts in the public sector is a 1,000-site rollout for the Commonwealth of Virginia, announced in April.

Click here for more information on SD-WAN and other Verizon Public Sector solutions.

Verizon Communications Inc. (NYSE, Nasdaq: VZ) powers and empowers how its millions of customers live, work and play, delivering on their demand for mobility, reliable network connectivity and security. Headquartered in New York City, serving countries worldwide and nearly all of the Fortune 500, Verizon generated revenues of $134.0 billion in 2023. Verizon’s world-class team never stops innovating to meet customers where they are today and equip them for the needs of tomorrow. For more, visit or find a retail location at

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Media contact:
Geoffrey Basye
(202) 748-1882


What is the value of Verizon's new contract with NLRB?

Verizon's new contract with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is valued at $4 million.

How many NLRB locations will Verizon upgrade with SD-WAN?

Verizon will upgrade SD-WAN at 49 National Labor Relations Board locations, including 48 branch offices and the headquarters.

What services will Verizon provide to NLRB under the new contract?

Verizon will reconfigure and upgrade SD-WAN, provide new distributed security infrastructure, and offer cloud hosting services to NLRB.

Has Verizon (VZ) secured any other recent SD-WAN contracts in the public sector?

Yes, Verizon recently announced a 1,000-site SD-WAN rollout for the Commonwealth of Virginia in April 2024.

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