Verizon to support Florida and Georgia communities affected by Hurricane Helene Call/Text/Data usage incurred by customers in hardest hit counties will be waived from Sept. 26-Oct. 5

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Verizon has announced it will waive domestic call, text, and data usage for postpaid consumer, small business, and Verizon Prepaid customers in parts of Florida and Georgia affected by Hurricane Helene from Sept. 26-Oct. 5, 2024. The waiver applies to specific counties in both states. For prepaid customers using various Verizon-owned brands, service end dates will be extended to Oct. 5, 2024.

Verizon's network is prepared for the hurricane with redundancy in critical paths and components. All macro cell sites have backup battery power, and most sites in affected areas have backup generators. The company has ensured that batteries and generators are operational and refueled, with ongoing refueling efforts to maintain power during commercial outages.

Verizon ha annunciato che rinuncerà ai costi per chiamate, messaggi e utilizzo dei dati nazionali per i clienti postpagati, le piccole imprese e i clienti Verizon Prepaid in alcune zone della Florida e della Georgia colpite dall'uragano Helene dal 26 settembre al 5 ottobre 2024. L'esenzione si applica a contee specifiche in entrambi gli stati. Per i clienti prepaid che utilizzano vari marchi di proprietà di Verizon, le date di conclusione del servizio saranno prorogate al 5 ottobre 2024.

La rete di Verizon è pronta per l'uragano con ridondanza nei percorsi e componenti critici. Tutti i siti macro cell hanno alimentazione di backup a batteria e la maggior parte dei siti nelle aree colpite dispone di generatori di emergenza. L'azienda ha garantito che batterie e generatori siano operativi e riforniti, con sforzi di rifornimento in corso per mantenere l'energia durante i blackout commerciali.

Verizon ha anunciado que renunciará a los costos de llamadas, mensajes y uso de datos nacionales para clientes postpago, pequeñas empresas y clientes de Verizon Prepaid en partes de Florida y Georgia afectadas por el huracán Helene desde 26 de septiembre hasta el 5 de octubre de 2024. La exención se aplica a condados específicos en ambos estados. Para los clientes prepago que utilizan varias marcas de Verizon, las fechas de finalización del servicio se extenderán hasta el 5 de octubre de 2024.

La red de Verizon está preparada para el huracán con redundancia en caminos y componentes críticos. Todos los sitios macro de celdas tienen energía de respaldo a batería, y la mayoría de los sitios en las áreas afectadas cuentan con generadores de emergencia. La empresa ha asegurado que las baterías y generadores estén operativos y abastecidos, con esfuerzos de reabastecimiento en curso para mantener el suministro de energía durante los cortes comerciales.

Verizon은 일반 통화, 문자 및 데이터 사용료를 면제합니다라고 발표했습니다. 이는 플로리다와 조지아의 일부 지역에서 허리케인 헬렌의 영향을 받은 후불 소비자, 소규모 비즈니스 및 Verizon 사전 충전 고객을 위한 것입니다. 면제는 두 주에 걸쳐 특정 카운티에 적용됩니다. 다양한 Verizon 소유 브랜드를 사용하는 사전 충전 고객의 경우 서비스 종료일이 2024년 10월 5일로 연장됩니다.

Verizon의 네트워크는 중요한 경로와 구성 요소에 대한 중복성을 제공하면서 허리케인에 대비하고 있습니다. 모든 매크로 셀 사이트는 배터리 백업 전력을 갖추고 있으며, 영향을 받는 지역 대부분의 사이트는 백업 발전기를 보유하고 있습니다. 회사는 배터리와 발전기가 작동 중이며 연료가 공급되고 있음을 보장했으며, 상업적 정전 동안 전력을 유지하기 위해 지속적인 연료 공급 활동을 진행하고 있습니다.

Verizon a annoncé qu'elle renoncera aux frais de communication, de messages et d'utilisation de données nationales pour les clients postpayés, les petites entreprises et les clients Verizon Prépayé dans certaines parties de la Floride et de la Géorgie touchées par l'ouragan Helene du 26 septembre au 5 octobre 2024. Cette exonération s'applique à certains comtés dans les deux États. Pour les clients prépayés utilisant diverses marques détenues par Verizon, les dates de fin de service seront prolongées jusqu'au 5 octobre 2024.

Le réseau de Verizon est préparé pour l'ouragan avec redondance dans les chemins et composants critiques. Tous les sites de cellules macro ont une alimentation de secours par batterie, et la plupart des sites dans les zones touchées disposent de générateurs de secours. L'entreprise a veillé à ce que les batteries et générateurs soient opérationnels et ravitaillés, avec des efforts de ravitaillement en cours pour maintenir l'alimentation pendant les pannes commerciales.

Verizon hat angekündigt, dass es die Kosten für nationale Anrufe, SMS und Datennutzung erlassen wird für Postpaid-Kunden, kleine Unternehmen und Verizon Prepaid-Kunden in Teilen von Florida und Georgia, die vom Hurrikan Helene betroffen sind, vom 26. September bis 5. Oktober 2024. Der Erlass gilt für spezifische Landkreise in beiden Bundesstaaten. Für Prepaid-Kunden, die verschiedene von Verizon geführte Marken nutzen, werden die Service-Enddaten bis zum 5. Oktober 2024 verlängert.

Das Netzwerk von Verizon ist auf den Hurrikan vorbereitet mit Redundanz in kritischen Pfaden und Komponenten. Alle Makrozellenstandorte verfügen über eine Notstromversorgung per Batterie, und die meisten Standorte in den betroffenen Gebieten sind mit Notstromaggregaten ausgestattet. Das Unternehmen hat sichergestellt, dass Batterien und Generatoren betriebsbereit und betankt sind, mit laufenden Betankungsmaßnahmen, um die Stromversorgung während kommerzieller Ausfälle aufrechtzuerhalten.

  • Waiving call/text/data usage fees for affected customers from Sept. 26-Oct. 5, 2024
  • Extending service end dates for prepaid customers to Oct. 5, 2024
  • 100% of macro cell sites have backup battery power
  • Majority of cell sites in affected areas have backup generators
  • None.


Verizon's decision to waive domestic call, text and data usage charges for customers in hurricane-affected areas demonstrates strong corporate social responsibility. This move will likely enhance customer loyalty and brand reputation in the long term. The company's proactive approach to disaster preparedness, including network hardening and mobile assets, showcases its commitment to service reliability.

From an investor perspective, while this initiative may result in a short-term revenue impact, it's likely to be minimal given the geographic scope and duration. The potential positive PR and customer retention benefits could outweigh any immediate financial costs. Verizon's robust network infrastructure investments position the company well to maintain service continuity during natural disasters, potentially reducing long-term maintenance and repair costs.

Overall, this news reflects Verizon's strong market position and financial stability, allowing it to absorb short-term costs for long-term gains in customer satisfaction and brand value.

Verizon's response to Hurricane Helene underscores the critical role of telecom infrastructure during natural disasters. The company's extensive preparedness, including 100% backup battery coverage for macro cell sites and widespread generator availability, demonstrates significant investment in network resilience. This level of readiness is important for maintaining essential communications during crises and can be a key differentiator in the competitive telecom market.

The waiver of usage charges, while a standard industry practice during disasters, highlights the increasing importance of mobile services as lifelines during emergencies. For investors, this reinforces the defensive nature of telecom stocks, particularly those with robust infrastructure investments like Verizon.

Long-term, Verizon's focus on network reliability and disaster readiness could translate into reduced churn rates and potential market share gains in vulnerable regions, offering a strategic advantage over less prepared competitors.

For media: Regular updates can be found here.

What you need to know:

  • Verizon to waive domestic call, text, and data usage for postpaid consumer, small business customers,* and Verizon Prepaid customers impacted by the storm in parts of Florida and Georgia from Sept. 26-Oct. 5, 2024.
  • For prepaid customers using Straight Talk, Tracfone, Total Wireless, Simple Mobile, Walmart Family Mobile, Net10, GoSmart, and Page Plus, we will extend service end dates to Oct. 5, 2024.
  • With year-round preparedness, hardened network infrastructure, and an extensive fleet of mobile assets, Verizon’s networks are primed for Hurricane Helene.

ALPHARETTA, Ga., Sept. 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- To help residents in Florida and Georgia expected to be impacted by Hurricane Helene, Verizon will waive postpaid domestic call/text/data usage from Sept. 26-Oct. 5. This will bring relief to the thousands of customers who rely on their mobile devices now more than ever, especially during this challenging time.

The waiver will apply to all postpaid consumer customers, small business customers*, and Verizon Prepaid customers in the following counties:

Florida: Alachua, Citrus, Columbia, Dixie, Franklin, Gadsden, Gilchrist, Gulf, Hamilton, Hernando, Jefferson, Lafayette, Leon, Levy, Liberty, Madison, Marion, Pasco, Suwannee, Taylor, and Wakulla.

Georgia: Atkinson, Ben Hill, Berrien, Brooks, Clinch, Coffee, Colquitt, Cook, Decatur, Echols, Grady, Irwin, Lanier, Lowndes, Mitchell, Thomas, Tift, Turner, and Worth.

Customers do not have to take any action to take advantage of the offer. Any overages for those whose billing cycles have already closed will be automatically credited back.

For prepaid customers using Straight Talk, Tracfone, Wireless , Simple Mobile, Walmart Family Mobile, Net10, GoSmart, and Page Plus, we will extend service end dates to Oct. 5, 2024.

"At Verizon, our dedication to our customers extends far beyond delivering reliable service; it means standing by their side when they need us most,” said Atlantic South Market President, Leigh Anne Lanier. “We recognize the immense challenges our communities are facing as Hurricane Helene prepares to make landfall, and we hope this gesture offers some comfort, allowing our customers to focus on what truly matters during these trying times."

Verizon's networks are primed to maintain connectivity even in the face of extreme weather conditions, such as hurricanes. With redundancy built into critical paths and components, Verizon's network is engineered to withstand severe weather. Verizon engineers have prepared by conducting thorough checks, as well as ensuring backup systems, like batteries and generators, are operational and refueled.

One hundred percent of Verizon macro cell sites, which provide large area coverage, have backup battery power and the majority of cell sites in the affected areas in Florida and Georgia. have backup generators. While commercial power is out, Verizon equipment and facilities across the area are being powered by these batteries and generators. Refueling efforts are underway to ensure those generators continue to provide power. Our engineers are confident we have the necessary fuel and crews to keep that operation running 24x7 until that happens.

*Verizon small business customers include customers with 50 lines or less.

Verizon Communications Inc. (NYSE, Nasdaq: VZ) was formed in 2000 and is one of the world’s leading providers of technology and communications services. Headquartered in New York City and with a presence around the world, Verizon generated revenues of $134.0 billion in 2023. The company offers data, video and voice services and solutions on its award-winning networks and platforms, delivering on customers’ demand for mobility, reliable network connectivity, and security.

VERIZON’S ONLINE MEDIA CENTER: News releases, stories, media contacts and other resources are available at News releases are also available through an RSS feed. To subscribe, visit

Media contact:

Winnie Wright
(678) 594-1775

Parker Branton
(770) 841-6737


What is Verizon (VZ) offering to customers affected by Hurricane Helene?

Verizon is waiving domestic call, text, and data usage fees for postpaid consumer, small business, and Verizon Prepaid customers in specific counties of Florida and Georgia from Sept. 26-Oct. 5, 2024. They're also extending service end dates for prepaid customers using various Verizon-owned brands to Oct. 5, 2024.

Which areas are covered by Verizon's (VZ) Hurricane Helene relief efforts?

The relief efforts cover specific counties in Florida and Georgia, including 21 counties in Florida (such as Alachua, Citrus, and Leon) and 19 counties in Georgia (including Atkinson, Ben Hill, and Lowndes).

How is Verizon (VZ) preparing its network for Hurricane Helene?

Verizon has built redundancy into critical network paths and components. All macro cell sites have backup battery power, and most sites in affected areas have backup generators. They've conducted thorough checks and ensured backup systems are operational and refueled.

Do Verizon (VZ) customers need to take any action to benefit from the Hurricane Helene relief offer?

No, customers do not need to take any action. The waiver will be applied automatically, and any overages for those whose billing cycles have already closed will be credited back.

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