Verizon is Ready, Offers Tips as Hurricane Milton Approaches Florida

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Verizon is preparing for Hurricane Milton's approach to Florida, emphasizing its readiness to maintain connectivity for communities and first responders. The company has implemented a comprehensive response plan, including:

1. A hardened network designed to withstand extreme conditions
2. Preparation of backup systems like batteries and generators
3. Staging of portable network solutions and mobile generators
4. Deployment of the Verizon Frontline Crisis Response Team to support public safety agencies

Verizon also offers tips for businesses and residents to prepare for the hurricane, such as updating contact information, testing backup networks, and stocking up on power supplies. The company encourages customers to utilize satellite communication features on compatible devices and to stay informed through Verizon's Online Emergency Resource Center.

Verizon si sta preparando per l'arrivo dell'uragano Milton in Florida, sottolineando la sua prontezza nel mantenere la connettività per le comunità e i primi soccorritori. L'azienda ha implementato un piano di risposta completo, che include:

1. Una rete rinforzata progettata per resistere a condizioni estreme
2. Preparazione di sistemi di riserva come batterie e generatori
3. Posizionamento di soluzioni di rete portatili e generatori mobili
4. Schieramento del Verizon Frontline Crisis Response Team per supportare le agenzie di pubblica sicurezza

Verizon offre anche consigli per le aziende e i residenti per prepararsi all'uragano, come aggiornare le informazioni di contatto, testare le reti di backup e fare scorte di forniture elettriche. L'azienda incoraggia i clienti a utilizzare le funzionalità di comunicazione satellitare sui dispositivi compatibili e a rimanere informati attraverso il Centro Risorse di Emergenza Online di Verizon.

Verizon se está preparando para la llegada del huracán Milton a Florida, haciendo hincapié en su disposición para mantener la conectividad para las comunidades y los primeros respondedores. La compañía ha implementado un plan de respuesta integral, que incluye:

1. Una red reforzada diseñada para resistir condiciones extremas
2. Preparación de sistemas de respaldo como baterías y generadores
3. Despliegue de soluciones de red portátiles y generadores móviles
4. Implementación del equipo de respuesta a crisis de Verizon Frontline para apoyar a las agencias de seguridad pública

Verizon también ofrece consejos para que empresas y residentes se preparen para el huracán, como actualizar la información de contacto, probar las redes de respaldo y almacenar suministros de energía. La empresa anima a los clientes a utilizar las funciones de comunicación por satélite en dispositivos compatibles y a mantenerse informados a través del Centro de Recursos de Emergencia en Línea de Verizon.

베라이즌은 플로리다에 다가오는 밀턴 허리케인을 대비하고 있으며, 지역 사회와 응급 구조원의 연결 유지를 위한 준비 상태를 강조하고 있습니다. 회사는 다음과 같은 종합 대응 계획을 시행했습니다:

1. 극한 조건을 견딜 수 있도록 설계된 견고한 네트워크
2. 배터리와 발전기와 같은 백업 시스템 준비
3. 이동식 네트워크 솔루션과 이동 발전기 배치
4. 공공 안전 기관을 지원하기 위한 Verizon Frontline 위기 대응팀 배치

베라이즌은 또한 기업과 거주자들이 허리케인에 대비하기 위한 팁을 제공하며, 연락처 정보 업데이트, 백업 네트워크 테스트, 전력 공급품 비축 등을 권장합니다. 회사는 고객들에게 호환 가능한 장치에서 위성 통신 기능을 활용하고, Verizon의 온라인 비상 자원 센터를 통해 정보를 지속적으로 확인할 것을 권장합니다.

Verizon se prépare à l'arrivée de l'ouragan Milton en Floride, mettant en avant sa capacité à maintenir la connectivité pour les communautés et les premiers intervenants. L'entreprise a mis en œuvre un plan de réponse complet, qui comprend :

1. Un réseau renforcé conçu pour résister à des conditions extrêmes
2. La préparation de systèmes de secours tels que des batteries et des générateurs
3. La mise en place de solutions réseau portables et de générateurs mobiles
4. Le déploiement de l'équipe de réponse aux crises de Verizon Frontline pour soutenir les agences de sécurité publique

Verizon propose également des conseils aux entreprises et aux résidents pour se préparer à l'ouragan, tels que la mise à jour des informations de contact, le test des réseaux de secours et l'approvisionnement en énergie. L'entreprise encourage ses clients à utiliser les fonctionnalités de communication par satellite sur les appareils compatibles et à rester informés via le Centre de Ressources d'Urgence en Ligne de Verizon.

Verizon bereitet sich auf die Annäherung des Hurrikans Milton an Florida vor und betont seine Bereitschaft, die Konnektivität für Gemeinden und Ersthelfer aufrechtzuerhalten. Das Unternehmen hat einen umfassenden Notfallplan umgesetzt, der Folgendes umfasst:

1. Ein verstärktes Netzwerk, das extremen Bedingungen gewachsen ist
2. Vorbereitung von Backup-Systemen wie Batterien und Generatoren
3. Bereitstellung von tragbaren Netzwerklösungen und mobilen Generatoren
4. Einsatz des Verizon Frontline Crisis Response Teams zur Unterstützung der öffentlichen Sicherheitsbehörden

Verizon bietet auch Tipps für Unternehmen und Anwohner an, um sich auf den Hurrikan vorzubereiten, wie z. B. die Aktualisierung von Kontaktdaten, das Testen von Backup-Netzwerken und das Anlegen von Vorräten an Stromversorgungen. Das Unternehmen ermutigt die Kunden, die Satellitenkommunikationsfunktionen auf kompatiblen Geräten zu nutzen und sich über das Online-Notfallressourcenzentrum von Verizon informiert zu halten.

  • Verizon has a hardened network infrastructure designed to withstand extreme weather conditions
  • The company has staged portable network solutions and mobile generators for rapid response
  • Verizon Frontline Crisis Response Team is ready to support public safety agencies at no cost
  • In the first nine months of 2024, the Crisis Response Team has responded to over 1,000 requests from 500+ agencies in 46 states
  • None.

Year-round preparedness, network infrastructure and mobile assets are the foundation of Verizon’s response plan for Hurricane Milton

ALPHARETTA, Ga., Oct. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- As Hurricane Milton approaches the Florida coast, Verizon remains committed to keeping communities and first responders connected. In addition to a hardened network designed to withstand the most extreme conditions, Verizon's engineers undertook steadfast preparation measures to ensure resources are in place for rapid response.

“At Verizon, our top priority is supporting the communities we serve. Our responsiveness and partnership at times of crises truly matters,” said Atlantic South Market President, Leigh Anne Lanier. “From families, to businesses, to first responders, we are here to provide the reliable service they can count on. Our team is working tirelessly to keep our customers connected now and in the days ahead.”

In the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, satellite communications have proven to be an important communication tool when terrestrial services have been impacted. Make sure your phone is ready in advance. Customers with an iPhone 14 or newer should upgrade to iOS 18 to ensure they can send text messages or connect with emergency services via satellite. And for those with Google Pixel 9 devices, emergency messaging is also available via satellite. Both operating systems have demos available allowing customers practice in messaging via satellite in advance. Learn more, here.

Verizon’s networks are primed
Verizon's networks are primed to maintain connectivity even in the face of extreme weather conditions. With redundancy built into critical paths and components, Verizon's network is engineered with the goal of withstanding severe weather. Verizon engineers have prepared by conducting thorough checks, as well as ensuring backup systems, like batteries and generators, are operational and refueled. Verizon has also installed liaisons at area Emergency Operations Centers to allow seamless partnership with local, state, and government agencies to ensure a rapid restoration.

In preparation for potential network recovery operations, Verizon has staged in close proximity a fleet of portable network solutions, including satellite-based portable network assets, providing crucial connectivity in scenarios where fiber connections are compromised, as well as mobile generators to assist communities in the result of commercial power loss.

Verizon Frontline stands at the ready, prepared to assist first responders in any capacity needed
The Verizon Frontline Crisis Response Team stands ready to help ensure that public safety agencies on the front line of any potential disaster have the mission-critical communications capabilities needed to achieve their missions. This team, composed primarily of former first responders and military personnel, is solely dedicated to supporting public safety customers during emergencies at no cost to the supported agencies.

In the first nine months of 2024, the Verizon Frontline Crisis Response Team has responded to more than 1,000 requests for mission-critical communications support from more than 500 different agencies in 46 states.

Being prepared is essential to support local businesses and communities
Recognizing the critical role of connectivity in business continuity, Verizon Business provides a suite of solutions tailored for seamless operations during emergencies. Businesses and government organizations need the right game plan. Suggested actions include:

  • Mitigate customer disruption: Think about what you need to ensure continuous service to your customers, and what software and equipment your business needs to continue operations. Make a detailed list, including service contracts and warranty information, and all pertinent phone numbers for local authorities, utility companies, suppliers, and vendors.
  • The right tech makes an impact: Ensure you have the right technology to support your business connectivity needs assuming you might need to move away from your primary location.
  • Contacts and documents are key: Make sure you have contact information updated and readily available for all employees, including at-home information for remote workers and branch information for satellite offices.
  • Test, test, and test again: Stress-test primary and backup networks and shore up any weak areas.
  • Keep track of equipment: Ensure employees working from home have documented all corporate equipment being used to work from home in case of damage or loss.
  • Have a backup plan: Ensure backup plans are in place to shift work in case work-from-home employees in a storm-impacted area have to evacuate their homes or their home loses commercial power.

Are you hurricane ready?
Verizon’s team works year-round to ensure customers remain connected to their loved ones and the activities that provide comfort during a disaster. As residents prepare to stay connected and entertained, consider these tips:

  • Stock Up on power supplies like batteries for flashlights and radios or device chargers. Take it a step further by charging your devices that can act as chargers for other devices like laptops and power stations. Don’t forget to ensure you have the cables!
  • Download movies, books, apps and games in case of a power outage. Or gather board games, card games, and puzzles to go device-free.
  • Locate important documents that you may need later as well as sentimental photos and items.
  • Plan non-perishable meals. Keep a few non-perishable ingredients, like a manual can opener and other kitchen tools on hand.
  • Grab some candles, blankets, pillows, or anything that makes your hurricane safe space comfortable.
  • Read up on the American Red Cross’ hurricane preparedness tips.
  • Bookmark our Check Network Status page or go to My Verizon app and click Support Topics to notify us if you experience any network issues or to check to see if there are any known issues in your area. Enter your location, select the type of service issue, and we will provide a real time status update.

More information
Visit Verizon's Online Emergency Resource Center,, for further details on Verizon's emergency response capabilities.

Verizon Communications Inc. (NYSE, Nasdaq: VZ) was formed in 2000 and is one of the world’s leading providers of technology and communications services. Headquartered in New York City and with a presence around the world, Verizon generated revenues of $134.0 billion in 2023. The company offers data, video and voice services and solutions on its award-winning networks and platforms, delivering on customers’ demand for mobility, reliable network connectivity, and security.

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How is Verizon preparing for Hurricane Milton in Florida?

Verizon is preparing for Hurricane Milton by ensuring its network infrastructure is hardened, conducting thorough checks on backup systems, staging portable network solutions and mobile generators, and deploying the Verizon Frontline Crisis Response Team to support public safety agencies.

What satellite communication features does Verizon recommend for Hurricane Milton preparedness?

Verizon recommends customers with iPhone 14 or newer to upgrade to iOS 18 for satellite text messaging and emergency services. Google Pixel 9 users also have access to emergency messaging via satellite. Both systems offer demos for practice.

How many requests has the Verizon Frontline Crisis Response Team (VZ) handled in 2024?

In the first nine months of 2024, the Verizon Frontline Crisis Response Team has responded to more than 1,000 requests for mission-critical communications support from over 500 different agencies across 46 states.

What tips does Verizon (VZ) offer for hurricane preparedness?

Verizon offers several tips for hurricane preparedness, including stocking up on power supplies, downloading entertainment for potential power outages, locating important documents, planning non-perishable meals, and bookmarking Verizon's Check Network Status page for real-time updates.

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