Verizon donates $50,000 to Los Angeles Mission

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Verizon has announced a $50,000 donation to Los Angeles Mission in honor of World Mental Health Day. This marks the second consecutive year of support for the organization's seasonal weather disaster relief efforts. The funding will help expand services and provide critical supplies to the unhoused population of Los Angeles County during severe weather events.

The donation aims to address the physical and mental well-being of unhoused individuals facing extreme weather conditions. It will enable Los Angeles Mission to increase its capacity and secure vital supplies for protection during severe weather events. Verizon's support aligns with World Mental Health Day, recognizing the connection between stable housing, mental health, and overall well-being.

This initiative is part of Verizon's broader commitment to social responsibility and bridging the gap for underserved communities through corporate giving and volunteer efforts.

Verizon ha annunciato una donazione di 50.000 dollari alla Los Angeles Mission in onore della Giornata Mondiale della Salute Mentale. Questo segna il secondo anno consecutivo di supporto per gli sforzi di soccorso in caso di disastri climatici stagionali dell'organizzazione. I fondi aiuteranno ad espandere i servizi e fornire forniture essenziali alla popolazione senza fissa dimora della Contea di Los Angeles durante eventi meteorologici gravi.

La donazione mira a affrontare il benessere fisico e mentale delle persone senza fissa dimora che affrontano condizioni meteorologiche estreme. Questo permetterà alla Los Angeles Mission di aumentare la propria capacità e assicurare forniture vitali per la protezione durante eventi meteorologici avversi. Il supporto di Verizon è in linea con la Giornata Mondiale della Salute Mentale, riconoscendo il legame tra alloggio stabile, salute mentale e benessere generale.

Questa iniziativa fa parte del più ampio impegno di Verizon verso la responsabilità sociale e la riduzione delle disuguaglianze per le comunità svantaggiate attraverso donazioni aziendali e sforzi di volontariato.

Verizon ha anunciado una a la Los Angeles Mission en honor al Día Mundial de la Salud Mental. Esto marca el segundo año consecutivo de apoyo a los esfuerzos de ayuda de desastres climáticos estacionales de la organización. La financiación ayudará a expandir servicios y proporcionar suministros críticos a la población sin hogar del Condado de Los Ángeles durante eventos climáticos severos.

La donación tiene como objetivo abordar el bienestar físico y mental de las personas sin hogar que enfrentan condiciones climáticas extremas. Permitirá a la Los Angeles Mission aumentar su capacidad y asegurar suministros vitales para la protección durante eventos climáticos severos. El apoyo de Verizon está alineado con el Día Mundial de la Salud Mental, reconociendo la conexión entre una vivienda estable, la salud mental y el bienestar general.

Esta iniciativa es parte del compromiso más amplio de Verizon con la responsabilidad social y la reducción de la brecha para las comunidades desatendidas a través de donaciones corporativas y esfuerzos de voluntariado.

버라이즌은 세계 정신 건강의 날을 기념하여 로스앤젤레스 미션에 $50,000 기부를 발표했습니다. 이는 조직의 계절별 기상 재해 구호 활동에 대한 두 번째 연속 지원을 의미합니다. 이 자금은 로스앤젤레스 카운티의 주거가 없는 사람들에게 심각한 기상 사건 동안 필수 용품을 제공하고 서비스를 확장하는 데 도움이 될 것입니다.

이번 기부는 극한의 기상 조건에 처한 주거가 없는 개인의 신체적 및 정신적 안녕을 다루는 것을 목표로 합니다. 이를 통해 로스앤젤레스 미션은 수용 능력을 늘리고 심각한 기상 사건 동안 보호를 위한 필수 용품을 확보할 수 있게 됩니다. 버라이즌의 지원은 안정적인 주거, 정신 건강 및 전반적인 웰빙 간의 연관성을 인식하는 세계 정신 건강의 날과 일치합니다.

이 이니셔티브는 기업 기부 및 자원봉사를 통한 소외된 지역사회를 위한 격차를 해소하겠다는 버라이즌의 더 넓은 사회적 책임 약속의 일환입니다.

Verizon a annoncé une d donation de 50 000 dollars à la Los Angeles Mission en l'honneur de la Journée mondiale de la santé mentale. Cela marque la deuxième année consécutive de soutien aux efforts de secours liés aux catastrophes météorologiques saisonnières de l'organisation. Les fonds aideront à élargir les services et à fournir des fournitures essentielles à la population sans-abri du comté de Los Angeles pendant les événements météorologiques extrêmes.

La donation vise à aborder le bien-être physique et mental des personnes sans-abri faisant face à des conditions météorologiques extrêmes. Cela permettra à la Los Angeles Mission d'augmenter sa capacité et de sécuriser des fournitures vitales pour la protection lors d'événements météorologiques sévères. Le soutien de Verizon est en accord avec la Journée mondiale de la santé mentale, reconnaissant le lien entre un logement stable, la santé mentale et le bien-être général.

Cette initiative fait partie de l'engagement plus large de Verizon en matière de responsabilité sociale et de réduction des inégalités pour les communautés défavorisées grâce aux dons d'entreprise et aux efforts de bénévolat.

Verizon hat eine Spende von 50.000 Dollar an die Los Angeles Mission zum Internationalen Tag der psychischen Gesundheit angekündigt. Dies markiert das zweite Jahr in Folge, in dem die Organisation bei ihren saisonalen Katastrophenhilfsmaßnahmen unterstützt wird. Die Mittel werden dazu beitragen, die Dienstleistungen zu erweitern und lebenswichtige Materialien für die obdachlose Bevölkerung im Los Angeles County während extremer Wetterereignisse bereitzustellen.

Die Spende zielt darauf ab, das physische und mentale Wohlbefinden obdachloser Menschen unter extremen Wetterbedingungen zu adressieren. Sie ermöglicht es der Los Angeles Mission, ihre Kapazitäten zu erhöhen und wichtige Materialien zum Schutz bei extremen Wetterereignissen zu sichern. Die Unterstützung von Verizon steht im Einklang mit dem Internationalen Tag der psychischen Gesundheit, der die Verbindung zwischen stabilem Wohnraum, psychischer Gesundheit und allgemeinem Wohlbefinden anerkennt.

Diese Initiative ist Teil des umfassenderen Engagements von Verizon für soziale Verantwortung und dafür, die Kluft für benachteiligte Gemeinschaften durch Unternehmensspenden und Freiwilligeneinsätze zu überbrücken.

  • Demonstrates corporate social responsibility and community engagement
  • Continues support for a second consecutive year, showing commitment
  • Aligns with World Mental Health Day, potentially improving brand image
  • None.

Funding supports the unhoused population of Los Angeles County

IRVINE, Calif., Oct. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In honor of World Mental Health Day, Verizon is proud to announce a $50,000 donation to Los Angeles Mission. This funding will enable the organization to expand its services and provide critical relief supplies to the unhoused community during severe weather events, such as the intense heat waves of summer and the frigid cold snaps of winter.

This marks the second consecutive year that Verizon has supported Los Angeles Mission’s vital work providing seasonal weather disaster relief. Last year’s donation was instrumental in providing resources like clothing, food, emergency shelter, and inclement weather supplies to the vulnerable unhoused population across Los Angeles County. With this year’s donation, Verizon aims to continue that support, especially as extreme weather conditions increasingly pose a threat to the physical and mental well-being of unhoused individuals.

“We are profoundly grateful to Verizon for their ongoing partnership in providing life-saving disaster relief to the most vulnerable among us,” said Pastor Troy Vaughn, President and CEO of Los Angeles Mission. “As we face both historic heat waves and the upcoming cold weather season in Los Angeles County and throughout California, many of our unhoused neighbors, veterans, and individuals fleeing domestic violence are left without safe refuge amid worsening weather extremes. This generous grant from Verizon will enable us to expand our capacity and secure vital supplies to protect more people during these severe weather events, ensuring they have access to shelter, safety, and hope in these trying times. We commend corporate partners like Verizon for standing by our side in moments of community crisis.”

Verizon’s donation aligns with the significance of World Mental Health Day, emphasizing the connection between stable housing, mental health, and overall well-being. The organization recognizes that the unhoused population faces disproportionate risks, not only from the physical toll of harsh weather but also from the stress and trauma that accompanies housing instability. This funding will help alleviate some of those pressures by ensuring individuals have access to important resources when they need them most.

“At Verizon, we believe that connecting with our community goes beyond technology—it’s about extending a hand to those in need. The Los Angeles Mission has been a beacon of hope for the unhoused population, providing essential services and support” said Steven Keller, Pacific Market President at Verizon. “On World Mental Health Day, we are humbled to contribute to their vital work, helping to make a meaningful difference in the lives of our most vulnerable neighbors.”

Verizon’s continued support of local organizations like Los Angeles Mission underscores the company’s broader commitment to social responsibility and its mission to help bridge the gap for underserved communities through both corporate giving and volunteer efforts.

Verizon Communications Inc. (NYSE, Nasdaq: VZ) powers and empowers how its millions of customers live, work and play, delivering on their demand for mobility, reliable network connectivity and security. Headquartered in New York City, serving countries worldwide and nearly all of the Fortune 500, Verizon generated revenues of $134.0 billion in 2023. Verizon’s world-class team never stops innovating to meet customers where they are today and equip them for the needs of tomorrow. For more, visit or find a retail location at

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About Los Angeles Mission

For the past 88 years, Los Angeles Mission has been a beacon of hope for the Skid Row community, providing essential emergency services, including shelter, food, clothing, and access to professional medical, legal, and dental care. The Mission also offers comprehensive long-term residential rehabilitation programs that include education, mental health counseling, job training, placement services, and transitional housing. To learn more or support their work, visit and help transform lives.

Media contact:
Alexis Madrigal


How much did Verizon (VZ) donate to Los Angeles Mission in 2024?

Verizon donated $50,000 to Los Angeles Mission in 2024.

What is the purpose of Verizon's (VZ) donation to Los Angeles Mission?

The donation is to support the unhoused population of Los Angeles County by providing critical relief supplies during severe weather events.

Is this Verizon's (VZ) first donation to Los Angeles Mission?

No, this is the second consecutive year that Verizon has supported Los Angeles Mission's seasonal weather disaster relief efforts.

How does Verizon's (VZ) donation to Los Angeles Mission relate to World Mental Health Day?

The donation aligns with World Mental Health Day by addressing the connection between stable housing, mental health, and overall well-being of the unhoused population.

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