Verizon continues Hurricane Helene relief efforts with grants totaling $325,000

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Verizon is donating $325,000 to support communities affected by Hurricane Helene. The funding will aid local organizations in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina. Contributions include $100,000 to United Way of North Carolina, $50,000 to Central Carolina Community Foundation, and various amounts to other regional organizations.

Verizon is also waiving postpaid domestic call/text/data usage for customers in affected areas from Sept. 26 - Oct. 5 for Florida and Georgia, and Sept. 28 - Oct. 5 for North and South Carolina. The company is working to restore network connectivity, deploying temporary mobile assets, and conducting refueling operations to maintain service.

Verizon's Atlantic South Market President, Leigh Anne Lanier, emphasized the company's commitment to supporting those affected by the hurricane and aiding in their recovery efforts.

Verizon sta donando 325.000 dollari per sostenere le comunità colpite dall'Uragano Helene. I fondi aiuteranno le organizzazioni locali in Florida, Georgia, Carolina del Nord e Carolina del Sud. I contributi includono 100.000 dollari alla United Way of North Carolina, 50.000 dollari alla Central Carolina Community Foundation e varie somme ad altre organizzazioni regionali.

Verizon sta anche rinunciando alle chiamate/sms/dati postpagati nazionali per i clienti nelle aree colpite dal 26 settembre al 5 ottobre per Florida e Georgia, e dal 28 settembre al 5 ottobre per Carolina del Nord e del Sud. L'azienda sta lavorando per ripristinare la connettività di rete, distribuendo risorse mobili temporanee e conducendo operazioni di rifornimento per mantenere il servizio.

Leigh Anne Lanier, presidente del mercato Atlantic South di Verizon, ha sottolineato l'impegno dell'azienda a sostenere coloro che sono stati colpiti dall'uragano e ad aiutare nei loro sforzi di recupero.

Verizon está donando 325,000 dólares para apoyar a las comunidades afectadas por el Huracán Helene. La financiación ayudará a las organizaciones locales en Florida, Georgia, Carolina del Norte y Carolina del Sur. Las contribuciones incluyen 100,000 dólares a United Way de Carolina del Norte, 50,000 dólares a la Fundación Comunitaria de Carolina Central y diversas cantidades a otras organizaciones regionales.

Verizon también está renunciando a las llamadas/mensajes de texto/uso de datos nacionales postpago para los clientes en las áreas afectadas del 26 de septiembre al 5 de octubre para Florida y Georgia, y del 28 de septiembre al 5 de octubre para Carolina del Norte y del Sur. La empresa está trabajando para restaurar la conectividad de red, desplegando recursos móviles temporales y realizando operaciones de repostaje para mantener el servicio.

Leigh Anne Lanier, presidenta del mercado Atlantic South de Verizon, enfatizó el compromiso de la empresa de apoyar a los afectados por el huracán y ayudar en sus esfuerzos de recuperación.

버라이존은 허리케인 헬렌으로 영향을 받은 지역 사회를 지원하기 위해 $325,000를 기부하고 있습니다. 이 기금은 플로리다, 조지아, 노스캐롤라이나, 사우스캐롤라이나의 지역 단체들을 돕는 데 사용될 것입니다. 기부 내용에는 노스캐롤라이나 유나이티드웨이에 $100,000, 중앙 캐롤라이나 지역 사회 재단에 $50,000, 그리고 기타 지역 단체들에 대한 다양한 금액이 포함되어 있습니다.

버라이존은 또한 9월 26일부터 10월 5일 동안 플로리다와 조지아의 영향을 받은 지역 고객을 위해 후불 국내 전화/문자/데이터 사용료를 면제합니다. 노스캐롤라이나와 사우스캐롤라이나의 경우는 9월 28일부터 10월 5일 사이입니다. 회사는 네트워크 연결 복구를 위해 노력하고 임시 이동 통신 자산을 배치하며 서비스 유지를 위해 연료 보급 작업을 수행하고 있습니다.

버라이존의 애틀랜틱 사우스 마켓 회장인 리 앤 래니어는 회사가 허리케인으로 영향을 받은 사람들을 지원하고 이들의 회복 노력에 기여하겠다는 의지를 강조했습니다.

Verizon fait don de 325 000 $ pour aider les communautés touchées par l'ouragan Helene. Ce financement viendra en aide aux organisations locales en Floride, en Géorgie, en Caroline du Nord et en Caroline du Sud. Les contributions comprennent 100 000 $ à United Way de Caroline du Nord, 50 000 $ à la Central Carolina Community Foundation et diverses sommes à d'autres organisations régionales.

Verizon renonce également aux frais d'appels/messages texte/utilisation de données domestiques pour les clients situés dans les zones touchées, du 26 septembre au 5 octobre pour la Floride et la Géorgie, et du 28 septembre au 5 octobre pour la Caroline du Nord et la Caroline du Sud. L'entreprise travaille à rétablir la connectivité du réseau, déployant des ressources mobiles temporaires et réalisant des opérations de ravitaillement pour maintenir le service.

Leigh Anne Lanier, présidente du marché Atlantic South de Verizon, a souligné l'engagement de l'entreprise à soutenir les personnes touchées par l'ouragan et à aider dans leurs efforts de récupération.

Verizon spendet 325.000 Dollar, um Gemeinschaften, die von Hurrikan Helene betroffen sind, zu unterstützen. Die Mittel werden lokalen Organisationen in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina und South Carolina zugutekommen. Zu den Beiträgen gehören 100.000 Dollar an die United Way of North Carolina, 50.000 Dollar an die Central Carolina Community Foundation sowie verschiedene Beträge an andere regionale Organisationen.

Verizon erlassen während der Zeit vom 26. September bis 5. Oktober die Gebühren für nachträgliche Inlandsgespräche/SMS/Daten für Kunden in betroffenen Gebieten in Florida und Georgia und vom 28. September bis 5. Oktober für North und South Carolina. Das Unternehmen arbeitet daran, die Netzwerkkonnektivität wiederherzustellen, setzt temporäre mobile Ressourcen ein und führt Betankungsoperationen durch, um den Service aufrechtzuerhalten.

Leigh Anne Lanier, Präsidentin des Atlantic South Marktes von Verizon, betonte das Engagement des Unternehmens, den von dem Sturm Betroffenen zu helfen und deren Wiederherstellungsbemühungen zu unterstützen.

  • Donation of $325,000 to support hurricane relief efforts
  • Waiving of postpaid domestic call/text/data usage for affected customers
  • Deployment of temporary mobile assets to restore connectivity
  • None.


Verizon's $325,000 donation for Hurricane Helene relief demonstrates a commendable commitment to corporate social responsibility. The strategic allocation of funds to various local organizations ensures targeted support across affected regions. This approach not only addresses immediate needs but also contributes to long-term recovery efforts.

The company's decision to waive usage charges for customers in impacted areas is a customer-centric move that could enhance brand loyalty. However, the financial impact of this gesture is likely minimal compared to Verizon's overall revenue.

While these efforts are positive for community relations, they are unlikely to significantly impact Verizon's financial performance or stock value. Investors should view this as a reputation-building exercise rather than a market-moving event. The long-term benefits may include improved customer retention and a strengthened corporate image, which could indirectly support the company's market position.

Verizon's response to Hurricane Helene highlights the critical role of telecommunications infrastructure in disaster recovery. The company's efforts to restore connectivity through temporary mobile assets and aggressive refueling operations demonstrate the resilience and adaptability of its network.

However, the extensive damage to cables connecting cell sites indicates potential significant repair costs and temporary revenue loss in affected areas. Investors should monitor the pace of network restoration, as prolonged outages could impact customer satisfaction and potentially lead to churn.

Long-term, this event underscores the need for ongoing investment in network hardening and disaster preparedness. Such investments, while costly, are important for maintaining service reliability in the face of increasing extreme weather events. This could lead to increased capital expenditures in the coming years, which may pressure short-term margins but strengthen Verizon's competitive position in the long run.

Funding will aid communities hardest hit by Hurricane Helene

ALPHARETTA, Ga., Oct. 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In light of Hurricane Helene and the massive devastation it left behind, Verizon is reinforcing its commitment to the communities it serves by donating a total of $325,000 directly to local organizations working in the impacted areas. As so many work to rebuild their homes and livelihoods, this funding is intended to support local relief efforts, not just for the coming days, but in the weeks and months ahead.

“We stand with unwavering support for those affected by Hurricane Helene, and we want you to know that Verizon is here for you,” said Atlantic South Market President, Leigh Anne Lanier. “We are committed to doing everything in our power to get you the resources you need. It’s our hope that this funding brings meaningful support during such a tragic time and helps ease the path toward recovery.”

Verizon contributions include:

Brittany Pruitt Fletcher, President and CEO of United Way North Carolina: “We are immensely grateful to Verizon for their generous donation of $100,000 to support hurricane relief efforts through UW Helps NC Fund. This partnership enables us to address the urgent needs of our communities affected by Hurricane Helene, providing essential resources such as food, shelter, and basic needs. Together, we can make a meaningful impact in helping those who have been displaced and are struggling to rebuild their lives.”

Georgia Mjartan, Central Carolina Community Foundation President and CEO: “It is incredible to see how, in times of crisis, our community responds with overwhelming generosity, from first responders to neighbors helping neighbors. By giving to the One SC Fund, we can all support the local nonprofits doing the front-line work of recovery from Hurricane Helene.”

Thomas Mantz, President & CEO at Feeding Tampa Bay: "As Tampa Bay navigates the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, Feeding Tampa Bay will continue to assess and respond to the needs of those who have lost so much. We cannot do this important work alone. Thank you, Verizon, for stepping in alongside us by generously donating $25,000 that will directly help those impacted by the storm."

Josie Tamayo, CEO of Volunteer Florida: "Volunteer Florida is deeply grateful to Verizon for their generous support and donation to the Florida Disaster Fund in response to Hurricane Helene. With the collaboration of our valued business partners, their commitment will help provide critical services and resources to those affected, ensuring that communities have the support they need to rebuild and recover."

Amy Breitmann, President & CEO of Golden Harvest Food Bank: “We are incredibly grateful to Verizon for their generous support in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene. Their quick action and generosity are making a real difference, helping us deliver food and water to families who need it most during this difficult time.”

Supporting Verizon Customers
Verizon has also previously announced plans to support customers in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina impacted by Hurricane Helene, by waiving postpaid domestic call/text/data usage. Florida and Georgia customer usage will be waived from Sept. 26 - Oct. 5. For North and South Carolina, the dates are Sept. 28 - Oct. 5. This will bring relief to the thousands of customers who are relying on their mobile devices now more than ever, during this especially challenging time.

Verizon is committed to keeping our customers and public safety partners connected. Our crews will work until connectivity is fully restored to all, but there is still a tremendous amount of work ahead of us. Network restoration work continues, as many of the cables that connect cell sites to the rest of the network have been damaged or are without power. Crews are working to restore those connections to cell sites as quickly as possible. We have aggressively deployed temporary mobile assets to restore connectivity across the region to aid recovery efforts and emergency operations, and will continue to do so. In addition, massive refueling operations are underway to ensure those sites without commercial power remain in service for Verizon customers and first responders.

More Information
Visit Verizon's Online Emergency Resource Center,, for further details on Verizon's emergency response capabilities.

Verizon Communications Inc. (NYSE, Nasdaq: VZ) was formed in 2000 and is one of the world’s leading providers of technology and communications services. Headquartered in New York City and with a presence around the world, Verizon generated revenues of $134.0 billion in 2023. The company offers data, video and voice services and solutions on its award-winning networks and platforms, delivering on customers’ demand for mobility, reliable network connectivity, and security.

Media contact:
Winnie Wright
(678) 594-1775

Parker Branton
(770) 841-6737

Lauren Peterson
(214) 662-3801


How much is Verizon (VZ) donating for Hurricane Helene relief efforts?

Verizon (VZ) is donating a total of $325,000 for Hurricane Helene relief efforts, distributed among various local organizations in the affected areas.

What areas are covered by Verizon's (VZ) Hurricane Helene relief efforts?

Verizon's (VZ) Hurricane Helene relief efforts cover Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina, with donations to organizations serving these states.

How is Verizon (VZ) supporting its customers affected by Hurricane Helene?

Verizon (VZ) is waiving postpaid domestic call/text/data usage for affected customers in Florida and Georgia from Sept. 26 - Oct. 5, and in North and South Carolina from Sept. 28 - Oct. 5.

What actions is Verizon (VZ) taking to restore network connectivity after Hurricane Helene?

Verizon (VZ) is deploying temporary mobile assets, conducting refueling operations, and working to restore damaged cables connecting cell sites to the network in areas affected by Hurricane Helene.

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