Verizon Business State of Small Business Survey finds a surge in SMBs using AI

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Verizon Business's fifth annual State of Small Business Survey reveals a significant surge in AI adoption among small to midsize businesses (SMBs), with usage doubling from 14% in 2023 to 39% in 2024. Despite economic concerns, SMBs are investing more in technology than in the past three years, particularly in internet upgrades and online operations.

Key findings include:

  • 84% of SMBs use Facebook for promotion and customer engagement
  • 66% have upgraded their internet bandwidth
  • 83% worry about rising inflation's impact on their business
  • 59% believe their business will be in a better economic position next year
  • 52% of retailers are preparing for an in-store-first holiday season

Verizon Business is offering Small Business Days from October 14-20, providing special deals, free tech checks, and personalized consultations. The company aims to support one million small businesses by 2030 through its Small Business Digital Ready platform, offering free digital skills training.

Il quinto rapporto annuale di Verizon Business sullo Stato delle Piccole Imprese evidenzia un significativo aumento nell'adozione dell'IA tra le piccole e medie imprese (PMI), con l'uso che è raddoppiato dal 14% nel 2023 al 39% nel 2024. Nonostante le preoccupazioni economiche, le PMI stanno investendo di più nella tecnologia rispetto agli ultimi tre anni, in particolare negli aggiornamenti della rete internet e nelle operazioni online.

I risultati chiave includono:

  • l'84% delle PMI utilizza Facebook per promozione e coinvolgimento dei clienti
  • il 66% ha aggiornato la propria larghezza di banda internet
  • l'83% teme l'impatto dell'aumento dell'inflazione sulla propria attività
  • il 59% crede che la propria azienda sarà in una posizione economica migliore l'anno prossimo
  • il 52% dei rivenditori si sta preparando per una stagione festiva in-store-first

Verizon Business offre Small Business Days dal 14 al 20 ottobre, fornendo offerte speciali, controlli tecnologici gratuiti e consulenze personalizzate. L'azienda mira a supportare un milione di piccole imprese entro il 2030 attraverso la sua piattaforma Small Business Digital Ready, offrendo formazione gratuita sulle competenze digitali.

La quinta encuesta anual sobre el Estado de las Pequeñas Empresas de Verizon Business revela un aumento significativo en la adopción de IA entre pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYMEs), con el uso duplicándose del 14% en 2023 al 39% en 2024. A pesar de las preocupaciones económicas, las PYMEs están invirtiendo más en tecnología que en los últimos tres años, especialmente en actualizaciones de internet y operaciones en línea.

Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

  • el 84% de las PYMEs utilizan Facebook para promoción y compromiso con los clientes
  • el 66% ha mejorado su ancho de banda de internet
  • el 83% se preocupa por el impacto de la creciente inflación en su negocio
  • el 59% cree que su negocio estará en una mejor posición económica el próximo año
  • el 52% de los minoristas se están preparando para una temporada navideña con enfoque en la tienda

Verizon Business está ofreciendo Días de Pequeñas Empresas del 14 al 20 de octubre, proporcionando ofertas especiales, revisiones tecnológicas gratuitas y consultas personalizadas. La compañía tiene como objetivo apoyar a un millón de pequeñas empresas para 2030 a través de su plataforma Small Business Digital Ready, ofreciendo capacitación gratuita en habilidades digitales.

버라이전 비즈니스의 다섯 번째 연례 중소기업 조사에 따르면, 중소기업(SMB)에서 인공지능(AI) 채택이 크게 증가하고 있으며, 사용 비율이 2023년 14%에서 2024년 39%로 두 배로 늘어났습니다. 경제적 우려에도 불구하고, SMB들은 지난 3년보다 기술에 더 많은 투자를 하고 있으며, 특히 인터넷 업그레이드 및 온라인 운영에 집중하고 있습니다.

주요 발견 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 84%의 SMB가 Facebook을 홍보 및 고객 참여를 위해 사용합니다.
  • 66%가 인터넷 대역폭을 업그레이드했습니다.
  • 83%가 상승하는 인플레이션이 비즈니스에 미치는 영향에 대해 걱정하고 있습니다.
  • 59%가 내년에 비즈니스가 더 나은 경제적 위치에 있을 것이라고 믿고 있습니다.
  • 52%의 소매업체가 매장에서의 첫 번째 휴가 시즌을 준비하고 있습니다.

버라이전 비즈니스는 10월 14일부터 20일까지 소규모 기업의 날을 제공하며, 특별 할인, 무료 기술 점검 및 개인 맞춤형 상담을 제공합니다. 이 회사는 2030년까지 100만 개의 소규모 기업을 지원하기 위해 Small Business Digital Ready 플랫폼을 통해 무료 디지털 기술 교육을 제공할 계획입니다.

Le cinquième rapport annuel de Verizon Business sur l'état des petites entreprises révèle une forte augmentation de l'adoption de l'IA parmi les petites et moyennes entreprises (PME), l'utilisation passant de 14 % en 2023 à 39 % en 2024. Malgré les préoccupations économiques, les PME investissent plus dans la technologie que ces trois dernières années, en particulier dans les mises à niveau Internet et les opérations en ligne.

Les résultats clés incluent :

  • 84 % des PME utilisent Facebook pour la promotion et l'engagement des clients
  • 66 % ont amélioré leur bande passante Internet
  • 83 % s'inquiètent de l'impact de l'inflation croissante sur leur entreprise
  • 59 % estiment que leur entreprise sera dans une meilleure position économique l'année prochaine
  • 52 % des détaillants se préparent pour une saison des fêtes en magasin

Verizon Business propose les Jours des Petites Entreprises du 14 au 20 octobre, offrant des offres spéciales, des vérifications technologiques gratuites et des consultations personnalisées. L'entreprise vise à soutenir un million de petites entreprises d'ici 2030 grâce à sa plateforme Small Business Digital Ready, offrant une formation gratuite aux compétences numériques.

Die fünfte jährliche Umfrage von Verizon Business zum Stand der kleinen Unternehmen zeigt einen signifikanten Anstieg der KI-Nutzung bei kleinen und mittelständischen Unternehmen (KMU), wobei die Nutzung von 14 % im Jahr 2023 auf 39 % im Jahr 2024 ansteigt. Trotz wirtschaftlicher Sorgen investieren KMU mehr in Technologie als in den letzten drei Jahren, insbesondere in Internet-Upgrades und Online-Betrieb.

Wichtige Ergebnisse sind:

  • 84 % der KMU nutzen Facebook zur Promotion und Kundenbindung
  • 66 % haben ihre Internetbandbreite aktualisiert
  • 83 % sorgen sich um die Auswirkungen der steigenden Inflation auf ihr Geschäft
  • 59 % glauben, dass ihr Unternehmen im nächsten Jahr in einer besseren wirtschaftlichen Lage sein wird
  • 52 % der Einzelhändler bereiten sich auf eine saisonale Kundenansprache in der Filiale vor

Verizon Business bietet vom 14. bis 20. Oktober Kleine Unternehmens Tage an, mit speziellen Angeboten, kostenlosen Technologietests und persönlichen Beratungen. Das Unternehmen zielt darauf ab, bis 2030 eine Million kleine Unternehmen durch seine Small Business Digital Ready-Plattform zu unterstützen, die kostenlose Schulungen zu digitalen Fähigkeiten anbietet.

  • None.
  • None.

What you need to know:

  • AI usage has more than doubled compared to 2023, with almost 2 in 5 reporting their business currently uses AI
  • SMBs are increasingly investing in tech, with decision-makers noting it helps address challenges, save costs and boost revenue
  • More SMBs are tapping social media platforms, with 84% of respondents using Facebook for promotion and customer engagement
  • From October 14-20, Verizon Business is offering small businesses a free “tech check” to assess their current solutions and help identify what they need to succeed

NEW YORK, Oct. 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Verizon Business today announced the findings of its fifth annual State of Small Business Survey, conducted by Morning Consult. Despite soaring concerns about their business’ financial security and personal job security, the survey found that small to midsize businesses (SMBs) across the country are investing in technology more now than the past three years, both foundational and emerging. The survey data is based on responses from 621 SMBs.

Key findings:

  • AI awareness is driving AI adoption. In the past year, the number of SMBs using AI has doubled (39% of SMBs are using AI in 2024 compared to 14% in 2023), in large part due to the growing familiarity with and accessibility of AI and its business applications. A rise in AI awareness among SMBs has a dual impact: decision-makers are more likely to perceive benefits, but it can also heighten security concerns.
  • SMBs are investing in tech more than they have in the past three years. As more SMBs conduct more business online (38% added online/digital operations in the past year), technology investments among SMBs have grown to support that digitalization. Upgrades to internet connection have formed a big portion of those investments, with 66% of respondents upgrading their internet bandwidth.
  • Despite economic anxiety, SMBs remain optimistic. The majority of SMBs (83%) are worried about rising inflation and its impact on their business, and about four out of five are worried about the U.S. economy in general. Additionally, concerns about their business’ financial security (62%) and their personal job security (54%) have grown over 10% in the past year. Yet even with broader economic anxiety, SMBs remain optimistic about their near-term prospects. About half of respondents expect their personal (50%) and their business (51%) financial security to improve in the coming months. Additionally, the majority of SMBs (59%) believe their business will be in a better economic position next year.
  • Brick-and-mortar makes a comeback for holiday retail. Despite concerns about the holiday season, namely the perceived need to price goods and services to keep up with inflation, most SMBs have a positive association with the holidays. Small business owners see increased demand during Small Business Saturday (59%) and throughout the holiday season (73%). Additionally, more than half of retailers (52%) are preparing for an in-store-first holiday season, representing a 13-point jump from last year.
  • Social media is redefining the digitalization of SMBs. Increasingly, SMBs are cultivating their online presence to entice shoppers. A large portion of this shift is taking place on social media platforms. Eighty-four percent (84%) of decision-makers use Facebook to promote products and connect with customers. While Facebook is the leading platform, SMBs are diversifying their approach to social media by leveraging the following platforms for promotion and customer engagement: Instagram (67%), LinkedIn (64%), YouTube (64%), TikTok (57%), and X/formerly Twitter (54%). Nearly four in ten (39%) respondents have social media storefronts.

“Small business owners are getting the hang of AI, discovering how it can automate time-consuming tasks and enabling them to focus more on their core business operations,” said Aparna Khurjekar, Chief Revenue Officer, Business Markets and SaaS, Verizon Business. “Despite economic and financial concerns, they’re still investing in faster internet, AI tools and social commerce because they understand how these technologies are crucial for their success. That is where Verizon Business plays a large role, as we are invested in the SMB community and are the partner of choice as they navigate the ever-changing business and consumer landscape.”

Click here to view the complete survey findings on our website.

Verizon Small Business Days (October 14-20)
Small Business Days are returning from October 14-20, offering nationwide support to business customers with technology tips, tools and offers for their mobile communications, connectivity and security needs. During this time, Verizon Business will provide special in-store deals on the latest technology solutions to help SMBs thrive. The promotions for Small Business Days will include:

  • Special Savings: Switch and get a free 5G phone on Verizon Business, no trade-in required. Plus get up to $300 off when you bring your number.
  • Personalized Consultations: One-on-one sessions with Verizon Business specialists for a complimentary tech check that looks at critical areas of business and provides business owners with advice on tailored solutions for specific business needs.

A full list of special Small Business Days offers and resources for small business owners can be found here.

Verizon Small Business Digital Ready
Verizon has a goal to support one million small businesses by 2030 with free digital skills training to help them succeed. Verizon Small Business Digital Ready is a free online platform tailored for small business owners. The Digital Ready website includes over 50 courses BY small business owners FOR small business owners, such as AI, marketing, financial planning, and social media management – and some courses are offered in Spanish. The platform also offers coaching and access to incentives, such as grants. Over 360,000 small businesses across the US are using Small Business Digital Ready to help their businesses thrive.

Click here for more information on Verizon’s Small Business solutions.

Verizon Communications Inc. (NYSE, Nasdaq: VZ) powers and empowers how its millions of customers live, work and play, delivering on their demand for mobility, reliable network connectivity and security. Headquartered in New York City, serving countries worldwide and nearly all of the Fortune 500, Verizon generated revenues of $134.0 billion in 2023. Verizon’s world-class team never stops innovating to meet customers where they are today and equip them for the needs of tomorrow. For more, visit or find a retail location at

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Media contact:
Tessa Giammona 

Carly Sylvester 


What percentage of SMBs are using AI in 2024 according to Verizon's survey?

According to Verizon's 2024 State of Small Business Survey, 39% of SMBs are using AI, which is more than double the 14% reported in 2023.

How many SMBs are worried about rising inflation's impact on their business?

The survey found that 83% of SMBs are worried about rising inflation and its impact on their business.

What percentage of retailers are preparing for an in-store-first holiday season in 2024?

52% of retailers are preparing for an in-store-first holiday season in 2024, representing a 13-point increase from the previous year.

When is Verizon Business (VZ) offering Small Business Days in 2024?

Verizon Business (VZ) is offering Small Business Days from October 14-20, 2024, providing special deals and support for small business customers.

What is Verizon's goal for supporting small businesses by 2030?

Verizon aims to support one million small businesses by 2030 with free digital skills training through its Small Business Digital Ready platform.

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