Verizon Business and SK Shieldus team up to bolster cybersecurity offerings

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Verizon Business (NYSE, Nasdaq: VZ) and SK Shieldus have announced a strategic collaboration to deliver cybersecurity solutions to South Korean and Asian enterprises operating globally. This partnership combines Verizon's global reach with SK Shieldus' local expertise to provide comprehensive protection for Asian businesses. The collaboration will focus on real-time threat intelligence, vulnerability assessment, incident response, and managed security services.

Verizon Business, which works with 99% of Fortune 500 companies, operates nine Security Operations Centers and six forensics labs. It monitors 61 billion security events annually and conducted over 500 IT investigations in 2023. SK Shieldus, South Korea's largest security services provider, offers a wide range of physical and cybersecurity services to over 1,800 customers across various sectors.

This partnership aims to strengthen cybersecurity capabilities for customers in the Korean market and expand services to clients in Asia and globally.

Verizon Business (NYSE, Nasdaq: VZ) e SK Shieldus hanno annunciato una collaborazione strategica per offrire soluzioni di cybersecurity alle aziende sudcoreane e asiatiche che operano a livello globale. Questa partnership combina la portata globale di Verizon con l'esperienza locale di SK Shieldus per fornire una protezione completa alle imprese asiatiche. La collaborazione si concentrerà su intelligence sulle minacce in tempo reale, valutazione delle vulnerabilità, risposta agli incidenti e servizi di sicurezza gestiti.

Verizon Business, che collabora con il 99% delle aziende Fortune 500, gestisce nove centri operativi di sicurezza e sei laboratori di analisi forense. Monitora 61 miliardi di eventi di sicurezza all'anno e ha condotto oltre 500 indagini IT nel 2023. SK Shieldus, il più grande fornitore di servizi di sicurezza della Corea del Sud, offre un'ampia gamma di servizi di sicurezza fisica e informatica a oltre 1.800 clienti in vari settori.

Questa partnership mira a rafforzare le capacità di cybersecurity per i clienti nel mercato coreano ed espandere i servizi ai clienti in Asia e a livello globale.

Verizon Business (NYSE, Nasdaq: VZ) y SK Shieldus han anunciado una colaboración estratégica para ofrecer soluciones de ciberseguridad a empresas surcoreanas y asiáticas que operan a nivel global. Esta asociación combina el alcance global de Verizon con la experiencia local de SK Shieldus para proporcionar una protección integral a las empresas asiáticas. La colaboración se centrará en inteligencia sobre amenazas en tiempo real, evaluación de vulnerabilidades, respuesta a incidentes y servicios de seguridad gestionados.

Verizon Business, que trabaja con el 99% de las empresas Fortune 500, opera nueve Centros de Operaciones de Seguridad y seis laboratorios de análisis forense. Monitorea 61 mil millones de eventos de seguridad anualmente y realizó más de 500 investigaciones de TI en 2023. SK Shieldus, el mayor proveedor de servicios de seguridad de Corea del Sur, ofrece una amplia gama de servicios de seguridad física y cibernética a más de 1,800 clientes en varios sectores.

Esta asociación tiene como objetivo fortalecer las capacidades de ciberseguridad para los clientes en el mercado coreano y expandir los servicios a clientes en Asia y a nivel global.

Verizon Business(NYSE, Nasdaq: VZ)와 SK Shieldus가 전략적 협력을 발표하여 전 세계에서 운영되는 한국 및 아시아 기업에 사이버 보안 솔루션을 제공하고 있습니다. 이번 파트너십은 Verizon의 글로벌 도달 범위와 SK Shieldus의 현지 전문성을 결합하여 아시아 기업을 위한 포괄적인 보호를 제공합니다. 협력은 실시간 위협 인텔리전스, 취약점 평가, 사고 대응 및 관리 보안 서비스에 중점을 두게 됩니다.

Verizon Business는 99%의 Fortune 500 기업과 협력하며, 아홉 개의 보안 운영 센터와 여섯 개의 포렌식 연구소를 운영하고 있습니다. 매년 610억 건의 보안 이벤트를 모니터링하며, 2023년에 500건 이상의 IT 조사를 수행했습니다. SK Shieldus는 한국 최대의 보안 서비스 제공업체로, 다양한 분야의 1,800명 이상의 고객에게 광범위한 물리적 및 사이버 보안 서비스를 제공합니다.

이번 파트너십은 한국 시장의 고객을 위한 사이버 보안 역량을 강화하고 아시아 및 전 세계 고객에게 서비스를 확장하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

Verizon Business (NYSE, Nasdaq: VZ) et SK Shieldus ont annoncé une collaboration stratégique pour offrir des solutions de cybersécurité aux entreprises sud-coréennes et asiatiques opérant à l'échelle mondiale. Ce partenariat combine la portée mondiale de Verizon avec l'expertise locale de SK Shieldus pour fournir une protection complète aux entreprises asiatiques. La collaboration se concentrera sur l'intelligence sur les menaces en temps réel, l'évaluation des vulnérabilités, la réponse aux incidents et les services de sécurité gérés.

Verizon Business travaille avec 99 % des entreprises Fortune 500, exploite neuf centres d'opérations de sécurité et six laboratoires d'analyse judiciaire. Il surveille 61 milliards d'événements de sécurité chaque année et a mené plus de 500 enquêtes informatiques en 2023. SK Shieldus, le plus grand fournisseur de services de sécurité de Corée du Sud, offre une large gamme de services de sécurité physique et de cybersécurité à plus de 1 800 clients dans divers secteurs.

Ce partenariat a pour objectif de renforcer les capacités de cybersécurité pour les clients sur le marché coréen et d'élargir les services aux clients en Asie et à l'échelle mondiale.

Verizon Business (NYSE, Nasdaq: VZ) und SK Shieldus haben eine strategische Zusammenarbeit angekündigt, um Unternehmen in Südkorea und Asien, die global tätig sind, Cybersecurity-Lösungen anzubieten. Diese Partnerschaft kombiniert die globale Reichweite von Verizon mit der lokalen Expertise von SK Shieldus, um umfassenden Schutz für asiatische Unternehmen bereitzustellen. Die Zusammenarbeit wird sich auf Echtzeit-Bedrohungsanalyse, Schwachstellenbewertung, Incident Response und verwaltete Sicherheitsdienste konzentrieren.

Verizon Business arbeitet mit 99 % der Fortune-500-Unternehmen und betreibt neun Sicherheitsbetriebszentren und sechs forensische Labore. Jährlich überwacht das Unternehmen 61 Milliarden Sicherheitsereignisse und führte 2023 über 500 IT-Untersuchungen durch. SK Shieldus, der größte Sicherheitsdienstleister in Südkorea, bietet eine breite Palette von physischen und Cybersecurity-Diensten für über 1.800 Kunden aus verschiedenen Sektoren an.

Diese Partnerschaft zielt darauf ab, die Cybersecurity-Fähigkeiten für Kunden im koreanischen Markt zu stärken und die Dienste auf asiatische und globale Kunden auszuweiten.

  • Strategic collaboration between Verizon Business and SK Shieldus to expand cybersecurity offerings
  • Potential for increased market share in South Korean and Asian enterprise cybersecurity market
  • Combination of Verizon's global reach and SK Shieldus' local expertise
  • Access to Verizon's extensive security infrastructure and SK Shieldus' comprehensive service portfolio
  • None.


This partnership between Verizon Business and SK Shieldus represents a significant move in the global cybersecurity landscape. By combining Verizon's extensive global network and SK Shieldus' strong presence in South Korea, they're creating a formidable alliance to address the growing cybersecurity needs of Asian enterprises expanding globally.

The collaboration leverages Verizon's impressive capabilities, including monitoring 61 billion security events annually and a team of over 400 security experts. SK Shieldus brings its comprehensive suite of security services and deep understanding of the Asian market. This synergy could potentially lead to more robust, tailored cybersecurity solutions for businesses in the region.

However, the impact on Verizon's bottom line may be in the short term. While this partnership opens doors to new markets, it's unlikely to significantly affect Verizon's $134 billion revenue immediately. Long-term prospects look more promising as cybersecurity demands continue to grow globally, potentially providing a steady stream of new business opportunities for Verizon in the Asian market.

SEOUL, South Korea, Sept. 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Verizon Business and SK Shieldus have agreed to collaborate to deliver cybersecurity solutions to South Korean and Asian enterprises operating on a global scale. This strategic relationship will leverage Verizon Business' extensive global reach and SK Shieldus' deep-rooted expertise to provide comprehensive, world-class protection addressing the unique needs of Asian businesses.

By combining their strengths in real-time threat intelligence, vulnerability assessment, incident response, and managed security services, Verizon Business and SK Shieldus aim to empower enterprises to confidently navigate the complex global threat landscape, safeguarding their operations and assets worldwide.

Verizon Business works with 99% of Fortune 500 companies and governments worldwide and offers a suite of management and data security services. The company operates nine Security Operations Centers, six forensics labs and one of the largest IP networks in the world, monitoring 61 billion security events annually. In addition, Verizon’s investigative response team boasts more than 400 security experts and conducted 500+ IT investigations in 2023.

“South Korea boasts one of the largest and most advanced economies in the world, and SK Shieldus has developed world-class cyber security capabilities in this market. We’re pleased to be working with them to enable businesses to further navigate the complexities of the digital landscape with confidence and resilience," said Robert Le Busque, Regional Vice President for Asia Pacific at Verizon Business Group.

Headquartered in South Korea, SK Shieldus is South Korea’s largest security services provider with a comprehensive suite of offerings, including physical security, security monitoring, consulting, system integration, solution supply, and operations.

SK Shieldus was formed in 2021 following the merger of SK Infosec and ADT Caps.

As a result, this integrated security provider, with physical and cybersecurity capabilities, has positioned itself as an industry leader by offering comprehensive security services. These services include security monitoring, consulting, system integration (SI), security solution supply, and security operations. With a customer base of over 1,800 across public, financial, and corporate sectors, including affiliates of the SK Group.

SK Shieldus Chief Executive Officer, Dr. W.P. Hong stated that 'Verizon is one of the world’s biggest technology providers with strong cyber capabilities. With the synergies and our capabilities in the Korea market, we will further strengthen cyber security capabilities for our customers in the market. As No.1 cyber security provider in Korea, we will utilise this collaboration to service our clients in Asia and globally.'

To learn more about Verizon Business’ cybersecurity portfolio, visit

Verizon Communications Inc. (NYSE, Nasdaq: VZ) powers and empowers how its millions of customers live, work and play, delivering on their demand for mobility, reliable network connectivity and security. Headquartered in New York City, serving countries worldwide and nearly all of the Fortune 500, Verizon generated revenues of $134.0 billion in 2023. Verizon’s world-class team never stops innovating to meet customers where they are today and equip them for the needs of tomorrow. For more, visit or find a retail location at

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Media contacts:
 Verizon Business
 Nilesh Pritam
 SK Shieldus
 Jay Choi


What is the purpose of Verizon Business and SK Shieldus' collaboration announced on September 24, 2024?

The collaboration aims to deliver cybersecurity solutions to South Korean and Asian enterprises operating on a global scale, combining Verizon's global reach with SK Shieldus' local expertise.

How many Security Operations Centers does Verizon Business (VZ) operate?

Verizon Business operates nine Security Operations Centers and six forensics labs, monitoring 61 billion security events annually.

How many customers does SK Shieldus serve in South Korea?

SK Shieldus serves over 1,800 customers across public, financial, and corporate sectors in South Korea, including affiliates of the SK Group.

What types of cybersecurity services will Verizon Business (VZ) and SK Shieldus offer through this partnership?

The partnership will focus on real-time threat intelligence, vulnerability assessment, incident response, and managed security services.

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