Vaxart Announces Publication in Vaccines of Preclinical Data Supporting the Potential of its Mucosal Vaccine Technology Platform in Enabling Therapeutic Vaccination for HPV-Related Cervical Dysplasia
Vaxart (NASDAQ: VXRT) has published preclinical data in Vaccines journal, showcasing the potential of its mucosal vaccine technology for treating HPV-related cervical dysplasia. The study demonstrated that Vaxart's HPV vaccine constructs can:
1. Stimulate specific T cell immune responses against HPV16 E6 and E7 proteins
2. Reduce tumor size in an animal model of HPV-related tumorigenesis
3. Increase survival in mice with HPV-expressing tumors
The results suggest that Vaxart's platform could enable a non-invasive treatment for HPV-related cervical dysplasia, potentially preventing progression to cervical cancer. The vaccine's ease of administration and room temperature stability could address global inequities in HPV-related cancer treatment.
Vaxart (NASDAQ: VXRT) ha pubblicato dati preclinici sulla rivista Vaccines, evidenziando il potenziale della sua tecnologia di vaccini mucosali per il trattamento della displasia cervicale legata all'HPV. Lo studio ha dimostrato che i costrutti vaccinali contro l'HPV di Vaxart possono:
1. Stimolare risposte immunitarie specifiche delle cellule T contro le proteine E6 e E7 dell'HPV16
2. Ridurre le dimensioni dei tumori in un modello animale di tumorigenesi legata all'HPV
3. Aumentare la sopravvivenza nei topi con tumori esprimenti HPV
I risultati suggeriscono che la piattaforma di Vaxart potrebbe abilitare un trattamento non invasivo per la displasia cervicale legata all'HPV, potenzialmente prevenendo la progressione verso il cancro cervicale. La facilità di somministrazione del vaccino e la stabilità a temperatura ambiente potrebbero affrontare le disuguaglianze globali nel trattamento del cancro legato all'HPV.
Vaxart (NASDAQ: VXRT) ha publicado datos preclínicos en la revista Vaccines, mostrando el potencial de su tecnología de vacunas mucosales para el tratamiento de la displasia cervical relacionada con el HPV. El estudio demostró que los constructos de la vacuna contra el HPV de Vaxart pueden:
1. Estimular respuestas inmunitarias específicas de células T contra las proteínas E6 y E7 del HPV16
2. Reducir el tamaño de los tumores en un modelo animal de tumorigenesis relacionada con el HPV
3. Aumentar la supervivencia en ratones con tumores que expresan HPV
Los resultados sugieren que la plataforma de Vaxart podría permitir un tratamiento no invasivo para la displasia cervical relacionada con el HPV, potencialmente previniendo la progresión al cáncer cervical. La facilidad de administración de la vacuna y su estabilidad a temperatura ambiente podrían abordar las inequidades globales en el tratamiento del cáncer relacionado con el HPV.
Vaxart (NASDAQ: VXRT)는 Vaccines 저널에 전임상 데이터를 발표하며 HPV 관련 자궁경부 이형성 치료를 위한 점막 백신 기술의 잠재력을 보여주었습니다. 연구 결과, Vaxart의 HPV 백신 구조체가:
1. HPV16 E6 및 E7 단백질에 대한 특정 T 세포 면역 반응을 자극할 수 있습니다.
2. HPV 관련 종양 발생 모델에서 종양 크기를 줄일 수 있습니다.
3. HPV를 발현하는 종양을 가진 마우스의 생존율을 증가시킬 수 있습니다.
이 결과는 Vaxart의 플랫폼이 HPV 관련 자궁경부 이형성증에 대한 비침습적 치료를 가능하게 할 수 있음을 시사하며, 이는 자궁경부암으로의 진행을 예방할 수 있습니다. 백신의 간편한 투여 및 상온 안정성은 HPV 관련 암 치료의 글로벌 불균형을 해결하는 데 기여할 수 있습니다.
Vaxart (NASDAQ: VXRT) a publié des données précliniques dans la revue Vaccines, mettant en avant le potentiel de sa technologie de vaccin muqueux pour traiter la dysplasie cervicale liée au HPV. L'étude a démontré que les constructions de vaccins contre le HPV de Vaxart peuvent :
1. Stimuler des réponses immunitaires spécifiques des cellules T contre les protéines E6 et E7 du HPV16
2. Réduire la taille des tumeurs dans un modèle animal de tumorigenèse liée au HPV
3. Augmenter la survie chez des souris ayant des tumeurs exprimant le HPV
Les résultats suggèrent que la plateforme de Vaxart pourrait permettre un traitement non invasif pour la dysplasie cervicale liée au HPV, pouvant ainsi prévenir la progression vers un cancer du col de l'utérus. La facilité d'administration du vaccin et sa stabilité à température ambiante pourraient répondre aux inégalités mondiales dans le traitement du cancer lié au HPV.
Vaxart (NASDAQ: VXRT) hat in der Zeitschrift Vaccines präklinische Daten veröffentlicht, die das Potenzial seiner mukosalen Impftechnologie zur Behandlung von HPV-assoziierter zervikaler Dysplasie zeigen. Die Studie hat gezeigt, dass die HPV-Impfstoffkonstrukte von Vaxart:
1. Spezifische T-Zell-Immunantworten gegen die HPV16 E6- und E7-Proteine stimulieren können
2. Die Tumorgröße in einem Tiermodell der HPV-assoziierten Tumorentstehung reduzieren können
3. Das Überleben von Mäusen mit HPV-exprimierenden Tumoren erhöhen können
Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass die Plattform von Vaxart eine nicht-invasive Behandlung für HPV-assoziierte zervikale Dysplasie ermöglichen könnte, was möglicherweise die Progression zu zervikalen Krebs verhindern kann. Die einfache Verabreichung des Impfstoffs und die Stabilität bei Raumtemperatur könnten globale Ungleichheiten in der Behandlung von HPV-assoziiertem Krebs angehen.
- Preclinical data shows Vaxart's HPV vaccine constructs stimulate immune response against HPV16 E6 and E7 proteins
- Vaccine administration led to reduced tumor size and increased survival in mice with HPV-expressing tumors
- All tested vaccines generated specific T cell responses and caused significant reductions in tumor volume
- Concurrent administration of anti-PD-1 with vaccination further increased animal survival
- Vaccination led to significant increases in intra-tumoral T cells and generation of antigen-specific cytotoxic T cells
- Additional studies are needed to further characterize the immune stimulating and anti-tumor activity of the HPV vaccine
- The study is in preclinical stage, and human trials are yet to be conducted
The publication of Vaxart's preclinical data in Vaccines marks a significant milestone in the development of mucosal vaccines for HPV-related cervical dysplasia. The results demonstrate the vaccine's ability to stimulate specific T cell responses, reduce tumor size and increase survival in animal models.
Key findings include:
- Generation of specific T cell responses against HPV16 E6 and E7 proteins
- Significant tumor volume reduction and increased survival rates
- Enhanced efficacy when combined with anti-PD-1 therapy
- Increased intra-tumoral T cells, creating a cytotoxic environment
The preclinical data from Vaxart's HPV vaccine study is promising for the field of gynecologic oncology. Current treatments for cervical dysplasia often involve invasive procedures, which can be associated with complications and patient discomfort. A mucosal vaccine approach could revolutionize treatment by offering a non-invasive alternative.
The vaccine's ability to stimulate antigen-specific cytotoxic T cells is particularly noteworthy, as it suggests potential for targeted destruction of HPV-infected cells. The synergistic effect observed with anti-PD-1 therapy also opens doors for combination immunotherapy approaches. However, it's important to remember that these are preclinical results and human trials will be necessary to confirm efficacy and safety in patients.
Vaxart's preclinical data publication could have significant market implications. The global cervical cancer treatment market is projected to reach
- Potential for improved patient compliance due to non-invasive administration
- Room temperature stability, enabling broader distribution, especially in developing markets
- Possible applications in other HPV-related cancers
- Data show that Vaxart’s HPV vaccine constructs stimulate specific T cell immune responses, reduce tumor size, and increase survival in an animal model of human papillomavirus (HPV)-related tumorigenesis -
- Results suggest that Vaxart’s mucosal vaccine platform holds promise in enabling a novel, non-invasive treatment for HPV-related cervical dysplasia -
SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., Aug. 28, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Vaxart, Inc. (Nasdaq: VXRT) today announced the publication of preclinical data demonstrating the potential of its mucosal vaccine technology platform in enabling therapeutic vaccination against HPV-related cervical dysplasia. The data show that Vaxart’s HPV vaccine constructs can stimulate a potent immune response against the HPV16 proteins E6 and E7 that are known to transform healthy cells into malignant cells. The data, reported in the current issue of Vaccines, also shows that administration of a mucosal vaccine against these proteins in mice with HPV-expressing tumors led to reductions in tumor size and increased survival.
Persistent HPV infection plays a causative role in most cases of cervical dysplasia, which leads to cervical cancers if left untreated. While prophylactic HPV vaccines are highly effective if administered prior to infection; they have not demonstrated a therapeutic effect on established infections.
“The preclinical data published in Vaccines demonstrate that our mucosal vaccines stimulate T cells to destroy HPV-expressing cells, reducing the size of HPV-derived tumors and increasing the survival of mice bearing these tumors,” said Dr. Sean Tucker, Vaxart’s Founder and Chief Scientific Officer. “While additional studies are needed to further characterize the immune stimulating and anti-tumor activity of our HPV-vaccine, these initial findings suggest that our mucosal vaccine platform could open the door to a non-invasive approach designed to prevent the progression to cervical cancer. As our mucosal vaccine candidates can be administered easily and are stable at room temperature, they also have potential to address global inequities associated with the treatment of HPV-related cancers.”
In this study published in Vaccines, the therapeutic potential of this platform was assessed in mice bearing HPV-expressing tumors. Animals were treated with vaccine candidates expressing wildtype E6 and E7 antigens from HPV16, engineered E6 and E7 that disrupt their malignant transformation potential, and fragments of E6 and E7 predicted to stimulate an immune response. Key findings from the study include:
- All vaccines generated a specific T cell response to HPV16 E6 and E7 in mice.
- All vaccines caused significant reductions in tumor volume and increased survival compared to control groups.
- Concurrent administration of anti-PD-1 with vaccination further increased animal survival in small and large tumor models compared to vaccination alone.
- Vaccination led to significant increases in intra-tumoral T cells, including T cells that create a cytotoxic tumor environment, compared with an empty control vaccine.
- Vaccination led to the generation of antigen-specific cytotoxic T cells.
These results suggest that rAd5 vaccines delivered to a mucosal surface may have therapeutic potential in the treatment of HPV-derived cervical dysplasia and might be used to stimulate immune responses against other cancer-related proteins. Vaxart is continuing to evaluate its HPV vaccine candidates.
About Vaxart
Vaxart is a clinical-stage biotechnology company developing a range of oral recombinant vaccines based on its proprietary delivery platform. Vaxart vaccines are designed to be administered using pills that can be stored and shipped without refrigeration and eliminate the risk of needle-stick injury. Vaxart believes that its proprietary pill vaccine delivery platform is suitable to deliver recombinant vaccines, positioning the company to develop oral versions of currently marketed vaccines and to design recombinant vaccines for new indications. Vaxart’s development programs currently include pill vaccines designed to protect against coronavirus, norovirus and influenza, as well as a therapeutic vaccine for human papillomavirus (HPV), Vaxart’s first immune-oncology indication. Vaxart has filed broad domestic and international patent applications covering its proprietary technology and creations for oral vaccination using adenovirus and dsRNA agonists.
Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements that involve substantial risks and uncertainties. All statements, other than statements of historical facts, included in this press release regarding Vaxart’s strategy, prospects, plans and objectives, results from preclinical and clinical trials and the timing of such results, vaccine efficacy and safety, commercialization agreements and licenses, and beliefs and expectations of management are forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements may be accompanied by such words as “should,” “believe,” “could,” “potential,” “will,” “expected,” “anticipate,” “plan,” and other words and terms of similar meaning. Examples of such statements include, but are not limited to, statements relating to Vaxart’s ability to develop and commercialize its product candidates, including its vaccine booster products; Vaxart’s expectations regarding clinical results and trial data, and the timing of receiving and reporting such clinical results and trial data; and Vaxart’s expectations with respect to the effectiveness of its product candidates. Vaxart may not actually achieve the plans, carry out the intentions, or meet the expectations or projections disclosed in the forward-looking statements, and you should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. Actual results or events could differ materially from the plans, intentions, expectations, and projections disclosed in the forward-looking statements. Various important factors could cause actual results or events to differ materially from the forward-looking statements that Vaxart makes, including uncertainties inherent in research and development, including the ability to meet anticipated clinical endpoints, commencement, and/or completion dates for clinical trials, regulatory submission dates, regulatory approval dates, and/or launch dates, as well as the possibility of unfavorable new clinical data and further analyses of existing clinical data; the risk that clinical trial data are subject to differing interpretations and assessments by regulatory authorities; whether regulatory authorities will be satisfied with the design of and results from the clinical studies; decisions by regulatory authorities impacting labeling, manufacturing processes, and safety that could affect the availability or commercial potential of any product candidate, including the possibility that Vaxart’s product candidates may not be approved by the FDA or non-U.S. regulatory authorities; that, even if approved by the FDA or non-U.S. regulatory authorities, Vaxart’s product candidates may not achieve broad market acceptance; that a Vaxart collaborator may not attain development and commercial milestones; that Vaxart or its partners may experience manufacturing issues and delays due to events within, or outside of, Vaxart’s or its partners’ control; difficulties in production, particularly in scaling up initial production, including difficulties with production costs and yields, quality control, including stability of the product candidate and quality assurance testing, shortages of qualified personnel or key raw materials, and compliance with strictly enforced federal, state, and foreign regulations; that Vaxart may not be able to obtain, maintain, and enforce necessary patent and other intellectual property protection; that Vaxart’s capital resources may be inadequate; Vaxart’s ability to resolve pending legal matters; Vaxart’s ability to obtain sufficient capital to fund its operations on terms acceptable to Vaxart, if at all; the impact of government healthcare proposals and policies; competitive factors; and other risks described in the “Risk Factors” sections of Vaxart’s Quarterly and Annual Reports filed with the SEC. Vaxart does not assume any obligation to update any forward-looking statements, except as required by law.
Vaxart Media Relations:
Mark Herr
Vaxart, Inc
(203) 517-8957
Investor Relations:
Matt Steinberg
FINN Partners
(646) 871-8481