Vuzix Targets Additional OEM Business Opportunities on the Heels of Its Recently Announced Strategic Partnership and Investment

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Vuzix (NASDAQ: VUZI) has announced an expanded focus on OEM partnerships and waveguide manufacturing following a strategic investment by Quanta Computer Inc. This positions Vuzix to collaborate with new clients in developing and mass-producing intelligent waveguide configurations for AR/AI smart glasses solutions. Vuzix offers a one-stop solution for high-volume smart glasses waveguide manufacturing, leveraging in-house expertise and a vast optics industry network.

The company's state-of-the-art waveguide production facility in New York boasts over 25 years of optics experience, allowing clients to accelerate time to market with consistent, quality-driven output at scale. Vuzix employs proprietary processes for cost-competitive waveguide production, setting it apart from firms using standard semiconductor fabrication techniques.

Vuzix CEO Paul Travers emphasized the company's unparalleled expertise in waveguide design and cost-effective production, important for the success of AI-driven smart glasses across consumer, enterprise, and defense sectors. He expressed confidence that Vuzix's competitive technologies will drive substantial business opportunities, revenue, and profit growth in the coming years.

Vuzix (NASDAQ: VUZI) ha annunciato un'espansione del focus sulle partnership OEM e sulla produzione di guide d'onda dopo un investimento strategico da parte di Quanta Computer Inc. Questo posiziona Vuzix per collaborare con nuovi clienti nello sviluppo e nella produzione di massa di configurazioni intelligenti di guide d'onda per soluzioni di occhiali smart AR/AI. Vuzix offre una soluzione integrata per la produzione in alta quantità di guide d'onda per occhiali smart, sfruttando l'expertise interna e una vasta rete nell'industria ottica.

Il moderno stabilimento di produzione di guide d'onda dell'azienda a New York vanta oltre 25 anni di esperienza nell'ottica, consentendo ai clienti di accelerare il tempo di immissione sul mercato con un output coerente e di qualità su larga scala. Vuzix impiega processi proprietari per una produzione di guide d'onda competitiva in termini di costi, distinguendosi dalle aziende che utilizzano tecniche di fabbricazione standard dei semiconduttori.

Il CEO di Vuzix, Paul Travers, ha sottolineato l'incomparabile esperienza dell'azienda nella progettazione di guide d'onda e nella produzione economica, elementi fondamentali per il successo degli occhiali smart basati sull'AI nei settori consumer, enterprise e difesa. Ha espresso fiducia nel fatto che le tecnologie competitive di Vuzix guideranno opportunità di business significative, crescita dei ricavi e dei profitti negli anni a venire.

Vuzix (NASDAQ: VUZI) ha anunciado un enfoque ampliado en asociaciones OEM y fabricación de guías de onda tras una inversión estratégica de Quanta Computer Inc. Esto posiciona a Vuzix para colaborar con nuevos clientes en el desarrollo y la producción en masa de configuraciones inteligentes de guías de onda para soluciones de gafas inteligentes AR/AI. Vuzix ofrece una solución integral para la fabricación de guías de onda de gafas inteligentes a gran escala, aprovechando la experiencia interna y una vasta red en la industria óptica.

La instalación de producción de guías de onda de última generación de la compañía en Nueva York cuenta con más de 25 años de experiencia en óptica, lo que permite a los clientes acelerar el tiempo de comercialización con una producción consistente y de calidad a gran escala. Vuzix emplea procesos propietarios para la producción de guías de onda competitivas en costos, diferenciándose de las empresas que utilizan técnicas de fabricación de semiconductores estándar.

El CEO de Vuzix, Paul Travers, enfatizó la experiencia incomparable de la empresa en el diseño de guías de onda y la producción rentable, aspectos importantes para el éxito de las gafas inteligentes impulsadas por IA en los sectores consumidor, empresarial y de defensa. Expresó confianza en que las tecnologías competitivas de Vuzix impulsarán oportunidades comerciales sustanciales, crecimiento de ingresos y beneficios en los próximos años.

Vuzix (NASDAQ: VUZI)는 Quanta Computer Inc.의 전략적 투자에 따라 OEM 파트너십 및 웨이브가이드 제조에 대한 집중을 확대한다고 발표했습니다. 이는 Vuzix가 새로운 고객과 협력하여 AR/AI 스마트 글래스 솔루션을 위한 지능형 웨이브가이드 구성을 개발 및 대량 생산할 수 있는 위치에 놓이게 합니다. Vuzix는 대량 스마트 글래스 웨이브가이드 제조를 위한 원스톱 솔루션을 제공합니다, 내부 전문 지식과 방대한 광학 산업 네트워크를 활용합니다.

뉴욕에 위치한 최첨단 웨이브가이드 생산 시설은 25년 이상의 광학 경험을 자랑하며, 고객이 일관되고 품질 지향적인 대량 출력을 통해 시장 출시 시간을 단축할 수 있게 합니다. Vuzix는 비용 경쟁력을 갖춘 웨이브가이드 생산을 위해 독자적인 프로세스를 사용하여 표준 반도체 제조 기법을 사용하는 기업과 차별화됩니다.

Vuzix CEO Paul Travers는 웨이브가이드 설계 및 비용 효율적인 생산에서 회사의 비할 데 없는 전문성을 강조하며, 이는 소비자, 기업 및 방위 부문 전반에 걸쳐 AI 구동 스마트 글래스의 성공에 중요하다고 말했습니다. 그는 Vuzix의 경쟁력 있는 기술이 향후 몇 년 안에 상당한 비즈니스 기회, 수익 및 이익 성장으로 이어질 것이라고 자신감을 표현했습니다.

Vuzix (NASDAQ: VUZI) a annoncé un accent élargi sur les partenariats OEM et la fabrication de guide d'onde suite à un investissement stratégique de Quanta Computer Inc. Cela positionne Vuzix pour collaborer avec de nouveaux clients dans le développement et la production de masse de configurations intelligentes de guides d'onde pour des solutions de lunettes intelligentes AR/AI. Vuzix propose une solution intégrale pour la fabrication de guides d'onde pour lunettes intelligentes en grande quantité, tirant parti de l'expertise interne et d'un vaste réseau dans l'industrie optique.

La installation moderne de production de guides d'onde de l'entreprise à New York dispose de plus de 25 ans d'expérience dans l'optique, permettant aux clients d'accélérer le temps de mise sur le marché avec un rendement constant et de qualité à grande échelle. Vuzix utilise des processus propriétaires pour une production de guides d'onde compétitive en coûts, se distinguant ainsi des entreprises utilisant des techniques de fabrication standard de semi-conducteurs.

Le PDG de Vuzix, Paul Travers, a souligné l'expertise inégalée de l'entreprise dans la conception de guides d'onde et la production économique, essentielle au succès des lunettes intelligentes alimentées par l'IA dans les secteurs des consommateurs, des entreprises et de la défense. Il a exprimé sa confiance dans le fait que les technologies compétitives de Vuzix généreront d'importantes opportunités commerciales, ainsi qu'une croissance des revenus et des bénéfices dans les années à venir.

Vuzix (NASDAQ: VUZI) hat nach einer strategischen Investition von Quanta Computer Inc. angekündigt, den Fokus auf OEM-Partnerschaften und die Herstellung von Wellenleitern zu erweitern. Dies positioniert Vuzix, um mit neuen Kunden bei der Entwicklung und Massenproduktion intelligenter Wellenleiterkonfigurationen für AR/AI-Smartglasses-Lösungen zusammenzuarbeiten. Vuzix bietet eine umfassende Lösung für die hochvolumige Herstellung von Wellenleitern für Smartglasses, wobei interne Expertise und ein umfangreiches Netzwerk in der Optikindustrie genutzt werden.

Die modernste Produktionsstätte für Wellenleiter des Unternehmens in New York verfügt über 25 Jahre Erfahrung in der Optik, was es den Kunden ermöglicht, die Markteinführungszeit durch eine konsistente, qualitätsorientierte Produktion in großem Maßstab zu beschleunigen. Vuzix verwendet proprietäre Verfahren für wettbewerbsfähige Wellenleiterproduktionen und hebt sich damit von Unternehmen ab, dieStandard-Halbleiterfertigungstechniken verwenden.

Vuzix-CEO Paul Travers betonte die unvergleichliche Expertise des Unternehmens in der Wellenleitersystem-Entwicklung und der kosteneffektiven Produktion, die für den Erfolg von KI-gestützten Smartglasses in den Bereichen Verbraucher, Unternehmen und Verteidigung entscheidend sind. Er äußerte sich zuversichtlich, dass die wettbewerbsfähigen Technologien von Vuzix bedeutende Geschäftsmöglichkeiten, Umsatz- und Gewinnwachstum in den kommenden Jahren vorantreiben werden.

  • Strategic investment from Quanta Computer Inc. enhances Vuzix's market position
  • Expanded focus on OEM partnerships and waveguide manufacturing
  • One-stop solution for high-volume smart glasses waveguide manufacturing
  • 25+ years of optics experience in state-of-the-art production facility
  • Proprietary processes enable cost-competitive waveguide production
  • Potential for substantial business opportunities and revenue growth
  • None.


Vuzix's expanded focus on OEM partnerships and waveguide manufacturing is a strategic move that could significantly impact the company's future. The recent investment from Quanta Computer Inc. provides Vuzix with enhanced credibility and resources to pursue high-volume manufacturing opportunities. Their proprietary waveguide production process sets them apart from competitors using standard semiconductor techniques, potentially offering a cost advantage in the market.

The company's one-stop solution approach for smart glasses waveguide manufacturing, combined with their in-house expertise across various disciplines, positions them well to attract major technology players. This could lead to increased revenue streams and market share in the growing AR/AI smart glasses sector. However, the success of this strategy will depend on Vuzix's ability to deliver on their promises of cost-efficiency and quality at scale, as well as the overall adoption rate of AR technology in consumer and enterprise markets.

The AR market is projected to grow significantly, with some estimates putting it at $88.4 billion by 2026. Vuzix's positioning as a specialized waveguide manufacturer could capture a substantial portion of this growth. Their focus on cost-efficient, high-quality production aligns well with market demands, especially as AR technology becomes more mainstream.

However, investors should note that Vuzix faces competition from larger tech giants also investing in AR. The company's market cap of $70.9 million indicates it's still a small player, which presents both opportunities for rapid growth and risks of being outpaced by larger competitors. The partnership with Quanta is a positive sign, potentially providing the stability and resources needed to compete effectively. Investors should monitor Vuzix's ability to secure additional high-profile OEM partnerships and translate their technological advantages into tangible financial results in the coming quarters.

ROCHESTER, N.Y., Sept. 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Vuzix® Corporation (NASDAQ: VUZI), a leading supplier of smart glasses and Augmented Reality (AR) technology, today announced an expanded focus on OEM partnerships and waveguide manufacturing following its recent strategic investment by Quanta Computer Inc., a global ODM leader. With this partnership, Vuzix is now better positioned to collaborate with new clients in developing and mass-producing intelligent waveguide configurations, ranging from standalone components to complete AR/AI smart glasses solutions.

Vuzix' OEM design approach is centered around a one-stop solution for high-volume smart glasses waveguide manufacturing. By leveraging in-house expertise across industrial design, mechanical and electrical engineering, and a vast optics industry network, Vuzix offers cost-efficient, cutting-edge solutions tailored to each client's needs. This comprehensive capability has attracted the interest of global technology leaders looking for innovative, high-quality waveguide production.

Vuzix' State-of-the-Art Waveguide Production Facility

With over 25 years of optics experience, Vuzix leads the market in advanced waveguide design and manufacturing. Housed in the Company's New York-based production and research facility, Vuzix' one-of-a-kind manufacturing capabilities allow clients to accelerate time to market and ensure consistent, quality-driven output at scale. Through close collaboration with customers, Vuzix delivers waveguides optimized for key performance attributes, including efficiency, transmission, forward light reduction, rainbow diffusion, and durability.

Unlike other firms that use standard semiconductor fabrication techniques, Vuzix employs proprietary processes that enable world-leading cost-competitive waveguide production.

Positioned for Growth in the Waveguide Market

"When it comes to waveguides, their design and cost-effective production are among the most critical factors for the success of AI-driven smart glasses across consumer, enterprise, and defense sectors. Vuzix practically stands alone in this market with our unparalleled expertise," said Paul Travers, President and CEO of Vuzix. "We believe our competitive technologies and capabilities will translate into substantial business opportunities, driving revenue and profit growth for Vuzix in the coming years."

For more information about Vuzix' OEM services and waveguide production capabilities, please visit:

About Vuzix Corporation

Vuzix is a leading designer, manufacturer and marketer of Smart Glasses and Augmented Reality (AR) technologies and products for the enterprise, medical, defense and consumer markets. The Company's products include head-mounted smart personal display and wearable computing devices that offer users a portable high-quality viewing experience, provide solutions for mobility, wearable displays and augmented reality, as well OEM waveguide optical components and display engines. Vuzix holds more than 400 patents and patents pending and numerous IP licenses in the fields of optics, head-mounted displays, and the augmented reality wearables field. The Company has won Consumer Electronics Show (or CES) awards for innovation for the years 2005 to 2024 and several wireless technology innovation awards among others. Founded in 1997, Vuzix is a public company (NASDAQ: VUZI) with offices in: Rochester, NY; and Kyoto and Tokyo, Japan.  For more information, visit the Vuzix website, Twitter and Facebook pages.

Forward-Looking Statements Disclaimer

Certain statements contained in this news release are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and applicable Canadian securities laws. Forward looking statements contained in this release relate to Vuzix OEM solutions and waveguides, its new manufacturing processes, their benefits, costing, and future production capacities, future revenue opportunities, and among other things the Company's leadership in the Smart Glasses and AR display industry. They are generally identified by words such as "believes," "may," "expects," "anticipates," "should" and similar expressions. Readers should not place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements, which are based upon the Company's beliefs and assumptions as of the date of this release. The Company's actual results could differ materially due to risk factors and other items described in more detail in the "Risk Factors" section of the Company's Annual Reports and MD&A filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission lean and applicable Canadian securities regulators (copies of which may be obtained at or Subsequent events and developments may cause these forward-looking statements to change. The Company specifically disclaims any obligation or intention to update or revise these forward-looking statements as a result of changed events or circumstances that occur after the date of this release, except as required by applicable law.

Vuzix Media and Investor Relations Contact:

Ed McGregor, Director of Investor Relations,
Vuzix Corporation  
Tel: (585) 359-5985

Vuzix Corporation, 25 Hendrix Road, West Henrietta, NY 14586 USA,
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SOURCE Vuzix Corporation


What is Vuzix's new focus following the Quanta Computer Inc. investment?

Vuzix is expanding its focus on OEM partnerships and waveguide manufacturing for AR/AI smart glasses solutions, offering a one-stop solution for high-volume production.

How does Vuzix's waveguide production differ from other companies?

Vuzix uses proprietary processes for cost-competitive waveguide production, unlike other firms that use standard semiconductor fabrication techniques.

What advantages does Vuzix's production facility offer to clients?

Vuzix's New York-based facility allows clients to accelerate time to market with consistent, quality-driven output at scale, leveraging over 25 years of optics experience.

How does Vuzix (VUZI) plan to grow in the waveguide market?

Vuzix aims to leverage its competitive technologies and capabilities in waveguide design and production to drive substantial business opportunities, revenue, and profit growth in the coming years.

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