Verastem Oncology and STAAR Ovarian Cancer Foundation Establish the Inaugural Low-Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer (LGSOC) Awareness Day on September 9, 2024
Verastem Oncology (NASDAQ: VSTM) and STAAR Ovarian Cancer Foundation have established the first Low-Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer (LGSOC) Awareness Day on September 9, 2024. LGSOC is a rare ovarian cancer often affecting younger women, with no FDA-approved treatments. The initiative aims to educate about LGSOC symptoms, provide resources, and advocate for more research.
Key points:
- Approximately 80% of LGSOC patients experience cancer recurrence
- 99% of surveyed patients had no awareness of LGSOC prior to diagnosis
- 60% felt their healthcare provider was not very knowledgeable about LGSOC
- Verastem is conducting clinical trials for an investigational treatment combination for LGSOC
- The company has initiated a rolling new drug application with the FDA for a potential LGSOC-specific treatment
Verastem Oncology (NASDAQ: VSTM) e la STAAR Ovarian Cancer Foundation hanno istituito il primo Giorno dell'Awareness per il Cancro Ovarico Sierosico di Basso Grado (LGSOC) il 9 settembre 2024. LGSOC è un cancro ovarico raro che colpisce spesso donne più giovani, senza trattamenti approvati dalla FDA. L'iniziativa mira a educare sui sintomi del LGSOC, fornire risorse e promuovere ulteriori ricerche.
Punti chiave:
- Circa l'80% dei pazienti con LGSOC sperimenta recidive del cancro
- Il 99% dei pazienti intervistati non era a conoscenza del LGSOC prima della diagnosi
- Il 60% ha ritenuto che il proprio fornitore di assistenza sanitaria non fosse molto informato sul LGSOC
- Verastem sta conducendo studi clinici per una combinazione di trattamenti in fase sperimentale per LGSOC
- L'azienda ha avviato una domanda per un nuovo farmaco presso la FDA per un potenziale trattamento specifico per LGSOC
Verastem Oncology (NASDAQ: VSTM) y la STAAR Ovarian Cancer Foundation han establecido el primer Día de Concienciación sobre el Cáncer de Ovario Seroso de Bajo Grado (LGSOC) el 9 de septiembre de 2024. LGSOC es un cáncer de ovario raro que a menudo afecta a mujeres más jóvenes, sin tratamientos aprobados por la FDA. La iniciativa tiene como objetivo educar sobre los síntomas del LGSOC, proporcionar recursos y abogar por más investigación.
Puntos clave:
- Aproximadamente el 80% de los pacientes con LGSOC experimentan recidivas de cáncer
- El 99% de los pacientes encuestados no tenía conocimiento del LGSOC antes del diagnóstico
- El 60% sintió que su proveedor de atención médica no estaba muy informado sobre LGSOC
- Verastem está llevando a cabo ensayos clínicos para una combinación de tratamientos en investigación para LGSOC
- La empresa ha iniciado una solicitud continua de nuevo medicamento ante la FDA para un tratamiento específico para LGSOC
Verastem Oncology (NASDAQ: VSTM)와 STAAR Ovarian Cancer Foundation이 2024년 9월 9일 첫 번째 저급 세로소 난소암(LGSOC) 인식의 날을 제정했습니다. LGSOC는 종종 젊은 여성에게 영향을 미치는 희귀 난소암으로, FDA에 승인된 치료법이 없습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 LGSOC 증상에 대한 교육, 자원 제공, 더 많은 연구를 위한 주장을 목표로 하고 있습니다.
주요 사항:
- LGSOC 환자의 약 80%가 암 재발을 경험합니다.
- 조사에 응답한 환자의 99%가 진단 전에 LGSOC에 대해 알지 못했습니다.
- 60%는 자신의 의료 제공자가 LGSOC에 대해 잘 알고 있지 않다고 느꼈습니다.
- Verastem은 LGSOC에 대한 실험적 치료 조합에 대한 임상 시험을 수행하고 있습니다.
- 회사는 LGSOC 특화 치료를 위한 FDA의 새로운 약물 신청을 시작했습니다.
Verastem Oncology (NASDAQ: VSTM) et la STAAR Ovarian Cancer Foundation ont établi le premier Journée de Sensibilisation au Cancer Ovarien Séreux de Bas Grade (LGSOC) le 9 septembre 2024. Le LGSOC est un cancer de l'ovaire rare affectant souvent des femmes plus jeunes, sans traitements approuvés par la FDA. L'initiative vise à éduquer sur les symptômes du LGSOC, à fournir des ressources et à plaider pour plus de recherches.
Points clés :
- Environ 80 % des patients atteints de LGSOC connaissent une récidive du cancer
- 99 % des patients interrogés n'avaient aucune connaissance du LGSOC avant le diagnostic
- 60 % estimaient que leur fournisseur de soins de santé n'était pas très informé sur le LGSOC
- Verastem mène des essais cliniques pour une combinaison de traitements en cours d'investigation pour le LGSOC
- L'entreprise a engagé une demande continue de nouveau médicament auprès de la FDA pour un traitement spécifique au LGSOC potentiel
Verastem Oncology (NASDAQ: VSTM) und die STAAR Ovarian Cancer Foundation haben den ersten Bewusstseinstag für niedriggradigen serösen Eierstockkrebs (LGSOC) am 9. September 2024 eingerichtet. LGSOC ist ein seltenen Eierstockkrebs, der oft jüngere Frauen betrifft und für den es keine von der FDA zugelassenen Behandlungen gibt. Die Initiative zielt darauf ab, über die Symptome von LGSOC aufzuklären, Ressourcen bereitzustellen und für mehr Forschung zu plädieren.
Wichtige Punkte:
- Ungefähr 80% der LGSOC-Patienten erleben einen Rückfall des Krebses.
- 99% der befragten Patienten waren vor der Diagnose nicht über LGSOC informiert.
- 60% hatten das Gefühl, dass ihr Gesundheitsdienstleister nicht besonders gut über LGSOC informiert war.
- Verastem führt klinische Studien zu einer experimentellen Behandlungs-kombination für LGSOC durch.
- Das Unternehmen hat einen fortlaufenden Antrag für ein neues Medikament bei der FDA für eine potenzielle LGSOC-spezifische Behandlung eingereicht.
- Verastem is conducting clinical trials for an investigational LGSOC treatment combination
- The company has initiated a rolling new drug application with the FDA for a potential LGSOC-specific treatment
- Establishment of LGSOC Awareness Day may increase visibility for Verastem's LGSOC-focused efforts
- No FDA-approved treatments specifically for LGSOC currently exist
- treatment options available for LGSOC patients
LGSOC is a rare ovarian cancer often affecting younger women, with no FDA-approved treatments
September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month and LGSOC is a rare ovarian cancer with little information and awareness available to patients and caregivers. This newly created annual LGSOC Awareness Day will educate people about the symptoms of LGSOC, provide resources to people diagnosed with LGSOC, and advocate for more research.
“When I was diagnosed with LGSOC I knew nothing about this rare ovarian cancer and found that very little information existed about the disease. It is one of my goals to ensure that the first-ever LGSOC Awareness Day will bring much-needed awareness and attention to this rare ovarian cancer so that no person diagnosed with this disease feels alone,” said Nicole Andrews, Board of Directors Chair, STAAR Ovarian Cancer Foundation. “Currently, there are limited treatment options available for LGSOC and no FDA-approved treatments specifically for LGSOC. As the first
To help raise awareness and participate in the first LGSOC Awareness Day on Monday, September 9:
- Visit STAAR’s website ( to download shareable social media content and use the hashtag #LGSOCAwarenessDay in their posts.
- Learn more about LGSOC and access tools and resources by visiting Verastem’s Let’s Talk About LGSOC website (
“The inaugural LGSOC Awareness Day builds on the recognition of LGSOC as a distinct disease that is different from other ovarian cancers,” said Dan Paterson, president and chief executive officer of Verastem Oncology. “At Verastem, we are committed to understanding LGSOC from both a disease and patient perspective. We are conducting clinical trials for an investigational treatment combination for LGSOC and have initiated a rolling new drug application with the FDA to potentially bring the first treatment to patients specifically approved for LGSOC. We will continue to do our part to raise awareness about LGSOC with STAAR and the entire LGSOC community while also working to improve outcomes for those living with LGSOC and their families.”
The first-ever LGSOC Patient Impact Survey, conducted in 2023, revealed particular challenges with diagnosis, disease management, and mental, physical, and emotional well-being for people living with LGSOC. Nearly all those surveyed (
This newly formed awareness day is set during Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month to bring a focus to low-grade serous ovarian cancer.
About Low-Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer
Low-grade serous ovarian cancer (LGSOC) is a highly recurrent, chemotherapy-resistant cancer, associated with slow tumor growth and high mortality rate. Approximately 6,000-8,000 women in the
About Verastem Oncology
Verastem Oncology (Nasdaq: VSTM) is a late-stage development biopharmaceutical company committed to the development and commercialization of new medicines to improve the lives of patients diagnosed with cancer. Our pipeline is focused on RAS/MAPK-driven cancers, specifically novel small molecule drugs that inhibit critical signaling pathways in cancer that promote cancer cell survival and tumor growth, including RAF/MEK inhibition and FAK inhibition. For more information, please visit and follow us on LinkedIn.
About STAAR Ovarian Cancer Foundation
STAAR Ovarian Cancer Foundation is the first charity created in
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For Inquiries:
Julissa Viana
Vice President, Corporate Communications and Investor Relations
Kari Neumeyer, Vice Chair, Marketing & Communications
Ph: 360-510-9396
Source: Verastem Oncology