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Extreme Networks (EXTR) has partnered with Verizon Business (VZ) to enhance wireless connectivity at Liverpool FC’s Anfield Stadium. The deployment, using Extreme’s Wi-Fi 6 technology, aims to improve fan experiences with services like mobile ticketing and cash-free transactions. Liverpool FC will also utilize ExtremeAnalytics for real-time data insights on fan behaviors. This partnership reflects a broader strategy to provide advanced connectivity in large venues, leveraging Verizon’s extensive technology and expertise.
Extreme Networks has formed a strategic partnership with Verizon Business to enhance connectivity and network insight solutions for large venues across EMEA. The partnership aims to leverage Verizon's private 5G and Extreme's Wi-Fi solutions, providing immersive experiences and operational insights. The announcement coincides with Verizon's launch of the International Stadium and Venue Practice. Both companies aim to replicate their previous successes in large venues in the U.S., such as NHL, NASCAR, and NFL events. The partnership emphasizes high-speed, low-latency connectivity for enhanced fan engagement.
Extreme Networks (EXTR) has partnered with Verizon Business (VRZN) to enhance wireless connectivity at Manchester United's Old Trafford Stadium. The collaboration aims to deliver fast Wi-Fi services and support digital services like mobile ticketing. The deployment, starting in late 2023, will leverage Extreme Venue Analytics to provide insights on app performance and audience behavior, ultimately enhancing fan experiences. This partnership follows similar successful projects in various high-profile venues across the U.S.