Verra Mobility to implement California's first automated speed safety program in San Francisco

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Verra Mobility (NASDAQ: VRRM) has been approved by the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) Board of Directors to implement California's first automated speed safety program in San Francisco. The program involves 33 speed camera locations and is expected to be fully operational by early 2025.

This initiative is part of Assembly Bill 645, which authorizes six California cities to pilot camera systems for speed enforcement. San Francisco is the first to complete its procurement process and select a vendor. The program aims to reduce speeding, the leading cause of serious injuries in the city.

Verra Mobility will partner with Marinship Development, a Bay Area minority business enterprise, for on-the-ground construction and installation of cameras. The project has received support from local safety advocates, including Walk San Francisco and the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition.

Verra Mobility (NASDAQ: VRRM) è stata approvata dal Consiglio di Amministrazione dell'Agenzia per i Trasporti Municipali di San Francisco (SFMTA) per attuare il primo programma automatico di sicurezza stradale in California a San Francisco. Il programma prevede 33 posizioni per telecamere di sorveglianza della velocità e si prevede che sia completamente operativo entro l'inizio del 2025.

Questa iniziativa fa parte del disegno di legge Assembly Bill 645, che autorizza sei città californiane a sperimentare sistemi di telecamere per il controllo della velocità. San Francisco è la prima a completare il suo processo di approvvigionamento e selezionare un fornitore. L'obiettivo del programma è ridurre la velocità eccessiva, la causa principale di gravi infortuni nella città.

Verra Mobility collaborerà con Marinship Development, un'impresa commerciale minoritaria dell'area della Baia, per la costruzione e l'installazione delle telecamere. Il progetto ha ricevuto supporto da sostenitori locali della sicurezza, tra cui Walk San Francisco e la San Francisco Bicycle Coalition.

Verra Mobility (NASDAQ: VRRM) ha sido aprobada por la Junta de Directores de la Agencia de Transporte Municipal de San Francisco (SFMTA) para implementar el primer programa automatizado de seguridad vial en California en San Francisco. El programa implica 33 ubicaciones de cámaras de velocidad y se espera que esté totalmente operativo a principios de 2025.

Esta iniciativa es parte del Proyecto de Ley de Asamblea 645, que autoriza a seis ciudades de California a probar sistemas de cámaras para el control de la velocidad. San Francisco es la primera en completar su proceso de adquisición y seleccionar un proveedor. El objetivo del programa es reducir el exceso de velocidad, la principal causa de lesiones graves en la ciudad.

Verra Mobility se asociará con Marinship Development, una empresa minoritaria del Área de la Bahía, para la construcción e instalación de cámaras. El proyecto ha recibido apoyo de defensores locales de la seguridad, incluyendo Walk San Francisco y la Coalición de Bicicletas de San Francisco.

Verra Mobility (NASDAQ: VRRM)는 샌프란시스코 교통국(SFMTA) 이사회에 의해 샌프란시스코에서 캘리포니아 최초의 자동 속도 안전 프로그램을 구현하도록 승인받았습니다. 이 프로그램은 33개의 속도 카메라 위치를 포함하며 2025년 초까지 완전 가동이 될 것으로 예상됩니다.

이 이니셔티브는 캠벨 법안 645의 일환으로, 캘리포니아의 6개 도시가 속도 단속을 위한 카메라 시스템을 파일럿 운영할 수 있도록 허가합니다. 샌프란시스코는 조달 과정을 완료하고 공급업체를 선택한 첫 번째 도시입니다. 이 프로그램은 도시에서 심각한 부상의 주요 원인인 과속을 줄이는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

Verra Mobility는 베이 지역의 소수 민족 사업체인 Marinship Development와 협력하여 현장에서 카메라를 설치 및 공사합니다. 이 프로젝트는 Walk San Francisco 및 샌프란시스코 자전거 연합을 포함한 지역 안전 옹호자들의 지지를 받고 있습니다.

Verra Mobility (NASDAQ: VRRM) a été approuvée par le conseil d'administration de l'Agence des Transports Municipaux de San Francisco (SFMTA) pour mettre en œuvre le premier programme automatisé de sécurité routière en Californie à San Francisco. Le programme comprend 33 emplacements de radars de vitesse et devrait être pleinement opérationnel d'ici début 2025.

Cette initiative fait partie du projet de loi de l'Assemblée 645, qui autorise six villes californiennes à tester des systèmes de caméras pour le contrôle de la vitesse. San Francisco est la première à avoir terminé son processus d'approvisionnement et à avoir sélectionné un fournisseur. L'objectif du programme est de réduire les excès de vitesse, principale cause de blessures graves dans la ville.

Verra Mobility collaborera avec Marinship Development, une entreprise minoritaire de la région de la baie, pour la construction et l'installation des caméras. Le projet a reçu le soutien de défenseurs locaux de la sécurité, dont Walk San Francisco et la Coalition des cyclistes de San Francisco.

Verra Mobility (NASDAQ: VRRM) wurde vom Vorstand der San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) genehmigt, das erste automatisierte Geschwindigkeitsüberwachungsprogramm in Kalifornien in San Francisco umzusetzen. Das Programm umfasst 33 Standorte für Geschwindigkeitskameras und wird voraussichtlich Anfang 2025 vollständig einsatzbereit sein.

Diese Initiative ist Teil des Versammlungsbeschlusses 645, der sechs Städten in Kalifornien die Pilotierung von Kamerasystemen zur Geschwindigkeitsüberwachung ermöglicht. San Francisco ist die erste Stadt, die den Beschaffungsprozess abgeschlossen und einen Lieferanten ausgewählt hat. Das Ziel des Programms ist es, das Rasen zu reduzieren, welches die Hauptursache für schwere Verletzungen in der Stadt ist.

Verra Mobility wird mit Marinship Development, einem Minderheitenunternehmen aus der Bay Area, zusammenarbeiten, um die Kameras vor Ort zu bauen und zu installieren. Das Projekt hat Unterstützung von lokalen Sicherheitsbefürwortern erhalten, einschließlich Walk San Francisco und der San Francisco Bicycle Coalition.

  • Secured contract for California's first automated speed safety program in San Francisco
  • Program expected to be fully operational by early 2025, potentially leading to new revenue stream
  • Partnership with local minority business enterprise for camera installation, enhancing community relations
  • None.


This partnership marks a significant milestone in urban safety technology implementation. The speed safety program in San Francisco represents a pioneering effort in California, leveraging advanced automated technology to address a critical safety issue. With 33 camera locations planned, this initiative has the potential to substantially impact traffic behavior and reduce accidents.

The collaboration between Verra Mobility and SFMTA demonstrates a growing trend in smart city solutions. This project aligns with Vision Zero goals and could serve as a model for other cities in California and beyond. The involvement of a local minority business enterprise for installation work also highlights a commitment to community engagement and economic inclusion.

For investors, this contract signals Verra Mobility's strong position in the government solutions market. It could lead to similar opportunities in other pilot cities, potentially expanding the company's market share in urban safety technology. The project's scale and visibility may enhance Verra Mobility's reputation and lead to long-term revenue streams from operations and maintenance.

The implementation of San Francisco's speed safety program addresses a critical urban safety issue. Speeding, identified as the leading cause of serious injuries, has been a persistent problem in many cities. This initiative, leveraging Verra Mobility's technology, has the potential to significantly reduce speeding incidents and improve road safety.

The program's effectiveness is supported by data from other metropolitan areas where similar systems have been deployed. If successful, it could lead to a measurable decrease in traffic-related injuries and fatalities, aligning with Vision Zero objectives. The endorsement from local safety advocates and cycling groups indicates strong community support, which is important for the program's acceptance and long-term success.

For Verra Mobility, this project enhances its portfolio in the urban safety solutions market. The company's experience with large-scale metropolitan speed programs positions it well for potential expansion as other California cities implement similar initiatives under Assembly Bill 645. This could translate into sustained growth and recurring revenue opportunities in the government solutions sector.

Partnership with San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency involves 33 speed camera locations; program expected to be fully operational early 2025

MESA, Ariz., Oct. 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Verra Mobility Corporation (NASDAQ: VRRM), a leading provider of smart mobility technology solutions, announced today the approval from the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) Board of Directors to design, build, operate and maintain a speed safety program across the city and county of San FranciscoCalifornia's first speed safety program leveraging advanced automated technology. 

"We are thrilled to have reached a significant milestone in bringing speed safety cameras to San Francisco's streets, marked by the approval of our contract with Verra Mobility," said SFMTA Streets Director Viktoriya Wise. "With speeding as the leading cause of serious injuries, we've moved swiftly to introduce this life-saving tool proven to reduce speeding and protect lives in cities nationwide."

Verra Mobility and SFMTA will commence the implementation process of speed safety cameras at 33 sites across the city. The goal is to have a fully operational speed safety program in early 2025. 

Under Assembly Bill 645, which became law in January 2024, Glendale, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Oakland, San Francisco and San Jose are authorized to pilot camera systems for speed enforcement. San Francisco is the first pilot city to complete its procurement process and select a vendor, thereby advancing the pilot program to increase citizen safety.

"We are grateful and excited that San Francisco has chosen Verra Mobility to implement their speed safety program," said Jon Baldwin, executive vice president of Government Solutions at Verra Mobility. "As the facilitator of the largest metropolitan speed programs in the U.S., we look forward to partnering with San Francisco to help achieve its goal of Vision Zero." 

Verra Mobility is committed to fostering safer, healthier communities and enhancing quality of life. Through partnerships with local advocacy organizations and businesses, the company builds a diverse, skilled workforce while supporting the economic and social well-being of the communities it serves.

"Speed cameras are a proven tool to save lives. We are glad San Francisco has secured an experienced vendor that's already working with leading Vision Zero cities to move forward quickly in getting cameras on the ground," said Jodie Medeiros, Walk San Francisco.

"We are glad to see this investment in our community and the thoughtfulness in their decision," said the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition. 

In addition to local safety advocates, Verra Mobility partnered with Marinship Development, a Bay Area minority business enterprise (MBE), who will be contracted to do the on-the-ground construction and installation of the cameras.

"By combining Verra Mobility's advanced technology with our construction expertise and long history in the Bay Area, we aim to make transportation in California more convenient, greener, and overall safer," said Marinship Development Founder and Managing Member Derek Smith. 

To learn more about speed safety solutions and how they can help communities, visit

About Verra Mobility

Verra Mobility Corporation (NASDAQ: VRRM) is a leading provider of smart mobility technology solutions that make transportation safer, smarter and more connected. The company sits at the center of the mobility ecosystem, bringing together vehicles, hardware, software, data and people to enable safe, efficient solutions for customers globally. Verra Mobility's transportation safety systems and parking management solutions protect lives, improve urban and motorway mobility and support healthier communities. The company also solves complex payment, utilization and compliance challenges for fleet owners and rental car companies. Headquartered in Arizona, Verra Mobility operates in North America, Europe, Asia and Australia. For more information, please visit

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When will Verra Mobility's speed safety program in San Francisco be fully operational?

According to the press release, Verra Mobility's speed safety program in San Francisco is expected to be fully operational by early 2025.

How many speed camera locations will be implemented in San Francisco by Verra Mobility (VRRM)?

Verra Mobility (VRRM) will implement speed safety cameras at 33 sites across San Francisco.

Which California cities are authorized to pilot camera systems for speed enforcement under Assembly Bill 645?

Assembly Bill 645 authorizes Glendale, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Oakland, San Francisco, and San Jose to pilot camera systems for speed enforcement.

Who is Verra Mobility (VRRM) partnering with for the on-the-ground construction and installation of cameras in San Francisco?

Verra Mobility (VRRM) is partnering with Marinship Development, a Bay Area minority business enterprise (MBE), for the on-the-ground construction and installation of cameras in San Francisco.

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