VR Resources Stakes Rambler Gold Project on North Lumby Lake Greenstone Belt in Ontario, and Submits Drilling Permit

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VR Resources (TSX.V: VRR, FSE: 5VR; OTCBB: VRRCF) has announced the acquisition of the Rambler Gold Project in Ontario, located 6km north of their Empire Project. The company has submitted a permit application for drilling and trenching. Rambler was staked due to the discovery of surface sulfides reported in historic drill logs.

In 1968, Inco drilled 5 holes at Rambler, intersecting massive sulfide in each hole, with up to 6m of 85% pyrrhotite-pyrite around a magnetic high. Recent sampling by VR shows anomalous gold in every rock unit at Rambler, with up to 149 ppb in disseminated pyrrhotite from mafic volcanic outcrops.

VR has recognized east-west shearing and boudinage on the south limb of a northeast-striking fold hinge at Rambler, adjacent to the Marmion fault. The company expects to receive the exploration permit within 30 to 60 days, allowing them to twin the 1968 Inco holes to document the gold and polymetallic grade potential of the massive sulfide mineral system.

VR Resources (TSX.V: VRR, FSE: 5VR; OTCBB: VRRCF) ha annunciato l'acquisizione del Rambler Gold Project in Ontario, situato a 6 km a nord del loro Empire Project. L'azienda ha presentato una domanda di permesso per scavi e perforazioni. Rambler è stato rivendicato a seguito della scoperta di sulfuri superficiali riportata nei registri storici di perforazione.

Nel 1968, Inco ha effettuato 5 perforazioni presso Rambler, intercettando sulfuri massivi in ogni buco, con fino a 6 m di pirrotite-pirite all'85% attorno a un'alta magnetica. Campionamenti recenti da parte di VR mostrano oro anomalo in ogni unità rocciosa a Rambler, con valori fino a 149 ppb in pirrotite disseminata da affioramenti vulcanici mafico.

VR ha riconosciuto fessurazioni est-ovest e boudinage nel lato sud di un giunto a pieghe che colpisce a nord-est a Rambler, adiacente alla frattura Marmion. L'azienda si aspetta di ricevere il permesso di esplorazione entro 30-60 giorni, consentendo loro di rinforzare i buchi Inco del 1968 per documentare il potenziale di grado di oro e polimetalli del sistema minerale di sulfuri massivi.

VR Resources (TSX.V: VRR, FSE: 5VR; OTCBB: VRRCF) ha anunciado la adquisición del Rambler Gold Project en Ontario, ubicado a 6 km al norte de su Empire Project. La empresa ha presentado una solicitud de permiso para perforaciones y trincheras. Rambler fue reclamado debido al descubrimiento de sulfidos en la superficie reportado en los registros de perforación históricos.

En 1968, Inco perforó 5 agujeros en Rambler, intersectando sulfidos masivos en cada agujero, con hasta 6 m de 85% de pirrotita-pirita alrededor de un alto magnético. Muestreo reciente por parte de VR muestra oro anómalo en cada unidad rocosa en Rambler, con hasta 149 ppb en pirrotita diseminada de afloramientos volcánicos máficos.

VR ha reconocido cizallamiento este-oeste y boudinage en el lado sur de un bisagra de pliegues que se extiende hacia el noreste en Rambler, adyacente a la falla de Marmion. La empresa espera recibir el permiso de exploración en 30 a 60 días, lo que les permitirá duplicar los agujeros de Inco de 1968 para documentar el potencial de grado de oro y poliméticos del sistema mineral de sulfidos masivos.

VR 리소스 (TSX.V: VRR, FSE: 5VR; OTCBB: VRRCF)가 온타리오에서 램블러 금 프로젝트의 인수를 발표했습니다. 본 프로젝트는 엠파이어 프로젝트에서 북쪽으로 6km 떨어진 곳에 위치해 있습니다. 회사는 굴착 및 천공을 위한 허가 신청서를 제출했습니다. 과거 시추 기록에서 보고된 표면 황화물 발견으로 인해 램블러가 매립되었습니다.

1968년, 인코는 램블러에서 5개의 구멍을 뚫고, 각 구멍에서 대규모 황화물을 교차했습니다. 이들 중 최대 6m의 85% 피로라이트-황철광이 자력높은 곳 주변에서 발견되었습니다. VR에 의한 최근 샘플링 결과, 램블러의 모든 암석 단위에서 비정상적인 금이 발견되었으며, 마픽 화산 유출물에서 분산된 피로라이트로부터 최대 149 ppb의 금이 검출되었습니다.

VR은 램블러에서 북동쪽으로 스트라이킹 중첩의 남쪽 경사면에서 동서 방향의 전단 및 바우디나주를 인식했습니다. 회사는 30~60일 이내에 탐사 허가를 받을 것으로 예상하며, 이를 통해 1968년 인코 구멍을 복제하여 대규모 황화물 광물 시스템의 금 및 폴리금속 잠재력을 문서화할 수 있게 됩니다.

VR Resources (TSX.V: VRR, FSE: 5VR; OTCBB: VRRCF) a annoncé l'acquisition du Rambler Gold Project en Ontario, situé à 6 km au nord de leur projet Empire. L'entreprise a soumis une demande de permis pour forages et tranchées. Rambler a été revendiqué en raison de la découverte de sulfures en surface rapportée dans des registres de forage historiques.

En 1968, Inco a foré 5 trous à Rambler, interceptant sulfures massifs dans chaque trou, avec jusqu'à 6 m de 85 % de pyrrotite-pyrite autour d'un pic magnétique. Des échantillonnages récents par VR montrent de l'or anormal dans chaque unité rocheuse à Rambler, avec jusqu'à 149 ppb dans de la pyrrotite disséminée provenant d'affleurements volcaniques mafiques.

VR a reconnu cisaillement est-ouest et boudinage sur le flanc sud d'un coude de pli orienté au nord-est à Rambler, adjacent à la faille de Marmion. L'entreprise s'attend à recevoir le permis d'exploration dans un délai de 30 à 60 jours, ce qui leur permettra de doubler les trous d'Inco de 1968 pour documenter le potentiel de la teneur en or et en polymétaux du système minéral de sulfures massifs.

VR Resources (TSX.V: VRR, FSE: 5VR; OTCBB: VRRCF) hat die Akquisition des Rambler Gold Projects in Ontario bekannt gegeben, das 6 km nördlich ihres Empire Projects liegt. Das Unternehmen hat einen Antrag auf Genehmigung für Bohrungen und Gräben eingereicht. Rambler wurde aufgrund der Entdeckung von oberflächlichen Sulfiden gemeldet, die in historischen Bohrprotokollen dokumentiert sind.

Im Jahr 1968 bohrte Inco 5 Löcher bei Rambler und schnitt dabei in jedem Loch massive Sulfide an, mit bis zu 6 m von 85% Pyrrhotit-Pyrit rund um ein magnetisches Hoch. Jüngste Probenahmen von VR zeigen anomales Gold in jeder Gesteinsgruppe bei Rambler, mit bis zu 149 ppb in disseminiertem Pyrrhotit von mafiischen Vulkanausbrüchen.

VR hat ost-westliche Scherung und Boudinage am südlichen Schenkel eines nordost-gerichteten Faltenhügels bei Rambler erkannt, neben der Marmion-Verwerfung. Das Unternehmen erwartet, innerhalb von 30 bis 60 Tagen die Erlaubnis zur Erkundung zu erhalten, um die Bohrungen von Inco aus dem Jahr 1968 zu klonen und das Potenzial des Gold- und polymetallischen Gehalts des massiven Sulfid-Mineralsystems zu dokumentieren.

  • Acquisition of Rambler Gold Project expands VR Resources' portfolio in Ontario
  • Historic drilling intersected massive sulfide in all 5 holes, indicating potential mineralization
  • Recent sampling shows anomalous gold in every rock unit at Rambler, up to 149 ppb
  • Exploration permit application submitted for drilling and trenching
  • Potential synergies with nearby Empire Project for exploration programs
  • Exploration is still in early stages with no confirmed economic mineralization
  • Historical assays for gold were not completed or reported in previous drilling
  • surface exposure of the North Lumby Lake greenstone belt may complicate exploration efforts

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Oct. 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- VR Resources Ltd. (TSX.V: VRR, FSE: 5VR; OTCBB: VRRCF), the "Company", or “VR”, is pleased to announce the acquisition of the Rambler Gold Project (“Rambler”), located approximately 6km north of VR’s Empire Project on Trans Canada Highway 17 in Ontario, and has submitted a permit application for drilling and trenching.

Rambler was staked because sulfides reported in historic drill logs have been discovered at surface (Photo 1). In 1968, Inco drilled 5 holes at Rambler to less than 50m each, targeting EM anomalies for base metal mineralization, and intersected massive sulfide in each hole, with up to 6m of 85% pyrrhotite-pyrite around a magnetic high (Figure 1). As was common at the time, however, assays for gold were not completed or reported.

Recent sampling by VR shows anomalous gold in every rock unit at Rambler, and up to 149 ppb in disseminated pyrrhotite from mafic volcanic outcrops exposed during forestry road building in 2016, and subsequent prospecting by Holbik Exploration. Disseminated pyrrhotite (a magnetic iron sulfide) occurs in zones of silicification of both metavolcanics and arenite, peripheral to magnetic highs. VR has now recognized east-west shearing and boudinage on the south limb of a northeast-striking fold hinge at Rambler, which is adjacent to the Marmion fault that transects the Hammond Reef gold deposit to the southwest.

Photo 1. Like the Empire Project to the south, outcrops are sparse at Rambler. Gold mineralization in meta-volcanic rocks examined by VR Resources on Sept. 25th, 2024, occurs in outcrops exposed by forestry road building in 2016. Anomalous gold is correlated with disseminated and veinlet sulfides found in the foliated and sheared chlorite schists, with an apparent east-west and northeast structural control.

From VR’s CEO Justin Daley: “We’re excited about the early gold potential at Rambler, which became apparent during our compilation of historic data for the Empire District. Due to limited exposure of the North Lumby Lake greenstone belt in this area, the region saw little exploration in the 1960s, which was focused on massive sulfide nickel-copper models. While we remain focused on our exploration at Empire and Silverback which are currently permitted for drilling, the addition of the Rambler target gives VR a quick drill test on known massive sulfides, with obvious program synergies with Empire. The exploration permit for Rambler is expected within 30 to 60 days, allowing us to twin the 1968 Inco holes in order to document for the first time the gold and polymetallic grade potential of the massive sulfide mineral system.”

About the Rambler Project

The Project consists of 4 multi-cell mineral claims in 1 contiguous block spanning 6.5 by 5.5 km and covering 2,085 hectares. Rambler is located on Federal crown land, with mineral rights administered by the provincial Ontario Ministry of Mines. There are no annual payments, but the Province requires certain annual exploration expenditures and reporting (ie. mineral assessment reports) in order to maintain a mineral claim in good standing. The Project falls within the Lac de Mille Lac First Nation traditional territories.

Figure 1. Location of recently staked Rambler Project, just 6km north of the Empire Project which straddles the Trans-Canada Highway 17, some two hours west of Thunder Bay, Ontario. Historic sulfide intervals from drilling in 1968 is shown atop a basemap of coarse regional magnetic data with important faults and greenstone belts from OGS mapping. Gold assays are from VR Resources, from samples taken two weeks ago from outcrops recently exposed by logging in the area.

Technical Information

Surface grab samples were submitted for geochemical analysis to the AGAT laboratory in Thunder Bay, Ontario. Sample preparation is completed in Thunder Bay alongside gold and PGE determination by atomic absorption assay. ICP-MS analyses for base metals and trace elements is performed at AGAT’s laboratory in Calgary, AB. Analytical results are subject to industry-standard and NI 43-101 compliant QAQC sample procedures, including the systematic insertion of sample duplicates, blanks and certified reference material (CRM) done both externally and internally at the laboratory by AGAT, as described by AGAT.

Technical information for this news release has been prepared in accordance with the Canadian regulatory requirements set out in National Instrument 43-101. Justin Daley, P.Geo., President and CEO at VR and a non independent Qualified Person oversees and/or participates in all aspects of the Company’s mineral exploration projects, and the content of this news release has been reviewed on behalf of the Company by the Executive Chairman, Dr. Michael Gunning, P.Geo., a non-independent Qualified Person.

About VR Resources

VR is an established junior exploration company based in Vancouver (TSX.V: VRR; Frankfurt: 5VR; OTCQB: VRRCF). VR evaluates, explores and advances large-scale, blue-sky opportunities in copper, gold and critical metals in Nevada, USA, and Ontario, Canada, and more recently, Canada’s newest discovery of a diamond-bearing kimberlite pipe at its Northway project. VR applies modern exploration technologies and leverages in-house experience and expertise in greenfields exploration to large-footprint mineral systems in underexplored areas/districts. The foundation of VR is the proven track record of its Board in early-stage exploration, discovery and M&A. The Company is financed for its mineral exploration and corporate obligations. VR owns its properties outright and evaluates new opportunities on an ongoing basis, whether by staking or acquisition.


“Justin Daley”

Justin Daley, MSc, PGeo
President & CEO

For general information please use the following:

Phone: 778-731-9292

Forward Looking Statements

This news release contains statements that constitute "forward-looking statements". Such forward looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the Company’s actual results, performance or achievements, or developments in the industry to differ materially from the anticipated results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally, but not always, identified by the words "expects," "plans," "anticipates," "believes," "intends," "estimates," "projects," "potential" and similar expressions, or that events or conditions "will," "would," "may," "could" or "should" occur. Forward-looking statements in this document include statements concerning VR’s plans for new geophysical surveys and drilling on the newly acquired properties this fall, and all other statements that are not statements of historical fact.

Although the Company believes the forward-looking information contained in this news release is reasonable based on information available on the date hereof, by their nature forward-looking statements involve assumptions, known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause our actual results, performance or achievements, or other future events, to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements.

Examples of such assumptions, risks and uncertainties include, without limitation, assumptions, risks and uncertainties associated with general economic conditions; adverse industry events; future legislative and regulatory developments in the mining sector; the Company’s ability to access sufficient capital from internal and external sources, and/or inability to access sufficient capital on favorable terms; mining industry and markets in Canada and generally; the ability of the Company to implement its business strategies; competition; and other assumptions, risks and uncertainties.

The forward-looking information contained in this news release represents the expectations of the Company as of the date of this news release and, accordingly, is subject to change after such date. Readers should not place undue importance on forward-looking information and should not rely upon this information as of any other date. While the company may elect to, it does not undertake to update this information at any particular time except as required in accordance with applicable laws.

This news release may also contain statements and/or information with respect to mineral properties and/or deposits which are adjacent to and/or potentially similar to the Company’s mineral properties, but which the Company has no interest in nor rights to explore. Readers are cautioned that mineral deposits on similar properties are not necessarily indicative of mineral deposits on the Company’s properties.

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What is the Rambler Gold Project acquired by VR Resources (VRRCF)?

The Rambler Gold Project is a newly acquired property by VR Resources, located approximately 6km north of their Empire Project on Trans Canada Highway 17 in Ontario. It was staked due to the discovery of surface sulfides reported in historic drill logs.

What were the results of the historic drilling at Rambler by Inco in 1968?

In 1968, Inco drilled 5 holes at Rambler to less than 50m each, intersecting massive sulfide in each hole, with up to 6m of 85% pyrrhotite-pyrite around a magnetic high. However, assays for gold were not completed or reported at that time.

What recent sampling results has VR Resources (VRRCF) reported from the Rambler project?

Recent sampling by VR Resources shows anomalous gold in every rock unit at Rambler, with up to 149 ppb in disseminated pyrrhotite from mafic volcanic outcrops exposed during forestry road building in 2016.

When does VR Resources (VRRCF) expect to receive the exploration permit for Rambler?

VR Resources expects to receive the exploration permit for Rambler within 30 to 60 days from the announcement date of October 8, 2024.



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