VR Resources Confirms PGE and Nickel-Copper Fertility at Empire Project in Northwest Ontario
VR Resources (VRRCF) has announced results from its maiden reconnaissance drill program at the Westwood Target within the Empire Project in Northwestern Ontario. The drilling confirmed a fertile, multiphase mafic-ultramafic intrusion spanning over 900m with magmatic cumulate textures and sulfide segregation.
Key findings include:
- PGE mineralization with 1m intervals showing 262, 138, and 118 ppb Pd+Pt on the basal contact in Holes 4 and 5
- Copper-nickel mineralization reaching 0.09% Cu and 0.11% Ni with anomalous PGE at 320m depth in Hole 2
- Evidence of sulfide saturation and Ni-Cu-PGE depletion, movement, and enrichment within cumulate textured mafic rocks
The company's exploration technologies have proven effective, with DIGHEM-magnetic surveys and IP chargeability successfully identifying mineralization targets. The data confirms the Cu-Ni-PGE mineral deposit model for Westwood, and these exploration methods will be applied to other Empire project targets, including Trewartha and Mack.
VR Resources (VRRCF) ha annunciato i risultati del suo primo programma di perforazione di ricognizione presso il Target Westwood all'interno del Progetto Empire nel Northwestern Ontario. Le perforazioni hanno confermato un'intrusione mafica-ultramafica fertile e multifase che si estende per oltre 900m, con texture cumulate magmatiche e segregazione di solfuri.
I principali risultati includono:
- Mineralizzazione PGE con intervalli di 1m che mostrano 262, 138 e 118 ppb di Pd+Pt nel contatto basale nei fori 4 e 5
- Mineralizzazione rame-nickel che raggiunge lo 0,09% di Cu e lo 0,11% di Ni con PGE anomali a 320m di profondità nel foro 2
- Prove di saturazione da solfuri e deplezione, movimento e arricchimento di Ni-Cu-PGE all'interno di rocce mafiche con texture cumulate
Le tecnologie di esplorazione dell'azienda si sono dimostrate efficaci, con sondaggi DIGHEM-magnetici e carica IP che hanno identificato con successo i target di mineralizzazione. I dati confermano il modello di deposito minerale Cu-Ni-PGE per Westwood, e questi metodi di esplorazione saranno applicati ad altri target del progetto Empire, inclusi Trewartha e Mack.
VR Resources (VRRCF) ha anunciado los resultados de su primer programa de perforación de reconocimiento en el objetivo Westwood dentro del Proyecto Empire en el noroeste de Ontario. La perforación confirmó una intrusión máfica-ultramáfica fértil y multifásica que se extiende por más de 900m, con texturas de cúmulo magmático y segregación de sulfuros.
Los hallazgos clave incluyen:
- Mineralización de PGE con intervalos de 1m que muestran 262, 138 y 118 ppb de Pd+Pt en el contacto basal en los agujeros 4 y 5
- Mineralización de cobre-níquel que alcanza 0.09% de Cu y 0.11% de Ni con PGE anómalos a 320m de profundidad en el agujero 2
- Evidencia de saturación de sulfuros y depleción, movimiento y enriquecimiento de Ni-Cu-PGE dentro de rocas máficas con texturas de cúmulo
Las tecnologías de exploración de la empresa han demostrado ser efectivas, con encuestas DIGHEM-magnéticas y carga IP que identifican con éxito los objetivos de mineralización. Los datos confirman el modelo de depósito mineral Cu-Ni-PGE para Westwood, y estos métodos de exploración se aplicarán a otros objetivos del proyecto Empire, incluidos Trewartha y Mack.
VR Resources (VRRCF)는 북서 온타리오의 엠파이어 프로젝트 내 웨스트우드 타겟에서 첫 탐사 드릴링 프로그램 결과를 발표했습니다. 드릴링을 통해 900m 이상에 걸쳐 마그마적 축적 텍스처와 황화물 분리가 있는 다단계 마픽-울트라마픽 침입체가 확인되었습니다.
주요 발견 사항은 다음과 같습니다:
- 구멍 4와 5의 기저 접촉에서 1m 간격으로 262, 138 및 118 ppb의 Pd+Pt를 보여주는 PGE 광물화
- 구멍 2에서 320m 깊이에 PGE가 비정상적으로 나타나는 0.09% Cu 및 0.11% Ni에 도달하는 구리-니켈 광물화
- 축적 텍스처를 가진 마픽 암석 내에서 황화물 포화, Ni-Cu-PGE 고갈, 이동 및 농축의 증거
회사의 탐사 기술은 효과적임이 입증되었으며, DIGHEM-자기 조사와 IP 전하 능력이 성공적으로 광물화 목표를 식별했습니다. 데이터는 웨스트우드의 Cu-Ni-PGE 광상 모델을 확인하며, 이러한 탐사 방법은 트레와르타 및 맥을 포함한 다른 엠파이어 프로젝트 목표에도 적용될 것입니다.
VR Resources (VRRCF) a annoncé les résultats de son premier programme de forage de reconnaissance au niveau de la cible Westwood dans le projet Empire dans le nord-ouest de l'Ontario. Le forage a confirmé une intrusion mafique-ultramafique fertile et multifasique s'étendant sur plus de 900m, avec des textures de cumulat magmatique et une ségrégation de sulfures.
Les principales découvertes incluent:
- Mineralisation PGE avec des intervalles de 1m montrant 262, 138 et 118 ppb de Pd+Pt au contact basal dans les trous 4 et 5
- Mineralisation cuivre-nickel atteignant 0,09% Cu et 0,11% Ni avec des PGE anormaux à 320m de profondeur dans le trou 2
- Preuves de saturation en sulfures et de déplétion, mouvement et enrichissement de Ni-Cu-PGE au sein de roches mafiques à texture cumulate
Les technologies d'exploration de l'entreprise se sont révélées efficaces, avec des enquêtes DIGHEM-magnétiques et une charge IP identifiant avec succès les cibles de minéralisation. Les données confirment le modèle de dépôt minéral Cu-Ni-PGE pour Westwood, et ces méthodes d'exploration seront appliquées à d'autres cibles du projet Empire, y compris Trewartha et Mack.
VR Resources (VRRCF) hat die Ergebnisse seines ersten Erkundungsbohrprogramms am Westwood-Ziel innerhalb des Empire-Projekts im nordwestlichen Ontario bekannt gegeben. Die Bohrungen bestätigten einen fruchtbaren, mehrphasigen mafischen-ultramafischen Intrusion, die sich über mehr als 900m erstreckt, mit magmatischen Kumulattexturen und Sulfidseparation.
Wichtige Ergebnisse umfassen:
- PGE-Mineralisierung mit 1m-Intervallen, die 262, 138 und 118 ppb Pd+Pt am Basalkontakt in den Löchern 4 und 5 zeigen
- Kupfer-Nickel-Mineralisierung, die 0,09% Cu und 0,11% Ni mit anomalem PGE in 320m Tiefe im Loch 2 erreicht
- Nachweise von Sulfidsättigung und Ni-Cu-PGE-Abnahme, Bewegung und Anreicherung innerhalb von kumulierten mafischen Gesteinen
Die Erkundungstechnologien des Unternehmens haben sich als effektiv erwiesen, wobei DIGHEM-magnetische Umfragen und IP-Ladungsfähigkeit erfolgreich Mineralisierungsziele identifiziert haben. Die Daten bestätigen das Cu-Ni-PGE-Mineralablagerungsmodell für Westwood, und diese Erkundungsmethoden werden auf andere Ziele des Empire-Projekts, einschließlich Trewartha und Mack, angewendet.
- Confirmed Cu-Ni-PGE mineral deposit model at Westwood Target
- Successfully identified mineralization using DIGHEM and IP surveys
- Multiple mineralization zones discovered across 900m span
- Potential for expansion with untested DIGHEM conductor anomaly 750m northeast
- Low sulfur content (0.5-1%) in all mineralized zones
- Relatively low-grade PGE mineralization (ppb levels)
- Some drill holes missed target zones due to complex geology
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Feb. 26, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- VR Resources Ltd. (TSX.V: VRR, FSE: 5VR; OTCBB: VRRCF), the "Company", or “VR”, announces results from the maiden reconnaissance drill program on the Westwood Target, part of the Empire Project in Northwestern Ontario.
Copper, nickel and platinum group elements (PGE) mineralization within the Westwood complex was first observed at the Trans Canada highway occurrence on the western margin of a more than 2 km long, northeast striking magnetic high anomaly. Drilling has now confirmed the anomaly to be a fertile, multiphase mafic-ultramafic intrusion with magmatic cumulate textures and sulfide segregation spanning more than 900m, on opposing sides of the intrusion (Figure 1). The highway occurrence shows a southeasterly dip to the zonation within the intrusive complex, which is also now observed in oriented drill core measurements; the northern margin of the anomaly is now inferred to be the basal contact of the multi-phase and steeply dipping intrusion and is considered the most prospective for PGE.
Highlights of the recent drilling include:
- 1m intervals with 262, 138 and 118 ppb Pd+Pt on the basal contact in Holes 4 and 5, from the same pad, in weakly developed segregation textures, along trend from the highway outcrop; see core in Photo 1.
- Copper-nickel mineralization up to
0.09% Cu and0.11% Ni, with anomalous PGE, at 320m depth in Hole 2; - Evidence for localized sulfide saturation and Ni-Cu-PGE depletion, movement and enrichment within cumulate textured mafic rocks across the complex.
From VR Resource’s CEO, Justin Daley: “The full dataset for drilling geochemistry has shown us that the right processes are at play for Ni-Cu-PGE mineralization within the Westwood intrusive complex, and perhaps within each of the nearby targets in our district-scale Empire project. As such, this drilling is an important step in advancing our exploration model for fertile intrusions in this previously unexplored part of the Marmion terrane.
The text in the following sections describes the two specific styles of sulfide mineralization intersected on opposing sides of the complex. The prospectivity along the northern contact of the intrusion, with anomalous PGEs, highlights potential for further precious metals mineralization (Au-Pt-Pd) along this magnetic gradient trend, particularly at other DIGHEM anomalies.
It is also encouraging to see a strong spatial relationship between copper-nickel sulfide mineralization in Hole 2 and the DIGHEM and IP chargeability anomaly targeted by that hole. The down-hole EM probe completed on Hole 002 further refines this correlation which is evident in the cross-section in Figure 1.
The data now in hand prove the Cu-Ni-PGE mineral deposit model for Westwood. Our exploration technologies are working, and we believe we now have the vectors for targeting mineralization at Westwood. Further, the low-cost DIGHEM-magnetic surveys successfully used at Westwood can now be applied to our other targets within the Empire project, for example the Trewartha and Mack intrusive targets shown on Figure 2.”
Figure 1. Phase 1 drilling with geochemistry results from the Westwood target at Empire. Plan map is the high resolution magnetic basemap with 900Hz DIGHEM conductors in black, flown in December 2023, with dashed blue lines indicating late normal faults and red dashed/dotted lines for the basal contact of mafic cumulate with PGE mineralization. The chargeability cross section below highlights the correlation between DIGHEM results (depth penetration of 75m) and a ‘rooted’ IP anomaly with copper-nickel mineralization. Copper and palladium bar charts are shown on either side of drill traces with lithology on both plan and section.
Footwall PGE Mineralization Trend
PGE mineralization occurs at both locations where the northwestern footwall contact of the mafic intrusion has been observed, at the highway occurrence and now at Hole 4 and 5, where a mafic segregation zone reaches up to 0.27 g/t Au+Pt+Pd. Hole 3 aimed to test this contact as well but stayed in the depleted leucogabbro, showing the importance of using the magnetic gradient and understanding fault offsets in targeting this mineralization style going forward. In both areas of mineralization, high tenor sulfides occur within a few meters of the steep southeast-dipping contact zone. There is an untested DIGHEM conductor anomaly on this same contact trend some 750m to the northeast.
Hole 5, WW24-005, was completed to 201m. It was drilled as a follow up to the shallowly inclined Hole 4 that collared into the target rock unit: a coarse-grained, cumulate-textured mafic-ultramafic intrusive. Hole 5 was drilled at the same azimuth as 004 but inclined more steeply to intersect more of the cumulate-textured mafic rock dipping steeply to the southeast.
Hole 2 Sulfide Segregation
A net-textured magmatic sulfide zone from 310 to 322 meters in Hole 2, reaches up to
Empire Project Targeting
The Empire Project’s mafic intrusion targets are all multi-kilometer magnetic anomalies. However, drill core measurements indicate a low correlation between magnetism and mineralization at Westwood and in regionally important PGE deposits. Mafic cumulate rocks with segregation textures and sulfide mineralization typically have weak magnetic signatures, but occur in relation to more magnetic mafic-ultramafic phases, which necessitates geophysical techniques such as DIGHEM-magnetic surveys and IP chargeability for effective targeting in this covered terrain.
Photo 1. Drill core examples from Holes 2 (318m - left) and 5 (92m – centre), roughly 900 meters on opposing margins of the large mafic-ultramafic complex. The irregular amphibole/pyroxene crystal habit with interstitial sulfides and feldspar is indicative of the cumulate textures targeted for Cu-Ni-PGE mineralization within the Westwood complex. Sulfur content is low, 0.5
Technical Information
Surface grab samples and drill core samples were submitted for geochemical analysis to the AGAT laboratory in Thunder Bay, Ontario. Drill core was logged, cut and sampled at the Holbik Exploration warehouse in Upsala, Ontario, with sample preparation completed by AGAT in Thunder Bay, alongside gold and PGE determination by atomic absorption assay. ICP-MS analyses for base metals, whole rock, and trace elements is performed at AGAT’s laboratory in Calgary, AB. Analytical results are subject to industry-standard and NI 43-101 compliant QAQC sample procedures, including the systematic insertion of sample duplicates, blanks and certified reference material (CRM) done both externally by VR and internally at the laboratory by AGAT, as described by AGAT.
Technical information for this news release has been prepared in accordance with the Canadian regulatory requirements set out in National Instrument 43-101. The content of this news release has been reviewed on behalf of the Company by Justin Daley, MSc, PGeo, President & CEO at VR, and a non-independent Qualified Person who oversees and/or participates in all aspects of the Company’s mineral exploration projects.
Figure 2. The district-scale Empire property group shown on a regional magnetic map, with the new Mack target shown on the right, covering a large magnetic high with associated geochemical anomalies in palladium, copper and gold in lake sediment samples from the Ontario Geological Survey.
About the Empire District Project
The Empire project consists of 413 mineral claims in 2 contiguous blocks covering 12,334 hectares. The project is located on Federal Crown Land, with mineral rights administered by the Ontario Ministry of Mines. There is a
About VR Resources Ltd.
VR is an established junior exploration company based in Vancouver (TSX.V: VRR; Frankfurt: 5VR; OTCQB: VRRCF). VR evaluates, explores and advances opportunities in copper, gold and critical metals in Nevada, USA, and Ontario, Canada. VR applies modern exploration technologies, in-house experience, and expertise in greenfields exploration to large-footprint systems in underexplored areas/districts. The foundation of VR is the proven track record of its Board in early-stage exploration, discovery and M&A. The Company is financed for its mineral exploration and corporate obligations. VR owns its projects outright and evaluates new opportunities on an ongoing basis, whether by staking or acquisition.
“Justin Daley”
Justin Daley, MSc, P.Geo
President & CEO
For general information please use the following:
Website: | www.vrr.ca |
Email: | info@vrr.ca |
Phone: | 778-731-9292 |
Forward Looking Statements
This news release contains statements that constitute "forward-looking statements". Such forward looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the Company’s actual results, performance or achievements, or developments in the industry to differ materially from the anticipated results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally, but not always, identified by the words "expects," "plans," "anticipates," "believes," "intends," "estimates," "projects," "potential" and similar expressions, or that events or conditions "will," "would," "may," "could" or "should" occur. Forward-looking statements in this document include statements concerning VR’s expectations that it will complete a follow-up drill program at Westwood, and all other statements that are not statements of historical fact.
Although the Company believes the forward-looking information contained in this news release is reasonable based on information available on the date hereof, by their nature, forward-looking statements involve assumptions, known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause our actual results, performance or achievements, or other future events, to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Examples of such assumptions, risks and uncertainties include, without limitation, assumptions, risks and uncertainties associated with: general economic conditions; adverse industry events; future legislative and regulatory developments in the mining sector; the Company’s ability to access sufficient capital from internal and external sources, and/or inability to access sufficient capital on favorable terms; mining industry and markets in Canada; the ability of the Company to implement its business strategies; competition; and other assumptions, risks and uncertainties.
The forward-looking information contained in this news release represents the expectations of the Company as of the date of this news release and, accordingly, is subject to change after such date. Readers should not place undue importance on forward-looking information and should not rely upon this information as of any other date. While the company may elect to, it does not undertake to update this information at any particular time except as required in accordance with applicable laws.
This news release may also contain statements and/or information with respect to mineral properties and/or deposits which are adjacent to and/or potentially similar to the Company’s mineral properties, but which the Company has no interest in nor rights to explore. Readers are cautioned that mineral deposits on similar properties are not necessarily indicative of mineral deposits on the Company’s properties.
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What are the key drilling results from VRRCF's Westwood Target?
How extensive is the mineralization discovered at VRRCF's Empire Project?
What exploration technologies is VRRCF using at the Empire Project?