Verint Earns Great Place To Work® Certification for Second Consecutive Year

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Verint (NASDAQ: VRNT) has been Certified™ as a Great Place To Work® for the second consecutive year, with 85% of employees globally rating it as a great workplace. This score is 28 percentage points higher than the average U.S. company. The certification now spans 15 countries, up from last year, highlighting Verint's commitment to fostering a positive workplace culture globally.

Key highlights from the global results include high scores in categories such as Equality & Inclusiveness (93%), Justice (92%), and Remote Work (91%). Notably, 98% of employees consider Verint a safe place to work, and 95% feel they are treated fairly across demographics. The company also received high marks for work-life balance, management integrity, and effective use of technology for collaboration.

Verint CEO Dan Bodner emphasized the company's focus on attracting and developing top talent to deliver CX automation to major brands worldwide. The certification reflects Verint's ongoing commitment to being a top employer where employees can thrive.

Verint (NASDAQ: VRNT) è stata Certificata™ come un Ottimo Luogo di Lavoro® per il secondo anno consecutivo, con l'85% dei dipendenti a livello globale che la valutano come un ottimo posto di lavoro. Questo punteggio è 28 punti percentuali superiore alla media delle aziende statunitensi. La certificazione ora si estende a 15 paesi, rispetto allo scorso anno, evidenziando l'impegno di Verint a promuovere una cultura lavorativa positiva a livello globale.

Tra i punti salienti dei risultati globali ci sono punteggi elevati in categorie come Uguaglianza e Inclusività (93%), Giustizia (92%) e Lavoro Remoto (91%). Noto è che il 98% dei dipendenti considera Verint un luogo di lavoro sicuro e il 95% ritiene di essere trattato equamente in base ai diversi gruppi demografici. L'azienda ha inoltre ricevuto valutazioni elevate per l'equilibrio tra vita lavorativa e vita privata, integrità della gestione e uso efficace della tecnologia per la collaborazione.

Il CEO di Verint, Dan Bodner, ha sottolineato l'attenzione dell'azienda nell'attrarre e sviluppare talenti di alto livello per fornire automazione dell'esperienza cliente ai principali marchi in tutto il mondo. La certificazione riflette l'impegno continuo di Verint a essere un datore di lavoro di alto livello dove i dipendenti possono prosperare.

Verint (NASDAQ: VRNT) ha sido Certificada™ como un Excelente Lugar para Trabajar® por segundo año consecutivo, con el 85% de los empleados a nivel mundial calificándola como un gran lugar de trabajo. Esta puntuación es 28 puntos porcentuales más alta que la media de las empresas en EE. UU. La certificación ahora abarca 15 países, en comparación con el año pasado, destacando el compromiso de Verint por fomentar una cultura laboral positiva a nivel global.

Los puntos clave de los resultados globales incluyen puntuaciones altas en categorías como Igualdad e Inclusión (93%), Justicia (92%) y Trabajo Remoto (91%). Es notable que el 98% de los empleados consideran a Verint un lugar de trabajo seguro, y el 95% siente que son tratados de manera justa en todos los grupos demográficos. La empresa también recibió altas calificaciones por el equilibrio entre la vida laboral y personal, la integridad de la gestión y el uso efectivo de la tecnología para la colaboración.

El CEO de Verint, Dan Bodner, enfatizó el enfoque de la empresa en atraer y desarrollar talento de primera para ofrecer automatización de CX a grandes marcas en todo el mundo. La certificación refleja el compromiso continuo de Verint de ser un empleador de primera donde los empleados pueden prosperar.

Verint (NASDAQ: VRNT)는 탁월한 근무 환경 인증™을 두 번째로 연속적으로 획득했으며, 전 세계 직원의 85%가 이를 훌륭한 직장으로 평가하고 있습니다. 이 점수는 미국 평균 회사보다 28% 포인트 높습니다. 이번 인증은 지난해보다 15개 국가로 확대되어 Verint의 긍정적인 직장 문화를 전 세계적으로 육성하려는 의지를 강조합니다.

전 세계 결과의 주요 하이라이트로는 평등 및 포용성 (93%), 정의 (92%), 원격 근무 (91%)와 같은 카테고리에서 높은 점수를 기록했습니다. 특히 98%의 직원이 Verint를 안전한 직장으로 여기고, 95%는 인구 통계학적으로 공정하게 대우받고 있다고 느끼고 있습니다. 이 회사는 또한 직장과 개인 생활의 균형, 경영진의 진실성 및 협업을 위한 기술의 효율적 사용에서 높은 평가를 받았습니다.

Verint의 CEO인 Dan Bodner는 주요 브랜드에 CX 자동화를 제공하기 위해 최고의 인재를 유치하고 개발하는 데 회사의 초점을 두고 있음을 강조했습니다. 이번 인증은 직원들이 성장할 수 있는 최고의 고용주로서 Verint의 지속적인 노력을 반영합니다.

Verint (NASDAQ: VRNT) a été certifié™ comme un Excellent Lieu de Travail® pour la deuxième année consécutive, avec 85% des employés à l'échelle mondiale l'évaluant comme un excellent lieu de travail. Ce score est de 28 points de pourcentage supérieur à la moyenne des entreprises américaines. La certification s'étend désormais à 15 pays, contre l'année précédente, soulignant l'engagement de Verint à favoriser une culture de travail positive à l'échelle mondiale.

Les points clés des résultats mondiaux incluent des scores élevés dans des catégories telles que Égalité et Inclusivité (93%), Justice (92%) et Télétravail (91%). Notamment, 98% des employés considèrent Verint comme un lieu de travail sûr, et 95% estiment qu'ils sont traités équitablement au sein des différentes démographies. L'entreprise a également obtenu des notes élevées pour l'équilibre entre vie professionnelle et vie privée, l'intégrité de la direction et l'utilisation efficace de la technologie pour la collaboration.

Le PDG de Verint, Dan Bodner, a souligné l'importance pour l'entreprise d'attirer et de développer des talents de premier ordre afin de fournir des solutions d'automatisation de l'expérience client aux grandes marques du monde entier. La certification reflète l'engagement continu de Verint à être un employeur de choix où les employés peuvent s'épanouir.

Verint (NASDAQ: VRNT) wurde zum zweiten Mal in Folge als Ausgezeichneter Arbeitsplatz™ zertifiziert, wobei 85% der Mitarbeiter weltweit das Unternehmen als hervorragenden Arbeitsplatz bewerten. Dieser Wert liegt 28 Prozentpunkte über dem Durchschnitt amerikanischer Unternehmen. Die Zertifizierung erstreckt sich nun auf 15 Länder, im Vergleich zum Vorjahr, was das Engagement von Verint zur Förderung einer positiven Unternehmenskultur weltweit unterstreicht.

Wichtige Highlights der globalen Ergebnisse umfassen hohe Punktzahlen in Kategorien wie Gleichheit und Inklusivität (93%), Gerechtigkeit (92%) und Remote-Arbeit (91%). Besonders bemerkenswert ist, dass 98% der Mitarbeiter Verint als sicheren Arbeitsplatz empfinden und 95% das Gefühl haben, fair behandelt zu werden, unabhängig von Demografie. Das Unternehmen erhielt ebenfalls hohe Bewertungen für die Work-Life-Balance, die Integrität des Managements sowie die effektive Nutzung von Technologie zur Zusammenarbeit.

Der CEO von Verint, Dan Bodner, hob den Schwerpunkt des Unternehmens hervor, top Talente zu gewinnen und weiterzuentwickeln, um CX-Automatisierung für große Marken weltweit bereitzustellen. Die Zertifizierung spiegelt das fortwährende Engagement von Verint wider, ein erstklassiger Arbeitgeber zu sein, in dem Mitarbeiter aufblühen können.

  • Achieved Great Place To Work® Certification for the second consecutive year
  • 85% of employees globally rate Verint as a great workplace, 28 percentage points higher than average U.S. companies
  • Expanded certification to 15 countries, up from previous year
  • High scores in key categories: Equality & Inclusiveness (93%), Justice (92%), Remote Work (91%)
  • 98% of employees consider Verint a safe place to work
  • 95% of employees feel they are treated fairly across demographics
  • 89% of all Verint scores increased year over year
  • None.

Focus on AI Innovation and Workplace Culture Attracts and Retains Top Talent at Verint

MELVILLE, N.Y.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Verint® (NASDAQ: VRNT), The CX Automation Company™, today announced that it is Certified as a Great Place To Work® for the second consecutive year. Globally, 85 percent of Verint employees said that Verint is a great place to work, scoring higher than last year and 28 percentage points higher than a typical U.S.-based company.

Verint Great Places To Work Certification (Graphic: Business Wire)

Verint Great Places To Work Certification (Graphic: Business Wire)

Notably, Verint received certification in 15 countries this year – an increase over last year’s results – signaling the company’s dedication to fostering a healthy, vibrant workplace and culture that attracts and grows top talent around the world. Verint locations that were Certified by Great Place To Work this year include Australia, Canada, China, Germany, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Macedonia, Singapore, United Kingdom and United States.

“We are thrilled to be Great Place To Work-Certified across 15 countries where we have Verint employees,” says Verint’s CEO, Dan Bodner. “Verint continues to hire, welcome and develop the best and brightest talent to deliver CX automation to the world’s biggest brands. This recognition – entirely based on what employees say about their experience working at Verint – highlights our ongoing commitment to being a top employer of choice where employees can thrive.”

Other distinguished points from Verint’s global results included high category scores of:

  • Equality & Inclusiveness (93%)
  • Justice (92%)
  • Remote Work (91%)
  • Management Integrity (90%)
  • Verint Values (90%)
  • Work-Life Balance (89%)

Additionally, Verint’s high scoring statements included:

  • 98 percent of employees say that Verint is a safe place to work.
  • 95 percent of employees say they are treated fairly on average across demographics.
  • 94 percent of employees find the remote/hybrid work environment offers flexibility for work-life balance.
  • 94 percent of employees feel they can take time off from work when it’s necessary.
  • 94 percent of employees feel that their team has a strong sense of integrity.
  • 94 percent of employees believe that when they join Verint, they are made to feel welcome.
  • 90 percent of employees believe people care about each other at the company.
  • 90 percent of employees feel they are treated as a full member at Verint, regardless of position.
  • 90 percent of employees say that the technology used at Verint enables effective collaboration.
  • 89 percent of all Verint scores increased year over year.

Additionally, 93 percent of the global workforce cited Verint as a company that fosters equality and inclusiveness – factors that help ensure Verint offers an environment where employees feel heard, safe and valued.

“Companies that invest consistently in their employees create more engagement, faster innovation and a healthy bottom line,” says Sarah Lewis-Kulin, vice president of global recognition at Great Place To Work. “Congratulations to Verint for providing an exceptional employee experience and company culture, and for once again achieving Great Place To Work Certification.”

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About Great Place To Work

As the global authority on workplace culture, Great Place To Work brings 30 years of groundbreaking research and data to help every place become a great place to work for all. Its proprietary platform and For All™ Model help companies evaluate the experience of every employee, with exemplary workplaces becoming Great Place To Work Certified™. Follow Great Place To Work on LinkedIn, X, and Instagram or visit and sign up for the newsletter to learn more.

About Verint

Verint® (NASDAQ: VRNT) is a leader in customer experience (CX) automation. The world’s most iconic brands - including more than 80 of the Fortune 100 companies - use the Verint Open Platform and our team of AI-powered bots to deliver tangible AI Business Outcomes, Now™ across the enterprise.

Verint, The CX Automation Company™, is proud to be Certified™ by Great Place To Work®. Learn more at

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VERINT, VERINT DA VINCI, VERINT OPEN CCAAS, THE CX AUTOMATION COMPANY, THE CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT COMPANY AND THE ENGAGEMENT CAPACITY GAP are trademarks of Verint Systems Inc. or its subsidiaries. Verint and other parties may also have trademark rights in other terms used herein.

Media Relations

Sue Huss

Investor Relations

Matthew Frankel


Source: Verint


What percentage of Verint employees globally said it's a great place to work?

85% of Verint employees globally said that Verint is a great place to work, which is 28 percentage points higher than a typical U.S.-based company.

How many countries received Great Place To Work Certification for Verint in the latest assessment?

Verint received Great Place To Work Certification in 15 countries in the latest assessment, which is an increase from the previous year's results.

What was Verint's highest scoring category in the Great Place To Work survey?

Verint's highest scoring category in the Great Place To Work survey was Equality & Inclusiveness, with a score of 93%.

What percentage of Verint employees believe the company is a safe place to work?

98% of Verint employees say that Verint is a safe place to work, according to the Great Place To Work survey results.

How does Verint's Great Place To Work certification relate to its stock performance (VRNT)?

While the certification doesn't directly impact stock performance, it may positively influence VRNT by indicating strong employee satisfaction and retention, which can contribute to long-term company success and investor confidence.

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