Voya survey reveals half of caregivers say responsibilities impact ability to save for retirement

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Voya Financial released survey findings revealing the significant impact of caregiving responsibilities on financial well-being. 49% of caregivers report a severe or major impact on their ability to prepare for retirement. Over half noted impacts on emergency preparedness (52%), mental well-being (52%), and healthcare costs (51%).

The survey highlighted disparities among racial groups, with 28% of Asian, Hispanic, and Black Americans reporting severe or major impacts on retirement savings, compared to 19% of white Americans. Caregiving also affects other financial aspects, including home purchases (40%) and mortgage payments (38%).

Employers can play a important role in supporting caregivers. 51% of employees are more likely to stay with employers offering health spending accounts and voluntary benefits. 53% of caregivers are likely to use employer-provided caregiver resources. Voya emphasizes the importance of comprehensive benefits and caregiver support in attracting and retaining talent.

Voya Financial ha rilasciato i risultati di un sondaggio che rivelano l'impatto significativo delle responsabilità di cura sul benessere finanziario. Il 49% dei caregiver riporta un impatto severo o grave sulla loro capacità di prepararsi per la pensione. Oltre la metà ha notato impatti sulla preparazione per le emergenze (52%), sul benessere mentale (52%) e sui costi sanitari (51%).

Il sondaggio ha evidenziato disparità tra i gruppi razziali, con il 28% degli Americani asiatici, ispanici e neri che segnalano impatti severi o gravi sui risparmi per la pensione, rispetto al 19% degli Americani bianchi. Le responsabilità di cura influenzano anche altri aspetti finanziari, comprese le acquisizioni di casa (40%) e i pagamenti del mutuo (38%).

I datori di lavoro possono svolgere un ruolo importante nel supportare i caregiver. Il 51% dei dipendenti è più propenso a rimanere con datori di lavoro che offrono conti per spese sanitarie e benefici volontari. Il 53% dei caregiver è propenso a utilizzare le risorse per caregiver fornite dai datori di lavoro. Voya sottolinea l'importanza di benefici completi e supporto per i caregiver nell'attrarre e mantenere talenti.

Voya Financial publicó los resultados de una encuesta que revelan el impacto significativo de las responsabilidades de cuidado en el bienestar financiero. El 49% de los cuidadores informa un impacto severo o mayor en su capacidad para prepararse para la jubilación. Más de la mitad notó impactos en la preparación para emergencias (52%), el bienestar mental (52%) y los costos de atención médica (51%).

La encuesta destacó disparidades entre grupos raciales, con el 28% de los estadounidenses asiáticos, hispanos y negros reportando impactos severos o mayores en los ahorros para la jubilación, en comparación con el 19% de los estadounidenses blancos. El cuidado también afecta otros aspectos financieros, como las compras de vivienda (40%) y los pagos hipotecarios (38%).

Los empleadores pueden desempeñar un papel importante en el apoyo a los cuidadores. El 51% de los empleados es más propenso a permanecer con empleadores que ofrecen cuentas para gastos de salud y beneficios voluntarios. El 53% de los cuidadores es propenso a utilizar los recursos para cuidadores proporcionados por los empleadores. Voya enfatiza la importancia de beneficios completos y apoyo a los cuidadores para atraer y retener talento.

보야 파이낸셜이 돌봄 책임이 재정적 복지에 미치는 중대한 영향을 드러낸 설문 조사 결과를 발표했습니다. 49%의 돌봄 제공자가 은퇴 준비에 심각한 영향을 받았다고 보고했습니다. 절반 이상이 비상 대비(52%), 정신적 웰빙(52%), 의료비(51%)에 미친 영향을 언급했습니다.

이 설문조사는 인종 그룹 간의 불균형을 강조했으며, 아시아계, 히스패닉, 흑인 미국인 중 28%이 은퇴 저축에 심각한 영향을 경험했다고 응답한 반면, 백인 미국인은 19%에 불과했습니다. 돌봄 책임은 주택 구매(40%)와 주택 담보 대출 상환(38%) 등 다른 재정적 측면에도 영향을 미칩니다.

고용주는 돌봄 제공자를 지원하는 데 중요한 역할을 할 수 있습니다. 51%의 직원이 건강 지출 계좌 및 자발적 혜택을 제공하는 고용주와 함께 남아 있을 가능성이 높습니다. 53%의 돌봄 제공자가 고용주가 제공하는 돌봄 제공자 리소스를 사용할 가능성이 높습니다. 보야는 인재를 유치하고 유지하는 데 있어 포괄적인 혜택과 돌봄 지원의 중요성을 강조합니다.

Voya Financial a publié les résultats d'une enquête révélant l'impact considérable des responsabilités de soins sur le bien-être financier. 49% des aidants rapportent un impact sévère ou majeur sur leur capacité à se préparer à la retraite. Plus de la moitié a noté des impacts sur la préparation aux urgences (52%), le bien-être mental (52%) et les coûts de santé (51%).

L'enquête a mis en lumière des disparités entre les groupes raciaux, avec 28% des Américains asiatiques, hispaniques et noirs signalant des impacts sévères ou majeurs sur les économies de retraite, par rapport à 19% des Américains blancs. Le soin a également des répercussions sur d'autres aspects financiers, y compris les achats de maisons (40%) et les paiements hypothécaires (38%).

Les employeurs peuvent jouer un rôle important dans le soutien aux aidants. 51% des employés sont plus susceptibles de rester avec des employeurs offrant des comptes de dépenses de santé et des avantages volontaires. 53% des aidants sont susceptibles d'utiliser les ressources pour aidants fournies par l'employeur. Voya souligne l'importance des avantages complets et du soutien aux aidants pour attirer et fidéliser les talents.

Voya Financial hat die Ergebnisse einer Umfrage veröffentlicht, die die erheblichen Auswirkungen von Pflegeverantwortungen auf das finanzielle Wohlergehen aufzeigt. 49% der Pflegepersonen berichten von einer schweren oder erheblichen Auswirkung auf ihre Fähigkeit, sich auf die Rente vorzubereiten. Über die Hälfte bemerkte Auswirkungen auf die Notfallplanung (52%), das psychische Wohlbefinden (52%) und die Gesundheitskosten (51%).

Die Umfrage hob Ungleichheiten zwischen verschiedenen ethnischen Gruppen hervor, wobei 28% der asiatischen, hispanischen und schwarzen Amerikaner von schweren oder erheblichen Auswirkungen auf die Altersvorsorge berichteten, im Vergleich zu 19% der weißen Amerikaner. Die Pflege hat auch Auswirkungen auf andere finanzielle Aspekte, einschließlich Hauskäufe (40%) und Hypothekenzahlungen (38%).

Arbeitgeber können eine wichtige Rolle bei der Unterstützung von Pflegepersonen spielen. 51% der Mitarbeiter bleiben eher bei Arbeitgebern, die Gesundheitsausgabenkonten und freiwillige Leistungen anbieten. 53% der Pflegepersonen werden wahrscheinlich die vom Arbeitgeber bereitgestellten Ressourcen für Pflegepersonen nutzen. Voya betont die Bedeutung umfassender Leistungen und der Unterstützung von Pflegepersonen, um Talente zu gewinnen und zu halten.

  • None.
  • None.

Findings show employers have an opportunity to retain caregivers with broader workplace benefits and savings resources

WINDSOR, Conn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Voya Financial, Inc. (NYSE: VOYA) released new findings from a consumer research survey uncovering that almost half of caregivers (49%) report their responsibilities have had a severe or major impact on their ability to prepare for their retirement. More than half of caregivers also noted caregiver responsibilities impacting their ability to prepare for emergencies and unexpected expenses (52%), mental well-being (52%) and healthcare costs (51%). Notably, when looking at a combined group of Asian, Hispanic and Black Americans, 28% reported that their caregiver responsibilities will have a severe or major impact on their ability to save for retirement, compared to 19% of white Americans.

“Caregiving comes with significant emotional challenges, and the financial strains are often a concern. In fact, Voya’s research found that 27% of caregivers changed jobs to provide care. However, employers can play a critical role when it comes to supporting caregivers in the workplace,” said Carole Mendoza, VP, benefits at Voya Financial. “Employers that prioritize traditional workplace benefits coupled with specific caregiver resources have an opportunity to create an environment that can foster employee loyalty, reduce turnover and enhance overall productivity. However, it’s important to ensure employees are aware of and understand all the benefits and resources available to them, particularly employees in diverse communities.”

Caregiving impact on financial life

Voya’s research also found caregiving responsibilities severely or majorly affect several other aspects of their finances, including a home purchase (40%), mortgage and rent payments (38%), having a child and childcare costs (35%), and college expenses or student loans for themselves or their dependents (30%). And, among those who are already caregivers, Asian, Hispanic and Black Americans also report higher impacts on mental wellness (66% vs. 43%), healthcare costs (64% vs. 44%) and buying a home (52% vs. 31%), compared to white caregivers.

Interestingly, Voya’s findings also show employed Americans are more likely to stay with their employers if the company provides access to health spending and savings accounts (51%), voluntary benefit offerings, such as critical illness, hospital indemnity, disability income, accident insurance (51%), and comprehensive caregiver planning resources (36%) — all which can have a significant impact on those with disabilities and their caregivers, who often face financial challenges connected to their dual responsibilities at home and work.

Another notable finding: More than half (53%) of caregivers agree or strongly agree they are likely to use caregiver resources and support offered through employers, including educational articles, checklists and planning document templates.

“Employers have an opportunity to demonstrate a commitment to an inclusive and supportive workplace for caregivers and all employees,” Mendoza added. “Offering comprehensive benefits that include support for caregivers can also be a significant factor in attracting and retaining talent, along with promoting higher job satisfaction and overall well-being. Benefits, such as health savings accounts, flexible spending accounts, legal insurance, disability and long-term care insurance, and targeted planning and education resources for the disabilities community continue to be an untapped caregiver-retention tool for many employers.”

Those with disabilities and their caregivers can find more resources and information at As an industry leader focused on the delivery of benefits, savings and investment solutions to and through the workplace, Voya is committed to delivering on its mission to make a secure financial future possible for all — one person, one family, one institution at a time.

About the study

These are the results of an Ipsos survey in partnership with Voya Consumer Insights and Research conducted Aug. 8–9, 2024, on the Ipsos eNation omnibus online platform among 1,005 adults aged 18+ in the U.S., featuring 164 caregivers (117 White, 39 Asian/Hispanic/Black[Net], 8 other). Sample sizes are consistent wave to wave. The sample can be taken as representative of the general adult U.S. population age 18 or older. The data is weighted so that the sample composition best reflects the demographic profile of the adult population according to the most recent census data. Where results do not sum to 100 or the “difference” appears to be +/ 1 more/less than the actual, this may be due to rounding, multiple responses or the exclusion of “don't knows” or not stated responses. The precision of Ipsos online polls is calculated using a credibility interval with a poll of 1,000 accurate to +/ 3.5 percentage points. For more information on the Ipsos use of credibility intervals, please visit the Ipsos website (

About Voya Financial®

Voya Financial, Inc. (NYSE: VOYA) is a leading health, wealth and investment company with approximately 9,000 employees who are focused on achieving Voya’s aspirational vision: Clearing your path to financial confidence and a more fulfilling life. Through products, solutions and technologies, Voya helps its 15.2 million individual, workplace and institutional clients become well planned, well invested and well protected. Benefitfocus, a Voya company and a leading benefits administration provider, extends the reach of Voya’s workplace benefits and savings offerings by engaging directly with more than 12 million employees in the U.S. Certified as a “Great Place to Work” by the Great Place to Work® Institute, Voya is purpose-driven and committed to conducting business in a way that is economically, ethically, socially and environmentally responsible. Voya has earned recognition as: one of the World’s Most Ethical Companies® by Ethisphere; a member of the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index; and a “Best Place to Work for Disability Inclusion” on the Disability Equality Index. For more information, visit Follow Voya Financial on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram.



Natasha D. Smith

Voya Financial

(212) 309-8200

Source: Voya Financial, Inc.


What percentage of caregivers say their responsibilities impact their ability to save for retirement according to Voya's survey?

According to Voya's survey, 49% of caregivers report that their responsibilities have had a severe or major impact on their ability to prepare for their retirement.

How does caregiving affect the financial aspects of Asian, Hispanic, and Black Americans compared to white Americans?

The survey found that 28% of Asian, Hispanic, and Black Americans reported that their caregiver responsibilities will have a severe or major impact on their ability to save for retirement, compared to 19% of white Americans.

What percentage of caregivers are likely to use employer-provided caregiver resources?

More than half (53%) of caregivers agree or strongly agree they are likely to use caregiver resources and support offered through employers, including educational articles, checklists, and planning document templates.

How can employers support caregivers in the workplace according to Voya's research?

Employers can support caregivers by offering comprehensive benefits, including health spending and savings accounts, voluntary benefit offerings, and caregiver planning resources. These can help attract and retain talent, promote job satisfaction, and enhance overall well-being.

What percentage of caregivers changed jobs to provide care according to Voya's survey?

Voya's research found that 27% of caregivers changed jobs to provide care.



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