Vigil Presents Data on its Small Molecule TREM2 Agonist Program at 2024 Alzheimer's Association International Conference (AAIC)  

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Vigil Neuroscience (NASDAQ: VIGL) presented data on its small molecule TREM2 agonist program at the 2024 Alzheimer's Association International Conference. The company shared clinical data from single ascending dose (SAD) cohorts in its ongoing Phase 1 trial of VG-3927, demonstrating proof-of-pharmacology with a robust decrease of sTREM2 in the CSF.

Key highlights include:

  • In vivo data showing selective activation of downstream function leading to microglial amyloid-beta phagocytosis
  • Acute modulation of AD pathophysiology comparable to an approved therapeutic
  • In vitro data demonstrating preferential activity on cellular TREM2
  • Phase 1 trial design details for VG-3927 in healthy volunteers
  • Pharmacological and functional characterization of VG-3927 as a TREM2-specific, highly potent molecule

Vigil believes VG-3927 has the potential to offer a differentiated approach to treating Alzheimer's disease.

Vigil Neuroscience (NASDAQ: VIGL) ha presentato dati sul suo programma di agonisti TREM2 a piccole molecole durante la Conferenza Internazionale dell'Alzheimer 2024. L'azienda ha condiviso dati clinici provenienti da coorti di dose ascendente singola (SAD) nel suo ongoing trial di Fase 1 di VG-3927, dimostrando la prova di farmacologia con una sostanziale riduzione di sTREM2 nel CSS.

I punti salienti includono:

  • Dati in vivo che mostrano l'attivazione selettiva della funzione a valle che porta alla fagocitosi dell'amilode-beta da parte dei microgliali
  • Modulazione acuta della patofisiologia dell'AD comparabile a un trattamento approvato
  • Dati in vitro che dimostrano un'attività preferenziale sul TREM2 cellulare
  • Dettagli sul design del trial di Fase 1 per VG-3927 in volontari sani
  • Caratterizzazione farmacologica e funzionale di VG-3927 come una molecola altamente potente e specifica per TREM2

Vigil crede che VG-3927 possa offrire un approccio differenziato al trattamento della malattia di Alzheimer.

Vigil Neuroscience (NASDAQ: VIGL) presentó datos sobre su programa de agonistas de pequeñas moléculas TREM2 en la Conferencia Internacional de la Asociación de Alzheimer 2024. La compañía compartió datos clínicos de cohortes de dosis ascendente única (SAD) en su ensayo de Fase 1 en curso de VG-3927, demostrando pruebas de farmacología con una disminución robusta de sTREM2 en el LCR.

Los aspectos más destacados incluyen:

  • Datos in vivo que muestran la activación selectiva de la función a continuación que lleva a la fagocitosis de amiloide-beta por microglías
  • Modulación aguda de la patofisiología del AD comparable a un tratamiento aprobado
  • Datos in vitro que demuestran actividad preferencial en TREM2 celular
  • Detalles del diseño del ensayo de Fase 1 para VG-3927 en voluntarios sanos
  • Caracterización farmacológica y funcional de VG-3927 como una molécula altamente potente y específica para TREM2

Vigil cree que VG-3927 tiene el potencial de ofrecer un enfoque diferenciado para tratar la enfermedad de Alzheimer.

비질 뉴로사이언스 (NASDAQ: VIGL)는 2024 알츠하이머 협회 국제 회의에서 작은 분자 TREM2 작용제 프로그램에 대한 데이터를 발표했습니다. 이 회사는 진행 중인 VG-3927의 1상 시험에서 단일 용량 상승 군(SAD)임상 데이터를 공유하며 CSF에서 sTREM2의 강력한 감소를 통해 약리학적 증거를 보여주었습니다.

주요 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 미세아교세포의 아밀로이드 베타 파고시토시스를 유도하는 하류 기능의 선택적 활성화를 보여주는 생체 내 데이터
  • 승인된 치료제에 필적하는 AD 병리생리의 급성 조절
  • 세포 TREM2에 대한 선택적 활성화를 보여주는 시험관 내 데이터
  • 건강한 자원봉사자를 대상으로 한 VG-3927의 1상 시험 설계 세부정보
  • TREM2에 특화된 매우 강력한 분자로서의 VG-3927의 약리학적 및 기능적 특성

비질은 VG-3927이 알츠하이머 병 치료에 차별화된 접근법을 제공할 수 있는 잠재력이 있다고 믿고 있습니다.

Vigil Neuroscience (NASDAQ: VIGL) a présenté des données sur son programme d'agonistes TREM2 à petites molécules lors de la Conférence internationale de l'Association Alzheimer 2024. L'entreprise a partagé des données cliniques provenant des cohortes de dose unique ascendante (SAD) dans son essai de phase 1 en cours de VG-3927, démontrant une preuve de pharmacologie avec une réduction significative de sTREM2 dans le LCR.

Les points forts comprennent :

  • Données in vivo montrant une activation sélective de la fonction en aval menant à la phagocytose de l'amyloïde-beta par les microglies
  • Modulation aiguë de la pathophysiologie de l'AD comparable à un traitement approuvé
  • Données in vitro démontrant une activité préférentielle sur le TREM2 cellulaire
  • Détails de la conception de l'essai de phase 1 pour VG-3927 chez des volontaires sains
  • Caractérisation pharmacologique et fonctionnelle de VG-3927 en tant que molécule hautement puissante et spécifique au TREM2

Vigil croit que VG-3927 a le potentiel d'offrir une approche différenciée dans le traitement de la maladie d'Alzheimer.

Vigil Neuroscience (NASDAQ: VIGL) hat auf der 2024 Alzheimer Association International Conference Daten zu seinem Programm der kleinen Molekül-TREM2-Agonisten präsentiert. Das Unternehmen teilte klinische Daten aus Kohorten mit einzelner dosierender Steigerung (SAD) in seiner laufenden Phase-1-Studie von VG-3927, die einen Nachweis für die Pharmacologie mit einem signifikanten Rückgang von sTREM2 in der Zerebrospinalflüssigkeit zeigt.

Wichtige Höhepunkte sind:

  • In-vivo-Daten, die eine selektive Aktivierung der nachgelagerten Funktionen zeigen, die zur Mikroglia-Amyloid-beta-Phagozytose führen
  • Akute Modulation der AD-Pathophysiologie vergleichbar mit einer zugelassenen Therapie
  • In-vitro-Daten, die eine bevorzugte Aktivität auf zellulärem TREM2 demonstrieren
  • Details zum Design der Phase-1-Studie für VG-3927 in gesunden Probanden
  • Pharmakologische und funktionale Charakterisierung von VG-3927 als TREM2-spezifische, hochpotente Molekül

Vigil ist der Meinung, dass VG-3927 das Potenzial hat, einen differenzierten Ansatz zur Behandlung der Alzheimer-Krankheit zu bieten.

  • First presentation of clinical data on sTREM2 from SAD cohorts in Phase 1 trial of VG-3927 demonstrates proof-of-pharmacology
  • In vivo data shows selective activation of microglial amyloid-beta phagocytosis
  • VG-3927 demonstrates acute modulation of AD pathophysiology comparable to an approved therapeutic
  • Phase 1 trial design includes both single and multiple ascending dose cohorts
  • VG-3927 characterized as a TREM2-specific, highly potent molecule with potential for treating Alzheimer's disease
  • None.

As a Medical Research Analyst specializing in neurodegenerative diseases, I find Vigil Neuroscience's presentation of data on their TREM2 agonist program at AAIC 2024 to be highly significant. The company's small molecule TREM2 agonist, VG-3927, shows promising results in both preclinical and early clinical studies for Alzheimer's disease (AD) treatment.

Key points to consider:

  • The proof-of-pharmacology demonstrated in the Phase 1 clinical trial is a important milestone. The robust decrease of sTREM2 in the CSF indicates that VG-3927 is effectively engaging its target in the brain.
  • Preclinical data showing selective activation of microglial Aβ phagocytosis is particularly intriguing, as it suggests a potential mechanism for clearing amyloid plaques, a hallmark of AD pathology.
  • The comparison to an approved therapeutic in modulating AD pathophysiology, without effector function liability, hints at a potentially improved safety profile.
  • The activation of protective gene signatures and suppression of pro-inflammatory cytokines in various models further support the therapeutic potential of VG-3927.

While these results are encouraging, it's important to note that this is still early-stage research. The transition from Phase 1 to later-stage trials will be critical in determining the true efficacy and safety of VG-3927 in AD patients. Investors should closely monitor the progress of the ongoing Phase 1 trial and any announcements regarding plans for Phase 2 studies.

From a biotechnology industry perspective, Vigil Neuroscience's progress with VG-3927 is noteworthy for several reasons:

  • First-mover advantage: As the first company to advance a small molecule TREM2 agonist into clinical development, Vigil has positioned itself at the forefront of this novel approach to AD treatment.
  • Target validation: TREM2's strong causal link to AD risk provides a solid scientific rationale for this approach, potentially increasing the likelihood of success compared to less well-validated targets.
  • Differentiated mechanism: The focus on modulating microglial function through TREM2 agonism offers a unique approach in the AD space, which has been dominated by amyloid-targeting therapies.
  • Oral administration: The oral route of administration for VG-3927 could provide a significant advantage over injectable AD treatments in terms of patient convenience and compliance.

However, investors should be aware of the highly competitive and challenging nature of AD drug development. Many promising candidates have failed in late-stage trials and the bar for regulatory approval and market success is high. Vigil's ability to rapidly progress through clinical development and differentiate VG-3927 from other emerging AD therapies will be important for its long-term success.

The company's focus on biomarkers and mechanistic studies in early development is a positive sign, potentially allowing for better patient selection and increased chances of success in later-stage trials. As the program advances, key metrics to watch will include the durability of TREM2 engagement, cognitive and functional outcomes in AD patients and safety profiles in longer-term studies.

- First presentation of clinical data on sTREM2 from SAD cohorts in ongoing Phase 1 clinical trial of VG-3927 in healthy volunteers demonstrate proof-of-pharmacology -

- New in vitro and in vivo data demonstrate the Company’s small molecule TREM2 agonists modulate AD pathophysiology -

WATERTOWN, Mass., July 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Vigil Neuroscience, Inc. (Nasdaq: VIGL), a clinical-stage biotechnology company committed to harnessing the power of microglia for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, today presented one oral and two poster presentations at the 2024 Alzheimer's Association International Conference (AAIC) being held July 28 - August 1, 2024 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and virtually.

“As the first company to advance a small molecule TREM2 agonist into clinical development, we are excited to present data from this important program at AAIC,” said David Gray, Ph.D., Chief Science Officer at Vigil. “TREM2 has a strong causal link to Alzheimer’s disease risk and the data shared today further support our growing body of both preclinical and clinical findings that VG-3927 is a potent molecule that functionally engages TREM2 receptors in the brain. According to the World Health Organization, AD is the most common type of dementia, and we believe VG-3927 has the potential to offer a differentiated approach to treating this devastating disease.”

Oral presentation by Christian Mirescu, Ph.D., Vigil Neuroscience: Orally Administered Small Molecule TREM2 Agonists for Modulating AD Pathophysiology

The oral presentation highlighted new data from the Company’s small molecule Triggering Receptor Expressed on Myeloid Cells 2 (TREM2) Agonist program, including:

  • In vivo data showing that Vigil’s small molecule TREM2 agonist selectively activates downstream function leading to microglial amyloid-beta (Aβ) phagocytosis.
  • In vivo data from Vigil’s small molecule TREM2 agonist program demonstrating acute modulation of AD pathophysiology, comparable to an approved therapeutic, without effector function liability.
  • In vitro data from VG-3927 demonstrating preferential activity on cellular TREM2 establishing sTREM2 as a target engagement biomarker linked to TREM2 signaling.
  • Clinical data from single ascending dose (SAD) cohorts in the ongoing Phase 1 trial evaluating VG-3927 showing a robust decrease of sTREM2 in the CSF demonstrating proof-of-pharmacology.

Poster presentation by Raj Rajagovindan, Ph.D., Vigil Neuroscience: Design of a Phase 1, First-in-human, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled, Single- and Multiple-Ascending Dose Study of a Novel Orally Administered TREM2 Agonist (VG-3927) in Healthy Volunteers

Poster details include:

  • The Phase 1 clinical trial is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, SAD/MAD study evaluating the safety, tolerability, PK, and PD following oral administration of VG-3927 in healthy volunteers.
  • Cohorts are conducted sequentially in a dose-escalating manner, and dosing may be adjusted based on safety and tolerability assessments and emerging PK data.
    • For each cohort, 8 participants are randomized in a 6:2 allocation ratio to VG-3927 or placebo.
    • Blood samples are collected in all cohorts to characterize PK of VG-3927.
    • Cerebrospinal fluid samples are collected in select cohorts to investigate biomarkers of target engagement.

Poster presentation by Borislav Dejanovic, Ph.D., Vigil Neuroscience: Pharmacological and Functional Characterization of the First Small Molecule TREM2 Agonist, VG-3927, for the Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease

Poster details show that VG-3927:

  • Is a TREM2 specific, highly potent molecule that potentiates signaling from lipid ligands.
  • Induces functional agonism via unique clustering of TREM2 complexes in microglia.
  • Activates protective gene signatures in mouse model of amyloidosis.
  • Suppresses pro-inflammatory cytokines and protects against neurodegeneration in human CNS triculture model.

The presentation and posters are available on the Publications page of the Company’s website.

About Vigil Neuroscience

Vigil Neuroscience is a clinical-stage biotechnology company focused on developing treatments for both rare and common neurodegenerative diseases by restoring the vigilance of microglia, the sentinel immune cells of the brain. Vigil is utilizing the tools of modern neuroscience drug development across multiple therapeutic modalities in its efforts to develop precision-based therapies to improve the lives of patients and their families. Iluzanebart, Vigil’s lead clinical candidate, is a fully human monoclonal antibody agonist targeting human triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 2 (TREM2) in people with adult-onset leukoencephalopathy with axonal spheroids and pigmented glia (ALSP), a rare and fatal neurodegenerative disease. Vigil is also developing VG-3927, a novel small molecule TREM2 agonist, to treat common neurodegenerative diseases associated with microglial dysfunction, with an initial focus on Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients, including some who carry TREM2 and other disease-associated variants.

Forward-Looking Statements 
This press release includes certain disclosures that contain “forward-looking statements” of Vigil Neuroscience (“Vigil” or the “Company”) that are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the federal securities laws, including, without limitation, express or implied statements regarding: Vigil’s strategy, business plans and focus; the potential therapeutic benefit of our product candidates, including VG-3927, and the expected therapeutic benefits of such programs; VG-3927’s potential as a TREM2 agonist and its ability to convert microglia into a neuroprotective state. Forward-looking statements are based on Vigil’s current expectations and are subject to inherent uncertainties, risks and assumptions that are difficult to predict. Factors that could cause actual results to differ include, but are not limited to, risks and uncertainties related to uncertainties inherent in the development of product candidates, including the conduct of research activities and the conduct of clinical trials; whether results from preclinical studies and clinical trials will be predictive of the results of later preclinical studies and clinical trials; the timing and content of additional regulatory interactions with the FDA – including the Company’s discussions regarding the partial clinical hold on VG-3927; as well as the risks and uncertainties identified in the Company’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), including Vigil’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 2024 and in any subsequent filings Vigil makes with the SEC. Forward-looking statements contained in this announcement are made as of this date, and Vigil undertakes no duty to update such information except as required under applicable law. Readers should not rely upon the information on this page as current or accurate after its publication date.

Internet Posting of Information 
Vigil Neuroscience routinely posts information that may be important to investors in the 'Investors' section of its website at The company encourages investors and potential investors to consult our website regularly for important information about Vigil Neuroscience. 

Investor Contact:  
Leah Gibson   
Vice President, Investor Relations & Corporate Communications   
Vigil Neuroscience, Inc.  
Media Contact:  
Megan McGrath
CTD Comms, LLC


What is the significance of Vigil's TREM2 agonist program for Alzheimer's disease treatment?

Vigil's TREM2 agonist program, particularly VG-3927, shows potential as a differentiated approach to treating Alzheimer's disease. TREM2 has a strong causal link to AD risk, and the data presented demonstrates that VG-3927 can functionally engage TREM2 receptors in the brain, potentially modulating AD pathophysiology.

What key data did Vigil Neuroscience (VIGL) present at the 2024 AAIC conference?

Vigil presented clinical data from single ascending dose (SAD) cohorts in its Phase 1 trial of VG-3927, showing a robust decrease of sTREM2 in the CSF. They also shared in vivo data demonstrating selective activation of microglial amyloid-beta phagocytosis and acute modulation of AD pathophysiology, as well as in vitro data showing VG-3927's preferential activity on cellular TREM2.

How is Vigil Neuroscience (VIGL) conducting its Phase 1 trial for VG-3927?

The Phase 1 trial is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, single and multiple ascending dose study in healthy volunteers. It evaluates the safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics of oral VG-3927. Cohorts are conducted sequentially in a dose-escalating manner, with 8 participants per cohort randomized in a 6:2 ratio to VG-3927 or placebo.

What are the key characteristics of VG-3927 presented by Vigil Neuroscience (VIGL) at AAIC 2024?

VG-3927 was characterized as a TREM2-specific, highly potent molecule that potentiates signaling from lipid ligands. It induces functional agonism via unique clustering of TREM2 complexes in microglia, activates protective gene signatures in mouse models of amyloidosis, and suppresses pro-inflammatory cytokines while protecting against neurodegeneration in human CNS triculture models.

Vigil Neuroscience, Inc.


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