VEON Files its 2023 Form 20-F

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VEON (Nasdaq: VEON, Euronext Amsterdam: VEON), a global digital operator, has filed its Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2023 with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. The filing follows the completion of the audit of VEON's 2023 financial statements by independent auditor UHY LLP according to PCAOB standards.

Group CEO Kaan Terzioglu stated that this filing puts VEON back on track with listing compliance requirements. The company has also remediated the previously identified material weakness in its internal controls over financial reporting relating to the accounting treatment and financial statement presentation for disposals of businesses. VEON implemented significant improvements to its control environment during the second half of 2023, and management has concluded that the material weakness has been fully remediated.

The 2023 Form 20-F is available on the SEC website and VEON's website. Shareholders can request a hard copy of the report, including audited financial statements, free of charge from VEON's Investor Relations Department.

VEON (Nasdaq: VEON, Euronext Amsterdam: VEON), un operatore digitale globale, ha presentato il suo Rapporto Annuale sul Modulo 20-F per l'anno conclusosi il 31 dicembre 2023 alla Commissione per i Titoli e gli Scambi degli Stati Uniti. La presentazione segue il completamento della revisione dei bilanci finanziari 2023 di VEON da parte dell'auditor indipendente UHY LLP secondo gli standard PCAOB.

Il CEO del Gruppo Kaan Terzioglu ha dichiarato che questa presentazione riporta VEON in linea con i requisiti di conformità per la quotazione. L'azienda ha anche risolto la precedente debolezza materiale nei suoi controlli interni sulla segnalazione finanziaria relativamente al trattamento contabile e alla presentazione dei bilanci per le cessioni di attività. VEON ha implementato miglioramenti significativi nel suo ambiente di controllo durante la seconda metà del 2023, e la direzione ha concluso che la debolezza materiale è stata completamente risolta.

Il Modulo 20-F 2023 è disponibile sul sito web della SEC e sul sito di VEON. Gli azionisti possono richiedere una copia cartacea del rapporto, comprese le dichiarazioni finanziarie verificate, gratuitamente presso il Dipartimento delle Relazioni con gli Investitori di VEON.

VEON (Nasdaq: VEON, Euronext Ámsterdam: VEON), un operador digital global, ha presentado su Informe Anual en el Formulario 20-F para el año terminado el 31 de diciembre de 2023 a la Comisión de Valores y Bolsa de EE. UU. La presentación sigue la finalización de la auditoría de los estados financieros de VEON para 2023 por parte del auditor independiente UHY LLP de acuerdo con los estándares de PCAOB.

El CEO del Grupo Kaan Terzioglu declaró que esta presentación pone a VEON nuevamente en la línea de los requisitos de cumplimiento de cotización. La empresa también ha remediado la debilidad material previamente identificada en sus controles internos sobre la información financiera relacionada con el tratamiento contable y la presentación de estados financieros para la venta de negocios. VEON implementó mejoras significativas en su entorno de control durante la segunda mitad de 2023, y la dirección ha concluido que la debilidad material ha sido completamente remediada.

El Formulario 20-F 2023 está disponible en el sitio web de la SEC y en el sitio web de VEON. Los accionistas pueden solicitar una copia impresa del informe, incluidos los estados financieros auditados, de forma gratuita al Departamento de Relaciones con Inversionistas de VEON.

VEON (Nasdaq: VEON, Euronext 암스테르담: VEON)은 글로벌 디지털 운영업체로서 미국 증권 거래 위원회에 2023년 12월 31일로 종료된 연도의 20-F 양식 연간 보고서를 제출했습니다. 이 제출은 독립 감사인 UHY LLP에 의한 VEON의 2023 재무 제표 감사 완료에 따른 것입니다. PCAOB 기준에 따라 진행되었습니다.

그룹 CEO Kaan Terzioglu는 이번 제출이 VEON을 상장 준수 요구 사항에 맞게 되돌린다고 밝혔습니다. 또한 회사는 비즈니스 처분에 대한 회계 처리 및 재무 제표 발표와 관련된 내부 통제에서 이전에 확인된 물질적 약점을 수정했습니다. VEON은 2023년 하반기 동안 통제 환경에 대한 중요한 개선을 구현했으며, 경영진은 물질적 약점이 완전히 수정되었다고 결론지었습니다.

2023년 20-F 양식은 SEC 웹사이트와 VEON 웹사이트에서 확인할 수 있습니다. 주주들은 VEON의 투자자 관계부서에 요청하여 감사된 재무 제표를 포함한 보고서의 인쇄본을 무료로 받을 수 있습니다.

VEON (Nasdaq: VEON, Euronext Amsterdam: VEON), un opérateur numérique mondial, a déposé son Rapport Annuel sur le Formulaire 20-F pour l'année close le 31 décembre 2023 auprès de la Commission des valeurs mobilières des États-Unis. Ce dépôt fait suite à l'achèvement de l'audit des états financiers de VEON pour 2023 par l'auditeur indépendant UHY LLP, conformément aux normes PCAOB.

Le PDG du Groupe, Kaan Terzioglu, a déclaré que ce dépôt remet VEON sur la bonne voie en ce qui concerne les exigences de conformité à la cotation. La société a également remédié à la faiblesse matérielle précédemment identifiée dans ses contrôles internes relatifs à l'information financière concernant le traitement comptable et la présentation des états financiers pour les cessions d'activités. VEON a mis en œuvre des améliorations significatives de son environnement de contrôle au cours de la seconde moitié de 2023, et la direction a conclu que la faiblesse matérielle avait été entièrement remédiée.

Le Formulaire 20-F de 2023 est disponible sur le site Web de la SEC et sur le site de VEON. Les actionnaires peuvent demander une version papier du rapport, y compris des états financiers audités, gratuitement auprès du département des relations avec les investisseurs de VEON.

VEON (Nasdaq: VEON, Euronext Amsterdam: VEON), ein globaler digitaler Betreiber, hat seinen Jahresbericht im Formular 20-F für das am 31. Dezember 2023 endende Jahr bei der US-amerikanischen Wertpapier- und Börsenaufsichtsbehörde eingereicht. Die Einreichung folgt dem Abschluss der Prüfung der Finanzberichte von VEON für 2023 durch den unabhängigen Prüfer UHY LLP gemäß den PCAOB-Standards.

Der Group-CEO Kaan Terzioglu erklärte, dass diese Einreichung VEON wieder auf Kurs in Bezug auf die Anforderungen der Börsennotierung bringt. Das Unternehmen hat auch die zuvor identifizierte wesentliche Schwäche in seinen internen Kontrollen über die Finanzberichterstattung hinsichtlich der Rechnungslegung und der Präsentation der Finanzberichte für die Veräußerung von Geschäftsbereichen behoben. VEON hat während der zweiten Hälfte des Jahres 2023 wesentliche Verbesserungen in seiner Kontrollumgebung umgesetzt, und die Geschäftsführung hat festgestellt, dass die wesentliche Schwäche vollständig behoben wurde.

Das Formular 20-F für 2023 ist auf der Website der SEC und der Website von VEON verfügbar. Aktionäre können eine gedruckte Kopie des Berichts, einschließlich der geprüften Finanzberichte, kostenlos bei der Abteilung für Investor Relations von VEON anfordern.

  • Filed 2023 Form 20-F, meeting listing compliance requirements
  • Remediated previously identified material weakness in internal controls
  • Completed PCAOB audit for 2023 financials
  • None.


VEON's filing of its 2023 Form 20-F is a significant step towards regaining compliance with listing requirements. This move demonstrates the company's commitment to transparency and regulatory adherence, which is important for investor confidence. The completion of the PCAOB audit by UHY LLP adds credibility to VEON's financial statements.

A key positive development is the remediation of the previously identified material weakness in internal controls over financial reporting. This addresses a significant concern and should enhance the reliability of VEON's financial reporting processes. The implementation of "significant improvements" to the control environment during H2 2023 suggests a proactive approach to governance.

However, investors should note that this filing comes later than usual, which may have caused some uncertainty. The market's reaction to this delayed but now completed filing will be important to monitor. While the remediation of internal control issues is positive, it also highlights past challenges that the company has faced.

Overall, this filing represents a step towards normalcy in VEON's reporting and compliance status, which is generally positive for investor sentiment and the company's standing in the capital markets.

Amsterdam, 17 October 2024, 20:45: VEON Ltd. (Nasdaq: VEON, Euronext Amsterdam: VEON), a global digital operator (‘VEON’ or the ‘Company’), today announces that it has filed its Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2023 (the "2023 Form 20-F") with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission at following the completion of the audit of its 2023 financial statements by its independent auditor UHY LLP according to Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (“PCAOB”) standards.

“The filing of our 2023 Form 20-F puts VEON back on track with our listing compliance requirements. I would like to thank our counterparts for their trust as we worked towards the completion of the PCAOB Audit for our 2023 financials and the filing of our Annual Report on Form 20-F.” said Kaan Terzioglu, Group CEO of VEON.

The Company notes that, as of December 31, 2023, it has also remediated the previously identified material weakness in its internal controls over financial reporting relating to the accounting treatment and financial statement presentation for disposals of businesses. This follows from the identification of an error with respect to the accounting treatment of a business disposal which was promptly corrected in VEON’s Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2022. During the second half of 2023, VEON implemented significant improvements to the design and operation of its control environment. Following the completion of the documentation and testing of such remedial actions, VEON’s management has concluded that the previously identified material weakness has been fully remediated. The Company’s 2023 PCAOB audit also confirmed the remediation as of December 31, 2023. 

The 2023 Form 20-F is also available on the Financial Results section of the company's website Shareholders may request a hard copy of the 2023 Form 20-F, including VEON's audited financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2023, free of charge, by contacting VEON's Investor Relations Department at

About VEON

VEON is a digital operator that provides converged connectivity and digital services to nearly 160 million customers.  Operating across six countries that are home to more than 7% of the world’s population, VEON is transforming lives through technology-driven services that empower individuals and drive economic growth. VEON is listed on NASDAQ and Euronext. For more information, visit:


This release contains “forward-looking statements,” as the phrase is defined in Section 27A of the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Forward-looking statements are not historical facts, and include statements relating to, among other things, our compliance with Nasdaq listing rules. Forward-looking statements are inherently subject to risks and uncertainties, many of which VEON cannot predict with accuracy and some of which VEON might not anticipate. The forward-looking statements contained in this release speak only as of the date of this release. VEON does not undertake to publicly update, except as required by U.S. federal securities laws, any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after such dates or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events. Furthermore, elements of this release contain or may contain, “inside information” as defined under the Market Abuse Regulation (EU) No. 596/2014.

Contact Information

Hande Asik
Group Director of Communication

Faisal Ghori
Group Director of Investor Relations


When did VEON file its 2023 Form 20-F?

VEON filed its 2023 Form 20-F on October 17, 2024.

What material weakness did VEON remediate in its internal controls?

VEON remediated the material weakness related to the accounting treatment and financial statement presentation for disposals of businesses.

Who conducted the PCAOB audit for VEON's 2023 financial statements?

UHY LLP conducted the PCAOB audit for VEON's 2023 financial statements.

How can shareholders obtain a hard copy of VEON's 2023 Form 20-F?

Shareholders can request a hard copy of the 2023 Form 20-F, including audited financial statements, free of charge by contacting VEON's Investor Relations Department at



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