J.W. Roth Shares His Vision for Fan-Owned Live Entertainment in Exclusive Cheddar Interview
Venu Holding (NYSE American: VENU) was featured on Cheddar, where Founder, Chairman, and CEO J.W. Roth discussed the company's innovative approach to live entertainment. During the interview with Dave Briggs, Roth outlined VENU's mission to revolutionize the concert experience through a fan-owned model.
The company aims to transform traditional venues by implementing cutting-edge technology, introducing a unique financing structure, and offering distinctive seating and hospitality arrangements. The Cheddar segment positioned VENU as an industry disruptor in the entertainment sector.
Venu Holding (NYSE American: VENU) è stata protagonista di un servizio su Cheddar, dove il Fondatore, Presidente e CEO J.W. Roth ha discusso dell'approccio innovativo dell'azienda all'intrattenimento dal vivo. Durante l'intervista con Dave Briggs, Roth ha delineato la missione di VENU di rivoluzionare l'esperienza dei concerti attraverso un modello di proprietà dei fan.
L'azienda mira a trasformare i locali tradizionali implementando una tecnologia all'avanguardia, introducendo una struttura di finanziamento unica e offrendo disposizioni distintive per i posti e l'ospitalità. Il segmento di Cheddar ha posizionato VENU come un disruptor dell'industria nel settore dell'intrattenimento.
Venu Holding (NYSE American: VENU) fue destacado en Cheddar, donde el Fundador, Presidente y CEO J.W. Roth habló sobre el enfoque innovador de la compañía hacia el entretenimiento en vivo. Durante la entrevista con Dave Briggs, Roth delineó la misión de VENU de revolucionar la experiencia del concierto a través de un modelo de propiedad de los fans.
La empresa tiene como objetivo transformar los locales tradicionales mediante la implementación de tecnología de vanguardia, introduciendo una estructura de financiamiento única y ofreciendo arreglos distintivos para asientos y hospitalidad. El segmento de Cheddar posicionó a VENU como un disruptor en la industria del entretenimiento.
Venu Holding (NYSE American: VENU)는 Cheddar에 소개되었으며, 창립자이자 회장 및 CEO인 J.W. Roth가 회사의 혁신적인 라이브 엔터테인먼트 접근 방식을 논의했습니다. Dave Briggs와의 인터뷰에서 Roth는 팬 소유 모델을 통해 콘서트 경험을 혁신하고자 하는 VENU의 미션을 설명했습니다.팬 소유 모델.
회사는 최첨단 기술을 구현하고, 독특한 자금 조달 구조를 도입하며, 독특한 좌석 및 환대 배치를 제공함으로써 전통적인 공연장을 변화시키는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. Cheddar의 이 세그먼트는 VENU를 엔터테인먼트 분야의 산업 파괴자로 자리매김했습니다.
Venu Holding (NYSE American: VENU) a été présenté sur Cheddar, où le Fondateur, Président et PDG J.W. Roth a discuté de l'approche innovante de l'entreprise en matière de divertissement en direct. Lors de l'interview avec Dave Briggs, Roth a exposé la mission de VENU de révolutionner l'expérience des concerts grâce à un modèle de propriété des fans.
L'entreprise vise à transformer les lieux traditionnels en mettant en œuvre une technologie de pointe, en introduisant une structure de financement unique et en offrant des dispositions d'assise et d'hospitalité distinctives. Le segment de Cheddar a positionné VENU comme un perturbateur de l'industrie dans le secteur du divertissement.
Venu Holding (NYSE American: VENU) wurde bei Cheddar vorgestellt, wo der Gründer, Vorsitzende und CEO J.W. Roth das innovative Konzept des Unternehmens für Live-Entertainment erläuterte. Im Gespräch mit Dave Briggs umriss Roth die Mission von VENU, das Konzert-Erlebnis durch ein fanbasiertes Modell zu revolutionieren.
Das Unternehmen hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, traditionelle Veranstaltungsorte durch die Implementierung von modernster Technologie, der Einführung einer einzigartigen Finanzierungsstruktur und dem Angebot von besonderen Platz- und Hospitality-Anordnungen zu transformieren. Der Cheddar-Beitrag positionierte VENU als einen Branchenveränderer im Unterhaltungsektor.
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J.W. Roth, Founder, Chairman and CEO of VENU and Dave Briggs of Cheddar (Photo: Business Wire)
View Cheddar segment here: https://bit.ly/40ufikY
The Cheddar segment highlights VENU's innovative mission to elevate live concerts by putting fans at the center. Reimagining venues using cutting-edge technology, a unique financing structure, and one-of-a-kind seating and hospitality. The feature underscored Roth’s unique leadership in reshaping the music landscape and solidified VENU’s reputation as disruptors in the entertainment industry.
About Venu Holding Corporation
Venu Holding Corporation ("VENU") (NYSE American: VENU), founded by
VENU has been recognized nationally by The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Denver Post, Billboard, VenuesNow, and Variety for its innovative and disruptive approach to live entertainment. Through strategic partnerships with industry leaders such as AEG Presents and NFL Hall of Famer and Founder of EIGHT Elite Light Lager, Troy Aikman, VENU continues to shape the future of the entertainment landscape. For more information, visit venu.live
Forward-Looking Statements
Certain statements in this press release constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the federal securities laws. Words such as "may," "might," "will," "should," "believe," "expect," "anticipate," "estimate," "continue," "predict," "forecast," "project," "plan," "intend" or similar expressions, or statements regarding intent, belief, or current expectations, are forward-looking statements. While the Company believes these forward-looking statements are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on any such forward-looking statements, which are based on information available to us on the date of this release. These forward-looking statements are based upon current estimates and assumptions and are subject to various risks and uncertainties, including without limitation those set forth in the Company's filings with the SEC, not limited to Risk Factors relating to its business contained therein. Thus, actual results could be materially different. The Company expressly disclaims any obligation to update or alter statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law.
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20250128431899/en/
Media Relations
Chloe Hoeft
Venu Holding Corporation (“VENU”)
Investor Relations
Dave Gentry
RedChip Companies, Inc.
Source: Venu Holding Corporation