ViaDerma Completes First Shipment of 500,000 Units to Nigeria

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ViaDerma (OTC: VDRM) has successfully shipped 500,000 units of its tetracycline-based topical antibiotic to Nigeria, marking a significant milestone in its international expansion. The shipment was completed as planned by the end of August 2024. A second shipment of an additional 500,000 units is expected to be dispatched by the end of October 2024, demonstrating the company's commitment to consistent supply.

CEO Dr. Christopher Otiko recently returned from a productive follow-up trip to Dubai, where he engaged with key partners, solidifying plans to expand distribution across the Middle East. ViaDerma's innovative products, including patented transdermal delivery systems, have been well-received in international markets, addressing the growing need for effective wound care solutions in underserved regions.

ViaDerma (OTC: VDRM) ha spedito con successo 500.000 unità del suo antibiotico topico a base di tetraciclina in Nigeria, segnando un traguardo significativo nella sua espansione internazionale. La spedizione è stata completata come previsto entro la fine di agosto 2024. Una seconda spedizione di ulteriori 500.000 unità è prevista per la fine di ottobre 2024, dimostrando l'impegno dell'azienda a garantire una fornitura costante.

Il CEO Dr. Christopher Otiko è recentemente tornato da un produttivo viaggio di follow-up a Dubai, dove ha interagito con partner chiave, consolidando i piani per espandere la distribuzione in tutto il Medio Oriente. I prodotti innovativi di ViaDerma, inclusi i sistemi di somministrazione transdermici brevettati, sono stati ben accolti nei mercati internazionali, rispondendo alla crescente necessità di soluzioni efficaci per la cura delle ferite nelle regioni svantaggiate.

ViaDerma (OTC: VDRM) ha realizado con éxito el envío de 500,000 unidades de su antibiótico tópico a base de tetraciclina a Nigeria, marcando un hito significativo en su expansión internacional. El envío se completó según lo previsto a finales de agosto de 2024. Se espera que un segundo envío de 500,000 unidades adicionales se despache para finales de octubre de 2024, demostrando el compromiso de la empresa con un suministro constante.

El CEO Dr. Christopher Otiko regresó recientemente de un productivo viaje de seguimiento a Dubái, donde interactuó con socios clave, solidificando los planes para expandir la distribución en todo el Medio Oriente. Los productos innovadores de ViaDerma, incluidos los sistemas de entrega transdérmica patentados, han sido bien recibidos en los mercados internacionales, abordando la creciente necesidad de soluciones efectivas para el cuidado de heridas en regiones desatendidas.

ViaDerma (OTC: VDRM)는 나이지리아에 500,000 단위의 테트라사이클린 기반 국소 항생제를 성공적으로 배송하며 국제적 확장에 있어 중요한 이정표를 세웠습니다. 배송은 2024년 8월 말까지 계획대로 완료되었습니다. 추가 500,000 단위의 두 번째 배송이 2024년 10월 말까지 예상되며, 회사의 지속적인 공급에 대한 의지를 보여줍니다.

CEO인 Christopher Otiko 박사는 최근 두바이에서 진행된 생산적인 후속 방문을 마치고 돌아왔으며, 이 자리에서 주요 파트너들과 접촉하여 중동 전역으로의 배급을 확장하기 위한 계획을 다졌습니다. ViaDerma의 혁신적인 제품들, 특히 특허받은 경피 전달 시스템은 국제 시장에서 긍정적인 반응을 얻고 있으며, 소외된 지역에서 효과적인 상처 치료 솔루션에 대한 증가하는 필요를 충족하고 있습니다.

ViaDerma (OTC: VDRM) a réussi à expédier 500 000 unités de son antibiotique topique à base de tétracycline vers le Nigeria, marquant une étape significative dans son expansion internationale. L'expédition a été complétée comme prévu d'ici la fin août 2024. Une deuxième expédition de 500 000 unités supplémentaires est attendue d'ici la fin , démontrant l'engagement de l'entreprise à assurer un approvisionnement constant.

Le PDG Dr. Christopher Otiko est récemment revenu d'un voyage de suivi productif à Dubaï, où il a collaboré avec des partenaires clés, consolidant les plans d'expansion de la distribution à travers le Moyen-Orient. Les produits innovants de ViaDerma, y compris des systèmes de livraison transdermiques brevetés, ont été bien reçus sur les marchés internationaux, répondant ainsi au besoin croissant de solutions de soins des plaies dans les régions sous-desservies.

ViaDerma (OTC: VDRM) hat erfolgreich 500.000 Einheiten seines tetracyclingestützten topischen Antibiotikums nach Nigeria versendet, was einen bedeutenden Meilenstein in der internationalen Expansion darstellt. Der Versand wurde planmäßig bis Ende August 2024 abgeschlossen. Ein zweiter Versand von weiteren 500.000 Einheiten wird bis Ende Oktober 2024 erwartet, was das Engagement des Unternehmens für eine konstante Versorgung demonstriert.

CEO Dr. Christopher Otiko ist kürzlich von einer produktiven Nachverfolgungsreise nach Dubai zurückgekehrt, wo er mit wichtigen Partnern interagiert hat und die Pläne zur Expansion der Distribution im Mittleren Osten gefestigt hat. Die innovativen Produkte von ViaDerma, einschließlich patentierter transdermaler Abgabesysteme, wurden auf internationalen Märkten gut angenommen und sprechen das wachsende Bedürfnis nach effektiven Wundversorgungslösungen in unterversorgten Regionen an.

  • Successful completion of first 500,000-unit shipment to Nigeria
  • Planned second shipment of 500,000 units by October 2024
  • Productive follow-up trip to Dubai strengthening Middle East partnerships
  • Expanding presence in Africa and Middle East markets
  • Strong continued interest from local partners in Dubai
  • None.

A second shipment of 500,000 units is expected to be made by the end of October

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ViaDerma, Inc. (OTC: VDRM), a specialty pharmaceutical company known for developing innovative transdermal drug delivery systems, is pleased to announce the successful completion of its first shipment of 500,000 units of its flagship product, a tetracycline based topical antibiotic to Nigeria. The shipment was sent out as planned before the end of August 2024.

This milestone marks a significant step forward in ViaDerma’s international expansion strategy, as the company continues to meet the growing global demand for its products. The timely execution of this shipment demonstrates ViaDerma’s commitment to delivering high-quality pharmaceutical solutions to key markets around the world.

A second shipment of an additional 500,000 units is already in preparation and is expected to be dispatched before the end of October 2024. This next phase of shipments highlights ViaDerma’s dedication to ensuring a consistent supply to its partners in Nigeria, aligning with the company’s broader vision of expanding into emerging markets.

Additionally, ViaDerma is pleased to announce that CEO Dr. Christopher Otiko has successfully returned from his recent follow-up trip to Dubai, where he engaged with key partners in the region. The trip was highly productive, with strong continued interest from local partners, further solidifying the Company’s plans to strengthen alliances and expand distribution across the Middle East.

“We are thrilled to have successfully completed our first large-scale shipment to Nigeria, furthering our mission to make wound care more accessible globally,” said Dr. Christopher Otiko, CEO of ViaDerma. “We look forward to building on this momentum with our upcoming shipment in October as we continue to expand our presence across Africa, the Middle East and other regions.”

ViaDerma’s innovative products, including its patented transdermal delivery systems, have been well-received in international markets, helping address the growing need for effective wound care solutions. The company remains committed to increasing access to life-saving medications and wound care products in underserved regions.

About ViaDerma, Inc.
ViaDerma, Inc. (OTC: VDRM) is a publicly traded specialty pharmaceutical company committed to bringing new products to market and licensing its innovative transdermal drug delivery technology solutions to current leaders in the pharmaceutical industry in a wide variety of therapeutic areas. For more information, please visit:

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How many units did ViaDerma (VDRM) ship to Nigeria in August 2024?

ViaDerma (VDRM) successfully shipped 500,000 units of its tetracycline-based topical antibiotic to Nigeria by the end of August 2024.

When is ViaDerma (VDRM) planning to make its second shipment to Nigeria?

ViaDerma (VDRM) is planning to make its second shipment of an additional 500,000 units to Nigeria by the end of October 2024.

What regions is ViaDerma (VDRM) focusing on for international expansion?

ViaDerma (VDRM) is focusing on expanding its presence in Africa, the Middle East, and other regions, with recent activities in Nigeria and Dubai.

What type of product did ViaDerma (VDRM) ship to Nigeria?

ViaDerma (VDRM) shipped its flagship product, a tetracycline-based topical antibiotic, to Nigeria.



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Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic
United States of America
Marina del Rey