ViaDerma Announces Shipment of 500,000 Units of its Flagship Product to Nigeria

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ViaDerma, Inc. (OTC: VDRM) has announced a significant milestone in its global expansion efforts. The company is preparing to ship 500,000 units of its flagship tetracycline-based topical antibiotic to Nigeria by the end of August 2024, with a follow-up delivery expected in November 2024. This move marks ViaDerma's strategic push into the African market.

Additionally, ViaDerma has begun the registration process in Kenya, Namibia, and Tanzania, signaling its entry into East and Southern Africa. The company is also preparing registration applications for seven other countries across Africa, Europe, and the Middle East. CEO Dr. Christopher Otiko will be traveling to Dubai to finalize key initiatives with regional partners, focusing on strengthening partnerships and expanding distribution throughout the Middle East.

ViaDerma, Inc. (OTC: VDRM) ha annunciato un traguardo significativo nei suoi sforzi di espansione globale. L'azienda si sta preparando a spedire 500.000 unità del suo antibiotico topico a base di tetraciclina in Nigeria entro la fine di agosto 2024, con una consegna successiva prevista per novembre 2024. Questa mossa segna l'ingresso strategico di ViaDerma nel mercato africano.

Inoltre, ViaDerma ha avviato il processo di registrazione in Kenia, Namibia e Tanzania, segnalando il suo ingresso nell'Africa orientale e meridionale. L'azienda sta anche preparando le domande di registrazione per altri sette paesi in Africa, Europa e Medio Oriente. L'amministratore delegato, Dr. Christopher Otiko, si recherà a Dubai per finalizzare iniziative chiave con i partner regionali, concentrandosi sul rafforzamento delle partnership e sull'espansione della distribuzione nel Medio Oriente.

ViaDerma, Inc. (OTC: VDRM) ha anunciado un hito significativo en sus esfuerzos de expansión global. La compañía se está preparando para enviar 500,000 unidades de su antibiótico tópico a base de tetraciclina a Nigeria para finales de agosto de 2024, con una entrega adicional programada para noviembre de 2024. Este movimiento marca el empuje estratégico de ViaDerma en el mercado africano.

Además, ViaDerma ha comenzado el proceso de registro en Kenia, Namibia y Tanzania, lo que indica su entrada en África Oriental y Meridional. La compañía también está preparando solicitudes de registro para siete otros países en África, Europa y Oriente Medio. El CEO Dr. Christopher Otiko viajará a Dubái para finalizar iniciativas clave con socios regionales, enfocándose en fortalecer asociaciones y expandir la distribución en todo Oriente Medio.

ViaDerma, Inc. (OTC: VDRM)는 글로벌 확장 노력의 중요한 이정표를 발표했습니다. 이 회사는 50만 개의 단위를 자사의 대표적인 테트라사이클린 기반 국소 항생제를 나이지리아에 2024년 8월 말까지 배송할 준비를 하고 있으며, 2024년 11월에는 추가 배송이 예정되어 있습니다. 이 움직임은 ViaDerma의 아프리카 시장 진출을 나타냅니다.

추가로, ViaDerma는 케냐, 나미비아, 탄자니아에서 등록 절차를 시작하여 동부 및 남부 아프리카에 진출하는 신호를 보내고 있습니다. 이 회사는 아프리카, 유럽, 중동의 다른 7개 국가에 대한 등록 신청 준비도 하고 있습니다. CEO Christopher Otiko 박사는 두바이로 여행하여 지역 파트너와 주요 이니셔티브를 마무리하고, 파트너십 강화 및 중동 전역의 유통 확대에 집중할 예정입니다.

ViaDerma, Inc. (OTC: VDRM) a annoncé une étape importante dans ses efforts d'expansion mondiale. La société se prépare à expédier 500 000 unités de son antibiotique topique à base de tétracycline vers le Nigeria d'ici à la fin août 2024, avec une livraison supplémentaire prévue en novembre 2024. Ce mouvement marque la poussée stratégique de ViaDerma sur le marché africain.

De plus, ViaDerma a commencé le processus d'enregistrement au Kenya, en Namibie et en Tanzanie, signalant son entrée en Afrique de l'Est et du Sud. L'entreprise prépare également des demandes d'enregistrement pour sept autres pays à travers l'Afrique, l'Europe et le Moyen-Orient. Le PDG Dr. Christopher Otiko se rendra à Dubaï pour finaliser des initiatives clés avec des partenaires régionaux, en se concentrant sur le renforcement des partenariats et l'expansion de la distribution au Moyen-Orient.

ViaDerma, Inc. (OTC: VDRM) hat einen bedeutenden Meilenstein in seinen globalen Expansionsbemühungen bekannt gegeben. Das Unternehmen bereitet sich darauf vor, 500.000 Einheiten seines flaggschiff-tetracyclin-basierten topischen Antibiotikums bis Ende August 2024 nach Nigern zu versenden, mit einer Nachlieferung, die für November 2024 erwartet wird. Dieser Schritt kennzeichnet Viderma's strategischen Vorstoß in den afrikanischen Markt.

Darüber hinaus hat ViaDerma den Registrierungsprozess in Kenia, Namibia und Tansania begonnen, was den Eintritt in Ost- und Südafrika signalisiert. Das Unternehmen bereitet auch Registrierungsanträge für sieben weitere Länder in Afrika, Europa und dem Nahen Osten vor. CEO Dr. Christopher Otiko wird nach Dubai reisen, um wichtige Initiativen mit regionalen Partnern abzuschließen, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf der Stärkung von Partnerschaften und der Expansion des Vertriebs im gesamten Nahen Osten liegt.

  • Shipping 500,000 units of flagship product to Nigeria
  • Follow-up delivery expected in November 2024
  • Commenced registration process in Kenya, Namibia, and Tanzania
  • Preparing registration applications for seven additional countries
  • Expanding distribution throughout the Middle East
  • None.

LOS ANGELES, Aug. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ViaDerma, Inc. (OTC: VDRM), a leader in innovative wound care solutions, is excited to announce that a shipment of 500,000 units of its flagship product, a tetracycline based topical antibiotic, has been in production and is being prepared for delivery to Nigeria before the end of August 2024. This marks a significant milestone in ViaDerma’s ongoing efforts to expand its global footprint and provide effective wound care solutions across Africa.

In addition to this shipment, a follow-up delivery is expected in November 2024, ensuring that ViaDerma will be able to meet the growing demand for its product in Nigeria.

Furthermore, ViaDerma is pleased to announce the commencement of the registration process in Kenya, Namibia, and Tanzania. These steps mark the beginning of ViaDerma’s strategic expansion into East and Southern Africa. The company is also preparing registration applications for seven other countries across Africa, Europe and the Middle East, reflecting its commitment to making its topical antibiotic wound care solutions accessible to a wider global audience.

As part of ViaDerma’s expansion strategy, CEO Dr. Christopher Otiko will be returning to Dubai later this month to finalize key initiatives with the Company’s partners in the region, with a focus on strengthening partnerships and expanding distribution throughout the Middle East.

“We are excited to take these significant steps in expanding our product’s availability across Africa and the Middle East,” said Dr. Otiko. “This achievement is the culmination of years of dedicated effort to broaden our global footprint and reflects our unwavering commitment to increasing global access to our extraordinary product. We are confident that our product will make a meaningful difference in the lives of many, improving wound care outcomes in these vital regions.”

About ViaDerma, Inc.
ViaDerma, Inc. (OTC: VDRM) is a publicly traded specialty pharmaceutical company committed to bringing new products to market and licensing its innovative transdermal drug delivery technology solutions to current leaders in the pharmaceutical industry in a wide variety of therapeutic areas. For more information, please visit:

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Phone: 310-734-6111
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What is the recent shipment announcement made by ViaDerma (VDRM)?

ViaDerma (VDRM) announced the shipment of 500,000 units of its flagship tetracycline-based topical antibiotic product to Nigeria, scheduled for delivery by the end of August 2024.

Which African countries is ViaDerma (VDRM) expanding into?

ViaDerma (VDRM) has begun the registration process in Kenya, Namibia, and Tanzania, marking its expansion into East and Southern Africa.

When is the follow-up delivery to Nigeria expected for ViaDerma's (VDRM) product?

A follow-up delivery of ViaDerma's (VDRM) product to Nigeria is expected in November 2024.

What are ViaDerma's (VDRM) plans for expansion in the Middle East?

ViaDerma's (VDRM) CEO, Dr. Christopher Otiko, will be traveling to Dubai to finalize key initiatives with regional partners, focusing on strengthening partnerships and expanding distribution throughout the Middle East.



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