Veritex Holdings, Inc. Reports Third Quarter 2024 Operating Results

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Veritex Holdings announced its Q3 2024 results, highlighting significant financial metrics. GAAP net income was $31M, up from $27.2M in Q2 2024, but down from $104.8M in Q3 2023. Diluted EPS reached $0.56, an increase from $0.50 in Q2 2024. Book value per share grew to $29.53. Net interest margin slightly increased to 3.30%, while nonperforming assets decreased to 0.52% of total assets. Total deposits rose by $311.2M, or 11.60% annualized. Operating earnings were $32.2M, up from $28.3M in Q2 2024. However, noninterest expense increased by $7M, primarily due to higher salaries and benefits. The company declared a quarterly cash dividend of $0.20 per share, payable on November 22, 2024. Net interest income before provision for credit losses was $100.1M, up from $96.2M in Q2 2024. Noninterest income rose by $2.5M, driven by higher OREO income and loan fees. Despite these gains, efficiency ratio worsened to 61.94% from 59.11% in Q2 2024.

Veritex Holdings ha annunciato i risultati del terzo trimestre del 2024, evidenziando metriche finanziarie significative. Il reddito netto secondo i principi contabili GAAP è stato di 31 milioni di dollari, in aumento rispetto ai 27,2 milioni di dollari del secondo trimestre del 2024, ma in calo rispetto ai 104,8 milioni di dollari del terzo trimestre del 2023. Utili per azione diluiti hanno raggiunto $0.56, in aumento rispetto a $0.50 nel secondo trimestre del 2024. Il valore contabile per azione è aumentato a $29.53. Il margine di interesse netto è leggermente aumentato al 3.30%, mentre gli attivi non performanti sono diminuiti allo 0.52% del totale degli attivi. I depositi totali sono aumentati di 311.2 milioni di dollari, pari all'11.60% annualizzato. Gli utili operativi sono stati di 32.2 milioni di dollari, in aumento rispetto ai 28.3 milioni di dollari del secondo trimestre del 2024. Tuttavia, le spese non di interesse sono aumentate di 7 milioni di dollari, principalmente a causa di salari e benefici più elevati. L'azienda ha dichiarato un dividendo in contante trimestrale di $0.20 per azione, pagabile il 22 novembre 2024. Il reddito da interessi netti prima della provvista per perdite su crediti è stato di 100.1 milioni di dollari, in aumento rispetto ai 96.2 milioni di dollari del secondo trimestre del 2024. Il reddito non da interessi è aumentato di 2.5 milioni di dollari, sostenuto da un incremento del reddito OREO e dalle commissioni sui prestiti. Nonostante questi guadagni, il rapporto di efficienza è peggiorato al 61.94% rispetto al 59.11% del secondo trimestre del 2024.

Veritex Holdings anunció sus resultados del tercer trimestre de 2024, destacando métricas financieras significativas. La ganancia neta según los principios contables GAAP fue de 31 millones de dólares, un aumento desde los 27.2 millones del segundo trimestre de 2024, pero una disminución en comparación con los 104.8 millones del tercer trimestre de 2023. El EPS diluido alcanzó los $0.56, un aumento desde $0.50 en el segundo trimestre de 2024. El valor contable por acción creció a $29.53. El margen de interés neto aumentó ligeramente al 3.30%, mientras que los activos no productivos disminuyeron al 0.52% del total de activos. Los depósitos totales aumentaron en 311.2 millones de dólares, o el 11.60% anualizado. Las ganancias operativas fueron de 32.2 millones de dólares, un aumento desde los 28.3 millones del segundo trimestre de 2024. Sin embargo, los gastos no por interés aumentaron en 7 millones de dólares, principalmente debido a salarios y beneficios más altos. La compañía declaró un dividendo en efectivo trimestral de $0.20 por acción, pagadero el 22 de noviembre de 2024. Los ingresos por intereses netos antes de la provisión para pérdidas crediticias fueron de 100.1 millones de dólares, un aumento desde los 96.2 millones del segundo trimestre de 2024. Los ingresos no por intereses aumentaron en 2.5 millones de dólares, impulsados por mayores ingresos OREO y comisiones por préstamos. A pesar de estas ganancias, el ratio de eficiencia empeoró al 61.94% desde el 59.11% en el segundo trimestre de 2024.

Veritex Holdings는 2024년 3분기 결과를 발표하며 중요한 재무 지표를 강조했습니다. GAAP 기준 순이익은 3,100만 달러로, 2024년 2분기 2,720만 달러에서 증가했으나, 2023년 3분기 1억 4,480만 달러에서 감소했습니다. 희석 주당순이익은 0.56달러로, 2024년 2분기 0.50달러에서 증가했습니다. 주당 장부가치는 29.53달러로 증가했습니다. 순이자 마진은 3.30%로 소폭 증가했으며, 비수익 자산은 전체 자산의 0.52%로 감소했습니다. 총 예금은 3억 1,120만 달러로, 연환산 11.60% 증가했습니다. 영업 이익은 3,220만 달러로, 2024년 2분기 2,830만 달러에서 증가했습니다. 그러나 비이자 비용은 700만 달러 증가했으며, 주로 급여와 복리후생이 증가했기 때문입니다. 이 회사는 분기 현금 배당으로 주당 0.20달러를 선언했으며, 2024년 11월 22일에 지급됩니다. 신용 손실을 위한 충당금 이전의 순이자 수익은 1억 1,010만 달러로, 2024년 2분기 9,620만 달러에서 증가했습니다. 비이자 수익은 250만 달러 증가했으며, 이는OREO 수익과 대출 수수료가 증가한 데에서 기인합니다. 이러한 수익에도 불구하고 효율성 비율은 2024년 2분기의 59.11%에서 61.94%로 악화되었습니다.

Veritex Holdings a annoncé ses résultats du troisième trimestre 2024, mettant en avant des indicateurs financiers significatifs. Le bénéfice net selon les normes GAAP s'est élevé à 31 millions de dollars, en hausse par rapport à 27,2 millions de dollars au deuxième trimestre 2024, mais en baisse par rapport à 104,8 millions de dollars au troisième trimestre 2023. Le BPA dilué a atteint 0,56 $, en augmentation par rapport à 0,50 $ au deuxième trimestre 2024. La valeur comptable par action a progressé à 29,53 $. La marge d'intérêt nette a légèrement augmenté à 3,30%, tandis que les actifs non performants ont diminué à 0,52% du total des actifs. Les dépôts totaux ont augmenté de 311,2 millions de dollars, soit 11,60% annualisés. Les bénéfices d'exploitation étaient de 32,2 millions de dollars, contre 28,3 millions de dollars au deuxième trimestre 2024. Cependant, les charges non d'intérêt ont augmenté de 7 millions de dollars, principalement en raison des salaires et prestations plus élevés. L'entreprise a déclaré un dividende en espèces trimestriel de 0,20 $ par action, payable le 22 novembre 2024. Le revenu d'intérêt net avant provision pour pertes de crédit s'élevait à 100,1 millions de dollars, en hausse par rapport à 96,2 millions de dollars au deuxième trimestre 2024. Le revenu non d'intérêt a augmenté de 2,5 millions de dollars, soutenu par des revenus OREO plus élevés et des frais de prêt. Malgré ces gains, le ratio d'efficacité s'est détérioré à 61,94% contre 59,11% au deuxième trimestre 2024.

Veritex Holdings hat seine Ergebnisse für das 3. Quartal 2024 bekannt gegeben und bedeutende finanzielle Kennzahlen hervorgehoben. Der Nettogewinn nach GAAP betrug 31 Millionen USD, ein Anstieg von 27,2 Millionen USD im 2. Quartal 2024, jedoch ein Rückgang von 104,8 Millionen USD im 3. Quartal 2023. Der verwässerte Gewinn pro Aktie erreichte 0,56 USD, eine Steigerung gegenüber 0,50 USD im 2. Quartal 2024. Der Buchwert je Aktie stieg auf 29,53 USD. Die Nettomarge erhöhte sich leicht auf 3,30%, während notleidende Vermögenswerte auf 0,52% der Gesamtnettowert gesenkt wurden. Die Gesamteinlagen stiegen um 311,2 Millionen USD oder 11,60% annualisiert. Der operative Gewinn betrug 32,2 Millionen USD, ein Anstieg von 28,3 Millionen USD im 2. Quartal 2024. Allerdings stiegen die nichtzinsbezogenen Ausgaben um 7 Millionen USD, hauptsächlich aufgrund höherer Gehälter und Sozialleistungen. Das Unternehmen erklärte eine vierteljährliche Bar-Dividende von 0,20 USD pro Aktie, zahlbar am 22. November 2024. Die Zinserträge vor Rückstellungen für Kreditausfälle betrugen 100,1 Millionen USD, ein Anstieg von 96,2 Millionen USD im 2. Quartal 2024. Die nichtzinsbezogenen Erträge stiegen um 2,5 Millionen USD, getrieben durch höhere OREO-Einnahmen und Darlehensgebühren. Trotz dieser Zuwächse verschlechterte sich der Effizienzgrad auf 61,94% von 59,11% im 2. Quartal 2024.

  • GAAP net income increased to $31M from $27.2M in Q2 2024.
  • Diluted EPS grew to $0.56 from $0.50 in the previous quarter.
  • Book value per share increased to $29.53.
  • Total deposits rose by $311.2M, or 11.60% annualized.
  • Operating earnings were $32.2M, up from $28.3M in Q2 2024.
  • Net interest income before provision for credit losses was $100.1M, up from $96.2M in Q2 2024.
  • Noninterest income increased by $2.5M, driven by higher OREO income and loan fees.
  • GAAP net income decreased from $104.8M in Q3 2023.
  • Efficiency ratio worsened to 61.94% from 59.11% in Q2 2024.
  • Noninterest expense increased by $7M, primarily due to higher salaries and benefits.


Veritex Holdings reported solid Q3 2024 results, with notable improvements in key metrics. Net income increased to $31 million, up 14% from Q2. The diluted EPS rose to $0.56 from $0.50. The company's focus on balance sheet transformation is evident in the 11.60% annualized growth in total deposits, reaching $11.04 billion.

Importantly, the bank's asset quality improved, with nonperforming assets decreasing to 0.52% of total assets, down 13 basis points from Q2. The allowance for credit losses increased to 1.21% of total loans, indicating prudent risk management.

The net interest margin expanded slightly to 3.30%, showing resilience in a challenging rate environment. The efficiency ratio increased to 61.94%, suggesting some pressure on cost management. However, the tangible book value per share grew to $21.72, reflecting ongoing value creation for shareholders.

Overall, Veritex's Q3 results demonstrate progress in its strategic initiatives, particularly in deposit growth and balance sheet strength, positioning the bank well for future challenges and opportunities.

Veritex's Q3 2024 results reveal a strong focus on risk management and capital adequacy. The common equity tier 1 capital ratio improved by 37 basis points to 10.86%, significantly enhancing the bank's capital buffer against potential losses.

The reduction in the loan-to-deposit ratio to 81.9% (excluding mortgage warehouse loans) from 85.9% in Q2 and 90.7% a year ago indicates a more conservative lending approach and improved liquidity position. This shift aligns with regulatory preferences and reduces reliance on wholesale funding.

The increase in the allowance for credit losses to 1.21% of total loans, up from 1.16% in Q2, suggests proactive provisioning. The decrease in nonperforming assets to 0.52% of total assets is a positive sign, but continued vigilance is necessary given economic uncertainties.

The bank's emphasis on "growing granular, attractively priced deposits" and "managing concentrations" demonstrates a strategic approach to risk mitigation. However, the rise in the efficiency ratio warrants attention to ensure cost management doesn't impact risk oversight capabilities.

DALLAS, Oct. 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Veritex Holdings, Inc. (“Veritex”, the “Company”, “we” or “our”) (Nasdaq: VBTX), the holding company for Veritex Community Bank, today announced the results for the quarter ended September 30, 2024.

“We are pleased to announce both our third quarter results and updates on our balance sheet transformation over the past 2 years,” said C. Malcolm Holland, III, the Company’s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. “My team has remained focused on growing granular, attractively priced deposits, increasing capital, managing concentrations and reducing credit risk exposure all while continuing to grow a fortress balance sheet through full relationship banking. I could not be more proud of our team of nearly 900 employees who embraced the challenges we set forth back in 2022 and each day going forward.”

  Quarter to Date Year to Date
Financial Highlights Q3 2024 Q2 2024 Q3 2024 Q3 2023
  (Dollars in thousands, except per share data)
Net income $31,001  $27,202  $82,359  $104,762 
Diluted EPS  0.56   0.50   1.50   1.92 
Book value per common share  29.53   28.49   29.53   27.46 
Return on average assets1  0.96%  0.87%  0.87%  1.14%
Return on average equity1  7.79   7.10   7.08   9.35 
Net interest margin  3.30   3.29   3.28   3.55 
Efficiency ratio  61.94   59.11   61.15   50.88 
Operating earnings $32,181  $28,310  $89,628  $110,489 
Diluted operating EPS  0.59   0.52   1.63   2.02 
Tangible book value per common share  21.72   20.62   21.72   19.44 
Pre-tax, pre-provision operating earnings  44,555   44,420   132,631   174,523 
Pre-tax, pre-provision operating return on average assets1  1.38%  1.42%  1.41%  1.90%
Pre-tax, pre-provision operating return on average loans1  1.83   1.83   1.83   2.43 
Operating return on average assets1  1.00   0.91   0.95   1.20 
Return on average tangible common equity1  11.33   10.54   10.48   13.95 
Operating return on average tangible common equity1  11.74   10.94   11.34   14.68 
Operating efficiency ratio  60.63   58.41   59.28   49.53 

1 Annualized ratio.
2 Refer to the section titled “Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Financial Measures” for a reconciliation of these non-generally accepted accounting principles (“GAAP”) financial measures to their most directly comparable GAAP measures.

Other Third Quarter Financial, Credit and Company Highlights

  • Return on average assets (“ROAA”) increased 9 bps compared to June 30, 2024;
  • 7.2% linked quarter revenue growth;
  • Nonperforming assets (“NPAs”) decreased 13 bps from the prior quarter to 0.52% of total assets;
  • Total deposits grew $311.2 million, or 11.60% annualized, compared to June 30, 2024;
  • Common equity tier 1 capital grew 37 bps from the prior quarter to 10.86%;
  • Net interest margin (“NIM”) expanded to 3.30%;
  • Loan to deposit ratio, excluding mortgage warehouse loans, decreased to 81.9% as of September 30, 2024, compared to 85.9% as of June 30, 2024 and 90.7% as of September 30, 2023;
  • Tangible book value per common share increased to $21.72;
  • Allowance for credit losses (“ACL”) to total loans held for investment (“LHI”) increased to 1.21%, compared to 1.16% as of June 30, 2024 and 1.14% as of September 30, 2023; and
  • Declared quarterly cash dividend of $0.20 per share of outstanding common stock payable on November 22, 2024.

Results of Operations for the Three Months Ended September 30, 2024

Net Interest Income

For the three months ended September 30, 2024, net interest income before provision for credit losses was $100.1 million and NIM was 3.30% compared to $96.2 million and 3.29%, respectively, for the three months ended June 30, 2024. The approximately $3.8 million increase, or 4.0%, in net interest income before provision for credit losses was primarily due to a $4.8 million increase in interest income on deposits in financial institutions and fed funds sold, a $1.4 million decrease in interest expense on advances from the Federal Home Loan Bank (“FHLB”), a $422 thousand increase in interest income on debt securities and a $282 thousand increase in interest income on loans. The increase was partially offset by a $1.6 million increase in interest expense on transactions and savings deposits and a $1.4 million increase in interest expense on certificates and other time deposits, during the three months ended September 30, 2024. NIM increased 1 basis point compared to the three months ended June 30, 2024, primarily due to a decrease in funding costs on deposits during the three months ended September 30, 2024, partially offset by a decrease in loan yields and average balances.

Compared to the three months ended September 30, 2023, net interest income before provision for credit losses for the three months ended September 30, 2024 increased by $701 thousand, or 0.7%. The increase was primarily due to a $8.5 million decrease in interest expense on advances from the FHLB, a $5.4 million increase in interest income on deposits in financial institutions and fed funds sold and a $4.9 million increase in interest income on debt securities. The increase was partially offset by a $10.1 million increase in interest expense on certificates and other time deposits, a $7.3 million increase in interest expense on transaction and savings deposits and a $690 thousand decrease in interest income on equity securities and other investments. Compared to the three months ended September 30, 2023, NIM decreased 16 bps from 3.46% for the three months ended September 30, 2024. The decrease was primarily due to the increase in funding costs on deposits during the three months ended September 30, 2024, partially offset by an increase in loan yields and an increase in average balances and yields on debt securities.

Noninterest Income

Noninterest income for the three months ended September 30, 2024 was $13.1 million, an increase of $2.5 million, or 23.9%, compared to the three months ended June 30, 2024. The increase was primarily due to a $1.6 million increase in other income, driven by a $1.2 million increase in other real estate owned (“OREO”) income, a $1.1 million increase in loan fees and a $468 thousand increase in service charges and fees on deposits for the three months ended September 30, 2024. The increase was partially offset by a $540 thousand decrease in government guaranteed loan income.

Compared to the three months ended September 30, 2023, noninterest income for the three months ended September 30, 2024 increased by $3.4 million, or 35.5%. The increase was primarily due to a $2.2 million increase in other income, driven by a $1.2 million increase in OREO income, a $1.7 million increase in loan fees and a $283 thousand increase in service charges and fees on deposit accounts. The increase was partially offset by a $1.0 million decrease in government guaranteed loan income, primarily driven by a decrease in the Company’s USDA sales.

Noninterest Expense

Noninterest expense was $70.1 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024, compared to $63.1 million for the three months ended June 30, 2024, an increase of $7.0 million, or 11.0%. The increase was primarily due to a $4.6 million increase in salaries and employee benefits primarily due to an increase in incentive accruals to 80% of target payout, a $1.9 million increase in other noninterest expense primarily driven by OREO expenses, a $805 thousand increase in marketing expenses and a $204 thousand increase in occupancy and equipment expense. The increase is partially offset by a decrease of $714 thousand in professional and regulatory fees compared to the three months ended June 30, 2024.

Compared to the three months ended September 30, 2023, noninterest expense for the three months ended September 30, 2024 increased by $10.7 million, or 18.0%. The increase was primarily due to a $6.4 million increase in salaries and employee benefits primarily due to the increase in incentive accruals aforementioned, a $5.6 million increase in other noninterest expense, a $727 thousand increase data processing and software expense, and a $428 thousand increase in marketing expenses. The increase was partially offset by a $2.4 million decrease in professional and regulatory fees compared to the three months ended September 30, 2023.

Financial Condition

Total LHI was $9.03 billion at September 30, 2024, a decrease of $180.5 million compared to June 30, 2024.

Total deposits were $11.04 billion at September 30, 2024, an increase of $311.2 million, or 11.6% linked quarter annualized. The increase was primarily the result of an increase of $227.2 million in noninterest bearing deposits and an increase of $225.3 million in interest-bearing transaction and savings deposits. The increase was partially offset by a decrease of $118.7 million in certificates and other time deposits and a decrease of $22.6 million in correspondent money market accounts.

Credit Quality

NPAs totaled $67.3 million, or 0.52% of total assets, of which $58.3 million represents LHI and $9.0 million represents OREO at September 30, 2024, compared to $83.0 million, or 0.65% of total assets, at June 30, 2024. The Company had net charge-offs of $269 thousand for the three months ended September 30, 2024. Annualized net charge-offs to average loans outstanding were 1bp, for the three months ended September 30, 2024, compared to 28 bps and 8 bps for the three months ended June 30, 2024 and September 30, 2023, respectively.

ACL as a percentage of LHI was 1.21%, 1.16% and 1.14% at September 30, 2024, June 30, 2024 and September 30, 2023, respectively. The Company recorded a provision for credit losses of $4.0 million, $8.3 million and $8.6 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024, June 30, 2024 and September 30, 2023, respectively. The recorded provision for credit losses for the three months ended September 30, 2024, compared to the three months ended June 30, 2024, was primarily attributable to an increase in general reserves as a result of changes in economic factors which now represents 97% of the total ACL as a percentage of LHI. The balance for unfunded commitments for the three months ended September 30, 2024 remained relatively stable compared to the three months ended June 30, 2024 and recorded no benefit or provision for unfunded commitments for the three months ended September 30, 2024. The Company recorded no benefit or provision for unfunded commitments for the three months ended June 30, 2024 and a $909 thousand benefit for unfunded commitments for the three months ended September 30, 2023.

Income Tax

Income tax expense for the three months ended September 30, 2024 totaled $8.1 million, a decrease of $154 thousand, or 1.9%, compared to the three months ended June 30, 2024. The Company’s effective tax rate was approximately 20.6% for the three months ended September 30, 2024. The decrease was primarily due a $941 thousand change in the Company’s valuation allowance slightly offset by a return to provision of $224 thousand and a net discrete tax expense of $501 thousand associated with the recognition of an excess tax expense realized on share-based payment awards.

Dividend Information

After the close of the market on Tuesday, October 22, 2024, Veritex’s Board of Directors declared a quarterly cash dividend of $0.20 per share on its outstanding shares of common stock. The dividend will be paid on or after November 22, 2024 to stockholders of record as of the close of business on November 8, 2024.

Non-GAAP Financial Measures

Veritex’s management uses certain non-GAAP (U.S. generally accepted accounting principles) financial measures to evaluate its operating performance and provide information that is important to investors. However, non-GAAP financial measures are supplemental and should be viewed in addition to, and not as an alternative for, Veritex’s reported results prepared in accordance with GAAP. Specifically, Veritex reviews and reports tangible book value per common share of the Company; operating earnings; tangible common equity to tangible assets; return on average tangible common equity; pre-tax, pre-provision operating earnings; pre-tax, pre-provision operating return on average assets; pre-tax, pre-provision operating return on average loans; diluted operating earnings per share; operating return on average assets; operating return on average tangible common equity; and operating efficiency ratio. Veritex has included in this earnings release information related to these non-GAAP financial measures for the applicable periods presented. Please refer to “Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Financial Measures” after the financial highlights at the end of this earnings release for a reconciliation of these non-GAAP financial measures.

Conference Call

The Company will host an investor conference call and webcast to review the results on Wednesday, October 23, 2024, at 8:30 a.m. Central Time. Participants may pre-register for the call by visiting and will receive a unique PIN, which can be used when dialing in for the call.

Participants may also register via teleconference: Once registration is completed, participants will be provided with a dial-in number containing a personalized conference code to access the call. All participants are instructed to dial-in 15 minutes prior to the start time.

A replay will be available within approximately two hours after the completion of the call, and made accessible for one week thereafter. You may access the replay via webcast through the investor relations section of Veritex’s website.

About Veritex Holdings, Inc.

Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, Veritex is a bank holding company that conducts banking activities through its wholly owned subsidiary, Veritex Community Bank, with locations throughout the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex and in the Houston metropolitan area. Veritex Community Bank is a Texas state chartered bank regulated by the Texas Department of Banking and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. For more information, visit


Forward-Looking Statements

This earnings release includes “forward-looking statements”, within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements are based on various facts and derived utilizing assumptions, current expectations, estimates and projections and are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, which change over time and are beyond our control, that may cause actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements include, without limitation, statements relating to the expected payment of Veritex Holdings, Inc.’s (“Veritex”) quarterly cash dividend; the impact of certain changes in Veritex’s accounting policies, standards and interpretations; turmoil in the banking industry, responsive measures to mitigate and manage such turmoil and related supervisory and regulatory actions and costs; and Veritex’s future financial performance, business and growth strategy, projected plans and objectives, as well as other projections based on macroeconomic and industry trends, which are inherently unreliable due to the multiple factors that impact broader economic and industry trends, and any such variations may be material.   Statements preceded by, followed by or that otherwise include the words “believes,” “expects,” “anticipates,” “intends,” “projects,” “estimates,”   “seeks,” “targets,” “outlooks,” “plans” and similar expressions or future or conditional verbs such as “will,” “should,” “would,” “may” and “could” are generally forward-looking in nature and not historical facts, although not all forward-looking statements include the foregoing words. We refer you to the “Risk Factors” and “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” sections of Veritex’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023 and any updates to those risk factors set forth in Veritex’s Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q, Current Reports on Form 8-K and other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), which are available on the SEC’s website at If one or more events related to these or other risks or uncertainties materialize, or if Veritex’s underlying assumptions prove to be incorrect, actual results may differ materially from what Veritex anticipates. Accordingly, you should not place undue reliance on any such forward-looking statements. Any forward-looking statement speaks only as of the date on which it is made. Veritex does not undertake any obligation, and specifically declines any obligation, to supplement, update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future developments or otherwise, except as required by law. All forward-looking statements, expressed or implied, included in this earnings release are expressly qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement. This cautionary statement should also be considered in connection with any subsequent written or oral forward-looking statements that Veritex or persons acting on Veritex’s behalf may issue.

Financial Highlights
  For the Quarter Ended For the Nine Months Ended
  Sep 30, 2024 Jun 30, 2024 Mar 31, 2024 Dec 31, 2023 Sep 30, 2023 Sep 30, 2024 Sep 30, 2023
  (Dollars and shares in thousands, except per share data)
Per Share Data (Common Stock):              
Basic EPS $0.57  $0.50  $0.44  $0.06  $0.60  $1.51  $1.93 
Diluted EPS  0.56   0.50   0.44   0.06   0.60   1.50   1.92 
Book value per common share  29.53   28.49   28.23   28.18   27.46   29.53   27.46 
Tangible book value per common share1  21.72   20.62   20.33   20.21   19.44   21.72   19.44 
Dividends paid per common share outstanding2  0.20   0.20   0.20   0.20   0.20   0.60   0.60 
Common Stock Data:              
Shares outstanding at period end  54,446   54,350   54,496   54,338   54,305   54,446   54,305 
Weighted average basic shares outstanding for the period  54,409   54,457   54,444   54,327   54,300   54,437   54,233 
Weighted average diluted shares outstanding for the period  54,932   54,823   54,842   54,691   54,597   54,866   54,563 
Summary of Credit Ratios:              
ACL to total LHI  1.21%  1.16%  1.15%  1.14%  1.14%  1.21%  1.14%
NPAs to total assets  0.52   0.65   0.82   0.77   0.65   0.52   0.65 
NPAs to total loans and OREO  0.70   0.85   1.06   0.99   0.83   0.70   0.83 
Net charge-offs to average loans outstanding3  0.01   0.28   0.22   0.39   0.08   0.17   0.20 
Summary Performance Ratios:              
Return on average assets3  0.96%  0.87%  0.79%  0.11%  1.06%  0.87%  1.14%
Return on average equity3  7.79   7.10   6.33   0.92   8.58   7.08   9.35 
Return on average tangible common equity1,3   11.33   10.54   9.52   2.00   12.80   10.48   13.95 
Efficiency ratio  61.94   59.11   62.45   77.49   54.49   61.15   50.88 
Net interest margin  3.30   3.29   3.24   3.31   3.46   3.28   3.55 
Selected Performance Metrics - Operating:              
Diluted operating EPS1 $0.59  $0.52  $0.53  $0.58  $0.60  $1.63  $2.02 
Pre-tax, pre-provision operating return on average assets1,3  1.38%  1.42%  1.42%  1.54%  1.61%  1.41%  1.90%
Pre-tax, pre-provision operating return on average loans1,3  1.83   1.83   1.84   1.97   2.05   1.83   2.43 
Operating return on average assets1,3  1.00   0.91   0.95   1.02   1.06   0.95   1.20 
Operating return on average tangible common equity1,3  11.74   10.94   11.34   12.37   12.80   11.34   14.68 
Operating efficiency ratio1  60.63   58.41   58.73   55.50   54.49   59.28   49.53 
Veritex Holdings, Inc. Capital Ratios:              
Average stockholders' equity to average total assets  12.31%  12.26%  12.43%  12.27%  12.30%  12.33%  12.21%
Tangible common equity to tangible assets1  9.37   9.14   9.02   9.18   8.86   9.37   8.86 
Tier 1 capital to average assets (leverage)  10.06   10.06   10.12   10.03   10.10   10.06   10.10 
Common equity tier 1 capital  10.86   10.49   10.37   10.29   10.11   10.86   10.11 
Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets  11.13   10.75   10.63   10.56   10.37   11.13   10.37 
Total capital to risk-weighted assets  13.91   13.45   13.33   13.18   12.95   13.91   12.95 
Risk weighted assets $11,290,800  $11,450,997  $11,407,446  $11,387,825  $11,617,229  $11,290,800  $11,617,229 

1 Refer to the section titled “Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Financial Measures” after the financial highlights for a reconciliation of these non-GAAP financial measures to their most directly comparable GAAP measures.
2 Dividend amount represents dividend paid per common share subsequent to each respective quarter end.
Annualized ratio for quarterly metrics.

Financial Highlights
(In thousands)
  Sep 30, 2024 Jun 30, 2024 Mar 31, 2024 Dec 31, 2023 Sep 30, 2023
  (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited)   (unaudited)
Cash and cash equivalents $1,100,790  $651,837  $740,769  $629,063  $713,408 
Debt securities, net  1,423,610   1,349,354   1,344,930   1,257,042   1,060,629 
Other investments  71,257   75,885   76,788   76,238   80,869 
Loans held for sale (“LHFS”)  48,496   57,046   64,762   79,072   41,313 
LHI, mortgage warehouse (“MW”)  630,650   568,047   449,531   377,796   390,767 
LHI, excluding MW  9,028,575   9,209,094   9,249,551   9,206,544   9,237,447 
Total loans  9,707,721   9,834,187   9,763,844   9,663,412   9,669,527 
ACL  (117,162)  (113,431)  (112,032)  (109,816)  (109,831)
Bank-owned life insurance  84,776   84,233   85,359   84,833   84,867 
Bank premises, furniture and equipment, net  114,202   105,222   105,299   105,727   106,118 
Other real estate owned (“OREO”)  9,034   24,256   18,445       
Intangible assets, net of accumulated amortization  32,825   35,817   38,679   41,753   44,294 
Goodwill  404,452   404,452   404,452   404,452   404,452 
Other assets  211,471   232,518   241,863   241,633   291,998 
Total assets $13,042,976  $12,684,330  $12,708,396  $12,394,337  $12,346,331 
Noninterest-bearing deposits $2,643,894  $2,416,727  $2,349,211  $2,218,036  $2,363,340 
Interest-bearing transaction and savings deposits  4,204,708   3,979,454   4,220,114   4,348,385   3,936,070 
Certificates and other time deposits  3,625,920   3,744,596   3,486,805   3,191,737   3,403,427 
Correspondent money market deposits  561,489   584,067   597,690   580,037   493,681 
Total deposits  11,036,011   10,724,844   10,653,820   10,338,195   10,196,518 
Accounts payable and other liabilities  168,415   180,585   186,027   195,036   229,116 
Advances from FHLB        100,000   100,000   200,000 
Subordinated debentures and subordinated notes  230,536   230,285   230,034   229,783   229,531 
Total liabilities  11,434,962   11,135,714   11,169,881   10,863,014   10,855,165 
Commitments and contingencies          
Stockholders’ equity:          
Common stock  613   612   611   610   609 
Additional paid-in capital  1,324,929   1,321,995   1,319,144   1,317,516   1,314,459 
Retained earnings  493,921   473,801   457,499   444,242   451,513 
Accumulated other comprehensive loss  (40,330)  (76,713)  (71,157)  (63,463)  (107,833)
Treasury stock  (171,119)  (171,079)  (167,582)  (167,582)  (167,582)
Total stockholders’ equity  1,608,014   1,548,616   1,538,515   1,531,323   1,491,166 
Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity $13,042,976  $12,684,330  $12,708,396  $12,394,337  $12,346,331 

Financial Highlights
(In thousands, except per share data)
  For the Quarter Ended For the Nine Months Ended
  Sep 30, 2024 Jun 30, 2024 Mar 31, 2024 Dec 31, 2023 Sep 30, 2023 Sep 30, 2024 Sep 30, 2023
  (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited)
Interest income:              
Loans, including fees $167,261 $166,979 $161,942  $165,443  $167,368  $496,182  $482,802 
Debt securities  15,830  15,408  13,695   12,282   10,928   44,933   32,082 
Deposits in financial institutions and Fed Funds sold  12,571  7,722  8,050   8,162   7,128   28,343   20,169 
Equity securities and other investments  1,001  1,138  900   1,717   1,691   3,039   4,217 
Total interest income  196,663  191,247  184,587   187,604   187,115   572,497   539,270 
Interest expense:              
Transaction and savings deposits  47,208  45,619  46,784   46,225   39,936   139,611   102,750 
Certificates and other time deposits  46,230  44,811  40,492   40,165   36,177   131,533   85,244 
Advances from FHLB  47  1,468  1,391   2,581   8,523   2,906   38,443 
Subordinated debentures and subordinated notes  3,116  3,113  3,114   3,100   3,118   9,343   9,252 
Total interest expense  96,601  95,011  91,781   92,071   87,754   283,393   235,689 
Net interest income  100,062  96,236  92,806   95,533   99,361   289,104   303,581 
Provision for credit losses  4,000  8,250  7,500   9,500   8,627   19,750   33,012 
(Benefit) provision for unfunded commitments      (1,541)  (1,500)  (909)  (1,541)  (541)
Net interest income after provisions  96,062  87,986  86,847   87,533   91,643   270,895   271,110 
Noninterest income:              
Service charges and fees on deposit accounts  5,442  4,974  4,896   4,800   5,159   15,312   15,448 
Loan fees  3,278  2,207  2,510   1,200   1,564   7,995   5,148 
Loss on sales of debt securities      (6,304)        (6,304)  (5,321)
Government guaranteed loan income, net  780  1,320  2,614   4,378   1,772   4,714   15,604 
Equity method investment (loss) income         (29,417)  (136)     (1,172)
Customer swap income  271  326  449   258   202   1,046   1,380 
Other income  3,335  1,751  2,497   989   1,113   7,583   5,810 
Total noninterest income (loss)  13,106  10,578  6,662   (17,792)  9,674   30,346   36,897 
Noninterest expense:              
Salaries and employee benefits  37,370  32,790  33,365   30,606   30,949   103,525   91,464 
Occupancy and equipment  4,789  4,585  4,677   4,670   4,881   14,051   14,681 
Professional and regulatory fees  4,903  5,617  6,053   7,626   7,283   16,573   18,540 
Data processing and software expense  5,268  5,097  4,856   4,569   4,541   15,221   13,970 
Marketing  2,781  1,976  1,546   1,945   2,353   6,303   6,759 
Amortization of intangibles  2,438  2,438  2,438   2,438   2,438   7,314   7,401 
Telephone and communications  335  365  261   356   362   961   1,195 
Other  12,216  10,273  8,920   8,028   6,607   31,409   19,216 
Total noninterest expense  70,100  63,141  62,116   60,238   59,414   195,357   173,226 
Income before income tax expense  39,068  35,423  31,393   9,503   41,903   105,884   134,781 
Income tax expense  8,067  8,221  7,237   6,004   9,282   23,525   30,019 
Net income $31,001 $27,202 $24,156  $3,499  $32,621  $82,359  $104,762 
Basic EPS $0.57 $0.50 $0.44  $0.06  $0.60  $1.51  $1.93 
Diluted EPS $0.56 $0.50 $0.44  $0.06  $0.60  $1.50  $1.92 
Weighted average basic shares outstanding  54,409  54,457  54,444   54,327   54,300   54,437   54,233 
Weighted average diluted shares outstanding  54,932  54,823  54,842   54,691   54,597   54,866   54,563 

Financial Highlights
  For the Quarter Ended
  September 30, 2024 June 30, 2024 September 30, 2023
  (Dollars in thousands)
Interest-earning assets:                  
Loans1 $9,184,182  $159,163 6.89% $9,344,482  $160,323 6.90% $9,267,366  $161,615 6.92%
LHI, MW  477,592   8,098 6.75   420,946   6,656 6.36   357,639   5,753 6.38 
Debt securities  1,384,835   15,830 4.55   1,352,293   15,408 4.58   1,121,716   10,928 3.87 
Interest-bearing deposits in other banks  924,685   12,571 5.41   560,586   7,722 5.54   520,785   7,128 5.43 
Equity securities and other investments  75,884   1,001 5.25   78,964   1,138 5.80   135,714   1,691 4.94 
Total interest-earning assets  12,047,178   196,663 6.49   11,757,271   191,247 6.54   11,403,220   187,115 6.51 
ACL  (115,510)      (115,978)      (105,320)    
Noninterest-earning assets  930,250       937,413       961,162     
Total assets $12,861,918      $12,578,706      $12,259,062     
Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity                  
Interest-bearing liabilities:                  
Interest-bearing demand and savings deposits $4,700,196  $47,208 4.00% $4,570,329  $45,619 4.01% $4,168,876  $39,936 3.80%
Certificates and other time deposits  3,678,718   46,230 5.00   3,591,035   44,811 5.02   3,151,704   36,177 4.55 
Advances from FHLB and Other  3,261   47 5.73   106,648   1,468 5.54   725,543   8,523 4.66 
Subordinated debentures and subordinated notes  230,393   3,116 5.38   230,141   3,113 5.44   229,389   3,118 5.39 
Total interest-bearing liabilities  8,612,568   96,601 4.46   8,498,153   95,011 4.50   8,275,512   87,754 4.21 
Noninterest-bearing liabilities:                  
Noninterest-bearing deposits  2,486,676       2,346,908       2,272,207     
Other liabilities  179,273       192,036       203,173     
Total liabilities  11,278,517       11,037,097       10,750,892     
Stockholders’ equity  1,583,401       1,541,609       1,508,170     
Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity $12,861,918      $12,578,706      $12,259,062     
Net interest rate spread2     2.03%     2.04%     2.30%
Net interest income and margin3   $100,062 3.30%   $96,236 3.29%   $99,361 3.46%

1 Includes average outstanding balances of LHFS of $54.3 million, $58.5 million and $28.3 million for the quarters ended September 30, 2024, June 30, 2024, and September 30, 2023, respectively, and average balances of LHI, excluding MW.
2 Net interest rate spread is the average yield on interest-earning assets minus the average rate on interest-bearing liabilities.
3 Net interest margin is equal to net interest income divided by average interest-earning assets.

Financial Highlights
(In thousands, except percentages)
  For the Nine Months Ended
  September 30, 2024 September 30, 2023
  Average Outstanding Balance Interest Earned/ Interest Paid Average Yield/ Rate Average Outstanding Balance Interest Earned/ Interest Paid Average Yield/ Rate
Interest-earning assets:            
Loans1 $9,270,510  $477,071 6.87% $9,231,814  $467,101 6.76%
LHI, MW  393,008   19,111 6.50   363,182   15,701 5.78 
Debt securities  1,344,190   44,933 4.47   1,168,860   32,082 3.67 
Interest-bearing deposits in other banks  692,434   28,343 5.47   527,805   20,169 5.11 
Equity securities and other investments  77,035   3,039 5.27   132,895   4,217 4.24 
Total interest-earning assets  11,777,177   572,497 6.49   11,424,556   539,270 6.31 
ACL  (114,576)      (100,228)    
Noninterest-earning assets  930,605       950,369     
Total assets $12,593,206      $12,274,697     
Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity            
Interest-bearing liabilities:            
Interest-bearing demand and savings deposits $4,636,889  $139,611 4.02% $4,079,436  $102,750 3.37%
Certificates and other time deposits  3,518,417   131,533 4.99   2,873,388   85,244 3.97 
Advances from FHLB and Other  70,055   2,906 5.54   1,105,592   38,443 4.65 
Subordinated debentures and subordinated notes  230,139   9,343 5.42   229,923   9,252 5.38 
Total interest-bearing liabilities  8,455,500   283,393 4.48   8,288,339   235,689 3.80 
Noninterest-bearing liabilities:            
Noninterest-bearing deposits  2,396,629       2,305,745     
Other liabilities  188,007       182,040     
Total liabilities  11,040,136       10,776,124     
Stockholders’ equity  1,553,070       1,498,573     
Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity $12,593,206      $12,274,697     
Net interest rate spread2     2.01%     2.51%
Net interest income and margin3   $289,104 3.28%   $303,581 3.55%

1 Includes average outstanding balances of LHFS of $55.5 million and $23.8 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively, and average balances of LHI, excluding MW.
2 Net interest rate spread is the average yield on interest-earning assets minus the average rate on interest-bearing liabilities.
3 Net interest margin is equal to net interest income divided by average interest-earning assets.

Financial Highlights
Yield Trend
  For the Quarter Ended
  Sep 30,
 Jun 30,
 Mar 31,
 Dec 31,
 Sep 30,
Average yield on interest-earning assets:          
Loans1  6.89%  6.90%  6.83%  6.88%  6.92%
LHI, MW  6.75   6.36   6.27   5.82   6.38 
Total Loans  6.89   6.88   6.81   6.85   6.90 
Debt securities  4.55   4.58   4.25   4.10   3.87 
Interest-bearing deposits in other banks  5.41   5.54   5.54   5.51   5.43 
Equity securities and other investments  5.25   5.80   4.75   8.28   4.94 
Total interest-earning assets  6.49%  6.54%  6.44%  6.51%  6.51%
Average rate on interest-bearing liabilities:          
Interest-bearing demand and savings deposits  4.00%  4.01%  4.06%  4.03%  3.80%
Certificates and other time deposits  5.00   5.02   4.96   4.85   4.55 
Advances from FHLB  5.73   5.54   5.54   5.60   4.66 
Subordinated debentures and subordinated notes  5.38   5.44   5.45   5.36   5.39 
Total interest-bearing liabilities  4.46%  4.50%  4.47%  4.43%  4.21%
Net interest rate spread2  2.03%  2.04%  1.97%  2.08%  2.30%
Net interest margin3  3.30%  3.29%  3.24%  3.31%  3.46%

1Includes average outstanding balances of LHFS of $54.3 million, $58.5 million, $53.9 million, $31.2 million and $28.3 million for the three months ended September 30, 2024, June 30, 2024, March 31, 2024, December 31, 2023, and September 30, 2023, respectively, and average balances of LHI, excluding MW.
2 Net interest rate spread is the average yield on interest-earning assets minus the average rate on interest-bearing liabilities.
3 Net interest margin is equal to net interest income divided by average interest-earning assets.

Supplemental Yield Trend

  For the Quarter Ended For the Nine Months Ended
  Sep 30,
 Jun 30,
 Mar 31,
 Dec 31,
 Sep 30,
 Sep 30,
 Sep 30,
Average cost of interest-bearing deposits 4.44% 4.46% 4.43% 4.38% 4.12% 4.44% 3.62%
Average costs of total deposits, including noninterest-bearing 3.42  3.46  3.42  3.37  3.15  3.43  2.03 

Financial Highlights
LHI and Deposit Portfolio Composition
  Sep 30,
 Jun 30,
 Mar 31,
 Dec 31,
 Sep 30,
  (Dollars in thousands)
Commercial and Industrial (“C&I”) $2,728,544  30.2% $2,798,260  30.4% $2,785,987  30.1% $2,752,063  29.9% $2,841,024  30.7%
Real Estate:                    
Owner occupied commercial (“OOCRE”)  807,223  8.9   806,285  8.7   788,376  8.5   794,088  8.6   697,299  7.5 
Non-owner occupied commercial (“NOOCRE”)  2,338,094  25.9   2,369,848  25.7   2,352,993  25.5   2,350,725  25.5   2,398,060  26.1 
Construction and land  1,436,540  15.8   1,536,580  16.7   1,568,257  16.9   1,734,254  18.8   1,705,053  18.4 
Farmland  32,254  0.4   30,512  0.3   30,979  0.3   31,114  0.3   59,684  0.6 
1-4 family residential  944,755  10.5   917,402  10.0   969,401  10.5   937,119  10.2   933,225  10.1 
Multi-family residential  738,090  8.2   748,740  8.1   751,607  8.1   605,817  6.6   603,395  6.5 
Consumer  11,292  0.1   9,245  0.1   8,882  0.1   10,149  0.1   9,845  0.1 
Total LHI $9,036,792  100% $9,216,872  100% $9,256,482  100% $9,215,329  100% $9,247,585  100%
MW  630,650     568,047     449,531     377,796     390,767   
Total LHI1 $9,667,442    $9,784,919    $9,706,013    $9,593,125    $9,638,352   
Total LHFS  48,496     57,046     64,762     79,072     41,313   
Total Loans $9,715,938    $9,841,965    $9,770,775    $9,672,197    $9,679,665   
Noninterest-bearing $2,643,894  24.0% $2,416,727  22.5% $2,349,211  22.1% $2,218,036  21.5% $2,363,340  23.2%
Interest-bearing transaction  421,059  3.8   523,272  4.9   724,171  6.8   927,193  8.9   739,098  7.2 
Money market  3,462,709  31.4   3,268,286  30.5   3,326,742  31.2   3,284,324  31.8   3,096,498  30.4 
Savings  320,940  2.9   187,896  1.8   169,201  1.6   136,868  1.3   100,474  1.0 
Certificates and other time deposits  3,625,920  32.8   3,744,596  34.9   3,486,805  32.7   3,191,737  30.9   3,403,427  33.4 
Correspondent money market accounts  561,489  5.1   584,067  5.4   597,690  5.6   580,037  5.6   493,681  4.8 
Total deposits $11,036,011  100% $10,724,844  100% $10,653,820  100% $10,338,195  100% $10,196,518  100%
Total Loans to Deposits Ratio  88.0%    91.8%    91.7%    93.6%    94.9%  
Total Loans to Deposit Ratio, excluding MW loans and LHFS  81.9%    85.9%    86.9%    89.1%    90.7%  

1 Total LHI does not include deferred fees of $8.2 million, $7.8 million, $6.9 million, $8.8 million and $10.1 million at September 30, 2024, June 30, 2024, March 31, 2024, December 31, 2023 and September 30, 2023, respectively.

Financial Highlights
Asset Quality
 For the Quarter Ended For the Nine Months Ended
 Sep 30, 2024 Jun 30, 2024 Mar 31, 2024 Dec 31, 2023 Sep 30, 2023 Sep 30, 2024 Sep 30, 2023
 (Dollars in thousands)    
Nonaccrual loans$55,335  $58,537  $75,721  $79,133  $65,676  $55,335  $65,676 
Nonaccrual PCD loans1 70   73   9,419   13,715   13,718   70   13,718 
Accruing loans 90 or more days past due2 2,860   143   220   2,975   474   2,860   474 
Total nonperforming loans held for investment (“NPLs”) 58,265   58,753   85,360   95,823   79,868   58,265   79,868 
Other real estate owned 9,034   24,256   18,445         9,034    
Total NPAs$67,299  $83,009  $103,805  $95,823  $79,868  $67,299  $79,868 
1-4 family residential$  $(31) $  $(21) $  $(31) $ 
Multifamily    (198)     (192)     (198)   
OOCRE       (120)  (364)  (375)  (120)  (491)
NOOCRE    (1,969)  (4,293)  (5,434)     (6,262)  (8,215)
C&I (2,259)  (5,601)  (946)  (3,893)  (1,929)  (8,806)  (6,520)
Consumer (54)  (30)  (71)  (33)  (49)  (155)  (203)
Total charge-offs$(2,313) $(7,829) $(5,430) $(9,937) $(2,353) $(15,572) $(15,429)
1-4 family residential$3  $  $1  $1  $  $4  $2 
OOCRE    120            120    
NOOCRE             200      350 
C&I 1,962   361   96   387   308   2,419   778 
Mortgage Warehouse 46               46    
Consumer 33   497   49   34   14   579   66 
Total recoveries$2,044  $978  $146  $422  $522  $3,168  $1,196 
Net charge-offs$(269) $(6,851) $(5,284) $(9,515) $(1,831) $(12,404) $(14,233)
Provision for credit losses$4,000  $8,250  $7,500  $9,500  $8,627  $19,750  $33,012 
ACL$117,162  $113,431  $112,032  $109,816  $109,831  $117,162  $109,831 
Asset Quality Ratios:             
NPAs to total assets 0.52%  0.65%  0.82%  0.77%  0.65%  0.52%  0.65%
NPAs, excluding nonaccrual PCD loans, to total assets 0.52   0.65   0.74   0.66   0.44   0.52   0.54 
NPAs to total loans and OREO 0.70   0.85   1.06   0.99   0.83   0.70   0.83 
NPLs to total LHI 0.60   0.60   0.88   1.00   0.83   0.60   0.83 
NPLs, excluding nonaccrual PCD loans, to total LHI 0.60   0.60   0.78   0.86   0.69   0.60   0.69 
ACL to total LHI 1.21   1.16   1.15   1.14   1.14   1.21   1.14 
ACL to total loans, excluding MW and LHFS 1.30   1.23   1.21   1.19   1.19   1.30   1.19 
Net charge-offs to average loans outstanding3 0.01   0.28   0.22   0.39   0.08   0.17   0.20 

1 Nonaccrual PCD loans consist of PCD loans that transitioned upon adoption of ASC 326 Financial Instruments - Credit Losses and were accounted for on a pooled basis that have subsequently been placed on nonaccrual status.
2 Accruing loans greater than 90 days past due exclude purchase credit deteriorated loans greater than 90 days past due that are accounted for on a pooled basis.
3 Annualized ratio for quarterly metrics.

Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Financial Measures

We identify certain financial measures discussed in this earnings release as being “non-GAAP financial measures.” In accordance with SEC rules, we classify a financial measure as being a non-GAAP financial measure if that financial measure excludes or includes amounts, or is subject to adjustments that have the effect of excluding or including amounts, that are included or excluded, as the case may be, in the most directly comparable measure calculated and presented in accordance with GAAP, in our statements of income, balance sheets or statements of cash flows. Non-GAAP financial measures do not include operating and other statistical measures or ratios calculated using exclusively either one or both of (i) financial measures calculated in accordance with GAAP and (ii) operating measures or other measures that are not non-GAAP financial measures.

The non-GAAP financial measures that we present in this earnings release should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for the most directly comparable or other financial measures calculated in accordance with GAAP. Moreover, the manner in which we calculate the non-GAAP financial measures that we present in this earnings release may differ from that of other companies reporting measures with similar names. You should understand how such other financial institutions calculate their financial measures that appear to be similar or have similar names to the non-GAAP financial measures we have discussed in this earnings release when comparing such non-GAAP financial measures.

Tangible Book Value Per Common Share. Tangible book value is a non-GAAP measure generally used by financial analysts and investment bankers to evaluate financial institutions. We calculate: (a) tangible common equity as total stockholders’ equity less goodwill and core deposit intangibles, net of accumulated amortization; and (b) tangible book value per common share as tangible common equity (as described in clause (a)) divided by number of common shares outstanding. For tangible book value per common share, the most directly comparable financial measure calculated in accordance with GAAP is book value per common share.

We believe that this measure is important to many investors in the marketplace who are interested in changes from period to period in book value per common share exclusive of changes in core deposit intangibles. Goodwill and other intangible assets have the effect of increasing total book value while not increasing our tangible book value.

The following table reconciles, as of the dates set forth below, total stockholders’ equity to tangible common equity and presents our tangible book value per common share compared with our book value per common share:

  As of
  Sep 30, 2024 Jun 30, 2024 Mar 31, 2024 Dec 31, 2023 Sep 30, 2023
  (Dollars in thousands, except per share data)
Tangible Common Equity          
Total stockholders' equity $1,608,014  $1,548,616  $1,538,515  $1,531,323  $1,491,166 
Goodwill  (404,452)  (404,452)  (404,452)  (404,452)  (404,452)
Core deposit intangibles  (21,182)  (23,619)  (26,057)  (28,495)  (30,933)
Tangible common equity $1,182,380  $1,120,545  $1,108,006  $1,098,376  $1,055,781 
Common shares outstanding  54,446   54,350   54,496   54,338   54,305 
Book value per common share $29.53  $28.49  $28.23  $28.18  $27.46 
Tangible book value per common share $21.72  $20.62  $20.33  $20.21  $19.44 

Tangible Common Equity to Tangible Assets. Tangible common equity to tangible assets is a non-GAAP measure generally used by financial analysts and investment bankers to evaluate financial institutions. We calculate: (a) tangible common equity as total stockholders’ equity, less goodwill and core deposit intangibles, net of accumulated amortization; (b) tangible assets as total assets less goodwill and core deposit intangibles, net of accumulated amortization; and (c) tangible common equity to tangible assets as tangible common equity (as described in clause (a)) divided by tangible assets (as described in clause (b)). For tangible common equity to tangible assets, the most directly comparable financial measure calculated in accordance with GAAP is total stockholders’ equity to total assets.

We believe that this measure is important to many investors in the marketplace who are interested in the relative changes from period to period in common equity and total assets, in each case, exclusive of changes in core deposit intangibles. Goodwill and other intangible assets have the effect of increasing both total stockholders’ equity and assets while not increasing our tangible common equity or tangible assets.

The following table reconciles, as of the dates set forth below, total stockholders’ equity to tangible common equity and total assets to tangible assets and presents our tangible common equity to tangible assets:

  As of
  Sep 30, 2024 Jun 30, 2024 Mar 31, 2024 Dec 31, 2023 Sep 30, 2023
  (Dollars in thousands)
Tangible Common Equity          
Total stockholders' equity $1,608,014  $1,548,616  $1,538,515  $1,531,323  $1,491,166 
Goodwill  (404,452)  (404,452)  (404,452)  (404,452)  (404,452)
Core deposit intangibles  (21,182)  (23,619)  (26,057)  (28,495)  (30,933)
Tangible common equity $1,182,380  $1,120,545  $1,108,006  $1,098,376  $1,055,781 
Tangible Assets          
Total assets $13,042,976  $12,684,330  $12,708,396  $12,394,337  $12,346,331 
Goodwill  (404,452)  (404,452)  (404,452)  (404,452)  (404,452)
Core deposit intangibles  (21,182)  (23,619)  (26,057)  (28,495)  (30,933)
Tangible Assets $12,617,342  $12,256,259  $12,277,887  $11,961,390  $11,910,946 
Tangible Common Equity to Tangible Assets  9.37%  9.14%  9.02%  9.18%  8.86%

Return on Average Tangible Common Equity. Return on average tangible common equity is a non-GAAP measure generally used by financial analysts and investment bankers to evaluate financial institutions. We calculate: (a) net income available for common stockholders adjusted for amortization of core deposit intangibles (which we refer to as “return”) as net income, plus amortization of core deposit intangibles, less tax benefit at the statutory rate; (b) average tangible common equity as total average stockholders’ equity less average goodwill and average core deposit intangibles, net of accumulated amortization; and (c) return (as described in clause (a)) divided by average tangible common equity (as described in clause (b)). For return on average tangible common equity, the most directly comparable financial measure calculated in accordance with GAAP is return on average equity.

We believe that this measure is important to many investors in the marketplace who are interested in the return on common equity, exclusive of the impact of core deposit intangibles. Goodwill and core deposit intangibles have the effect of increasing total stockholders’ equity while not increasing our tangible common equity. This measure is particularly relevant to acquisitive institutions that may have higher balances in goodwill and core deposit intangibles than non-acquisitive institutions.

The following table reconciles, as of the dates set forth below, average tangible common equity to average common equity and net income available for common stockholders adjusted for amortization of core deposit intangibles, net of taxes to net income and presents our return on average tangible common equity:

  For the Quarter Ended For the Nine Months Ended
  Sep 30, 2024 Jun 30, 2024 Mar 31, 2024 Dec 31, 2023 Sep 30, 2023 Sep 30, 2024 Sep 30, 2023
  (Dollars in thousands)
Net income available for common stockholders adjusted for amortization of core deposit intangibles              
Net income $31,001  $27,202  $24,156  $3,499  $32,621  $82,359  $104,762 
Plus: Amortization of core deposit intangibles  2,438   2,438   2,438   2,438   2,438   7,314   7,314 
Less: Tax benefit at the statutory rate  512   512   512   512   512   1,536   1,536 
Net income available for common stockholders adjusted for amortization of core deposit intangibles $32,927  $29,128  $26,082  $5,425  $34,547  $88,137  $110,540 
Average Tangible Common Equity              
Total average stockholders' equity $1,583,401  $1,541,609  $1,533,868  $1,510,286  $1,508,170  $1,553,070  $1,498,573 
Average goodwill  (404,452)  (404,452)  (404,452)  (404,452)  (404,452)  (404,452)  (404,452)
Average core deposit intangibles  (22,789)  (25,218)  (27,656)  (30,093)  (32,540)  (25,212)  (34,939)
Average tangible common equity $1,156,160  $1,111,939  $1,101,760  $1,075,741  $1,071,178  $1,123,406  $1,059,182 
Return on Average Tangible Common Equity (Annualized)  11.33%  10.54%  9.52%  2.00%  12.80%  10.48%  13.95%

Operating Earnings, Pre-tax, Pre-provision Operating Earnings and performance metrics calculated using Operating Earnings and Pre-tax, Pre-provision Operating Earnings, including Diluted Operating Earnings per Share, Operating Return on Average Assets, Pre-tax, Pre-Provision Operating Return on Average Assets, Pre-tax, Pre-Provision Operating Return on Average Loans, Operating Return on Average Tangible Common Equity and Operating Efficiency Ratio. Operating earnings, pre-tax, pre-provision operating earnings and the performance metrics calculated using these metrics, listed below, are non-GAAP measures used by management to evaluate the Company’s financial performance. We calculate (a) operating earnings as net income plus severance payments, plus loss on sale of debt securities AFS, net, plus M&A expenses less tax impact of adjustments, plus nonrecurring tax adjustments. We calculate (b) diluted operating earnings per share as operating earnings as described in clause (a) divided by weighted average diluted shares outstanding. We calculate (c) pre-tax, pre-provision operating earnings as operating earnings as described in clause (a) plus provision for income taxes, plus provision (benefit) for credit losses and unfunded commitments. We calculate (d) pre-tax, pre-provision operating return on average assets as pre-tax, pre-provision operating earnings as described in clause (a) divided by total average assets. We calculate (e) operating return on average assets as operating earnings as described in clause (a) divided by total average assets. We calculate (f) operating return on average tangible common equity as operating earnings as described in clause (a), adjusted for the amortization of intangibles and tax benefit at the statutory rate, divided by total average tangible common equity (average stockholders’ equity less average goodwill and average core deposit intangibles, net of accumulated amortization). We calculate (g) operating efficiency ratio as noninterest expense plus adjustments to operating noninterest expense divided by noninterest income plus adjustments to operating noninterest income, plus net interest income.

We believe that these measures and the operating metrics calculated utilizing these measures are important to management and many investors in the marketplace who are interested in understanding the ongoing operating performance of the Company and provide meaningful comparisons to its peers.

The following tables reconcile, as of the dates set forth below, operating net income and pre-tax, pre-provision operating earnings and related metrics:

  For the Quarter Ended For the Nine Months Ended
  Sep 30, 2024 Jun 30, 2024 Mar 31, 2024 Dec 31, 2023 Sep 30, 2023 Sep 30, 2024 Sep 30, 2023
  (Dollars in thousands, except per share data)
Operating Earnings              
Net income $31,001  $27,202  $24,156  $3,499  $32,621  $82,359  $104,762 
Plus: Severance payments1  1,487   613            2,100   1,950 
Plus: Loss on sale of AFS securities, net        6,304         6,304   5,321 
Plus: Equity method investment write-down           29,417          
Plus: FDIC special assessment     134      768      134    
Operating pre-tax income  32,488   27,949   30,460   33,684   32,621   90,897   112,033 
Less: Tax impact of adjustments  307   166   1,323   2,059      1,796   1,544 
Plus: Nonrecurring tax adjustments     527            527    
Operating earnings $32,181  $28,310  $29,137  $31,625  $32,621  $89,628  $110,489 
Weighted average diluted shares outstanding  54,932   54,823   54,842   54,691   54,597   54,866   54,563 
Diluted EPS $0.56  $0.50  $0.44  $0.06  $0.60  $1.50  $1.92 
Diluted operating EPS $0.59  $0.52  $0.53  $0.58  $0.60  $1.63  $2.02 

1 Severance payments relate to certain restructurings made during the periods disclosed.

  For the Quarter Ended For the Nine Months Ended
  Sep 30, 2024 Jun 30, 2024 Mar 31, 2024 Dec 31, 2023 Sep 30, 2023 Sep 30, 2024 Sep 30, 2023
  (Dollars in thousands)
Pre-Tax, Pre-Provision Operating Earnings              
Net income $31,001  $27,202  $24,156  $3,499  $32,621  $82,359  $104,762 
Plus: Provision for income taxes  8,067   8,221   7,237   6,004   9,282   23,525   30,019 
Plus: Provision for credit losses and unfunded commitments  4,000   8,250   5,959   8,000   7,718   18,209   32,471 
Plus: Severance payments  1,487   613            2,100   1,950 
Plus: Loss on sale of AFS securities, net        6,304         6,304   5,321 
Plus: Equity method investment write-down           29,417          
Plus: FDIC special assessment     134      768      134    
Pre-tax, pre-provision operating earnings $44,555  $44,420  $43,656  $47,688  $49,621  $132,631  $174,523 
Average total assets $12,861,918  $12,578,706  $12,336,042  $12,306,634  $12,259,062  $12,593,206  $12,274,697 
Pre-tax, pre-provision operating return on average assets1  1.38%  1.42%  1.42%  1.54%  1.61%  1.41%  1.90%
Average loans $9,661,774  $9,765,428  $9,563,372  $9,581,784  $9,625,005  $9,663,518  $9,594,996 
Pre-tax, pre-provision operating return on average loans1  1.83%  1.83%  1.84%  1.97%  2.05%  1.83%  2.43%
Average total assets $12,861,918  $12,578,706  $12,336,042  $12,306,634  $12,259,062  $12,593,206  $12,274,697 
Return on average assets1  0.96%  0.87%  0.79%  0.11%  1.06%  0.87%  1.14%
Operating return on average assets1  1.00   0.91   0.95   1.02   1.06   0.95   1.20 
Operating earnings adjusted for amortization of core deposit intangibles              
Operating earnings $32,181  $28,310  $29,137  $31,625  $32,621  $89,628  $110,489 
Plus: Amortization of core deposit intangibles  2,438   2,438   2,438   2,438   2,438   7,314   7,314 
Less: Tax benefit at the statutory rate  512   512   512   512   512   1,536   1,536 
Operating earnings adjusted for amortization of core deposit intangibles $34,107  $30,236  $31,063  $33,551  $34,547  $95,406  $116,267 
Average Tangible Common Equity              
Total average stockholders' equity $1,583,401  $1,541,609  $1,533,868  $1,510,286  $1,508,170  $1,553,070  $1,498,573 
Less: Average goodwill  (404,452)  (404,452)  (404,452)  (404,452)  (404,452)  (404,452)  (404,452)
Less: Average core deposit intangibles  (22,789)  (25,218)  (27,656)  (30,093)  (32,540)  (25,212)  (34,939)
Average tangible common equity $1,156,160  $1,111,939  $1,101,760  $1,075,741  $1,071,178  $1,123,406  $1,059,182 
Operating return on average tangible common equity1  11.74%  10.94%  11.34%  12.37%  12.80%  11.34%  14.68%
Efficiency ratio  61.94%  59.11%  62.45%  77.49%  54.49%  61.15%  50.88%
Operating efficiency ratio              
Net interest income $100,062  $96,236  $92,806  $95,533  $99,361  $289,104  $303,581 
Noninterest income  13,106   10,578   6,662   (17,792)  9,674   30,346   36,897 
Plus: Loss on sale of AFS securities, net        6,304         6,304   5,321 
Plus: Equity method investment write-down           29,417          
Operating noninterest income  13,106   10,578   12,966   11,625   9,674   36,650   42,218 
Noninterest expense  70,100   63,141   62,116   60,238   59,414   195,357   173,226 
Less: FDIC special assessment     134      768      134    
Less: Severance payments  1,487   613            2,100   1,950 
Operating noninterest expense $68,613  $62,394  $62,116  $59,470  $59,414  $193,123  $171,276 
Operating efficiency ratio  60.63%  58.41%  58.73%  55.50%  54.49%  59.28%  49.53%

1 Annualized ratio for quarterly metrics.


What were Veritex's Q3 2024 GAAP net income and EPS?

Veritex's Q3 2024 GAAP net income was $31M, and diluted EPS was $0.56.

How did Veritex's total deposits change in Q3 2024?

Total deposits increased by $311.2M, or 11.60% annualized, in Q3 2024.

What was Veritex's book value per share for Q3 2024?

Veritex's book value per share was $29.53 for Q3 2024.

What is the quarterly cash dividend declared by Veritex for Q3 2024?

Veritex declared a quarterly cash dividend of $0.20 per share, payable on November 22, 2024.

How did Veritex's noninterest expense change in Q3 2024?

Noninterest expense increased by $7M, primarily due to higher salaries and benefits, in Q3 2024.

Veritex Holdings, Inc.


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