American Salars Lithium (OTC: USLIF) has announced a significant expansion of its Pocitos Project in Argentina's Lithium Triangle through a Letter of Intent Agreement to acquire up to 100% of the Salar De Pocitos Project. The acquisition adds 13,080 hectares to their existing 800-hectare Pocitos 1 Project, representing a 1,635% increase in property size to 13,880 hectares total.
The company's current Pocitos 1 claim has an NI 43-101 Mineral Resource Estimate of 456,000 tonnes of Lithium Carbonate Equivalent (LCE). Previous drilling at Pocitos 1 yielded lithium values of 169ppm, with Ekosolve 's DLE technology achieving 99.8% purity lithium carbonate and over 94% extraction efficiency.
The acquisition terms include USD $2,000,000 in cash payments, 20,000,000 shares issuance, and a 1% Net Smelter Royalty. The deal will make American Salars the second-largest property holder on the Salar de Pocitos. The project benefits from strategic infrastructure including Provincial Highway Route 17, natural gas pipeline access, and railway connectivity to the Port of Antofagasta.
American Salars Lithium (OTC: USLIF) ha annunciato una significativa espansione del suo Pocitos Project nel Triangolo del Litio in Argentina attraverso un Accordo di Lettera di Intenti per acquisire fino al 100% del Progetto Salar De Pocitos. L'acquisizione aggiunge 13.080 ettari ai loro esistenti 800 ettari del Progetto Pocitos 1, rappresentando un aumento del 1.635% della dimensione della proprietà, portando il totale a 13.880 ettari.
La richiesta attuale di Pocitos 1 ha una Stima delle Risorse Minerarie NI 43-101 di 456.000 tonnellate di Carbonato di Litio Equivalente (LCE). Le perforazioni precedenti a Pocitos 1 hanno fornito valori di litio di 169ppm, con la tecnologia DLE di Ekosolve che ha raggiunto una purezza del carbonato di litio del 99,8% e oltre il 94% di efficienza di estrazione.
I termini dell'acquisizione includono pagamenti in contanti di 2.000.000 USD, l'emissione di 20.000.000 azioni e una Royalty Net Smelter dell'1%. L'accordo renderà American Salars il secondo maggiore detentore di proprietà sul Salar de Pocitos. Il progetto beneficia di infrastrutture strategiche, tra cui la Strada Provinciale 17, accesso a gas naturale e connettività ferroviaria con il Porto di Antofagasta.
American Salars Lithium (OTC: USLIF) ha anunciado una expansión significativa de su Pocitos Project en el Triángulo del Litio de Argentina a través de un Acuerdo de Carta de Intención para adquirir hasta el 100% del Proyecto Salar De Pocitos. La adquisición añade 13,080 hectáreas a su actual Proyecto Pocitos 1 de 800 hectáreas, representando un aumento del 1,635% en el tamaño de la propiedad, alcanzando un total de 13,880 hectáreas.
La reclamación actual de Pocitos 1 tiene una Estimación de Recursos Minerales NI 43-101 de 456,000 toneladas de Carbonato de Litio Equivalente (LCE). Las perforaciones anteriores en Pocitos 1 arrojaron valores de litio de 169ppm, con la tecnología DLE de Ekosolve logrando una pureza del carbonato de litio del 99.8% y más del 94% de eficiencia en la extracción.
Los términos de la adquisición incluyen pagos en efectivo de 2,000,000 USD, emisión de 20,000,000 acciones y una Regalía Net Smelter del 1%. El acuerdo convertirá a American Salars en el segundo mayor titular de propiedades en el Salar de Pocitos. El proyecto se beneficia de infraestructura estratégica, incluyendo la Ruta Provincial 17, acceso a gas natural y conectividad ferroviaria al Puerto de Antofagasta.
American Salars Lithium (OTC: USLIF)는 아르헨티나의 리튬 삼각지대에 있는 Pocitos Project의 대규모 확장을 발표했습니다. 이는 Salar De Pocitos 프로젝트의 최대 100%를 인수하기 위한 의향서 계약을 통해 이루어졌습니다. 이번 인수로 기존 800헥타르의 Pocitos 1 프로젝트에 13,080헥타르가 추가되어 총 면적이 13,880헥타르로 1,635% 증가하게 됩니다.
현재 Pocitos 1의 청구는 NI 43-101 광물 자원 추정치가 456,000톤의 리튬 탄산염 등가(LCE)입니다. Pocitos 1에서의 이전 시추에서 리튬 값이 169ppm이었으며, Ekosolve의 DLE 기술은 99.8%의 순도 리튬 탄산염과 94% 이상의 추출 효율을 달성했습니다.
인수 조건에는 2,000,000 USD의 현금 지급, 20,000,000 주식 발행 및 1%의 순 제련 로열티가 포함됩니다. 이 거래를 통해 American Salars는 Salar de Pocitos에서 두 번째로 큰 토지 소유자가 됩니다. 이 프로젝트는 17번 주 도로, 천연 가스 파이프라인 접근 및 안토파가스타 항구와의 철도 연결을 포함한 전략적 인프라의 혜택을 받습니다.
American Salars Lithium (OTC: USLIF) a annoncé une expansion significative de son Pocitos Project dans le Triangle du Lithium en Argentine par le biais d'un Accord de Lettre d'Intention pour acquérir jusqu'à 100 % du Projet Salar De Pocitos. Cette acquisition ajoute 13 080 hectares à leur projet Pocitos 1 existant de 800 hectares, représentant une augmentation de 1 635 % de la taille de la propriété, portant le total à 13 880 hectares.
La demande actuelle de Pocitos 1 a une Estimation des Ressources Minérales NI 43-101 de 456 000 tonnes d'Équivalent Carbonate de Lithium (LCE). Les forages précédents à Pocitos 1 ont révélé des valeurs de lithium de 169 ppm, avec la technologie DLE d'Ekosolve atteignant une pureté de carbonate de lithium de 99,8 % et plus de 94 % d'efficacité d'extraction.
Les conditions de l'acquisition incluent des paiements en espèces de 2 000 000 USD, l'émission de 20 000 000 d'actions et une redevance nette de fonderie de 1 %. Cet accord fera d'American Salars le deuxième plus grand propriétaire de terrain sur le Salar de Pocitos. Le projet bénéficie d'infrastructures stratégiques, y compris la Route Provinciale 17, l'accès à un pipeline de gaz naturel et la connectivité ferroviaire au port d'Antofagasta.
American Salars Lithium (OTC: USLIF) hat eine bedeutende Erweiterung seines Pocitos Project im Lithium-Dreieck Argentiniens durch eine Absichtserklärung zur Übernahme von bis zu 100% des Salar De Pocitos Projekts angekündigt. Die Übernahme fügt 13.080 Hektar zu den bestehenden 800 Hektar des Pocitos 1 Projekts hinzu, was eine Flächenerweiterung von 1.635% auf insgesamt 13.880 Hektar darstellt.
Der aktuelle Anspruch von Pocitos 1 hat eine NI 43-101 Mineralressourcenschätzung von 456.000 Tonnen Lithiumcarbonatäquivalent (LCE). Frühere Bohrungen in Pocitos 1 ergaben Lithiumwerte von 169ppm, wobei die DLE-Technologie von Ekosolve eine Reinheit von 99,8% Lithiumcarbonat und über 94% Extraktionseffizienz erreichte.
Die Bedingungen der Übernahme umfassen Barzahlungen von 2.000.000 USD, die Ausgabe von 20.000.000 Aktien und eine 1% Net Smelter Royalty. Der Deal wird American Salars zum zweitgrößten Grundstückseigentümer im Salar de Pocitos machen. Das Projekt profitiert von strategischer Infrastruktur, einschließlich der Provinzstraße 17, Zugang zu Erdgasleitungen und Eisenbahnanbindung zum Hafen von Antofagasta.
- Massive 1,635% property expansion to become second-largest holder in Pocitos Salar
- Existing 456,000 tonnes LCE resource at Pocitos 1
- High extraction efficiency (94%) and purity (99.8%) in processing tests
- Strategic infrastructure access including highway, gas pipeline, and railway
- Significant cash payment of USD $2M required for acquisition
- Substantial share dilution with 20M new shares to be issued
- Resource estimates only at inferred level, requiring further validation
VANCOUVER, BC, March 02, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- AMERICAN SALARS LITHIUM INC. ("AMERICAN SALARS" OR THE "COMPANY") (CSE: USLI, OTC: USLIF, FWB: Z3P, WKN: A3E2NY) announces it has entered into a Letter Of Intent Agreement (the “Agreement”) with an arm’s length vendor to acquire up to
The Company’s existing 800-hectare Pocitos 1 claim has an NI 43-101 Mineral Resource Estimate (“MRE”) prepared by WSP Australia. The MRE infers 760,000 tonnes of Lithium Carbonate Equivalent (“LCE”) on the combined Pocitos 1 (800 Ha) and neighbouring Pocitos 2 block (532 Ha). On a pro-rata basis Pocitos 1 has 456,000 tonnes of LCE insitu. (American Salars does not currently own the neighboring 532 Hectare Pocitos 2 block - See Press Release Dated June 17, 2024). The NI 43-101 MRE was estimated on an inferred basis using a block model with
The new 13,080 hectare Salar De Pocitos Project being acquired has been the subject of numerous historic exploration campaigns including drilling, surface sampling and geophysics. The initial work program will be a data compilation to tie together the existing drill holes on Pocitos 1 with all the historic drill holes and update the Company’s NI 43-101 MRE. Scoping and feasibility studies will follow the data compilation and move the Salar De Pocitos Project through to commercial production.
The Salar De Pocitos Project is located approximately 100 kilometers west of San Antonio de Los Cobres which is the largest city at the top of the puna plateau and approximately 250 kilometers west of the Provincial Capital of Salta. The Pocitos Project benefits from some of the best infrastructure on the puna including Provincial Highway Route 17 and the Pocitos industrial Park settlement that has a natural gas pipeline and near the railway that runs through the salar to the Port of Antofagasta on the Chilean Pacific Coast.
American Salars CEO & Director R. Nick Horsley states, “This acquisition represents the culmination of tremendous work by the whole American Salars team and is a game changer for the Company and our stakeholders. Having consulted with some of the largest lithium mining companies in the world, we clearly understand the prerequisites for a takeover or production scenario. Today’s acquisition provides our engineering and exploration team a district scale footprint to execute on.”
Figure 1. Area map of Salar de Pocitos
Please click to view image
The Agreement
American Salars has entered into a letter of intent agreement whereby the Company will acquire a
On or before the date that is 10 days after signing of the Definitive Agreement | | 2,500,000(a) |
On or before the first anniversary of the definitive agreement | | 2,500,000(a) |
On or before the second anniversary of the definitive agreement | | 5,000,000(a) |
On or before the third anniversary of the definitive agreement | | 5,000,000(a) |
On or before the fourth anniversary of the agreement | | 5,000,000(a) |
TOTAL | | 20,000,000(a) |
- Subject to a 6-month escrow/restricted period. After the initial 6-month lock-up the Optionors agree to sell no more than 100,000 shares in a normal 5 day business week.
- USLI agrees to keep the claims in good standing by completing any required work programs. Additionally, USLI may accelerate the payments at its election at anytime.
- Subject to a
1% Net Smelter Royalty - If USLI is subject to a takeover / buyout >
$25,000,000 USD then$6,000,000 USD is payable to the Vendor
The transaction is subject to a
Pocitos 1 Claim
The Company’s existing Pocitos 1 claim had WSP Australia complete an update of the NI 43-101 report initially written by Phillip Thomas QP in June 2023 and estimated on an inferred basis using a block model with
Lithium values of 169ppm from drill hole PCT22-03 packer test assayed from laboratory analysis conducted by Alex Stewart were recorded during the project’s December 2022 drill campaigns. A packer sampling system was used in HQ Diamond drill holes that were drilled to a depth of up to 409 metres. The flow of brine was observed to continue for more than five hours with all holes exhibiting exceptional brine flow rates. An NI 43-101 updated report completed by WSP Australia has been released on the Pocitos 1 project.
Ekosolve Ltd. a DLE technology company was able to produce
Figure 2. Drilling at Pocitos 1 Lithium Brine Project (Salta, Argentina)
Please click to view image
Qualified Person
Phillip Thomas, BSc Geol, MBusM, FAusIMM (CPVal), MAIG, MAIMVA, (CMV), a Qualified Person as defined under NI 43-101 regulations, has reviewed the technical information that forms the basis for portions of this news release regarding Argentina properties, and has approved the disclosure herein. Mr Thomas is a shareholder of American Salars lithium shares.
PDAC 2025
American Salars will be attending the Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada’s (PDAC) Convention at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre (MTCC) from Sunday, March 2 to Wednesday, March 5, 2025. The Company encourages attendees to meet the American Salars team at Booth #3210 in the Investor’s Exchange.
Additionally, the Company has terminated its Candela II, Incahuasi Salar option.
About American Salars Lithium Inc.
American Salars Lithium is a public exploration company focused on developing lithium resource projects. The Company’s ultimate objective is the production of battery grade lithium carbonate to meet the growing demands of the battery industry. The Company's has a diversified portfolio of Lithium Brine and Hardrock projects in North and South America.
All Stakeholders are encouraged to follow the Company on its social media profiles on LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTok, Facebook and Instagram.
On Behalf of the Board of Directors,
“R. Nick Horsley”
R. Nick Horsley, CEO
For further information, please contact:
American Salars Lithium Inc.
Phone: 604.740.7492
Neither the Canadian Securities Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the CSE) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
Disclaimer for Forward-Looking Information
Certain statements in this release are forward-looking statements, which reflect the expectations of management regarding American Salar’s intention to continue to identify potential transactions and make certain corporate changes and applications. Forward looking statements consist of statements that are not purely historical, including any statements regarding beliefs, plans, expectations, or intentions regarding the future. Such statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results, performance, or developments to differ materially from those contained in the statements. No assurance can be given that any of the events anticipated by the forward-looking statements will occur or, if they do occur, what benefits American Salars will obtain from them. These forward-looking statements reflect managements’ current views and are based on certain expectations, estimates and assumptions which may prove to be incorrect. A number of risks and uncertainties could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements, including American Salars results of exploration or review of properties that American Salars does acquire. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this news release and American Salars assumes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements, or to update the reasons why actual results differed from those projected in the forward-looking statements, except in accordance with applicable securities laws.

What is the size of American Salars' expanded Pocitos Project after the new acquisition?
How much Lithium Carbonate Equivalent (LCE) is estimated in USLIF's current Pocitos 1 claim?
What are the acquisition terms for USLIF's new Salar De Pocitos Project?