CORRECTING AND REPLACING: Usio, Inc. Chosen by ClassWallet to Process ACH Payments and Power Digital Payments Disbursement Programs

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Usio has announced corrections to its press release regarding an expanded partnership with ClassWallet. The corrected version clarifies that the partnership provides agencies, not ClassWallet, with new insights and analytics to better understand program outcomes. Usio, a FinTech company offering integrated electronic payment solutions, is enhancing its collaboration with ClassWallet, a platform for public funds management.

The partnership now includes Usio's ACH processing and remote authorization capabilities in ClassWallet's digital wallet technology. This expansion aims to create innovative solutions for prepaid and funds disbursement applications, addressing the need for robust payment platforms. The collaboration is expected to accelerate ClassWallet's product innovation and improve payment processes for service provider vendors.

Both companies emphasize that this partnership will help maximize the impact of public fund programs and enhance efficiency for all recipients.

Usio ha annunciato delle correzioni al suo comunicato stampa riguardante un ampliamento della partnership con ClassWallet. La versione corretta chiarisce che la partnership offre alle agenzie, e non a ClassWallet, nuove intuizioni e analisi per comprendere meglio i risultati dei programmi. Usio, un'azienda FinTech che offre soluzioni di pagamento elettronico integrate, sta potenziando la sua collaborazione con ClassWallet, una piattaforma per la gestione dei fondi pubblici.

La partnership ora include le soluzioni di elaborazione ACH e le capacità di autorizzazione remota di Usio nella tecnologia del portafoglio digitale di ClassWallet. Questa espansione mira a creare soluzioni innovative per le applicazioni di prepagamento e distribuzione di fondi, affrontando la necessità di piattaforme di pagamento robuste. Si prevede che la collaborazione accelererà l'innovazione dei prodotti di ClassWallet e migliorerà i processi di pagamento per i fornitori di servizi.

Entrambe le aziende sottolineano che questa partnership contribuirà a massimizzare l'impatto dei programmi di fondi pubblici e a migliorare l'efficienza per tutti i destinatari.

Usio ha anunciado correcciones a su comunicado de prensa sobre una asociación ampliada con ClassWallet. La versión corregida aclara que la asociación brinda a las agencias, y no a ClassWallet, nuevas percepciones y análisis para comprender mejor los resultados de los programas. Usio, una empresa de FinTech que ofrece soluciones de pago electrónico integradas, está mejorando su colaboración con ClassWallet, una plataforma para la gestión de fondos públicos.

La asociación ahora incluye el procesamiento ACH y las capacidades de autorización remota de Usio en la tecnología de billetera digital de ClassWallet. Esta expansión tiene como objetivo crear soluciones innovadoras para aplicaciones de prepago y distribución de fondos, abordando la necesidad de plataformas de pago robustas. Se espera que la colaboración acelere la innovación de productos de ClassWallet y mejore los procesos de pago para los proveedores de servicios.

Ambas compañías enfatizan que esta asociación ayudará a maximizar el impacto de los programas de fondos públicos y mejorar la eficiencia para todos los beneficiarios.

UsioClassWallet와의 파트너십 확대와 관련된 보도 자료에 대한 수정 사항을 발표했습니다. 수정된 버전은 이 파트너십이 ClassWallet이 아닌 기관에게 프로그램 결과를 보다 잘 이해하기 위한 새로운 통찰력과 분석을 제공한다는 것을 명확히 합니다. 전자 결제 솔루션을 통합 제공하는 핀테크 기업 Usio는 공공 자금 관리를 위한 플랫폼인 ClassWallet과의 협력을 강화하고 있습니다.

이번 파트너십에는 ClassWallet의 디지털 지갑 기술에 Usio의 ACH 처리원격 승인 기능이 포함됩니다. 이 확장은 선불 및 자금 분배 애플리케이션을 위한 혁신적인 솔루션을 창출하는 것을 목표로 하며, 강력한 결제 플랫폼의 필요성을 다룹니다. 협력이 ClassWallet의 제품 혁신을 가속화하고 서비스 제공업체의 결제 프로세스를 개선할 것으로 기대됩니다.

양사는 이 파트너십이 공공 자금 프로그램의 영향을 극대화하고 모든 수혜자를 위한 효율성을 향상시키는 데 도움이 될 것이라고 강조합니다.

Usio a annoncé des corrections à son communiqué de presse concernant un partenariat élargi avec ClassWallet. La version corrigée précise que le partenariat offre aux agences, et non à ClassWallet, de nouveaux aperçu et analyses pour mieux comprendre les résultats des programmes. Usio, une entreprise FinTech proposant des solutions de paiement électronique intégrées, renforce sa collaboration avec ClassWallet, une plateforme de gestion des fonds publics.

Le partenariat inclut désormais les traitements ACH et les capabilités d'autorisation à distance d'Usio dans la technologie de portefeuille numérique de ClassWallet. Cette expansion vise à créer des solutions innovantes pour les applications de prépaiement et de distribution de fonds, répondant ainsi au besoin de plateformes de paiement robustes. La collaboration devrait accélérer l'innovation des produits de ClassWallet et améliorer les processus de paiement pour les fournisseurs de services.

Les deux entreprises soulignent que ce partenariat contribuera à maximiser l'impact des programmes de fonds publics et à améliorer l'efficacité pour tous les bénéficiaires.

Usio hat Korrekturen zu seiner Pressemitteilung bezüglich einer erweiterten Partnerschaft mit ClassWallet bekannt gegeben. Die korrigierte Version stellt klar, dass die Partnerschaft den Agenturen und nicht ClassWallet neue Erkenntnisse und Analysen bietet, um die Programmergebnisse besser zu verstehen. Usio, ein FinTech-Unternehmen, das integrierte elektronische Zahlungslösungen anbietet, verstärkt die Zusammenarbeit mit ClassWallet, einer Plattform für das Management öffentlicher Mittel.

Die Partnerschaft umfasst nun die ACH-Verarbeitung und die Remote-Authorize-Funktionalität von Usio in der digitalen Geldbörse-Technologie von ClassWallet. Diese Erweiterung zielt darauf ab, innovative Lösungen für Prepaid- und Mittelverteilungsanwendungen zu schaffen und die Notwendigkeit robuster Zahlungsplattformen anzugehen. Es wird erwartet, dass die Zusammenarbeit die Produktinnovation von ClassWallet beschleunigt und die Zahlungsprozesse für Dienstleister verbessert.

Beide Unternehmen betonen, dass diese Partnerschaft helfen wird, die Auswirkungen öffentlicher Mittelprogramme zu maximieren und die Effizienz für alle Empfänger zu verbessern.

  • None.
  • None.

Usio’s Proprietary ACH Processing and Remote Authorization Technology Continues to Provide Innovative Solutions to a Host of Fund Disbursement Needs

SAN ANTONIO, Oct. 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Usio announced corrections to the fifth paragraph of its press release that was distributed on October 16, 2024.

The fifth paragraph is corrected to read as follows, “Jamie Rosenberg, ClassWallet founder and CEO, noted that the expanded partnership also provides agencies with new insights and analytics to better understand program outcomes and help the agencies that use ClassWallet maximize the impact of their programs for the people they serve.”

Originally, this paragraph read, “Jamie Rosenberg, ClassWallet founder and CEO, noted that the expanded partnership also provides ClassWallet with a wealth of data. This data can be mined by ClassWallet’s agency customers to better understand program outcomes so that these agencies can improve the impact of their programs on the people they serve.”

A Full Text of the Corrected Release follows:

Usio, Inc. (NASDAQ:USIO), a leading FinTech company that operates a full stack of integrated, cloud-based electronic payment and embedded financial solutions, today announced the continued expansion of its partnership with ClassWallet, the leading purchasing and reimbursement platform for public funds.

“Usio and ClassWallet’s strong partnership continues to create innovative new solutions for an ever-widening array of prepaid and funds disbursement applications,” said Houston Frost, Usio’s Chief Product Officer. “Building on their existing integration of our electronic payments technology, ClassWallet is now adding industry-leading ACH and proprietary remote authorization capabilities into its digital wallet technology platform. These new solutions address the need to both offer a robust payments platform and enable the building of innovative payment solutions demanded by its customers. We are extremely pleased to provide an integral element of ClassWallet’s various digital electronic payments solutions, and we look forward to supporting their growth objectives.”

The partnership creates a comprehensive ecosystem of payments technology ClassWallet can use to accelerate the pace of innovation to bring new products to market. The partnership also enhances the payment process for ClassWallet’s service provider vendors, resulting in efficiencies for more predictable and faster vendor payments.

Jamie Rosenberg, ClassWallet founder and CEO, noted that the expanded partnership also provides agencies with new insights and analytics to better understand program outcomes and help the agencies that use ClassWallet maximize the impact of their programs for the people they serve.

“Our partnership with Usio helps further the ClassWallet mission, and creates opportunities for everyone involved, most importantly our clients and end users,” Rosenberg said. “Together, we are presenting ClassWallet client organizations with secure, digital wallet innovation that unlocks the full potential of these public funds and maximizes program efficiency and outcomes for all recipients.”

About Usio, Inc.

Usio, Inc. (Nasdaq: USIO), is a leading Fintech that operates a full stack of proprietary, cloud-based integrated payment and embedded financial solutions in a single ecosystem to a wide range of merchants, billers, banks, service bureaus and card issuers. The Company operates credit/debit and ACH payment processing platforms, as well as a turn-key card issuing platform to deliver convenient, world-class payment solutions and services to their clients. The company, through its Usio Output Solutions division offers services relating to electronic bill presentment, document composition, document decomposition and printing and mailing services. The strength of the Company lies in its ability to provide tailored solutions for card issuance, payment acceptance, and bill payments as well as its unique technology in the prepaid sector. Usio is headquartered in San Antonio, Texas, and has a development office in Austin, Texas.

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About ClassWallet

ClassWallet is the leading digital wallet for public funds. A pioneer in financial and government technology, ClassWallet's technology is used by public agencies across 35 states to maximize the positive impact of public funding on people’s lives. Since 2014, the ClassWallet platform has been used to deliver more than $4 billion in public funds to millions of citizens and has helped clients achieve the highest standards of program integrity and efficiency. With customer loyalty and satisfaction exceeding some of the world's largest brands, ClassWallet was recognized by J.D. Power in 2024 for providing "An Outstanding Customer Service Experience" for Phone Support. ClassWallet is headquartered in Hollywood, Florida, and ranks as the 88th fastest-growing software company on the prestigious Inc. 5000 list.

Company Contact

Paul Manley
Senior Vice President, Investor Relations


What new capabilities is Usio adding to ClassWallet's platform?

Usio is adding ACH processing and proprietary remote authorization capabilities to ClassWallet's digital wallet technology platform.

How will the Usio-ClassWallet partnership benefit agencies using ClassWallet?

The partnership will provide agencies with new insights and analytics to better understand program outcomes and help maximize the impact of their programs for the people they serve.

What improvements can ClassWallet's service provider vendors expect from this partnership?

The partnership is expected to enhance the payment process for ClassWallet's service provider vendors, resulting in efficiencies for more predictable and faster vendor payments.

What is the main goal of the expanded Usio-ClassWallet partnership?

The main goal is to create innovative solutions for prepaid and funds disbursement applications, addressing the need for robust payment platforms and enabling the development of innovative payment solutions demanded by customers.

When did Usio (USIO) announce the correction to its press release about the ClassWallet partnership?

Usio announced the correction to its press release on October 17, 2024, regarding the partnership announcement originally made on October 16, 2024.

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